Scripts ======= .. _list_testcases: list\ ------------------ This script is used to list available test cases. It iterates through the directory structure and prints out configuration options to setup specific test cases. Additionally, the ``-o``, ``-c``, ``-r``, and ``-t`` flags can be used to narrow the information that this script prints. If any of them are passed in, the script will only print test cases that match all criteria. Additionally, if ``-n`` is passed in to get information about a single test case, it will only print the flags needed to setup that specific test case. Command-line options:: $ ./ -h usage: [-h] [-o CORE] [-c CONFIG] [-r RES] [-t TEST] [-n NUMBER] This script is used to list available test cases. It iterates through the directory structure and prints out configuration options to setup specific test cases. Additionally, the -o, -c, -r, and -t flags can be used to narrow the information that this script prints. If any of them are passed in, the script will only print test cases that match all criteria. Additionally, if -n is passed in to get information about a single test case, it will only print the flags needed to setup that specific test case. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o CORE, --core CORE Core to search for configurations within -c CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG Configuration name to search for -r RES, --resolution RES Resolution to search for -t TEST, --test TEST Test name to search for -n NUMBER, --number NUMBER If set, script will print the flags to use a the N'th configuration. .. _setup_testcase: setup\ ------------------ This script is used to setup individual test cases. Available test cases can be see using the :ref:`list_testcases` script. Specifically, this script parses XML files that define cases (steps in test cases) and driver scripts, and generates directories and scripts to run each step in the process of creating a test case. This script requires a setup configuration file. Configuration files are specific to each core. Template configuration files for each core can be seen in this directory named ``general.config.{core}`` (see :ref:`compass_config`). Each core may have different requirements as far as what is required within a configuration file. Command-line options:: $ ./ -h usage: [-h] [-o CORE] [-c CONFIG] [-r RES] [-t TEST] [-n NUM] [-f FILE] [-m FILE] [-b PATH] [-q] [--no_download] [--work_dir PATH] This script is used to setup individual test cases. Available test cases can be see using the script. Specifically, this script parses XML files that define cases (steps in test cases) and driver scripts, and generates directories and scripts to run each step in the process of creating a test case. This script requires a setup configuration file. Configuration files are specific to each core. Template configuration files for each core can be seen in this directory named 'general.config.{core}'. Each core may have different requirements as far as what is required within a configuration file. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o CORE, --core CORE Core that contains configurations -c CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG Configuration to setup -r RES, --resolution RES Resolution of configuration to setup -t TEST, --test TEST Test name within a resolution to setup -n NUM, --case_number NUM Case number to setup, as listed from Can be a comma delimited list of case numbers. -f FILE, --config_file FILE Configuration file for test case setup -m FILE, --model_runtime FILE Definition of how to build model run commands on this machine -b PATH, --baseline_dir PATH Location of baseslines that can be compared to -q, --quiet If set, script will not write a command_history file --no_download If set, script will not auto-download base_mesh files --work_dir PATH If set, script will create case directories in work_dir rather than the current directory. .. _clean_testcase: clean\ ------------------ This script is used to clean one or more test cases that have already been setup. It will remove directories and driver scripts that were generated as part of setting up a test case. Command-line options:: $ ./ -h usage: [-h] [-o CORE] [-c CONFIG] [-r RES] [-t TEST] [-n NUM] [-q] [-a] [--work_dir PATH] This script is used to clean one or more test cases that have already been setup. It will remove directories / driver scripts that were generated as part of setting up a test case. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o CORE, --core CORE Core that contains configurations to clean -c CONFIG, --configuration CONFIG Configuration to clean -r RES, --resolution RES Resolution of configuration to clean -t TEST, --test TEST Test name within a resolution to clean -n NUM, --case_number NUM Case number to clean, as listed from Can be a comma delimited list of case numbers. -q, --quiet If set, script will not write a command_history file -a, --all Is set, the script will clean all test cases in the work_dir. --work_dir PATH If set, script will clean case directories in work_dir rather than the current directory. .. _manage_regression_suite: manage\_regression\ ---------------------------- This script is used to manage regression suites. A regression suite is a set of test cases that ensure one or more features in a model meet certain criteria. Using this script one can setup or clean a regression suite. When setting up a regression suite, this script will generate a script to run all tests in the suite, and additionally setup each individual test case. When cleaning a regression suite, this script will remove any generated files for each individual test case, and the run script that runs all test cases. Command-line options:: $ ./ -h usage: [-h] -t FILE [-f FILE] [-s] [-c] [-v] [-m FILE] [-b PATH] [--work_dir PATH] This script is used to manage regression suites. A regression suite is a set of test cases that ensure one or more features in a model meet certain criteria. Using this script one can setup or clean a regression suite. When setting up a regression suite, this script will generate a script to run all tests in the suite, and additionally setup each individual test case. When cleaning a regression suite, this script will remove any generated files for each individual test case, and the run script that runs all test cases. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -t FILE, --test_suite FILE Path to file containing a test suite to setup -f FILE, --config_file FILE Configuration file for test case setup -s, --setup Option to determine if regression suite should be setup or not. -c, --clean Option to determine if regression suite should be cleaned or not. -v, --verbose Use verbose output from -m FILE, --model_runtime FILE Definition of how to build model run commands on this machine -b PATH, --baseline_dir PATH Location of baseslines that can be compared to --work_dir PATH If set, script will setup the test suite in work_dir rather in this script's location.