Source code for mpas_tools.config

from configparser import RawConfigParser, ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation
import os
import inspect
import sys
import numpy as np
import ast
from io import StringIO
from importlib.resources import files as imp_res_files

[docs] class MpasConfigParser: """ A "meta" config parser that keeps a dictionary of config parsers and their sources to combine when needed. The custom config parser allows provenance of the source of different config options and allows the "user" config options to always take precedence over other config options (even if they are added later). Attributes ---------- combined : {None, configparser.ConfigParser} The combined config options combined_comments : {None, dict} The combined comments associated with sections and options sources : {None, dict} The source of each section or option """ _np_allowed = dict(linspace=np.linspace, xrange=range, range=range, array=np.array, arange=np.arange, pi=np.pi, Pi=np.pi, int=int, __builtins__=None)
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Make a new (empty) config parser """ self._configs = dict() self._user_config = dict() self._comments = dict() self.combined = None self.combined_comments = None self.sources = None
[docs] def add_user_config(self, filename): """ Add a the contents of a user config file to the parser. These options take precedence over all other options. Parameters ---------- filename : str The relative or absolute path to the config file """ self._add(filename, user=True)
[docs] def add_from_file(self, filename): """ Add the contents of a config file to the parser. Parameters ---------- filename : str The relative or absolute path to the config file """ self._add(filename, user=False)
[docs] def add_from_package(self, package, config_filename, exception=True): """ Add the contents of a config file to the parser. Parameters ---------- package : str or Package The package where ``config_filename`` is found config_filename : str The name of the config file to add exception : bool, optional Whether to raise an exception if the config file isn't found """ try: path = imp_res_files(package) / config_filename self._add(path, user=False) except (ModuleNotFoundError, FileNotFoundError, TypeError): if exception: raise
[docs] def get(self, section, option): """ Get an option value for a given section. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option Returns ------- value : str The value of the config option """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined.get(section, option)
[docs] def getint(self, section, option): """ Get an option integer value for a given section. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option Returns ------- value : int The value of the config option """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined.getint(section, option)
[docs] def getfloat(self, section, option): """ Get an option float value for a given section. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option Returns ------- value : float The value of the config option """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined.getfloat(section, option)
[docs] def getboolean(self, section, option): """ Get an option boolean value for a given section. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option Returns ------- value : bool The value of the config option """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined.getboolean(section, option)
[docs] def getlist(self, section, option, dtype=str): """ Get an option value as a list for a given section. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option dtype : {Type[str], Type[int], Type[float]} The type of the elements in the list Returns ------- value : list The value of the config option parsed into a list """ values = self.get(section, option) values = [dtype(value) for value in values.replace(',', ' ').split()] return values
[docs] def getexpression(self, section, option, dtype=None, use_numpyfunc=False): """ Get an option as an expression (typically a list, though tuples and dicts are also available). The expression is required to have valid python syntax, so that string entries are required to be in single or double quotes. Parameters ---------- section : str The section in the config file option : str The option in the config file dtype : {Type[bool], Type[int], Type[float], Type[list], Type[tuple], Type[str]}, optional If supplied, each element in a list or tuple, or each value in a dictionary are cast to this type. This is likely most useful for ensuring that all elements in a list of numbers are of type float, rather than int, when the distinction is important. use_numpyfunc : bool, optional If ``True``, the expression is evaluated including functionality from the numpy package (which can be referenced either as ``numpy`` or ``np``). """ expression_string = self.get(section, option) if use_numpyfunc: assert '__' not in expression_string, \ f'"__" is not allowed in {expression_string} ' \ f'for use_numpyfunc=True' sanitized_str = expression_string.replace('np.', '') \ .replace('numpy.', '') result = eval(sanitized_str, MpasConfigParser._np_allowed) else: result = ast.literal_eval(expression_string) if dtype is not None: if isinstance(result, list): result = [dtype(element) for element in result] elif isinstance(result, tuple): result = (dtype(element) for element in result) elif isinstance(result, dict): for key in result: result[key] = dtype(result[key]) return result
[docs] def has_section(self, section): """ Whether the given section is part of the config Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section Returns ------- found : bool Whether the option was found in the section """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined.has_section(section)
[docs] def has_option(self, section, option): """ Whether the given section has the given option Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option Returns ------- found : bool Whether the option was found in the section """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined.has_option(section, option)
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value=None, comment=None, user=False): """ Set the value of the given option in the given section. The file from which this function was called is also retained for provenance. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the config section option : str The name of the config option value : str, optional The value to set the option to comment : str, optional A comment to include with the config option when it is written to a file user : bool, optional Whether this config option was supplied by the user (e.g. through a command-line flag) and should take priority over other sources """ option = option.lower() calling_frame = inspect.stack(context=2)[1] filename = os.path.abspath(calling_frame.filename) if user: config_dict = self._user_config else: config_dict = self._configs if filename not in config_dict: config_dict[filename] = RawConfigParser() config = config_dict[filename] if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) config.set(section, option, value) self.combined = None self.combined_comments = None self.sources = None if filename not in self._comments: self._comments[filename] = dict() if comment is None: comment = '' else: comment = ''.join([f'# {line}\n' for line in comment.split('\n')]) self._comments[filename][(section, option)] = comment
[docs] def write(self, fp, include_sources=True, include_comments=True, raw=True): """ Write the config options to the given file pointer. Parameters ---------- fp : typing.TestIO The file pointer to write to. include_sources : bool, optional Whether to include a comment above each option indicating the source file where it was defined include_comments : bool, optional Whether to include the original comments associated with each section or option raw : bool, optional Whether to write "raw" config options, rather than using extended interpolation """ self.combine(raw=raw) for section in self.combined.sections(): section_items = self.combined.items(section=section) if include_comments and section in self.combined_comments: fp.write(self.combined_comments[section]) fp.write(f'[{section}]\n\n') for option, value in section_items: if include_comments: fp.write(self.combined_comments[(section, option)]) if include_sources: source = self.sources[(section, option)] fp.write(f'# source: {source}\n') value = str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t') if not raw: value = value.replace('$', '$$') fp.write(f'{option} = {value}\n\n') fp.write('\n') if raw: # since we combined in "raw" mode, force recombining on future # access commands self.combined = None
def list_files(self): """ Get a list of files contributing to the combined config options Returns ------- filenames : list of str A list of file paths """ filenames = list(self._configs.keys()) + list(self._user_config.keys()) return filenames
[docs] def copy(self): """ Get a deep copy of the config parser Returns ------- config_copy : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser The deep copy """ config_copy = MpasConfigParser() for filename, config in self._configs.items(): config_copy._configs[filename] = MpasConfigParser._deepcopy(config) for filename, config in self._user_config.items(): config_copy._user_config[filename] = \ MpasConfigParser._deepcopy(config) config_copy._comments = dict(self._comments) return config_copy
[docs] def append(self, other): """ Append a deep copy of another config parser to this one. Config options from ``other`` will take precedence over those from this config parser. Parameters ---------- other : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser The other, higher priority config parser """ other = other.copy() self._configs.update(other._configs) self._user_config.update(other._user_config) self._comments.update(other._comments) self.combined = None self.combined_comments = None self.sources = None
[docs] def prepend(self, other): """ Prepend a deep copy of another config parser to this one. Config options from this config parser will take precedence over those from ``other``. Parameters ---------- other : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser The other, higher priority config parser """ other = other.copy() configs = dict(other._configs) configs.update(self._configs) self._configs = configs user_config = dict(other._user_config) user_config.update(self._user_config) self._user_config = user_config comments = dict(other._comments) comments.update(self._comments) self._comments = comments self.combined = None self.combined_comments = None self.sources = None
[docs] def __getitem__(self, section): """ Get get the config options for a given section. Parameters ---------- section : str The name of the section to retrieve. Returns ------- section_proxy : configparser.SectionProxy The config options for the given section. """ if self.combined is None: self.combine() return self.combined[section]
def combine(self, raw=False): """ Combine the config files into one. This is normally handled automatically. Parameters ---------- raw : bool, optional Whether to combine "raw" config options, rather than using extended interpolation """ if raw: self.combined = RawConfigParser() else: self.combined = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) self.sources = dict() self.combined_comments = dict() for configs in [self._configs, self._user_config]: for source, config in configs.items(): for section in config.sections(): if section in self._comments[source]: self.combined_comments[section] = \ self._comments[source][section] if not self.combined.has_section(section): self.combined.add_section(section) for option, value in config.items(section): self.sources[(section, option)] = source self.combined.set(section, option, value) self.combined_comments[(section, option)] = \ self._comments[source][(section, option)] def _add(self, filename, user): filename = os.path.abspath(filename) config = RawConfigParser() if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Config file does not exist: {filename}') with open(filename) as fp: comments = self._parse_comments(fp, filename, comments_before=True) if user: self._user_config[filename] = config else: self._configs[filename] = config self._comments[filename] = comments self.combined = None self.combined_comments = None self.sources = None @staticmethod def _parse_comments(fp, filename, comments_before=True): """ Parse the comments in a config file into a dictionary """ comments = dict() current_comment = '' section_name = None option_name = None indent_level = 0 for line_number, line in enumerate(fp, start=1): value = line.strip() is_comment = value.startswith('#') if is_comment: current_comment = current_comment + line if len(value) == 0 or is_comment: # end of value indent_level = sys.maxsize continue cur_indent_level = len(line) - len(line.lstrip()) is_continuation = cur_indent_level > indent_level # a section header or option header? if section_name is None or option_name is None or \ not is_continuation: indent_level = cur_indent_level # is it a section header? is_section = value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']') if is_section: if not comments_before: if option_name is None: comments[section_name] = current_comment else: comments[(section_name, option_name)] = \ current_comment section_name = value[1:-1].strip() option_name = None if comments_before: comments[section_name] = current_comment current_comment = '' # an option line? else: delimiter_index = value.find('=') if delimiter_index == -1: raise ValueError(f'Expected to find "=" on line ' f'{line_number} of {filename}') if not comments_before: if option_name is None: comments[section_name] = current_comment else: comments[(section_name, option_name)] = \ current_comment option_name = value[:delimiter_index].strip().lower() if comments_before: comments[(section_name, option_name)] = current_comment current_comment = '' return comments @staticmethod def _deepcopy(config): """ Make a deep copy of the ConfigParser object """ config_string = StringIO() config.write(config_string) # We must reset the buffer to make it ready for reading. new_config = ConfigParser() new_config.read_file(config_string) return new_config