Source code for compass.ocean.tests.isomip_plus.misomip

import glob
import os

import numpy
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from progressbar import ETA, Bar, Percentage, ProgressBar
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Polygon

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class Misomip(Step): """ A step for interpolating output to the MISOMIP1 grid from an ISOMIP+ simulation Attributes ---------- resolution : float The horizontal resolution (km) of the test case experiment : {'Ocean0', 'Ocean1', 'Ocean2'} The ISOMIP+ experiment """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, resolution, experiment): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to resolution : float The horizontal resolution (km) of the test case experiment : {'Ocean0', 'Ocean1', 'Ocean2'} The ISOMIP+ experiment """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='misomip') self.resolution = resolution self.experiment = experiment self.add_input_file('../simulation/') self.add_input_file( '../simulation/') self.add_input_file('../streamfunction/') self.add_input_file('../streamfunction/') if resolution == 2.: suffix = 'COM' elif resolution == 5.: suffix = 'TYP' else: raise ValueError('Unexpected resolution {}'.format(resolution)) out_file_name = '{}_{}'.format(experiment, suffix) self.add_output_file(out_file_name)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ in_dir = '../simulation' sf_dir = '../streamfunction' # show progress only if we're not writing to a log file show_progress = self.log_filename is None _compute_misomip_interp_coeffs(in_dir=in_dir, show_progress=show_progress) _interp_misomip(in_dir=in_dir, sf_dir=sf_dir, out_file_name=self.outputs[0], show_progress=show_progress)
def _compute_misomip_interp_coeffs(in_dir, show_progress): # noqa: C901 def getTransectWeights(outFileName, axis): if show_progress: pbar = ProgressBar( widgets=[ 'compute MPAS and MISOMIP {} transect ' 'intersections'.format(axis), Percentage(), Bar(), ETA()], maxval=nCells).start() else: pbar = None if axis == 'x': slicePos = xTransect outNOther = outNy outOtherAxis = y else: slicePos = yTransect outNOther = outNx outOtherAxis = x sliceCount = numpy.zeros(outNOther, int) cellIndices = [] otherIndices = [] weights = [] sliceIndices = [] for iCell in range(nCells): verts = verticesOnCell[iCell, 0:nEdgesOnCell[iCell]] verts = numpy.append(verts, verts[0]) xVert = xVertex[verts] yVert = yVertex[verts] if axis == 'x': sliceAxisVerts = xVert otherAxisVerts = yVert else: sliceAxisVerts = yVert otherAxisVerts = xVert if (numpy.amax(sliceAxisVerts) < slicePos) or \ (numpy.amin(sliceAxisVerts) > slicePos): # this polygon doesn't intersect the slice continue mpasPolygon = Polygon(zip(xVert, yVert)) indices = numpy.nonzero( outOtherAxis < numpy.amin(otherAxisVerts))[0] if len(indices) == 0: lower = 0 else: lower = indices[-1] indices = numpy.nonzero( outOtherAxis > numpy.amax(otherAxisVerts))[0] if len(indices) == 0: upper = outNOther else: upper = indices[0] for otherIndex in range(lower, upper): if axis == 'x': vertices = ((slicePos, outOtherAxis[otherIndex]), (slicePos, outOtherAxis[otherIndex + 1])) else: vertices = ((outOtherAxis[otherIndex], slicePos), (outOtherAxis[otherIndex + 1], slicePos)) line = LineString(vertices) if not mpasPolygon.intersects(line): continue length = mpasPolygon.intersection(line).length if length == 0.0: continue cellIndices.append(iCell) otherIndices.append(otherIndex) weights.append(length / outDx) sliceIndex = sliceCount[otherIndex] sliceCount[otherIndex] += 1 sliceIndices.append(sliceIndex) if show_progress: pbar.update(iCell + 1) if show_progress: pbar.finish() cellIndices = numpy.array(cellIndices) otherIndices = numpy.array(otherIndices) sliceIndices = numpy.array(sliceIndices) weights = numpy.array(weights) # sort the intersections first by otherIndex, then by sliceIndex # for efficiency nSlices = numpy.amax(sliceCount) sortedIndices = numpy.zeros(0, int) for sliceIndex in range(nSlices): intersectionsInSlice = numpy.nonzero(sliceIndices == sliceIndex)[0] indices = numpy.argsort(otherIndices[intersectionsInSlice]) sortedIndices = numpy.append( sortedIndices, intersectionsInSlice[indices]) outFile = Dataset(outFileName, 'w', format='NETCDF4') outFile.createDimension('nIntersections', len(cellIndices)) outFile.createVariable('cellIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) if axis == 'x': outFile.createVariable('yIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) else: outFile.createVariable('xIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) outFile.createVariable('sliceIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) outFile.createVariable( 'mpasToMisomipWeights', 'f8', ('nIntersections',)) outVars = outFile.variables outVars['cellIndices'][:] = cellIndices[sortedIndices] if axis == 'x': outVars['yIndices'][:] = otherIndices[sortedIndices] else: outVars['xIndices'][:] = otherIndices[sortedIndices] outVars['sliceIndices'][:] = sliceIndices[sortedIndices] outVars['mpasToMisomipWeights'][:] = weights[sortedIndices] outFile.close() meshFileName = '{}/'.format(in_dir) interpWeightsFileName = '' xTransectFileName = '' yTransectFileName = '' outNx, outNy, outNz, x, y, z, xTransect, yTransect, outDx, outDz = \ _get_out_grid(corners=True) inFile = Dataset(meshFileName, 'r') nCells = len(inFile.dimensions['nCells']) inVars = inFile.variables nEdgesOnCell = inVars['nEdgesOnCell'][:] verticesOnCell = inVars['verticesOnCell'][:, :] - 1 xVertex = inVars['xIsomipVertex'][:] yVertex = inVars['yIsomipVertex'][:] inFile.close() if not os.path.exists(interpWeightsFileName): cellIndices = [] xIndices = [] yIndices = [] weights = [] sliceIndices = [] sliceCount = numpy.zeros((outNy, outNx), int) if show_progress: pbar = ProgressBar( widgets=[ 'compute MPAS and MISOMIP intersections', Percentage(), Bar(), ETA()], maxval=nCells).start() else: pbar = None for iCell in range(nCells): verts = verticesOnCell[iCell, 0:nEdgesOnCell[iCell]] verts = numpy.append(verts, verts[0]) xVert = xVertex[verts] yVert = yVertex[verts] mpasPolygon = Polygon(zip(xVert, yVert)) # find the out indices that bound the MPAS polygon indices = numpy.nonzero(x < numpy.amin(xVert))[0] if len(indices) == 0: xl = 0 else: xl = indices[-1] indices = numpy.nonzero(x > numpy.amax(xVert))[0] if len(indices) == 0: xu = outNx else: xu = indices[0] indices = numpy.nonzero(y < numpy.amin(yVert))[0] if len(indices) == 0: yl = 0 else: yl = indices[-1] indices = numpy.nonzero(y > numpy.amax(yVert))[0] if len(indices) == 0: yu = outNy else: yu = indices[0] for yIndex in range(yl, yu): for xIndex in range(xl, xu): vertices = ((x[xIndex], y[yIndex]), (x[xIndex + 1], y[yIndex]), (x[xIndex + 1], y[yIndex + 1]), (x[xIndex], y[yIndex + 1]), (x[xIndex], y[yIndex])) outPoly = Polygon(vertices) if not mpasPolygon.intersects(outPoly): continue intersectionArea = mpasPolygon.intersection(outPoly).area if intersectionArea == 0.: continue cellIndices.append(iCell) xIndices.append(xIndex) yIndices.append(yIndex) weights.append(intersectionArea / outDx**2) sliceIndex = sliceCount[yIndex, xIndex] sliceCount[yIndex, xIndex] += 1 sliceIndices.append(sliceIndex) if show_progress: pbar.update(iCell + 1) if show_progress: pbar.finish() cellIndices = numpy.array(cellIndices) xIndices = numpy.array(xIndices) yIndices = numpy.array(yIndices) sliceIndices = numpy.array(sliceIndices) weights = numpy.array(weights) # sort the intersections first by xIndex, then by yIndex, then by # sliceIndex for efficiency nSlices = numpy.amax(sliceCount) sortedIndices = numpy.zeros(0, int) xyIndices = xIndices + outNx * yIndices for sliceIndex in range(nSlices): intersectionsInSlice = numpy.nonzero(sliceIndices == sliceIndex)[0] indices = numpy.argsort(xyIndices[intersectionsInSlice]) sortedIndices = numpy.append( sortedIndices, intersectionsInSlice[indices]) outFile = Dataset(interpWeightsFileName, 'w', format='NETCDF4') outFile.createDimension('nIntersections', len(cellIndices)) outFile.createVariable('cellIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) outFile.createVariable('xIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) outFile.createVariable('yIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) outFile.createVariable('sliceIndices', 'i4', ('nIntersections',)) outFile.createVariable( 'mpasToMisomipWeights', 'f8', ('nIntersections',)) outVars = outFile.variables outVars['cellIndices'][:] = cellIndices[sortedIndices] outVars['xIndices'][:] = xIndices[sortedIndices] outVars['yIndices'][:] = yIndices[sortedIndices] outVars['sliceIndices'][:] = sliceIndices[sortedIndices] outVars['mpasToMisomipWeights'][:] = weights[sortedIndices] outFile.close() if not os.path.exists(xTransectFileName): getTransectWeights(xTransectFileName, axis='x') if not os.path.exists(yTransectFileName): getTransectWeights(yTransectFileName, axis='y') def _interp_misomip(in_dir, sf_dir, out_file_name, # noqa: C901 show_progress): def interpHoriz(field, inMask=None, outFraction=None): if inMask is not None: field = field * inMask outField = numpy.zeros((outNy, outNx)) for sliceIndex in range(xyNSlices): mask = xySliceIndices == sliceIndex cellsSlice = xyCellIndices[mask] fieldSlice = field[cellsSlice] outField[xyYIndices[mask], xyXIndices[mask] ] += (xyMpasToMisomipWeights[mask] * fieldSlice) if outFraction is not None: mask = outFraction > normalizationThreshold outField[mask] /= outFraction[mask] outField[numpy.logical_not(mask)] = 0. return outField def interpHorizOcean(field): return interpHoriz(field, cellOceanMask, xyOceanFraction) def interpHorizCavity(field): return interpHoriz(field, inCavityFraction, outCavityFraction) def interpXZTransect(field, normalize=True): outField = numpy.zeros((outNz, outNx)) for sliceIndex in range(xzNSlices): mask = xzSliceIndices == sliceIndex cellsSlice = xzCellIndices[mask] xIndices = xzXIndices[mask] weights = xzMpasToMisomipWeights[mask] for index in range(len(cellsSlice)): iCell = cellsSlice[index] xIndex = xIndices[index] weight = weights[index] layerThick = layerThickness[iCell, :] layerThick[0:minLevelCell[iCell]] = 0. layerThick[maxLevelCell[iCell] + 1:] = 0. zInterface = numpy.zeros(2 * nVertLevels) fieldColumn = numpy.zeros(2 * nVertLevels) fieldColumn[0::2] = field[iCell, :] fieldColumn[1::2] = field[iCell, :] zInterface[0] = ssh[iCell] zInterface[1::2] = ssh[iCell] - numpy.cumsum(layerThick[:]) zInterface[2::2] = ssh[iCell] - numpy.cumsum(layerThick[:-1]) outField[:, xIndex] += weight * numpy.interp(z, zInterface[::-1], fieldColumn[::-1], left=0., right=0.) if normalize: outField[xzOceanMask] /= xzOceanFraction[xzOceanMask] outField[numpy.logical_not(xzOceanMask)] = 0. return outField def interpYZTransect(field, normalize=True): outField = numpy.zeros((outNz, outNy)) for sliceIndex in range(yzNSlices): mask = yzSliceIndices == sliceIndex cellsSlice = yzCellIndices[mask] yIndices = yzYIndices[mask] weights = yzMpasToMisomipWeights[mask] for index in range(len(cellsSlice)): iCell = cellsSlice[index] yIndex = yIndices[index] weight = weights[index] layerThick = layerThickness[iCell, :] layerThick[0:minLevelCell[iCell]] = 0. layerThick[maxLevelCell[iCell] + 1:] = 0. zInterface = numpy.zeros(2 * nVertLevels) fieldColumn = numpy.zeros(2 * nVertLevels) fieldColumn[0::2] = field[iCell, :] fieldColumn[1::2] = field[iCell, :] zInterface[0] = ssh[iCell] zInterface[1::2] = ssh[iCell] - numpy.cumsum(layerThick[:]) zInterface[2::2] = ssh[iCell] - numpy.cumsum(layerThick[:-1]) outField[:, yIndex] += weight * numpy.interp(z, zInterface[::-1], fieldColumn[::-1], left=0., right=0.) if normalize: outField[yzOceanMask] /= yzOceanFraction[yzOceanMask] outField[numpy.logical_not(yzOceanMask)] = 0. return outField def writeMetric(varName, metric): vars[varName][tIndex] = metric def writeVar(varName, varField, varMask=None): if varMask is None: maskedVar = varField else: maskedVar =, mask=numpy.logical_not(varMask)) vars[varName][tIndex, :, :] = maskedVar inFileNames = sorted(glob.glob('{}/timeSeriesStatsMonthly.*.nc'.format( in_dir))) rho_fw = 1000. secPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 normalizationThreshold = 0.001 outNx, outNy, outNz, x, y, z, xTransect, yTransect, outDx, outDz = \ _get_out_grid(corners=False) inFile = Dataset('', 'r') inVars = inFile.variables xyCellIndices = inVars['cellIndices'][:] xyXIndices = inVars['xIndices'][:] xyYIndices = inVars['yIndices'][:] xySliceIndices = inVars['sliceIndices'][:] xyMpasToMisomipWeights = inVars['mpasToMisomipWeights'][:] inFile.close() xyNSlices = numpy.amax(xySliceIndices) + 1 inFile = Dataset('', 'r') inVars = inFile.variables yzCellIndices = inVars['cellIndices'][:] yzYIndices = inVars['yIndices'][:] yzSliceIndices = inVars['sliceIndices'][:] yzMpasToMisomipWeights = inVars['mpasToMisomipWeights'][:] inFile.close() yzNSlices = numpy.amax(yzSliceIndices) + 1 inFile = Dataset('', 'r') inVars = inFile.variables xzCellIndices = inVars['cellIndices'][:] xzXIndices = inVars['xIndices'][:] xzSliceIndices = inVars['sliceIndices'][:] xzMpasToMisomipWeights = inVars['mpasToMisomipWeights'][:] inFile.close() xzNSlices = numpy.amax(xzSliceIndices) + 1 dynamicTopo = False initFile = Dataset(os.path.join(in_dir, ''), 'r') osfFile = Dataset(os.path.join(sf_dir, ''), 'r') bsfFile = Dataset(os.path.join(sf_dir, ''), 'r') continueOutput = os.path.exists(out_file_name) if continueOutput: outFile = Dataset(out_file_name, 'r+', format='NETCDF4') vars = outFile.variables else: outFile = Dataset(out_file_name, 'w', format='NETCDF4') outFile.createDimension('nTime', None) outFile.createDimension('nx', outNx) outFile.createDimension('ny', outNy) outFile.createDimension('nz', outNz) for varName in ['x', 'y', 'z']: var = outFile.createVariable(varName, 'f4', ('n%s' % varName,)) var.units = 'm' var.description = '%s location of cell centers' % varName vars = outFile.variables vars['x'][:] = x vars['y'][:] = y vars['z'][:] = z var = outFile.createVariable('time', 'f4', ('nTime',)) var.units = 's' var.description = 'time since start of simulation' var = outFile.createVariable('meanMeltRate', 'f4', ('nTime')) var.units = 'm/s' var.description = 'mean melt rate averaged over area of floating ' \ 'ice, positive for melting' var = outFile.createVariable('totalMeltFlux', 'f4', ('nTime')) var.units = 'kg/s' var.description = 'total flux of melt water summed over area of ' \ 'floating ice, positive for melting' var = outFile.createVariable('totalOceanVolume', 'f4', ('nTime')) var.units = 'm^3' var.description = 'total volume of ocean' var = outFile.createVariable('meanTemperature', 'f4', ('nTime')) var.units = 'deg C' var.description = 'the potential temperature averaged over the ' \ 'ocean volume' var = outFile.createVariable('meanSalinity', 'f4', ('nTime')) var.units = 'PSU' var.description = 'the salinity averaged over the ocean volume' if dynamicTopo: outFile.createVariable('iceDraft', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) outFile.createVariable('bathymetry', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) else: outFile.createVariable('iceDraft', 'f4', ('ny', 'nx',)) outFile.createVariable('bathymetry', 'f4', ('ny', 'nx',)) var = vars['iceDraft'] var.units = 'm' var.description = 'elevation of the ice-ocean interface' var = vars['bathymetry'] var.units = 'm' var.description = 'elevation of the bathymetry' var = outFile.createVariable('meltRate', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'm/s' var.description = 'melt rate, positive for melting' var = outFile.createVariable( 'frictionVelocity', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'm/s' var.description = 'friction velocity u* used in melt calculations' var = outFile.createVariable( 'thermalDriving', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'deg C' var.description = 'thermal driving used in the melt calculation' var = outFile.createVariable( 'halineDriving', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'PSU' var.description = 'haline driving used in the melt calculation' var = outFile.createVariable( 'uBoundaryLayer', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'm/s' var.description = 'x-velocity in the boundary layer used to compute u*' var = outFile.createVariable( 'vBoundaryLayer', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'm/s' var.description = 'y-velocity in the boundary layer used to compute u*' var = outFile.createVariable( 'barotropicStreamfunction', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'm^3/s' var.description = 'barotropic streamfunction' var = outFile.createVariable( 'overturningStreamfunction', 'f4', ('nTime', 'nz', 'nx',)) var.units = 'm^3/s' var.description = 'overturning (meridional) streamfunction' var = outFile.createVariable( 'bottomTemperature', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'deg C' var.description = 'temperature in the bottom grid cell of each ' \ 'ocean column' var = outFile.createVariable( 'bottomSalinity', 'f4', ('nTime', 'ny', 'nx',)) var.units = 'PSU' var.description = 'salinity in the bottom grid cell of each ocean ' \ 'column' var = outFile.createVariable( 'temperatureXZ', 'f4', ('nTime', 'nz', 'nx',)) var.units = 'deg C' var.description = 'temperature slice in x-z plane through the center' \ ' of the domain (y = 40 km)' var = outFile.createVariable('salinityXZ', 'f4', ('nTime', 'nz', 'nx',)) var.units = 'PSU' var.description = 'salinity slice in x-z plane through the center of' \ ' the domain (y = 40 km)' var = outFile.createVariable( 'temperatureYZ', 'f4', ('nTime', 'nz', 'ny',)) var.units = 'deg C' var.description = 'temperature slice in y-z plane through x = 500 km' var = outFile.createVariable('salinityYZ', 'f4', ('nTime', 'nz', 'ny',)) var.units = 'PSU' var.description = 'salinity slice in y-z plane through x = 500 km' nCells = len(initFile.dimensions['nCells']) nVertLevels = len(initFile.dimensions['nVertLevels']) nTimeIn = len(inFileNames) nTimeIn = min(nTimeIn, len(bsfFile.dimensions['Time'])) nTimeIn = min(nTimeIn, len(osfFile.dimensions['Time'])) if continueOutput: nTimeOut = max(0, len(outFile.dimensions['nTime']) - 2) else: nTimeOut = 0 areaCell = initFile.variables['areaCell'][:] bathymetry = -initFile.variables['bottomDepth'][:] minLevelCell = initFile.variables['minLevelCell'][:] - 1 maxLevelCell = initFile.variables['maxLevelCell'][:] - 1 cellMask = numpy.zeros((nCells, nVertLevels)) for iCell in range(nCells): cellMask[iCell, minLevelCell[iCell]:maxLevelCell[iCell] + 1] = 1.0 cellOceanMask = cellMask[:, 0] xyOceanFraction = interpHoriz(cellOceanMask) xyOceanMask = xyOceanFraction > normalizationThreshold if not dynamicTopo and (nTimeOut == 0): vars['iceDraft'][:, :] = interpHorizOcean( initFile.variables['ssh'][0, :]) vars['bathymetry'][:, :] = interpHorizOcean(bathymetry) initFile.close() daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] daysBeforeMonth = [0] + list(numpy.cumsum(daysInMonth)) if show_progress: pbar = ProgressBar( widgets=[ 'interpolate from MPAS to MISOMIP', Percentage(), Bar(), ETA()], maxval=nTimeIn).start() else: pbar = None for tIndex in range(nTimeOut, nTimeIn): inFile = Dataset(inFileNames[tIndex], 'r') inVars = inFile.variables days = 365 * int(tIndex / 12) + daysBeforeMonth[numpy.mod(tIndex, 12)] vars['time'][tIndex] = secPerDay * days freshwaterFlux = inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceFreshwaterFlux'][0, :] inCavityFraction = \ inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceFloatingFraction'][0, :] outCavityFraction = interpHoriz(inCavityFraction) outCavityMask = outCavityFraction > normalizationThreshold meltRate = freshwaterFlux / rho_fw if not numpy.all(inCavityFraction == 0.): writeMetric('meanMeltRate', numpy.sum(meltRate * areaCell) / numpy.sum(inCavityFraction * areaCell)) writeMetric('totalMeltFlux', numpy.sum(freshwaterFlux * areaCell)) ssh = inVars['timeMonthly_avg_ssh'][0, :] columnThickness = ssh - bathymetry writeMetric('totalOceanVolume', numpy.sum(columnThickness * areaCell)) thermalDriving = (inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceBoundaryLayerTracers' '_landIceBoundaryLayerTemperature'][0, :] - inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceInterfaceTracers' '_landIceInterfaceTemperature'][0, :]) halineDriving = (inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceBoundaryLayerTracers' '_landIceBoundaryLayerSalinity'][0, :] - inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceInterfaceTracers' '_landIceInterfaceSalinity'][0, :]) frictionVelocity = \ inVars['timeMonthly_avg_landIceFrictionVelocity'][0, :] bsfCell = 1e6 * bsfFile.variables['bsfCell'][tIndex, :] # meltRate is already multiplied by inCavityFraction, so no in masking writeVar( 'meltRate', interpHoriz( meltRate, inMask=None, outFraction=outCavityFraction), outCavityMask) writeVar( 'thermalDriving', interpHorizCavity(thermalDriving), outCavityMask) writeVar( 'halineDriving', interpHorizCavity(halineDriving), outCavityMask) writeVar('frictionVelocity', interpHorizCavity(frictionVelocity), outCavityMask) writeVar('barotropicStreamfunction', interpHorizOcean(bsfCell), xyOceanMask) temperature = \ inVars['timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_temperature'][0, :, :] salinity = inVars['timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_salinity'][0, :, :] layerThickness = inVars['timeMonthly_avg_layerThickness'][0, :, :] indices = numpy.arange(nCells) bottomTemperature = temperature[indices, maxLevelCell] bottomSalinity = salinity[indices, maxLevelCell] writeVar('bottomTemperature', interpHorizOcean(bottomTemperature), xyOceanMask) writeVar('bottomSalinity', interpHorizOcean(bottomSalinity), xyOceanMask) writeMetric( 'meanTemperature', numpy.sum( cellMask * layerThickness * temperature) / numpy.sum( cellMask * layerThickness)) writeMetric( 'meanSalinity', numpy.sum( cellMask * layerThickness * salinity) / numpy.sum( cellMask * layerThickness)) uTop = inVars['timeMonthly_avg_velocityX'][0, :, 0] vTop = inVars['timeMonthly_avg_velocityY'][0, :, 0] writeVar('uBoundaryLayer', interpHorizCavity(uTop), outCavityMask) writeVar('vBoundaryLayer', interpHorizCavity(vTop), outCavityMask) osf = 1e6 * osfFile.variables['osf'][tIndex, :, :] osfX = osfFile.variables['x'][:] osfZ = osfFile.variables['z'][:] assert numpy.all(osfX == x) # the first and last OSF z values have been tweaked... assert numpy.all(osfZ[1:-1] == z[1:-1]) writeVar('overturningStreamfunction', osf) xzOceanFraction = interpXZTransect(cellMask, normalize=False) xzOceanMask = xzOceanFraction > 0.001 yzOceanFraction = interpYZTransect(cellMask, normalize=False) yzOceanMask = yzOceanFraction > 0.001 writeVar('temperatureXZ', interpXZTransect(temperature), xzOceanMask) writeVar('salinityXZ', interpXZTransect(salinity), xzOceanMask) writeVar('temperatureYZ', interpYZTransect(temperature), yzOceanMask) writeVar('salinityYZ', interpYZTransect(salinity), yzOceanMask) if show_progress: pbar.update(tIndex + 1) if show_progress: pbar.finish() outFile.close() osfFile.close() bsfFile.close() def _get_out_grid(corners): outDx = 2e3 outX0 = 320e3 outY0 = 0. xTransect = 520.01e3 # shifted slightly to avoid exact touching yTransect = 40.01e3 outDz = 5. outNx = 240 outNy = 40 outNz = 144 if corners: # x, y and z of corners of grid cells x = outX0 + outDx * (numpy.arange(outNx + 1)) y = outY0 + outDx * (numpy.arange(outNy + 1)) z = -outDz * (numpy.arange(outNz + 1)) else: x = outX0 + outDx * (numpy.arange(outNx) + 0.5) y = outY0 + outDx * (numpy.arange(outNy) + 0.5) z = -outDz * (numpy.arange(outNz) + 0.5) return outNx, outNy, outNz, x, y, z, xTransect, yTransect, outDx, outDz