Source code for mpas_tools.seaice.regions

from __future__ import print_function
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np

[docs]def make_regions_file(filenameIcePresent, filenameMesh, regionType, varname, limit, filenameOut): """" Parameters ---------- filenameIcePresent : str A filename for a file containing the field specified in ``varname`` that determines where ice may be present filenameMesh : str The name of a file containing the MPAS-Seaice mesh regionType : {"three_region", "two_region_eq", "three_region_eq", "five_region_eq"} The type of regions to write varname : str The name of the variable that determines where ice might be present limit : float For ``regionType`` either ``three_region`` or ``five_region_eq``, the value of the ``varname`` field above which ice is considered to be present. For other ``regionType`` values, the limit is always 0.5 and this parameter is ignored. filenameOut : str The NetCDF filename to write the resulting ``region`` field to """ # load ice presence print(filenameIcePresent) fileIcePresent = Dataset(filenameIcePresent, "r") icePresence = fileIcePresent.variables[varname][:] fileIcePresent.close() # load mesh data fileMesh = Dataset(filenameMesh, "r") nCells = len(fileMesh.dimensions["nCells"]) latCell = fileMesh.variables["latCell"][:] fileMesh.close() # output region mask region = np.zeros(nCells, dtype="i") # no equatorial removal if regionType == "three_region": nRegions = 3 for iCell in range(0, nCells): if icePresence[iCell] > limit and latCell[iCell] < 0.0: region[iCell] = 0 elif icePresence[iCell] > limit and latCell[iCell] >= 0.0: region[iCell] = 2 else: region[iCell] = 1 elif regionType == "two_region_eq": nRegions = 2 for iCell in range(0, nCells): if icePresence[iCell] > 0.5 and latCell[iCell] < 0.0: region[iCell] = 0 elif icePresence[iCell] > 0.5 and latCell[iCell] >= 0.0: region[iCell] = 0 else: region[iCell] = 1 elif regionType == "three_region_eq": nRegions = 3 for iCell in range(0, nCells): if icePresence[iCell] > 0.5 and latCell[iCell] < 0.0: region[iCell] = 0 elif icePresence[iCell] > 0.5 and latCell[iCell] >= 0.0: region[iCell] = 2 else: region[iCell] = 1 elif regionType == "five_region_eq": nRegions = 5 for iCell in range(0, nCells): if icePresence[iCell] > limit and latCell[iCell] >= 0.0: region[iCell] = 4 elif limit > icePresence[iCell] > 0.5 and latCell[iCell] >= 0.0: region[iCell] = 3 elif icePresence[iCell] > limit and latCell[iCell] < 0.0: region[iCell] = 0 elif limit > icePresence[iCell] > 0.5 and latCell[iCell] < 0.0: region[iCell] = 1 else: region[iCell] = 2 else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected regionType {regionType}') # output fileOut = Dataset(filenameOut, "w", format="NETCDF3_CLASSIC") fileOut.nRegions = nRegions fileOut.createDimension("nCells", nCells) regionVar = fileOut.createVariable("region", "i", dimensions=["nCells"]) regionVar[:] = region[:] fileOut.close()