
class pyremap.descriptor.ProjectionGridDescriptor(projection, meshName=None)[source]

A class for describing a general logically rectangular grid that can be defined by a pyproj projection.

  • projection (pyproj.Proj) – The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude

  • latLonProjection (pyproj.Proj) – lat-lon projection used to transform from x-y to lat-lon space

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – The latitude coordinate at grid-cell centers

  • y (numpy.ndarray) – The longitude coordinate at grid-cell centers

  • xCorner (numpy.ndarray) – The latitude coordinate at grid-cell corners

  • yCorner (numpy.ndarray) – The longitude coordinate at grid-cell corners

  • history (str) – The history attribute written to SCRIP files

  • xVarName (str) – The name of the x variable

  • yVarName (str) – The name of the y variable

__init__(projection, meshName=None)[source]

Constructor stores the projection

  • projection (pyproj.Proj) – The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude

  • meshName (str, optional) – The name of the grid (e.g. '10km_Antarctic_stereo')


__init__(projection[, meshName])

Constructor stores the projection

create(projection, x, y, meshName)

Given x and y coordinates defining the axes of the logically rectangular grid, save the coordinates interpolate/extrapolate to locate corners.

project_to_lat_lon(X, Y)

Given X and Y locations of points in a projection, returns the corresponding latitude and longitude of each point.

read(projection, fileName[, meshName, ...])

Given a grid file with x and y coordinates defining the axes of the logically rectangular grid, read in the x and y coordinates and interpolate/extrapolate to locate corners.


Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh


Create a SCRIP file based on the grid and projection.