LANL Institutional Computing ============================ `LANL IC overview and search `_ `DST Calendar `_ (within LANL yellow) Information about Slurm: * `Introduction to Slurm at LANL `_ * `Basic Slurm Guide for LANL HPC Users `_ * `Slurm Command Summary `_ * `Slurm: Running Jobs on HPC Platforms `_ * `example of batch scripts `_ Machine specifications: `grizzly `_ `badger `_ `turquoise network `_ login: ``ssh -t $ ssh gr-fe`` or ``ba-fe`` File locations: * small home directory, for start-up scripts only: ``/users/$my_moniker`` * home directory, backed up: ``/usr/projects/climate/$my_moniker`` * scratch space, not backed up: ``/lustre/scratch3/turquoise/$my_moniker`` or ``scratch4`` Check compute time: * ``sacctmgr list assoc user=$my_moniker format=Cluster,Account%18,Partition,QOS%45`` * Which is my default account? sacctmgr list user $my_moniker * ``sshare -a | head -2; sshare -a | grep $ACCOUNT | head -1`` * ``sreport -t Hours cluster AccountUtilizationByUser start=2019-12-02 | grep $ACCOUNT`` * check job priority: ``sshare -a | head -2; sshare -a | grep $ACCOUNT`` * `LANL Cluster Usage Overview `_ (within LANL yellow) Check disk usage: * your home space: ``chkhome`` * total disk usage in Petabytes: ``df -BP |head -n 1; df -BP|grep climate; df -BP |grep scratch`` Archiving * `turquoise HPSS archive `_ * archive front end: ``ssh -t $ ssh ar-tn`` * storage available at: ``cd /archive/`` * you can just copy files directly into here for a particular project. git and compass environment, for all LANL IC machines: .. code-block:: bash module load git module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all/ module unload python source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/ Example compass config file for LANL IC: ``general.config.ocean_turq`` LANL uses slurm. To obtain an interactive node: .. code-block:: bash salloc -N 1 -t 2:0:0 --qos=interactive Use ``--account=ACCOUNT_NAME`` to change to a particular account. grizzly, gnu ------------ .. code-block:: bash module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all module load gcc/5.3.0 module load openmpi/1.10.5 netcdf/4.4.1 parallel-netcdf/1.5.0 pio/1.7.2 make gfortran Hint: you can put the following line in your bashrc: .. code-block:: bash alias mlgnu='module purge; module load git; module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all/; module load gcc/5.3.0 openmpi/1.10.5 netcdf/4.4.1 parallel-netcdf/1.5.0 pio/1.7.2; module unload python; source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/; echo "loading modules anaconda, gnu, openmpi, netcdf, pnetcdf, pio for grizzly"' grizzly, intel 19 with scorpio ------------------------------ .. code-block:: bash module purge module load friendly-testing module load intel/19.0.4 intel-mpi/2019.4 hdf5-parallel/1.8.16 pnetcdf/1.11.2 netcdf-h5parallel/4.7.3 mkl/2019.0.4 export NETCDF=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/netcdf/4.7.3_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16 export PNETCDF=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/pnetcdf/1.11.2_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16 export PIO=/usr/projects/climate/xylar/libraries/grizzly/scorpio-1.1.6-intel make intel-mpi USE_PIO2=true # may also use: OPENMP=true DEBUG=true GEN_F90=true grizzly, intel 17 and pio 1 --------------------------- *Note: Intel 19 above is preferred* .. code-block:: bash module purge module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/all module load intel/17.0.1 module load openmpi/1.10.5 netcdf/4.4.1 parallel-netcdf/1.5.0 pio/1.7.2 make ifort badger, gnu ----------- .. code-block:: bash module use /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/modulefiles/spack-lmod/linux-rhel7-x86_64 # IC mods module load gcc/6.4.0 module load openmpi/2.1.2 module load cmake/3.12.1 module load mkl # spack mods module load openmpi/2.1.2-bheb4xe/gcc/6.4.0/netcdf/ module load openmpi/2.1.2-bheb4xe/gcc/6.4.0/netcdf-fortran/4.4.4-v6vwmxs module load openmpi/2.1.2-bheb4xe/gcc/6.4.0/parallel-netcdf/1.8.0-2qwcdbn module load openmpi/2.1.2-bheb4xe/gcc/6.4.0/pio/1.10.0-ljj73au export NETCDF=/usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/software/badger/spack-install/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-6.4.0/netcdf-fortran-4.4.4-v6vwmxsv33t7pmulojlijwdbikrvmwkc export PNETCDF=/usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/software/badger/spack-install/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-6.4.0/parallel-netcdf-1.8.0-2qwcdbnjcq5pnkoqpx2s7um3s7ffo3xd export PIO=/usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/software/badger/spack-install/linux-rhel7-x86_64/gcc-6.4.0/pio-1.10.0-ljj73au6ctgkwmh3gbd4mleljsumijys/ make gfortran Building Scorpio on Grizzly --------------------------- Installation of PIO follows from the following pre-existing module files: .. code-block:: bash module purge module load friendly-testing module load intel/19.0.4 intel-mpi/2019.4 hdf5-parallel/1.8.16 pnetcdf/1.11.2 netcdf-h5parallel/4.7.3 mkl/2019.0.4 # note the following MPAS-O assumed location variables export NETCDF=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/netcdf/4.7.3_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16/ export PNETCDF=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/pnetcdf/1.11.2_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16/ .. note:: DO NOT use openmpi/3.1.5 as there is a bug (RMIO `Output from MPAS-O unreadable for large 1.8M cell mesh `_). PIO2 from `E3SM-Project/scorpio `_ was used, specifically tag ``scorpio-v1.1.0`` with the following build command (note use of intel compilers): .. code-block:: bash CC=mpiicc FC=mpiifort cmake \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/software/grizzly/pio/1.10.1/intel-19.0.4/intel-mpi-2019.4/netcdf-4.7.3-parallel-netcdf-1.11.2/ \ -DPIO_ENABLE_TIMING=OFF -DNetCDF_Fortran_PATH=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/netcdf/4.7.3_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16 \ -DPnetCDF_Fortran_PATH=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/netcdf/4.7.3_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16 \ -DNetCDF_C_PATH=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/netcdf/4.7.3_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16 \ -DPnetCDF_C_PATH=/usr/projects/hpcsoft/toss3/grizzly/pnetcdf/1.11.2_intel-19.0.4_intel-mpi-2019.4_hdf5-1.8.16 .. build with ``make`` and install with ``make install``. Then, when you want to use it for MPAS builds, set the following environment variable: .. code-block:: bash export PIO=/usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/software/grizzly/pio/1.10.1/intel-19.0.4/intel-mpi-2019.4/netcdf-4.7.3-parallel-netcdf-1.11.2/