Source code for compass.ocean.tests.tides.analysis

import os

import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colormaps
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class Analysis(Step): """ A step for producing harmonic constituent errors and validation plots Attributes ---------- harmonic_analysis_file : str File containing MPAS-O constitents grid_file : str Name of file containing MPAS-O mesh information constituents : list List of constituents to extract from TPXO database tpxo_version : str Version of TPXO to use in validation """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.tides.forward.Forward The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='analysis') self.harmonic_analysis_file = '' self.grid_file = '' self.constituents = ['k1', 'k2', 'm2', 'n2', 'o1', 'p1', 'q1', 's2'] self.add_input_file( filename=self.harmonic_analysis_file, target='../forward/analysis_members/') self.add_input_file( filename=self.grid_file, target='../forward/')
[docs] def setup(self): """ Setup test case and download data """ config = self.config self.tpxo_version = config.get('tides', 'tpxo_version') os.makedirs(f'{self.work_dir}/TPXO_data', exist_ok=True) if self.tpxo_version == 'TPXO9': for constituent in self.constituents: self.add_input_file( filename=f'TPXO_data/h_{constituent}_tpxo', target=f'TPXO9/h_{constituent}_tpxo9_atlas_30_v5', database='tides') self.add_input_file( filename=f'TPXO_data/u_{constituent}_tpxo', target=f'TPXO9/u_{constituent}_tpxo9_atlas_30_v5', database='tides') self.add_input_file( filename='TPXO_data/grid_tpxo', target='TPXO9/grid_tpxo9_atlas_30_v5', database='tides') elif self.tpxo_version == 'TPXO8': for constituent in self.constituents: self.add_input_file( filename=f'TPXO_data/h_{constituent}_tpxo', target=f'TPXO8/hf.{constituent}_tpxo8_atlas_30c_v1.out', database='tides') self.add_input_file( filename=f'TPXO_data/u_{constituent}_tpxo', target=f'TPXO8/uv.{constituent}_tpxo8_atlas_30c_v1.out', database='tides') self.add_input_file( filename='TPXO_data/grid_tpxo', target='TPXO8/grid_tpxo8_atlas_30_v1', database='tides')
[docs] def write_coordinate_file(self, idx): """ Write mesh coordinates for TPXO extraction """ # Read in mesh grid_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.grid_file, 'r') lon_grid = np.degrees(grid_nc.variables['lonCell'][idx]) lat_grid = np.degrees(grid_nc.variables['latCell'][idx]) nCells = len(lon_grid) # Write coordinate file for OTPS2 f = open('lat_lon', 'w') for i in range(nCells): f.write(f'{lat_grid[i]} {lon_grid[i]} \n') f.close()
[docs] def setup_otps2(self): """ Write input files for TPXO extraction """ for con in self.constituents: print(f'setup {con}') # Lines for the setup_con files lines = [{'inp': f'inputs/Model_atlas_{con}', 'comment': '! 1. tidal model control file'}, {'inp': 'lat_lon', 'comment': '! 2. latitude/longitude/<time> file'}, {'inp': 'z', 'comment': '! 3. z/U/V/u/v'}, {'inp': con, 'comment': '! 4. tidal constituents to include'}, {'inp': 'AP', 'comment': '! 5. AP/RI'}, {'inp': 'oce', 'comment': '! 6. oce/geo'}, {'inp': '1', 'comment': '! 7. 1/0 correct for minor constituents'}, {'inp': f'outputs/{con}.out', 'comment': '! 8. output file (ASCII)'}] # Create directory for setup_con and Model_atlas_con files if not os.path.exists('inputs'): os.mkdir('inputs') # Write the setup_con file f = open(f'inputs/{con}_setup', 'w') for line in lines: spaces = 28 - len(line['inp']) f.write(line['inp'] + spaces * ' ' + line['comment'] + '\n') f.close() # Write the Model_atlas_con file f = open(f'inputs/Model_atlas_{con}', 'w') f.write(f'TPXO_data/h_{con}_tpxo\n') f.write(f'TPXO_data/u_{con}_tpxo\n') f.write('TPXO_data/grid_tpxo') f.close() # Create directory for the con.out files if not os.path.exists('outputs'): os.mkdir('outputs')
[docs] def run_otps2(self): """ Perform TPXO extraction """ # Run the executable for con in self.constituents: print('') print(f'run {con}') check_call(f'extract_HC < inputs/{con}_setup', logger=self.logger, shell=True)
[docs] def read_otps2_output(self, idx): """ Read TPXO extraction output """ start = idx[0] for con in self.constituents: f = open(f'outputs/{con}.out', 'r') lines = for i, line in enumerate(lines[3:]): line_sp = line.split() if line_sp[2] != '*************': val = float(line_sp[2]) self.mesh_AP[con]['amp'][start + i] = val else: self.mesh_AP[con]['amp'][start + i] = -9999 if line_sp[3] != 'Site': val = float(line_sp[3]) if val < 0: val = val + 360.0 self.mesh_AP[con]['phase'][start + i] = val else: self.mesh_AP[con]['phase'][start + i] = -9999
[docs] def append_tpxo_data(self): """ Inject TPXO data into harmonic analysis file """ data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.harmonic_analysis_file, 'a', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET') for con in self.constituents: # Inject amplitude amp_varname = f'{con.upper()}Amplitude{self.tpxo_version}' amp_var = data_nc.createVariable( amp_varname, np.float64, ('nCells')) amp_var.units = 'm' amp_var.long_name = f'Amplitude of {con.upper()} tidal ' \ 'consitiuent at each cell center from the ' \ f'{self.tpxo_version} model' amp_var[:] = self.mesh_AP[con]['amp'][:] # Inject phase phase_varname = f'{con.upper()}Phase{self.tpxo_version}' phase_var = data_nc.createVariable( phase_varname, np.float64, ('nCells')) phase_var.units = 'deg' phase_var.long_name = f'Phase of {con.upper()} tidal ' \ 'consitiuent at each cell center from the ' \ f'{self.tpxo_version} model' phase_var[:] = self.mesh_AP[con]['phase'][:] data_nc.close()
[docs] def check_tpxo_data(self): """ Check if TPXO data exists in harmonic analysis file """ data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.harmonic_analysis_file, 'r', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET') self.nCells = len(data_nc.dimensions['nCells']) for con in self.constituents[:]: amp_var = f'{con.upper()}Amplitude{self.tpxo_version}' phase_var = f'{con.upper()}Phase{self.tpxo_version}' if (amp_var in data_nc.variables) \ and (phase_var in data_nc.variables): self.constituents.remove(con) print(f'{con} TPXO Constituent already exists ' f'in {self.harmonic_analysis_file}') data_nc.close()
[docs] def plot(self): """ Calculate errors and plot consitituents """ plt.switch_backend('agg') cmap_reversed = colormaps['Spectral_r'] # Initialize plotting variables TW = 2 # Tick width TL = 2 # Tick length TF = 8 # Tick label size # Open data file data_file = self.harmonic_analysis_file data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(data_file, 'r') lon_grid = np.mod(data_nc.variables['lonCell'][:] + np.pi, 2.0 * np.pi) - np.pi lon_grid = lon_grid * 180.0 / np.pi lat_grid = data_nc.variables['latCell'][:] * 180.0 / np.pi nCells = lon_grid.size data1 = np.zeros((nCells)) data2 = np.zeros((nCells)) data1_phase = np.zeros((nCells)) data2_phase = np.zeros((nCells)) depth = np.zeros((nCells)) area = np.zeros((nCells)) depth[:] = data_nc.variables['bottomDepth'][:] area[:] = data_nc.variables['areaCell'][:] constituent_list = ['K1', 'M2', 'N2', 'O1', 'S2'] # Use these to fix up the plots subplot_ticks = [[np.linspace(0, 0.65, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.65, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.13, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.13, 10)], [np.linspace(0, 1.40, 10), np.linspace(0, 1.40, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.22, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.25, 10)], [np.linspace(0, 0.22, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.22, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.05, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.05, 10)], [np.linspace(0, 0.50, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.50, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.08, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.08, 10)], [np.linspace(0, 0.70, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.70, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.50, 10), np.linspace(0, 0.50, 10)]] for i, con in enumerate(constituent_list): print('') print(f' ====== {con} Constituent ======') # Get data data1[:] = data_nc.variables[ f'{con}Amplitude'][:] data1_phase[:] = data_nc.variables[ f'{con}Phase'][:] data2[:] = data_nc.variables[ f'{con}Amplitude{self.tpxo_version}'][:] data2_phase[:] = data_nc.variables[ f'{con}Phase{self.tpxo_version}'][:] data1_phase = data1_phase * np.pi / 180.0 data2_phase = data2_phase * np.pi / 180.0 # Calculate RMSE values rmse_amp = 0.5 * (data1 - data2)**2 rmse_com = 0.5 * (data2**2 + data1**2) \ - data1 * data2 * np.cos(data2_phase - data1_phase) # Calculate mean (global) values idx = np.where((depth > 20) & (rmse_com < 1000) & (rmse_amp < 1000)) area_tot = np.sum(area[idx]) glo_rmse_amp = np.sqrt(np.sum(rmse_amp[idx] * area[idx]) / area_tot) glo_rmse_com = np.sqrt(np.sum(rmse_com[idx] * area[idx]) / area_tot) print('Global RMSE (Amp) = ', glo_rmse_amp) print('Global RMSE (Com) = ', glo_rmse_com) # Calculate shallow RMSE (<=1000m) idx = np.where((depth > 20) & (depth < 1000) & (np.abs(lat_grid) < 66) & (rmse_com < 1000) & (rmse_amp < 1000)) area_tot = np.sum(area[idx]) shal_rmse_amp = np.sqrt(np.sum(rmse_amp[idx] * area[idx]) / area_tot) shal_rmse_com = np.sqrt(np.sum(rmse_com[idx] * area[idx]) / area_tot) print('Shallow RMSE (Amp) = ', shal_rmse_amp) print('Shallow RMSE (Com) = ', shal_rmse_com) # Calculate deep RMSE (>1000m) idx = np.where((depth >= 1000) & (np.abs(lat_grid) < 66) & (rmse_com < 1000) & (rmse_amp < 1000)) area_tot = np.sum(area[idx]) deep_rmse_amp = np.sqrt(np.sum(rmse_amp[idx] * area[idx]) / area_tot) deep_rmse_com = np.sqrt(np.sum(rmse_com[idx] * area[idx]) / area_tot) print('Deep RMSE (Amp) = ', deep_rmse_amp) print('Deep RMSE (Com) = ', deep_rmse_com) rmse_amp = rmse_amp**0.5 rmse_com = rmse_com**0.5 # Plot data fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 12)) subplot_title = [f'{con} Amplitude (simulation) [m]', f'{con} Amplitude (TPXO8) [m]', f'{con} RMSE (Amplitude) [m]', f'{con} RMSE (Complex) [m]'] for subplot in range(0, 4): ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, subplot + 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_title(subplot_title[subplot], fontsize=20) levels = subplot_ticks[i][subplot][:] # MPAS amplitude and phase if subplot == 0: cf = ax.tricontourf(lon_grid, lat_grid, data1, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=cmap_reversed) ax.tricontour(lon_grid, lat_grid, data1_phase, levels=10, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') # TPXO amplitude and phase elif subplot == 1: ix = np.logical_and(data2_phase >= 0, data2_phase < 360) cf = ax.tricontourf(lon_grid, lat_grid, data2, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap=cmap_reversed) ax.tricontour(lon_grid[ix], lat_grid[ix], data2_phase[ix], levels=10, linewidths=0.5, colors='k') # Amplitude RMSE elif subplot == 2: cf = ax.tricontourf(lon_grid, lat_grid, rmse_amp, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='OrRd') # Complex RMSE elif subplot == 3: cf = ax.tricontourf(lon_grid, lat_grid, rmse_com, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), cmap='OrRd') ax.set_extent([-180, 180, -90, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, zorder=100) ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, alpha=0.5, zorder=101) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, zorder=101) ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', length=TL, width=TW, labelsize=TF) cbar = fig.colorbar(cf, ax=ax, ticks=levels.round(2), shrink=0.6) fig.tight_layout() global_err = str(round(glo_rmse_com * 100, 3)) deep_err = str(round(deep_rmse_com * 100, 3)) shallow_err = str(round(shal_rmse_com * 100, 3)) fig.suptitle(f'Complex RMSE: Global = {global_err} cm; ' f'Deep = {deep_err} cm; ' f'Shallow = {shallow_err} cm', fontsize=20) plt.savefig(f'{con}_plot.png') plt.close()
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ # Check if TPXO values aleady exist in self.check_tpxo_data() # Setup input files for TPXO extraction self.setup_otps2() # Setup chunking for TPXO extraction with large meshes indices = np.arange(self.nCells) nchunks = np.ceil(self.nCells / 200000) index_chunks = np.array_split(indices, nchunks) # Initialize data structure for TPXO values self.mesh_AP = {} for con in self.constituents: self.mesh_AP[con] = {'amp': np.zeros((self.nCells)), 'phase': np.zeros((self.nCells))} # Extract TPXO values for idx in index_chunks: self.write_coordinate_file(idx) self.run_otps2() self.read_otps2_output(idx) # Inject TPXO values self.append_tpxo_data() # Calulate and plot global errors self.plot()