Personal OSX Machine ==================== This personal approach worked for macOS Catalina 10.15. Required: `Homebrew `_ Installation of MPAS dependencies except PIO -------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash git clone cd homebrew-mpas vi # Comment out line 19 (#brew install pwolfram/mpas/pio --build-from-source) chmod 700 ./ cd .. PIO-1.9.23 installation with some modifications ----------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash wget tar xzvf pio1_9_23.tar.gz cd ParallelIO-pio1_9_23 cd pio git clone bin git clone cmake vi pio_types.F90 # Go to line 309 # Change 'nf_max_var_dims' to '6' (i.e., PIO_MAX_VAR_DIMS = 6) # Go to line 328 # Change 'nf_max_var_dims' to '6' cd .. mkdir build cd build # Set shell environmental variables (for BASH) export FC=mpif90 export CC=mpicc cmake ../ make # PIO libs and includes will be installed in ParallelIO-pio1_9_23/build/pio cd ../../ MPAS-O installation ------------------- .. code-block:: bash git clone cd E3SM/components/mpas-ocean # Set shell environmental variables (for BASH) export PIO="PATH_TO_PIO_INSTALL" # example: export PIO="/Users/3hk/test/ParallelIO-pio1_9_23/build/pio" export NETCDF="PATH_TO_NETCDF_INSTALL" # example: export NETCDF="/usr/local/Cellar/netcdf/4.6.3_1" export NETCDFF="PATH_TO_NETCDFF_INSTALL" # example: export NETCDFF="/usr/local/Cellar/netcdf/4.6.3_1" export PNETCDF="PATH_TO_PNETCDF_INSTALL" # example: export PNETCDF="/usr/local/Cellar/parallel-netcdf/1.7.0_2" make gfortran # or make gfortran-clang