.. _dev_tutorial_porting_legacy: Developer Tutorial: Porting a legacy COMPASS test group ======================================================= This tutorial presents a step-by-step guide to porting a legacy COMPASS test group to the ``compass`` python package (see the :ref:`glossary` for definitions of these terms). The tutorial uses the legacy COMPASS test group ``ocean/gotm`` as an example. We will build a new python package ``compass.ocean.tests.gotm`` for the test group in ``compass``. The example test group creates a tiny (4 x 4 cell) doubly periodic mesh and uses it to test MPAS-Ocean calls to the `General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) `_. Getting started --------------- To begin with, you will need to check out two different branches of compass. First, you will need the ``legacy`` branch. Since we will simply be looking at the code and copying it as needed, you can simply browse the branch directly on GitHub: https://github.com/MPAS-Dev/compass/tree/legacy/ocean/gotm/2.5km/default. If you prefer, you can use either of the approaches described in :ref:`dev_compass_repo` or :ref:`dev_compass_repo_advanced` to clone the repo and check out the ``legacy`` branch. Next, you will need to create a new branch from ``main`` for developing the new test group. For this purpose, we will stick with the simpler approach in :ref:`dev_compass_repo` here, but feel free to use the ``worktree`` approach instead if you are comfortable with it. .. code-block:: bash git clone git@github.com:MPAS-Dev/compass.git add_gotm cd add_gotm Now, you will need to create a conda environment for developing compass, as described in :ref:`dev_conda_env`. We will assume a simple situation where you are working on a "supported" machine and using the default compilers and MPI libraries, but consult the documentation to make an environment to suit your needs. .. code-block:: bash # this one will take a while the first time ./conda/configure_compass_env.py --conda $HOME/miniforge If all goes well, you will have a file named ``load_dev_compass_1.0.0*.sh``, where the details of the ``*`` depend on your specific machine and compilers. For example, on Chrysalis, you will have ``load_dev_compass_1.0.0_chrysalis_intel_impi.sh``, which will be the example used here: .. code-block:: bash source load_dev_compass_1.0.0_chrysalis_intel_impi.sh Now, we're ready to get the MPAS-Ocean source code from the E3SM repository and build the MPAS-Ocean executable: .. code-block:: bash # Get the E3SM code -- this one takes a while every time git submodule update --init --recursive cd E3SM-Project/components/mpas-ocean/ make intel-mpi cd ../../.. The make target will be different depending on the machine and compilers, see :ref:`dev_supported_machines` or :ref:`dev_other_machines` for the right one for your machine. Now, we're ready to start developing! The legacy COMPASS test group ----------------------------- ...But before we get started, a little background on legacy COMPASS for those who haven't used it extensively. In legacy COMPASS, the test group is just a directory with multiple test cases and, optionally, templates and other files in it. Test cases are made up of XML config and template files, and sometimes additional files like python scripts, python config files, namelist files, and geojson files. All test cases have a driver, ``config_driver.xml``, that lists the steps in the test case. The ``gotm`` test group that we are using as an example has a single test case, ``ocean/gotm/2.5km/default``. Its ``config_driver.xml`` looks like this: .. code-block:: xml The test case is made up of 3 steps, ``init``, ``forward`` and ``analysis``. Each has its own XML file. For example, ``config_init.xml`` looks like this: .. code-block:: xml mesh.nc output 0000_00:00:01 truncate ocean.nc 4 4 2500.0 grid.nc grid.nc culled_mesh.nc culled_mesh.nc mesh.nc The XML files for the other steps look similar. We will go through these files in detail later in the tutorial. The example test case also has a namelist file used by GOTM (``gotmturb.nml``) and a python script for plotting the results compared to analytic solutions (``plot_profile.py``). Making a new test group ----------------------- Okay, with those details as a reference point from legacy COMPASS, let's jump into developing the new test group in ``compass``. Use any method you like for editing code. If you haven't settled on a method and are working on your own laptop or desktop, you may want to try an integrated development environment (`PyCharm `_ is a really nice one). They have features to make sure your code adheres to the style required for compass (see :ref:`dev_style`). ``vim`` or a similar tool will work fine on supercomputers. In ``compass``, the ``gotm`` test group will be a new python package. We will make a new ``gotm`` directory in ``compass/ocean/tests``. In that directory, we will make a new, initially empty file ``__init__.py``. Now, ``gotm`` is a new package in ``compass`` that could be imported as .. code-block:: python from compass.ocean.tests import gotm Next, let's make a new class for the ``gotm`` test group in ``__init__.py``: .. code-block:: python from compass.testgroup import TestGroup class Gotm(TestGroup): """ A test group for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases """ def __init__(self, mpas_core): """ mpas_core : compass.MpasCore the MPAS core that this test group belongs to """ super().__init__(mpas_core=mpas_core, name='gotm') The method (a function for a class) called ``__init__()`` is the constructor used to make an instance (an object) representing the test group. It needs to know what MPAS Core it belongs to so that is passed in as the ``mpas_core`` argument. The only thing that happens so far is that the constructor for the base class ``TestGroup`` gets called. In the process, we give the test group the name ``gotm``. You can take a look at the base class ``TestGroup`` in ``compass/testgroup.py`` if you want. That's not necessary for the tutorial, but some new developers have found reading the base class code to be highly instructive. Naming conventions in python are that we use `CamelCase `_ for classes, which always start with a capital letter, and all lowercase, possibly with underscores, for variable, module, package and function names. We avoid all-caps like ``GOTM`` or ``MPAS``, even though these might seem preferable. (We use ``E3SM`` in a few places because ``E3sm`` was simply too much for us to bear.) Our new ``Gotm`` class defines the test group, but so far it doesn't have any test cases in it. We'll come back and add them later in the tutorial. Before we add a test case, let's make ``compass`` aware that the test group exists. To do that, we need to open ``compass/ocean/__init__.py``, add an import for the new test group, and add an instance of the test group to the list of test groups in the ocean core: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5, 24 from compass.mpas_core import MpasCore from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel import BaroclinicChannel from compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence import GlobalConvergence from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean import GlobalOcean from compass.ocean.tests.gotm import Gotm from compass.ocean.tests.ice_shelf_2d import IceShelf2d from compass.ocean.tests.ziso import Ziso class Ocean(MpasCore): """ A test group for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases """ def __init__(self): """ Construct the collection of MPAS-Ocean test cases """ super().__init__(name='ocean') self.add_test_group(BaroclinicChannel(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(GlobalConvergence(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(GlobalOcean(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(Gotm(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(IceShelf2d(mpas_core=self)) self.add_test_group(Ziso(mpas_core=self)) We make an instance of the ``Gotm`` class and we immediately add it to the ``Ocean`` core's list of test groups. That's all we need to do. Now ``compass`` knows about the test group. Adding a test case ------------------ We'll add a test case called ``default`` to ``gotm``. Unlike in legacy COMPASS, we don't need to specify the resolution of the test case. We want to encourage as much :ref:`dev_code_sharing` as can reasonably be achieved, and that typically means that the code for a single test case support multiple resolutions. We'll make a ``default`` package within ``compass/ocean/tests/gotm``, again with an ``__init__.py`` file in it. As we build out this file, it will play the same role as ``config_driver.xml`` played in legacy COMPASS, adding the steps in the test case and running them. As a starting point, we'll create a new ``Default`` class in this file that descends from the ``TestCase`` base class (take a look at ``compass/testcase.py`` if you want to see the contents of :py:class:`compass.testcase.TestCase` if you're interested). .. code-block:: python from compass.testcase import TestCase class Default(TestCase): """ The default test case for the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test group creates an initial condition on a 4 x 4 cell, doubly periodic grid, performs a short simulation, then vertical plots of the velocity and viscosity. """ def __init__(self, test_group): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.gotm.Gotm The test group that this test case belongs to """ super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name='default') As a starting point, we just pass along the test group (``Gotm``) this test case belongs to on to the base class's constructor (``super().__init__()``) and give the test case a name, ``default``. Varying resolution (or other parameters) ---------------------------------------- Since the ``Gotm`` test group only has one test case at one resolution (and the resolution isn't an important property of the setup----it's using multiple horizontal grid cells but it's acting like a single column), we will just hard-code the resolution into this particular test case. Other test cases, like those in the baroclinic channel test group, do support multiple resolutions. It is typically convenient to define multiple versions of the test case by passing the resolutions as a parameter to the constructor. This tutorial won't describe how to do a parameter study. There will be a separate tutorial for that purpose. Instead, what is described here is how to make different variants of a test case with a list of parameter values. So far, this is mostly used to create test cases at different resolutions in ``compass`` but the ``ocean/global_ocean`` test group includes a number of test cases that vary base on: * whether ice-shelf cavities are included in the ocean domain * which initial condition is used * whether biogeochemistry is included in the initial condition * which time integrator (RK4 or split-explicit) to use The details here are not important. The point is that there is little restriction on what types of parameters can be used to create variants of test cases. Here is an example of how resolution is used in the ``barotropic_channel/default`` test case. This is just an excerpt: .. code-block:: python from compass.testcase import TestCase class Default(TestCase): """ The default test case for the baroclinic channel test group simply creates the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run on 4 cores. Attributes ---------- resolution : str The resolution of the test case """ def __init__(self, test_group, resolution): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.BaroclinicChannel The test group that this test case belongs to resolution : str The resolution of the test case """ name = 'default' self.resolution = resolution subdir = '{}/{}'.format(resolution, name) super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name, subdir=subdir) In this test case, we make a subdirectory that includes the resolution as well as the name of the test case, and we store the ``resolution`` in the test case object itself. Later on, we can access it with ``self.resolution`` whenever we need it. For example, we can use it to determine other parameters of the simulation. In the following example, we use nested python dictionaries to give different parameters for different resolution. We use the resolution to pick the right inner dictionary, and then set config options (see :ref:`config_files`). This example is a slight modification of ``baroclinic_channel/default``: .. code-block:: python def configure(self): """ Modify the configuration options for this test case. """ resolution = self.resolution config = self.config res_params = {'10km': {'nx': 16, 'ny': 50, 'dc': 10e3}, '4km': {'nx': 40, 'ny': 126, 'dc': 4e3}, '1km': {'nx': 160, 'ny': 500, 'dc': 1e3}} if resolution not in res_params: raise ValueError('Unsupported resolution {}. Supported values are: ' '{}'.format(resolution, list(res_params))) res_params = res_params[resolution] for param in res_params: config.set('baroclinic_channel', param, '{}'.format(res_params[param])) Adding the init step -------------------- In legacy COMPASS, the other ``config_*.xml`` files besides ``config_driver.xml`` define the step in the test case. In ``compass``, these are defined in classes that descend from the ``Step`` base class in modules. The modules can be defined within the test case package (if they are unique to the test case) or in the test group (if they are shared among several test cases). In this example, there is only one test case, so we will just put the steps in that test case's package. You can browse other ``ocean`` and ``landice`` test cases to see examples of steps shared across test cases. The ``baroclinic_channel`` test group is a good place to start. The ``gotm/default`` test case has 3 steps: ``init``, ``forward`` and ``analysis``. We'll start with ``init``, which creates the grid and calls MPAS-Ocean in "init" mode to create the initial condition. To start with, we'll just create a new ``Init`` class that descends from ``Step``: .. code-block:: python from compass.step import Step class Init(Step): """ A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases """ def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.Default The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='forward', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) This pattern is probably starting to look familiar. The step takes the test case it belongs to as an input to its constructor, and passes that along to the base class' version of the constructor, along with the name of the step. By default, the subdirectory for the step is the same as the step name, but just like for a test case, you can give the step a more complicated subdirectory name, possibly with multiple levels of directories. See the steps in the ``ocean/global_convergence/cosine_bell`` test case for examples of this. The ``init`` step runs on one core (so ``ntasks`` and ``min_tasks`` are both 1) and one thread. The next step is to define the namelist, streams file, outputs from the step: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13 super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='forward', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default', 'namelist.init', mode='init') self.add_streams_file('compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default', 'streams.init', mode='init') self.add_model_as_input() for file in ['mesh.nc', 'graph.info', 'ocean.nc']: self.add_output_file(file) We will discuss the contents of the namelist and streams files below. By calling :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_model_as_input()`, we add the MPAS-Ocean executable as an input to the step (meaning that a symlink to the executable will be made in the step's work directory, and that the step will fail right away if the model hasn't been built yet). Finally, we add outputs from the step. The outputs are any files produced by this step that any other step should be allowed to use as inputs. In this case, the ``forward`` step needs all three of these files as inputs, which is how we decided which of the outputs from the test case to include in this list. ``mesh.nc`` is the mesh, ``graph.info`` is the graph file used by `Metis `_ to partition the mesh across processors, and ``ocean.nc`` is the initial condition. Defining namelist options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In ``compass``, there are two main ways to set namelist options for MPAS model runs and we will demonstrate both in this test case. First, you can define a namelist file with the desired values. This is useful for namelist options that are always the same for this test case and can't be changed based on config options from the config file (see above). The original ``config_init.xml`` contained: .. code-block:: xml In ``compass`` the formatting is much more similar to the resulting namelist file. Here is the ``namelist.init`` file from our example ``gotm/default`` test case: .. code-block:: none config_init_configuration = 'periodic_planar' config_vert_levels = -1 config_periodic_planar_velocity_strength = 0.0 config_write_cull_cell_mask = .false. config_vertical_grid = 'uniform' We do not need to specify ``config_ocean_run_mode = 'init'`` because this will be taken care of because we specified ``mode='init'`` when we added the namelist to the step above. Though it would be possible, users are not intended to change these to customize this step of the test case. Another way to set namelist options is to use a python dictionary and to call :py:meth:`compass.Step.add_namelist_options()`. This is the way to handle namelist options that depend on parameters (such as resolution) that are not known in advance. We will show later on that there is yet another way to handle namelist options that can come from config options, using :py:meth:`compass.Step.update_namelist_at_runtime()`. This is why we haven't yet included the ``config_periodic_planar_vert_levels`` and ``config_periodic_planar_bottom_depth`` options from the legacy test case. Defining streams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Similarly, it is convenient to define input and output streams for MPAS-Ocean using a streams file, very similar to what you will see when the test case is set up. The syntax in ``compass`` for defining streams is a lot simpler than in legacy COMPASS (where a different XML convention was used to define streams than the XML of the streams files themselves). In legacy COMPASS, the streams for the ``init`` step are defined in ``config_init.xml`` as: .. code-block:: xml mesh.nc output 0000_00:00:01 truncate ocean.nc In ``compass``, we add a ``streams.init`` file to the ``default`` test case: .. code-block:: xml As in legacy COMPASS, streams that are already defined like ``input_init`` will use the default attributes defined by the MPAS component unless they are explicitly replaced in the streams file. On setting up the test case, the stream in the ``streams.ocean`` file becomes: .. code-block:: xml Defining config options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The remainder of the ``init`` step will consist of defining the ``run()`` method that does the real work of the step. To make it easier for users to modify the test case a little bit to suit their needs, we may want to include parameters in the config file for the test case. To do this, we can make a config file with the test group's package, the test case's package, or both. In our example, we will just add a config file ``defaults.cfg`` to the ``defaults`` test case: .. code-block:: cfg # config options for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases [gotm] # the number of grid cells in x and y nx = 4 ny = 4 # the size of grid cells (m) dc = 2500.0 # the number of vertical levels vert_levels = 250 # the depth of the sea floor (m) bottom_depth = 15.0 By default, the domain is 4 x 4 horizontal cells, each 2.5 km in size. The ocean is 15 m deep, divided over 250 uniformly spaced levels. A user could change any of these parameters before running the ``init`` step to modify the initial condition (and therefore the rest of the test case). Since the config file has the same name (``default``) as the test case, it will be included automatically when the config file is produced when the test case gets set up. Defining the run method ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With these config options, namelists and streams files defined, we will implement the ``run()`` method of the ``init`` step to do the rest of the work for this step. In legacy COMPASS, the XML for defining the run scrip was: .. code-block:: xml 4 4 2500.0 grid.nc grid.nc culled_mesh.nc culled_mesh.nc mesh.nc In ``compass``, the equivalent ``run()`` method is: .. code-block:: python from mpas_tools.planar_hex import make_planar_hex_mesh from mpas_tools.io import write_netcdf from mpas_tools.mesh.conversion import convert, cull from compass.model import run_model ... def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ config = self.config logger = self.logger section = config['gotm'] nx = section.getint('nx') ny = section.getint('ny') dc = section.getfloat('dc') dsMesh = make_planar_hex_mesh(nx=nx, ny=ny, dc=dc, nonperiodic_x=False, nonperiodic_y=False) write_netcdf(dsMesh, 'grid.nc') dsMesh = cull(dsMesh, logger=logger) dsMesh = convert(dsMesh, graphInfoFileName='graph.info', logger=logger) write_netcdf(dsMesh, 'mesh.nc') replacements = dict() replacements['config_periodic_planar_vert_levels'] = \ config.get('gotm', 'vert_levels') replacements['config_periodic_planar_bottom_depth'] = \ config.get('gotm', 'bottom_depth') self.update_namelist_at_runtime(options=replacements) run_model(self) First, we make a doubly periodic mesh. Rather than hard-coding the mesh size, we get the relevant config options. Legacy COMPASS used the command-line tool ``planar_hex``, but ``compass`` will typically use the :py:func:`mpas_tools.planar_hex.make_planar_hex_mesh()` function instead to avoid the complexity of ``subprocess`` calls and unnecessary file I/O. The result is an :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` containing the mesh. Second, we make sure any land cells are culled by calling the cell culler. In legacy COMPASS, this is done with the command-line tool ``MpasCellCuller.x`` but in ``compass``, the same can be achieved with :py:func:`mpas_tools.mesh.conversion.cull()` (which is a wrapper around a ``subprocess``` call to ``MpasCellCuller.x``). ``cull()`` has :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` objects as its input an return value, and also takes a "logger" where it can write output (sometimes a log file and sometimes directly to the terminal via stdout). You should always pass ``self.logger`` so ``compass`` can figure out whether a file or stdout is the right place for output to go. .. note:: In this particular test case, there are no land cells defined and the mesh is doubly periodic, so the call to the cell culler is probably not needed, but it has been retained because many test cases *will* need it. Third, we call :py:func:`mpas_tools.mesh.conversion.convert()` to ensure that the mesh conforms to the MPAS conventions. In the legacy COMPASS version, the equivalent is achieved with a call to ``MpasMeshConverter.x``. Then, we write out the mesh to a file ``mesh.nc``. Fourth, we use :py:meth:`compass.Step.update_namelist_at_runtime()`to update the ``config_periodic_planar_vert_levels`` and ``config_periodic_planar_bottom_depth`` namelist options based on the ``vert_levels`` and ``bottom_depth`` config options. Since config options come from a config file in the test case's work directory (symlinked into each step's work directory), a user may have decided to change these config options before running the test case so we update the namelist file right before running the model. Finally, we run MPAS-Ocean by calling :py:func:`compass.model.run_model()`. We pass the step itself as an argument because this is how ``compass`` knows how many cores and threads to run on, which namelist and streams files to use, which MPAS core this test case belongs to, and so on. Adding the forward step ----------------------- The ``Forward`` step will be conceptually similar to the ``Init`` step. Again, we make a ``Forward`` class that descends from ``Step`` with a constructor that calls the base constructor with the name of the step as well as the requested number of cores, minimum number of cores, and number of threads: .. code-block:: python from compass.step import Step class Forward(Step): """ A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases. """ def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new test case Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.Default The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='forward', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) The following XML from legacy COMPASS: .. code-block:: xml is replaced by these method calls within the step's constructor in ``compass``: .. code-block:: python self.add_input_file(filename='mesh.nc', target='../init/mesh.nc') self.add_input_file(filename='init.nc', target='../init/ocean.nc') self.add_input_file(filename='graph.info', target='../init/graph.info') As in ``Init``, we want to make a link to the MPAS-Ocean executable. The legacy COMPASS version of this was: .. code-block:: xml and the ``compass`` version is: .. code-block:: python self.add_model_as_input() This step also needs to make a link to a namelist file that is specific to the GOTM library called from within MPAS-Ocean (i.e. a different namelist than the MPAS-Ocean ``namelist.ocean`` file). In legacy COMPASS, a symlink from the script test directory to the working directory was accomplished with: .. code-block:: xml In ``compass``, this becomes: .. code-block:: python self.add_input_file(filename='gotmturb.nml', target='gotmturb.nml', package='compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default') The target is the file ``gotmturb.nml`` that we will place in the ``default`` package that we're currently working on. Finally, we'll add an output file, appropriately enough called ``output.nc``. .. code-block:: python self.add_output_file(filename='output.nc') The complete constructor looks like: .. code-block:: python def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new test case Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.Default The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='forward', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) self.add_namelist_file('compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default', 'namelist.forward') self.add_streams_file('compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default', 'streams.forward') self.add_input_file(filename='mesh.nc', target='../init/mesh.nc') self.add_input_file(filename='init.nc', target='../init/ocean.nc') self.add_input_file(filename='graph.info', target='../init/graph.info') self.add_input_file(filename='gotmturb.nml', target='gotmturb.nml', package='compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default') self.add_model_as_input() self.add_output_file(filename='output.nc') We will just copy the file ``gotmturb.nml`` from the legacy test case as it is. The MPAS-Ocean namelist file ``namelist.forward`` contains the same contents as the legacy XML: .. code-block:: xml but in a simpler, more readable form in ``namelist.forward`` in the ``gotm/default`` test case in ``compass``: .. code-block:: none config_dt = '000:00:25' config_btr_dt = '000:00:25' config_time_integrator = 'split_explicit' config_run_duration = '0000_12:00:00' config_zonal_ssh_grad = -1.0e-5 config_pressure_gradient_type = 'constant_forced' config_use_cvmix = .false. config_use_gotm = .true. config_gotm_namelist_file = 'gotmturb.nml' config_gotm_constant_bottom_drag_coeff = 1.73e-2 config_use_implicit_bottom_drag = .true. config_implicit_bottom_drag_coeff = 1.73e-2 We omit ``config_ocean_run_mode = 'forward'`` because this is taken care of by ``compass`` when we add a namelist with the keyword argument ``mode='forward'`` (which is the default mode). Similarly, the legacy definition of the streams: .. code-block:: xml mesh.nc init.nc output output.nc 0000-00-00_00:10:00 truncate takes this simpler form in ``streams.forward`` in ``compass`` that is nearly identical to the full streams file in the work directory: .. code-block:: xml The run script from the legacy test case: .. code-block:: xml becomes: .. code-block:: python from compass.model import run_model ... def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ run_model(self) Adding the analysis step ------------------------ The legacy ``analysis`` step is defined like this: .. code-block:: xml Symlinks are created to a plotting script and the output from the ``forward`` step, and then the plot script is run. An identical approach could be used in ``compass`` but it is not the preferred approach. Instead, we prefer to use function calls in place of calling python scripts via subprocesses whenever possible. One major reason for this is that having python scripts within a python package is confusing -- there is not a clear way to know that they aren't python modules within the package, but instead are meant to be symlinked and run elsewhere. Another is that these scripts typically don't reuse code very well, nor is it easy to use config options from the test case within them. For all these reasons, we will demonstrate how to convert the ``plot_profile.py`` script into a function instead. We start out with the same structure as in the other two steps: .. code-block:: python from compass.step import Step class Analysis(Step): """ A step for plotting the results of the default General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test case """ def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new test case Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.Default The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='analysis', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) As before, we will define the inputs and outputs. There will be no namelists or streams files, nor an MPAS executable because we will not be calling MPAS-Ocean in this step: .. code-block:: python self.add_input_file(filename='output.nc', target='../forward/output.nc') self.add_output_file(filename='velocity_profile.png') self.add_output_file(filename='viscosity_profile.png') Next, we will put the contents of the original ``plot_profile.py`` into the ``run()`` method: .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import xarray as xr import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ... def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ # render statically by default plt.switch_backend('agg') # constants kappa = 0.4 z0b = 1.5e-3 gssh = 1e-5 g = 9.81 h = 15 # load output ds = xr.open_dataset('output.nc') # velocity u = ds.velocityZonal.isel(Time=-1, nCells=0).values # viscosity nu = ds.vertViscTopOfCell.isel(Time=-1, nCells=0).values # depth bottom_depth = ds.refBottomDepth.values z = np.zeros_like(bottom_depth) z[0] = -0.5*bottom_depth[0] z[1:] = -0.5*(bottom_depth[0:-1]+bottom_depth[1:]) zi = np.zeros(bottom_depth.size+1) zi[0] = 0.0 zi[1:] = -bottom_depth[0:] # analytical solution ustarb = np.sqrt(g*h*gssh) u_a = ustarb/kappa*np.log((z0b+z+h)/z0b) nu_a = -ustarb/h*kappa*(z0b+z+h)*z # infered drag coefficient cd = ustarb**2/u_a[-1]**2 self.logger.info('C_d = {:6.4g}'.format(cd)) # plot velocity plt.figure() plt.plot(u_a, z, 'k--', label='Analytical') plt.plot(u, z, 'k-', label='GOTM') plt.xlabel('Velocity (m/s)') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') plt.legend() plt.savefig('velocity_profile.png') # plot viscosity plt.figure() plt.plot(nu_a, z, 'k--', label='Analytical') plt.plot(nu, zi, 'k-', label='GOTM') plt.xlabel('Viscosity (m$^2$/s)') plt.ylabel('Depth (m)') plt.legend() plt.savefig('viscosity_profile.png') This particular function doesn't need it, but we could access config options from ``self.config`` if they would be useful in the analysis. ``print()`` statements should generally be replaced with ``self.logger.info()`` or other logger calls (but ``print()`` statements are still okay, and will be captured in log files rather than going to the terminal when multiple steps or test cases are running). Updating the test case and test group ------------------------------------- The nearly final steps are to add the steps to the test case, and then the test case to the test group: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2, 3, 4, 26, 27, 28 from compass.testcase import TestCase from compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.init import Init from compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.forward import Forward from compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default.analysis import Analysis class Default(TestCase): """ The default test case for the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test group creates an initial condition on a 4 x 4 cell, doubly periodic grid, performs a short simulation, then vertical plots of the velocity and viscosity. """ def __init__(self, test_group): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.gotm.Gotm The test group that this test case belongs to """ super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name='default') self.add_step(Init(test_case=self)) self.add_step(Forward(test_case=self)) self.add_step(Analysis(test_case=self)) and then .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 2, 17 from compass.testgroup import TestGroup from compass.ocean.tests.gotm.default import Default class Gotm(TestGroup): """ A test group for General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) test cases """ def __init__(self, mpas_core): """ mpas_core : compass.MpasCore the MPAS core that this test group belongs to """ super().__init__(mpas_core=mpas_core, name='gotm') self.add_test_case(Default(test_group=self)) Adding validation ----------------- The legacy ``gotm/2.5km/default`` test case didn't include any :ref:`dev_validation` but it is a very good idea to include some. This way, the test case can be used as part of a regression suite to determine if unexpected changes have been introduced into the code it tests. To perform validation, we override the ``validate`` method from the base ``TestCase`` class in ``Default`` as follows: .. code-block:: python from compass.validate import compare_variables ... def validate(self): """ Validate variables against a baseline """ compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=['layerThickness', 'normalVelocity'], filename1='forward/output.nc') If the user ran the ``forward`` step as part of this test case (sometimes they might run only some of the steps), the call to :py:func:`from compass.validate.compare_variables()` will check whether variables ``layerThickness`` and ``normalVelocity`` are exactly the same in this run as they were in a previous run if a baseline run was provided when the test case got set up (see :ref:`test_suites`). Set up and run -------------- You're all set! You should be able to see your new test case when you run ``compass list``, set it up by running ``compass setup``, and run it by running ``compass run`` within the work directory. See :ref:`dev_command_line` for more on that process. Documentation ------------- Make sure to add some documentation of your new test group. You need to add all of the functions, classes and methods to the API documentation in ``docs/developers_guide//api.rst``, following the examples for other test groups. You also need to add a file to both the user's guide and the developer's guide describing the test group and its test cases and steps. For the user's guide, create a file ``docs/users_guide//test_groups/.rst``. In that file, you should describe what the test group and what its test cases do in a way that would be relevant for a user wanting to run the test case and look at the output. This file should include a section giving the config options for the test case and describing what they are used for, so that users know how to modify them if they want to. Add ```` in the appropriate place (in alphabetical order) in the list of test groups in the file ``docs/users_guide//test_groups/index.rst``. For the developer's guide, create a file ``docs/developers_guide//test_groups/.rst``. In this file, you will describe the test group, its test cases and steps in a way that is relevant to developers who might want to modify the code or use it as an example for developing their own test cases. Currently, the descriptions are brief in part because of the daunting task of documenting nearly 100 test cases but should be fleshed out as time goes on. It would help new developers if newly added test cases are documented well. Add ```` in the appropriate place (in alphabetical order) in the list of test groups in ``docs/developers_guide//test_groups/index.rst``. At this point, you are ready to make a pull request with the ported test group!