Source code for mpas_analysis.ocean.meridional_heat_transport

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2019 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2019 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
# distributed with this code, or at

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, \

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import os

from mpas_analysis.shared.plot import plot_vertical_section, plot_1D, savefig

from import make_directories, build_obs_path
from import write_netcdf, subset_variables

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask
from mpas_analysis.shared.html import write_image_xml
from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.climatology import \

[docs]class MeridionalHeatTransport(AnalysisTask): # {{{ ''' Plot meridional heat transport from the analysis member output. Attributes ---------- mpasClimatologyTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted controlConfig : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Configuration options for a control run (if any) ''' # Authors # ------- # Mark Petersen, Milena Veneziani, Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, config, mpasClimatologyTask, controlConfig=None): # {{{ ''' Construct the analysis task. Parameters ---------- config : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser`` Configuration options mpasClimatologyTask : ``MpasClimatologyTask`` The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted controlConfig : ``MpasAnalysisConfigParser``, optional Configuration options for a control run (if any) ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask) super(MeridionalHeatTransport, self).__init__( config=config, taskName='meridionalHeatTransport', componentName='ocean', tags=['climatology', 'publicObs']) self.mpasClimatologyTask = mpasClimatologyTask self.run_after(mpasClimatologyTask) self.controlConfig = controlConfig
# }}} def setup_and_check(self): # {{{ ''' Perform steps to set up the analysis and check for errors in the setup. ''' # Authors # ------- # Mark Petersen, Milena Veneziani, Xylar Asay-Davis # first, call setup_and_check from the base class (AnalysisTask), # which will perform some common setup, including storing: # self.runDirectory , self.historyDirectory, self.plotsDirectory, # self.namelist, self.runStreams, self.historyStreams, # self.calendar super(MeridionalHeatTransport, self).setup_and_check() self.startYear = self.mpasClimatologyTask.startYear self.startDate = self.mpasClimatologyTask.startDate self.endYear = self.mpasClimatologyTask.endYear self.endDate = self.mpasClimatologyTask.endDate config = self.config self.check_analysis_enabled( analysisOptionName='config_am_meridionalheattransport_enable', raiseException=True) self.sectionName = 'meridionalHeatTransport' # Read in obs file information compareWithObs = config.getboolean(self.sectionName, 'compareWithObservations') self.observationsFile = None if compareWithObs: observationsDirectory = build_obs_path( config, 'ocean', 'mhtSubdirectory') observationsFile = config.get(self.sectionName, 'observationData') observationsFile = '{}/{}'.format(observationsDirectory, observationsFile) if os.path.exists(observationsFile): self.observationsFile = observationsFile else: print('Warning: No MHT observations file found: skip plotting ' 'obs') mainRunName = self.config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') variableList = ['timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLat', 'timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLatZ'] self.mpasClimatologyTask.add_variables(variableList=variableList, seasons=['ANN']) self.xmlFileNames = [] self.filePrefixes = {} prefixes = ['mht'] if config.getboolean(self.sectionName, 'plotVerticalSection'): prefixes.append('mhtZ') for prefix in prefixes: filePrefix = '{}_{}_years{:04d}-{:04d}'.format( prefix, mainRunName, self.startYear, self.endYear) self.xmlFileNames.append('{}/{}.xml'.format(self.plotsDirectory, filePrefix)) self.filePrefixes[prefix] = filePrefix # }}} def run_task(self): # {{{ """ Process MHT analysis member data if available. Plots MHT as: 1D function of latitude 2D function of latitude and depth """ # Authors # ------- # Mark Petersen, Milena Veneziani, Xylar Asay-Davis"\nPlotting meridional heat transport (MHT)...") config = self.config mainRunName = config.get('runs', 'mainRunName') depthLimGlobal = config.getExpression(self.sectionName, 'depthLimGlobal') xLimGlobal = config.getExpression(self.sectionName, 'xLimGlobal') movingAveragePoints = config.getint('meridionalHeatTransport', 'movingAveragePoints') outputDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(config) make_directories(outputDirectory) outFileName = \ '{}/meridionalHeatTransport_years{:04d}-{:04d}.nc'.format( outputDirectory, self.startYear, self.endYear) if os.path.exists(outFileName):' Reading results from previous analysis run...') annualClimatology = xr.open_dataset(outFileName) refZMid = annualClimatology.refZMid.values binBoundaryMerHeatTrans = \ annualClimatology.binBoundaryMerHeatTrans.values else: # Read in depth and MHT latitude points # Latitude is from binBoundaryMerHeatTrans try: restartFileName = self.runStreams.readpath('restart')[0] except ValueError: raise IOError('No MPAS-O restart file found: need at least ' 'one for MHT calcuation') with xr.open_dataset(restartFileName) as dsRestart: refBottomDepth = dsRestart.refBottomDepth.values nVertLevels = len(refBottomDepth) refLayerThickness = np.zeros(nVertLevels) refLayerThickness[0] = refBottomDepth[0] refLayerThickness[1:nVertLevels] = \ refBottomDepth[1:nVertLevels] - \ refBottomDepth[0:nVertLevels - 1] refZMid = -refBottomDepth + 0.5 * refLayerThickness binBoundaryMerHeatTrans = None # first try timeSeriesStatsMonthly for bin boundaries, then try # meridionalHeatTransport stream as a backup option for streamName in ['timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput', 'meridionalHeatTransportOutput']: try: inputFile = self.historyStreams.readpath(streamName)[0] except ValueError: raise IOError('At least one file from stream {} is needed ' 'to compute MHT'.format(streamName)) with xr.open_dataset(inputFile) as ds: if 'binBoundaryMerHeatTrans' in ds.data_vars: binBoundaryMerHeatTrans = \ ds.binBoundaryMerHeatTrans.values break if binBoundaryMerHeatTrans is None: raise ValueError('Could not find binBoundaryMerHeatTrans in ' 'either timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput or ' 'meridionalHeatTransportOutput streams') binBoundaryMerHeatTrans = np.rad2deg(binBoundaryMerHeatTrans) ################################################################### # Mark P Note: Currently only supports global MHT. # Need to add variables merHeatTransLatRegion and # merHeatTransLatZRegion # These are not computed by default in ACME right now. # Then we will need to add another section for regions with a loop # over number of regions. ###################################################################'\n Plotting global meridional heat transport')' Load data...') climatologyFileName = self.mpasClimatologyTask.get_file_name( season='ANN') variableList = ['timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLat', 'timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLatZ'] annualClimatology = xr.open_dataset(climatologyFileName) annualClimatology = subset_variables(annualClimatology, variableList) if 'Time' in annualClimatology.dims: annualClimatology = annualClimatology.isel(Time=0) annualClimatology.coords['refZMid'] = (('nVertLevels',), refZMid) annualClimatology.coords['binBoundaryMerHeatTrans'] = \ (('nMerHeatTransBinsP1',), binBoundaryMerHeatTrans) write_netcdf(annualClimatology, outFileName) # **** Plot MHT ****' Plot global MHT...') # Plot 1D MHT (zonally averaged, depth integrated) x = binBoundaryMerHeatTrans y = annualClimatology.timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLat xLabel = 'latitude [deg]' yLabel = 'meridional heat transport [PW]' title = 'Global MHT (ANN, years {:04d}-{:04d})\n {}'.format( self.startYear, self.endYear, mainRunName) filePrefix = self.filePrefixes['mht'] figureName = '{}/{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, filePrefix) lineColors = ['k'] lineWidths = [1.6] legendText = [mainRunName] xArrays = [x] fieldArrays = [y] errArrays = [None] if self.observationsFile is not None: # Load in observations dsObs = xr.open_dataset(self.observationsFile) xObs = dsObs.LATITUDE ncepGlobal = dsObs.GLOBALNCEP_ADJUSTED ncepErrGlobal = dsObs.GLOBALNCEP_ERR ecmwfGlobal = dsObs.GLOBALECMWF_ADJUSTED ecmwfErrGlobal = dsObs.GLOBALECMWF_ERR lineColors.extend(['b', 'g']) lineWidths.extend([1.2, 1.2]) legendText.extend(['Trenberth and Caron - NCEP', 'Trenberth and Caron - ECMWF']) xArrays.extend([xObs, xObs]) fieldArrays.extend([ncepGlobal, ecmwfGlobal]) errArrays.extend([ncepErrGlobal, ecmwfErrGlobal]) if self.controlConfig is not None: controlStartYear = self.controlConfig.getint('climatology', 'startYear') controlEndYear = self.controlConfig.getint('climatology', 'endYear') controlDirectory = get_climatology_op_directory(self.controlConfig) controlFileName = \ '{}/meridionalHeatTransport_years{:04d}-{:04d}.nc'.format( controlDirectory, controlStartYear, controlEndYear) dsControl = xr.open_dataset(controlFileName) controlRunName = self.controlConfig.get('runs', 'mainRunName') lineColors.append('r') lineWidths.append(1.2) legendText.append(controlRunName) xArrays.append(dsControl.binBoundaryMerHeatTrans) fieldArrays.append( dsControl.timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLat) errArrays.append(None) if len(legendText) == 1: # no need for a legend legendText = [None] plot_1D(config, xArrays, fieldArrays, errArrays, lineColors=lineColors, lineWidths=lineWidths, legendText=legendText, title=title, xlabel=xLabel, ylabel=yLabel, fileout=figureName, xLim=xLimGlobal) self._write_xml(filePrefix) if config.getboolean(self.sectionName, 'plotVerticalSection'): # Plot 2D MHT (zonally integrated) # normalize 2D MHT by layer thickness MHTLatZVar = \ annualClimatology.timeMonthly_avg_meridionalHeatTransportLatZ MHTLatZ = MHTLatZVar.values.T[:, :] for k in range(nVertLevels): MHTLatZ[k, :] = MHTLatZ[k, :] / refLayerThickness[k] x = binBoundaryMerHeatTrans y = refZMid z = MHTLatZ xLabel = 'latitude [deg]' yLabel = 'depth [m]' title = 'Global MHT (ANN, years {:04d}-{:04d})\n {}'.format( self.startYear, self.endYear, mainRunName) filePrefix = self.filePrefixes['mhtZ'] outFileName = '{}/{}.png'.format(self.plotsDirectory, filePrefix) colorbarLabel = '[PW/m]' plot_vertical_section(config, x, y, z, self.sectionName, suffix='', colorbarLabel=colorbarLabel, title=title, xlabel=xLabel, ylabel=yLabel, xLim=xLimGlobal, yLim=depthLimGlobal, invertYAxis=False, N=movingAveragePoints) savefig(outFileName) self._write_xml(filePrefix) # }}} def _write_xml(self, filePrefix): # {{{ caption = 'Meridional Heat Transport' write_image_xml( config=self.config, filePrefix=filePrefix, componentName='Ocean', componentSubdirectory='ocean', galleryGroup='Meridional Heat Transport', groupLink='mht', imageDescription=caption, imageCaption=caption) # }}}
# }}} # vim: foldmethod=marker ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python