
mpas_analysis.shared.plot.timeseries_analysis_plot_polar(config, dsvalues, title, movingAveragePoints=None, lineColors=None, lineStyles=None, markers=None, lineWidths=None, legendText=None, titleFontSize=None, figsize=(15, 6), dpi=None)[source]

Plots the list of time series data sets on a polar plot.

  • config (instance of ConfigParser) – the configuration, containing a [plot] section with options that control plotting

  • dsvalues (list of xarray DataSets) – the data set(s) to be plotted

  • movingAveragePoints (int) – the numer of time points over which to perform a moving average

  • title (str) – the title of the plot

  • lineColors (list of str, optional) – control line color, style, marker, and corresponding legend text. Default is black, solid line with no marker, and no legend.

  • lineStyles (list of str, optional) – control line color, style, marker, and corresponding legend text. Default is black, solid line with no marker, and no legend.

  • markers (list of str, optional) – control line color, style, marker, and corresponding legend text. Default is black, solid line with no marker, and no legend.

  • legendText (list of str, optional) – control line color, style, marker, and corresponding legend text. Default is black, solid line with no marker, and no legend.

  • lineWidths (list of float, optional) – control line width. Default is 1.0.

  • titleFontSize (int, optional) – the size of the title font

  • figsize (tuple of float, optional) – the size of the figure in inches

  • dpi (int, optional) – the number of dots per inch of the figure, taken from section plot option dpi in the config file by default


fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – The resulting figure