Presentations and other non peer-reviewed material relevant to MPAS
MPAS-Atmosphere Tutorial, The 15th WRF Users' Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, 27 June 2014.
Skamarock, W., MPAS-A, a nonhydrostatic CAM core, NCAR CESM Atmosphere Modeling Working Group, Boulder, Colorado, 11 February 2013.
Ringler, T., MPAS-O: Plan for 2013, NCAR CESM Ocean Modeling Working Group, Boulder, Colorado, 18 January 2013.
Ringler, T., 2012: Bridging Scales in Global Climate System Modeling, Department of Physics, Oxford University, October 18, 2012. LA-UR 11-10028 (pdf).
Ringler, T., 2011: Approaching the Problem of Regional Climate Simulation through a Global, Multi-Resolution Modeling Approach: Successes and Challenges, American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8, 2011. LA-UR-11-12176

Ringler, T.D. and D. Jacobsen, 2010 : Exploring a Multi-Resolution Approach within the Shallow-Water System. Numerical Hierarchies in Climate Modeling, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, Los Angeles, California, April 14, 2010. LA-UR 10-02460

Ringler, T.D., 2009: An Ocean Dynamical Core with Local Mesh Refinement, NCAR CCSM Ocean Modeling Working Group, Boulder, Colorado, December 10, 2009. LA-UR 09-05207.
Ringler, T.D., 2009: Numerical Treatment of Energy and Potential Vorticity on Arbitrarily Structured C-grid, PDEs on the Spheres, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 30, 2009. LA-UR 09-01365.
Ringler, T.D., 2009: Bridging Scales in Climate System Modeling, Next Generation Models on Climate Change and Sustainability for Advanced High Performance Computing Facilities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 16, 2009, LA-UR 09-00465
Ringler, T.D., 2008: Introduction to Voronoi Tessellations and Delaunay Triangulations, NCAR ASP 2008 Summer Colloquium: Numerical Techniques for Global Atmospheric Models, Boulder, Colorado, June 11, 2008. LA-UR-08-04365

Ringler, T.D., L. Ju, and M. Gunzburger, 2007: Using Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations in Climate System Modeling, SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computional Issues in the Geosciences, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 22, 2007. LA-UR-07-1541

Ringler, T.D., 2007: Part I: Spherical Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations: Theory, Analysis, and Practical Issues. Kyoto, Japan, December 3, 2007. LA-UR-07-8349
Ringler, T.D., 2006: Grids for Climate System Modeling, TSC Workshop on Meshing Challenges for LANL Simulations, Los Alamos, New Mexico, October 30, 2006. LA-UR-06-8249

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