Source code for mpas_analysis.ocean.climatology_map_sose

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Analysis tasks for comparing Antarctic climatology maps against observations
and reanalysis data.
# Authors
# -------
# Xylar Asay-Davis

import numpy

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask

from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology import RemapMpasClimatologySubtask

from mpas_analysis.ocean.remap_depth_slices_subtask import \
from mpas_analysis.ocean.plot_climatology_map_subtask import \
from mpas_analysis.ocean.remap_sose_climatology import RemapSoseClimatology

from import build_obs_path

[docs]class ClimatologyMapSose(AnalysisTask): # {{{ """ An analysis task for comparison of antarctic field against the Southern Ocean State Estimate """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, config, mpasClimatologyTask, controlConfig=None): # {{{ """ Construct the analysis task. Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Configuration options mpasClimatologyTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted controlConfig : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser``, optional Configuration options for a control run (if any) """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis fields = \ [{'prefix': 'temperature', 'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_temperature', 'units': r'$\degree$C', 'titleName': 'Potential Temperature', '3D': True, 'obsFilePrefix': 'pot_temp', 'obsFieldName': 'theta', 'obsBotFieldName': 'botTheta'}, {'prefix': 'salinity', 'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_activeTracers_salinity', 'units': r'PSU', 'titleName': 'Salinity', '3D': True, 'obsFilePrefix': 'salinity', 'obsFieldName': 'salinity', 'obsBotFieldName': 'botSalinity'}, {'prefix': 'potentialDensity', 'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_potentialDensity', 'units': r'kg m$^{-3}$', 'titleName': 'Potential Density', '3D': True, 'obsFilePrefix': 'pot_den', 'obsFieldName': 'potentialDensity', 'obsBotFieldName': 'botPotentialDensity'}, {'prefix': 'mixedLayerDepth', 'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_dThreshMLD', 'units': r'm', 'titleName': 'Mixed Layer Depth', '3D': False, 'obsFilePrefix': 'mld', 'obsFieldName': 'mld', 'obsBotFieldName': None}, {'prefix': 'zonalVelocity', 'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_velocityZonal', 'units': r'm s$^{-1}$', 'titleName': 'Zonal Velocity', '3D': True, 'obsFilePrefix': 'zonal_vel', 'obsFieldName': 'zonalVel', 'obsBotFieldName': 'botZonalVel'}, {'prefix': 'meridionalVelocity', 'mpas': 'timeMonthly_avg_velocityMeridional', 'units': r'm s$^{-1}$', 'titleName': 'Meridional Velocity', '3D': True, 'obsFilePrefix': 'merid_vel', 'obsFieldName': 'meridVel', 'obsBotFieldName': 'botMeridVel'}, {'prefix': 'velocityMagnitude', 'mpas': 'velMag', 'units': r'm s$^{-1}$', 'titleName': 'Velocity Magnitude', '3D': True, 'obsFilePrefix': 'vel_mag', 'obsFieldName': 'velMag', 'obsBotFieldName': 'botVelMag'}] tags = ['climatology', 'horizontalMap', 'sose', 'publicObs', 'antarctic'] + [field['prefix'] for field in fields] # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(ClimatologyMapSose, self).__init__( config=config, taskName='climatologyMapSose', componentName='ocean', tags=tags) sectionName = self.taskName fileSuffix = config.get(sectionName, 'fileSuffix') if fileSuffix.endswith('.nc'): fileSuffix = fileSuffix.strip('.nc') fieldList = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'fieldList') fields = [field for field in fields if field['prefix'] in fieldList] # read in what seasons we want to plot seasons = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'seasons') if len(seasons) == 0: raise ValueError('config section {} does not contain valid ' 'list of seasons'.format(sectionName)) comparisonGridNames = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'comparisonGrids') if len(comparisonGridNames) == 0: raise ValueError('config section {} does not contain valid ' 'list of comparison grids'.format( sectionName)) if not numpy.any([field['3D'] for field in fields]): depths = None else: depths = config.getExpression(sectionName, 'depths') if len(depths) == 0: raise ValueError('config section {} does not contain valid ' 'list of depths'.format(sectionName)) variableList = [field['mpas'] for field in fields if field['mpas'] != 'velMag'] shallowVsDeepColormapDepth = config.getfloat( sectionName, 'shallowVsDeepColormapDepth') shallow = [] for depth in depths: if depth == 'top': shallow.append(True) elif depth == 'bot': shallow.append(False) else: shallow.append(depth >= shallowVsDeepColormapDepth) if depths is None: remapMpasSubtask = RemapMpasClimatologySubtask( mpasClimatologyTask=mpasClimatologyTask, parentTask=self, climatologyName='SOSE', variableList=variableList, seasons=seasons, comparisonGridNames=comparisonGridNames, iselValues=None) else: remapMpasSubtask = RemapMpasVelMagClimatology( mpasClimatologyTask=mpasClimatologyTask, parentTask=self, climatologyName='SOSE', variableList=variableList, seasons=seasons, depths=depths, comparisonGridNames=comparisonGridNames, iselValues=None) for field in fields: fieldPrefix = field['prefix'] upperFieldPrefix = fieldPrefix[0].upper() + fieldPrefix[1:] sectionName = '{}{}'.format(self.taskName, upperFieldPrefix) if field['3D']: fieldDepths = depths else: fieldDepths = None if controlConfig is None: refTitleLabel = 'State Estimate (SOSE)' observationsDirectory = build_obs_path( config, 'ocean', 'soseSubdirectory') obsFileName = '{}/SOSE_2005-2010_monthly_{}_{}.nc'.format( observationsDirectory, field['obsFilePrefix'], fileSuffix) refFieldName = field['obsFieldName'] outFileLabel = '{}SOSE'.format(fieldPrefix) galleryName = 'State Estimate: SOSE' diffTitleLabel = 'Model - State Estimate' remapObsSubtask = RemapSoseClimatology( parentTask=self, seasons=seasons, fileName=obsFileName, outFilePrefix='{}SOSE'.format(refFieldName), fieldName=refFieldName, botFieldName=field['obsBotFieldName'], depths=fieldDepths, comparisonGridNames=comparisonGridNames, subtaskName='remapObservations{}'.format( upperFieldPrefix)) self.add_subtask(remapObsSubtask) else: remapObsSubtask = None controlRunName = controlConfig.get('runs', 'mainRunName') galleryName = 'Control: {}'.format(controlRunName) refTitleLabel = galleryName refFieldName = field['mpas'] outFileLabel = '{}SOSE'.format(fieldPrefix) diffTitleLabel = 'Main - Control' if field['3D']: fieldDepths = depths else: fieldDepths = [None] for comparisonGridName in comparisonGridNames: for depthIndex, depth in enumerate(fieldDepths): for season in seasons: subtaskName = 'plot{}_{}_{}'.format(upperFieldPrefix, season, comparisonGridName) if depth is not None: subtaskName = '{}_depth_{}'.format(subtaskName, depth) subtask = PlotClimatologyMapSubtask( parentTask=self, season=season, comparisonGridName=comparisonGridName, remapMpasClimatologySubtask=remapMpasSubtask, remapObsClimatologySubtask=remapObsSubtask, controlConfig=controlConfig, depth=depth, subtaskName=subtaskName) configSectionName = 'climatologyMapSose{}'.format( upperFieldPrefix) # if available, use a separate color map for shallow # and deep if depth is not None: if shallow[depthIndex]: suffix = 'Shallow' else: suffix = 'Deep' testSectionName = '{}{}'.format(configSectionName, suffix) if config.has_section(testSectionName): configSectionName = testSectionName subtask.set_plot_info( outFileLabel=outFileLabel, fieldNameInTitle=field['titleName'], mpasFieldName=field['mpas'], refFieldName=refFieldName, refTitleLabel=refTitleLabel, diffTitleLabel=diffTitleLabel, unitsLabel=field['units'], imageCaption=field['titleName'], galleryGroup=field['titleName'], groupSubtitle=None, groupLink='{}Sose'.format(fieldPrefix), galleryName=galleryName, configSectionName=configSectionName) self.add_subtask(subtask)
# }}} # }}} class RemapMpasVelMagClimatology(RemapDepthSlicesSubtask): # {{{ """ A subtask for computing climatologies of velocity magnitude from zonal and meridional components """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def customize_masked_climatology(self, climatology, season): # {{{ """ Construct velocity magnitude as part of the climatology Parameters ---------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset`` object the climatology data set season : str The name of the season to be masked Returns ------- climatology : ``xarray.Dataset`` object the modified climatology data set """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call the base class's version of this function so we extract # the desired slices. climatology = super(RemapMpasVelMagClimatology, self).customize_masked_climatology(climatology, season) if 'timeMonthly_avg_velocityZonal' in climatology and \ 'timeMonthly_avg_velocityMeridional' in climatology: zonalVel = climatology.timeMonthly_avg_velocityZonal meridVel = climatology.timeMonthly_avg_velocityMeridional climatology['velMag'] = numpy.sqrt(zonalVel**2 + meridVel**2) climatology.velMag.attrs['units'] = 'm s$^{-1}$' climatology.velMag.attrs['description'] = 'velocity magnitude' return climatology # }}} # }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python