Developers: Adding a new analysis task

This tutorial walks a new developer through the basics of creating a new analysis task in MPAS-Analysis. It is a common practice to find an existing analysis task that is as close as possible to the new analysis, and to copy that existing task as a template for the new task. That is the strategy we will demonstrate here.


The changes will not be broadly available until the next MPAS-Analysis release and to the broader E3SM community after the next E3SM-Unified release.

To provide a real example, we will show how we copy and modify an analysis task used to compute the anomaly in ocean heat content (ClimatologyMapOHCAnomaly) to instead compute the barotropic streamfunction (BSF).

For computing the BSF itself, we will make use of a script that was developed outside of MPAS-Analysis for this purpose. This is also a common development technique: first develop the analysis as a script or jupyter notebook. Nearly always, the scripts or notebooks include hard-coded paths and are otherwise not easily applied to new simulations without considerable effort. This is the motivation for adapting the code to MPAS-Analysis.


If one just wishes to add a new field that already exists in MPAS-Ocean or MPAS-Seaice output, only a few of the steps below are necessary:

  1. Follow step 1 to set up an `mpas_dev` environment.

  2. Copy an existing ocean or sea_ice python module to a new name and edit it as needed for the new fields.

  3. Follow step 6 to add config options

  4. Follow step 7 to add the task to the list of tasks known to MPAS-Analysis

  5. Follow step 8 to update Analysis Tasks in the user’s guide and api.rst in the developer’s guide to include the new analysis task.

1. Getting started

To begin, please follow the Developer: Getting Started tutorial, which will help you through the basics of creating a fork of MPAS-Analysis, cloning it onto the machine(s) where you will do your development, making a worktree for the feature you will develop, creating a conda environment for testing your new MPAS-Analysis development, and running MPAS-Analysis.


Make sure you follow the tutorial for developers, not for users, since the tutorial for users installs the latest release of MPAS-Analysis, which you cannot modify. Similarly, changes must be tested in your own development environment (often called mpas_dev) rather than the in a shared environment like E3SM-Unified.

Then, please follow the Developers: Understanding an analysis task. This will give you a tour of the ClimatologyMapOHCAnomaly analysis task that we will use as a starting point for developing a new task.

2. The reference scripts

I have two scripts I used in the past to compute the barotropic streamfunction and write it out, and then to plot it. These scripts yanked out some code from MPAS-Analysis so there are a few similarities but there’s a lot of work to do.

Here’s the script for computing the BSF:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import xarray
import numpy
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import sys

from import write_netcdf

def main():

    ds = xarray.open_dataset(sys.argv[1])
    ds = ds[['timeMonthly_avg_layerThickness',

    dsMesh = xarray.open_dataset(sys.argv[2])
    dsMesh = dsMesh[['cellsOnEdge', 'cellsOnVertex', 'nEdgesOnCell',
                     'edgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'verticesOnEdge',
                     'dcEdge', 'dvEdge', 'lonCell', 'latCell', 'lonVertex',

    out_filename = sys.argv[3]

    bsfVertex = _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(dsMesh, ds)
    print('bsf on vertices computed.')
    bsfCell = _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell(dsMesh, bsfVertex)
    print('bsf on cells computed.')
    dsBSF = xarray.Dataset()
    dsBSF['bsfVertex'] = bsfVertex
    dsBSF.bsfVertex.attrs['units'] = 'Sv'
    dsBSF.bsfVertex.attrs['description'] = 'barotropic streamfunction ' \
        'on vertices'
    dsBSF['bsfCell'] = bsfCell
    dsBSF.bsfCell.attrs['units'] = 'Sv'
    dsBSF.bsfCell.attrs['description'] = 'barotropic streamfunction ' \
        'on cells'
    dsBSF = dsBSF.transpose('Time', 'nCells', 'nVertices')
    for var in dsMesh:
        dsBSF[var] = dsMesh[var]
    write_netcdf(dsBSF, out_filename)

def _compute_transport(dsMesh, ds):

    cellsOnEdge = dsMesh.cellsOnEdge - 1
    innerEdges = numpy.logical_and(cellsOnEdge.isel(TWO=0) >= 0,
                                   cellsOnEdge.isel(TWO=1) >= 0)

    # convert from boolean mask to indices
    innerEdges = numpy.flatnonzero(innerEdges.values)

    cell0 = cellsOnEdge.isel(nEdges=innerEdges, TWO=0)
    cell1 = cellsOnEdge.isel(nEdges=innerEdges, TWO=1)

    layerThickness = ds.timeMonthly_avg_layerThickness
    normalVelocity = ds.timeMonthly_avg_normalVelocity.isel(nEdges=innerEdges)

    layerThicknessEdge = 0.5*(layerThickness.isel(nCells=cell0) +
    transport = dsMesh.dvEdge[innerEdges] * \
        (layerThicknessEdge * normalVelocity).sum(dim='nVertLevels')

    # ds = xarray.Dataset()
    # ds['transport'] = transport
    # ds['innerEdges'] = ('nEdges', innerEdges)
    # write_netcdf(ds, '')

    return innerEdges, transport

def _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(dsMesh, ds):
    innerEdges, transport = _compute_transport(dsMesh, ds)
    print('transport computed.')

    nVertices = dsMesh.sizes['nVertices']
    nTime = ds.sizes['Time']

    cellsOnVertex = dsMesh.cellsOnVertex - 1
    verticesOnEdge = dsMesh.verticesOnEdge - 1
    isBoundaryCOV = cellsOnVertex == -1
    boundaryVertices = numpy.logical_or(isBoundaryCOV.isel(vertexDegree=0),
    boundaryVertices = numpy.logical_or(boundaryVertices,

    # convert from boolean mask to indices
    boundaryVertices = numpy.flatnonzero(boundaryVertices.values)

    nBoundaryVertices = len(boundaryVertices)
    nInnerEdges = len(innerEdges)

    indices = numpy.zeros((2, 2*nInnerEdges+nBoundaryVertices), dtype=int)
    data = numpy.zeros(2*nInnerEdges+nBoundaryVertices, dtype=float)

    # The difference between the streamfunction at vertices on an inner edge
    # should be equal to the transport
    v0 = verticesOnEdge.isel(nEdges=innerEdges, TWO=0).values
    v1 = verticesOnEdge.isel(nEdges=innerEdges, TWO=1).values

    ind = numpy.arange(nInnerEdges)
    indices[0, 2*ind] = ind
    indices[1, 2*ind] = v1
    data[2*ind] = 1.

    indices[0, 2*ind+1] = ind
    indices[1, 2*ind+1] = v0
    data[2*ind+1] = -1.

    # the streamfunction should be zero at all boundary vertices
    ind = numpy.arange(nBoundaryVertices)
    indices[0, 2*nInnerEdges + ind] = nInnerEdges + ind
    indices[1, 2*nInnerEdges + ind] = boundaryVertices
    data[2*nInnerEdges + ind] = 1.

    bsfVertex = xarray.DataArray(numpy.zeros((nTime, nVertices)),
                                 dims=('Time', 'nVertices'))

    for tIndex in range(nTime):
        rhs = numpy.zeros(nInnerEdges+nBoundaryVertices, dtype=float)

        # convert to Sv
        ind = numpy.arange(nInnerEdges)
        rhs[ind] = 1e-6*transport.isel(Time=tIndex)

        ind = numpy.arange(nBoundaryVertices)
        rhs[nInnerEdges + ind] = 0.

        M = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, indices),

        solution = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(M, rhs)

        bsfVertex[tIndex, :] = -solution[0]

    return bsfVertex

def _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell(dsMesh, bsfVertex):
    Interpolate the barotropic streamfunction from vertices to cells
    nEdgesOnCell = dsMesh.nEdgesOnCell
    edgesOnCell = dsMesh.edgesOnCell - 1
    verticesOnCell = dsMesh.verticesOnCell - 1
    areaEdge = 0.25*dsMesh.dcEdge*dsMesh.dvEdge

    nCells = dsMesh.sizes['nCells']
    maxEdges = dsMesh.sizes['maxEdges']

    areaVert = xarray.DataArray(numpy.zeros((nCells, maxEdges)),
                                dims=('nCells', 'maxEdges'))

    for iVert in range(maxEdges):
        edgeIndices = edgesOnCell.isel(maxEdges=iVert)
        mask = iVert < nEdgesOnCell
        areaVert[:, iVert] += 0.5*mask*areaEdge.isel(nEdges=edgeIndices)

    for iVert in range(maxEdges-1):
        edgeIndices = edgesOnCell.isel(maxEdges=iVert+1)
        mask = iVert+1 < nEdgesOnCell
        areaVert[:, iVert] += 0.5*mask*areaEdge.isel(nEdges=edgeIndices)

    edgeIndices = edgesOnCell.isel(maxEdges=0)
    mask = nEdgesOnCell == maxEdges
    areaVert[:, maxEdges-1] += 0.5*mask*areaEdge.isel(nEdges=edgeIndices)

    bsfCell = ((areaVert * bsfVertex[:, verticesOnCell]).sum(dim='maxEdges') /

    return bsfCell

if __name__ == '__main__':

And here’s the one for plotting it:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import xarray
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.colors as cols
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import cmocean
import cartopy
import pyproj
import os

from pyremap import ProjectionGridDescriptor

def get_antarctic_stereographic_projection():  # {{{
    Get a projection for an Antarctic steregraphic comparison grid

    projection : ``pyproj.Proj`` object
        The projection
    # Authors
    # -------
    # Xylar Asay-Davis

    projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0.0 '
                             '+k_0=1.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84')

    return projection  # }}}

def get_fris_stereographic_comparison_descriptor():  # {{{
    Get a descriptor of a region of a polar stereographic grid centered on the
    Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, used for remapping and determining the grid name

    descriptor : ``ProjectionGridDescriptor`` object
        A descriptor of the FRIS comparison grid
    # Authors
    # -------
    # Xylar Asay-Davis

    x = numpy.linspace(-1.6e6, -0.5e6, 1101)
    y = numpy.linspace(0., 1.1e6, 1101)
    Lx = 1e-3*(x[-1] - x[0])
    Ly = 1e-3*(y[-1] - y[0])
    dx = 1e-3*(x[1] - x[0])

    projection = get_antarctic_stereographic_projection()

    meshName = '{}x{}km_{}km_FRIS_stereo'.format(Lx, Ly, dx)
    descriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create(projection, x, y, meshName)

    return descriptor  # }}}

def add_land_lakes_coastline(ax):
    land_50m = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature(
            'physical', 'land', '50m', edgecolor='k',
            facecolor='#cccccc', linewidth=0.5)
    lakes_50m = cartopy.feature.NaturalEarthFeature(
            'physical', 'lakes', '50m', edgecolor='k',
    ax.add_feature(land_50m, zorder=2)
    ax.add_feature(lakes_50m, zorder=4)

def add_arrow_to_line2D(ax, path, arrow_spacing=100e3,):
    Add arrows to a matplotlib.lines.Line2D at selected locations.

    line: list of 1 Line2D object as returned by plot command
    arrow_spacing: distance in m between arrows

    arrows: list of arrows
    v = path.vertices
    x = v[:, 0]
    y = v[:, 1]

    arrows = []
    s = numpy.cumsum(numpy.sqrt(numpy.diff(x) ** 2 + numpy.diff(y) ** 2))
    indices = numpy.searchsorted(s, arrow_spacing*numpy.arange(1,
    for n in indices:
        dx = numpy.mean(x[n-2:n]) - x[n]
        dy = numpy.mean(y[n-2:n]) - y[n]
        p = mpatches.FancyArrow(
            x[n], y[n], dx, dy, length_includes_head=False, width=4e3,
    return arrows

def savefig(filename, tight=True, pad_inches=0.1, plot_pdf=True):
    Saves the current plot to a file, then closes it.
    filename : str
        the file name to be written
    config :  mpas_analysis.configuration.MpasAnalysisConfigParser
        Configuration options
    tight : bool, optional
        whether to tightly crop the figure
    pad_inches : float, optional
        The boarder around the image
    # Authors
    # -------
    # Xylar Asay-Davis

    if tight:
        bbox_inches = 'tight'
        bbox_inches = None

    filenames = [filename]

    if plot_pdf:
        pdf_filename = '{}.pdf'.format(os.path.splitext(filename)[0])

    for path in filenames:
        plt.savefig(path, dpi='figure', bbox_inches=bbox_inches,


descriptor = get_fris_stereographic_comparison_descriptor()

projection =
    central_latitude=-90., central_longitude=0.0,

matplotlib.rc('font', size=14)

x = descriptor.xCorner
y = descriptor.yCorner

extent = [x[0], x[-1], y[0], y[-1]]

dx = x[1] - x[0]
dy = y[1] - y[0]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[15, 7.5], dpi=200)

titles = ['control (yrs 51-60)', 'control (yrs 111-120)']

for index, yrs in enumerate(['0051-0060', '0111-0120']):
    filename = 'control/bsf_{}_1100.0x1100.0km_1.0km_' \
    with xarray.open_dataset(filename) as ds:

        ds = ds.isel(Time=0)

        bsf = ds.bsfVertex
        bsf = bsf.where(bsf != 0.).values

    #u = 1e6*(bsf[2:, 1:-1] - bsf[:-2, 1:-1])/dy
    #v = -1e6*(bsf[1:-1, 2:] - bsf[1:-1, :-2])/dx

    #x = 0.5*(x[1:-2] + x[2:-1])
    #y = 0.5*(y[1:-2] + y[2:-1])

    xc = 0.5*(x[0:-1] + x[1:])
    yc = 0.5*(y[0:-1] + y[1:])

    ax = fig.add_subplot(121+index, projection=projection)

    ax.set_title(titles[index], y=1.06, size=16)

    ax.set_extent(extent, crs=projection)

    gl = ax.gridlines(, color='k',
                      linestyle=':', zorder=5, draw_labels=False)
    gl.xlocator = mticker.FixedLocator(numpy.arange(-180., 181., 10.))
    gl.ylocator = mticker.FixedLocator(numpy.arange(-88., 81., 2.))
    gl.n_steps = 100
    gl.rotate_labels = False
    gl.x_inline = False
    gl.y_inline = False
    gl.xformatter = cartopy.mpl.gridliner.LONGITUDE_FORMATTER
    gl.yformatter = cartopy.mpl.gridliner.LATITUDE_FORMATTER
    gl.left_labels = False
    gl.right_labels = False


    norm = cols.SymLogNorm(linthresh=0.1, linscale=0.5, vmin=-10., vmax=10.)
    ticks = [-10., -3., -1., -0.3, -0.1, 0., 0.1, 0.3, 1., 3., 10.]

    levels = numpy.linspace(-1., 1., 11)

    handle = plt.pcolormesh(x, y, bsf, norm=norm, cmap='cmo.curl',

    cs = plt.contour(xc, yc, bsf, levels=levels, colors='k')

    for collection in cs.collections:
        for path in collection.get_paths():
            add_arrow_to_line2D(ax, path)

    divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
    cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1,
    if index < 1:
        cbar = plt.colorbar(handle, cax=cax)
        cbar.set_label('Barotropic streamfunction (Sv)')
        cbar.set_ticklabels(['{}'.format(tick) for tick in ticks])

Here’s a plot that I think was produced with this code (but I’m not 100% sure).


3. Selecting an existing task to copy

I selected ClimatologyMapOHCAnomaly as the analysis task that was closest to what I envision for a new ClimatologyMapBSF task. Here were my thoughts:

  • Both OHC and BSF plot 2D fields (as opposed to some of the analysis like WOA, Argo and SOSE that work with 3D temperature, salinity and sometimes other fields).

  • Neither OHC nor BSF have observations to compare with.

  • Both OHC and BSF require computing a new field, rather than directly using output from MPAS-Ocean.

On the other hand, there are some major differences between the 2 that will mean my job isn’t a simple substitution:

  • While OHC is computed over different depth ranges, we do not want that for the BSF analysis.

  • We will eventually want some “fancier” plotting for the BSF that draws streamlines with arrows. That’s not currently available in any MPAS-Analysis tasks.

  • OHC involves computing an anomaly, but that isn’t anything we need for BSF.

Even so, ClimatologyMapOHCAnomaly seems like a reasonable starting point.

4. Developing the task

I’ll start just by making a new worktree, then copying the “template” analysis task to the new name:

git worktree add ../add_climatology_map_bsf
cd ../add_climatology_map_bsf
cp mpas_analysis/ocean/ mpas_analysis/ocean/

Then, I’ll open this new worktree in VS Code. (You can, of course, use whatever editor you like.)

code .

I’ll create or recreate my mpas_dev environment as in Developer: Getting Started, and then make sure to at least do:

conda activate mpas_dev
python -m pip install --no-deps --no-build-isolation -e .

This last command installs the mpas_analysis package into the conda environment.

4.1 ClimatologyMapBSF class

In the editor, I rename the class from ClimatologyMapOHCAnomaly to ClimatologyMapBSF and task name from climatologyMapOHCAnomaly to climatologyMapBSF.

Then, I update the docstring right away because otherwise I’ll forget!

class ClimatologyMapBSF(AnalysisTask):
    An analysis task for computing and plotting maps of the barotropic
    streamfunction (BSF)

    mpas_climatology_task : mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.MpasClimatologyTask
        The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted

I keep the mpas_climatology_task attribute because I’m going to need a climatology of the velocity field and layer thicknesses that I will get from that task, but I know I won’t need the ref_year_climatology_task attribute so I get rid of it.

4.2 Constructor

Then, I move on to the constructor. The main things I need to do besides renaming the task are:

  • rename the field I’m processing to barotropicStreamfunction.

  • clean up the tags a little bit (change anomaly to streamfunction).

  • get rid of ref_year_climatology_task since I’m not computing anomalies.

  • get rid of depth_range because I’m using only the full ocean column.

def __init__(self, config, mpas_climatology_task, control_config=None):
     Construct the analysis task.

     config : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser
         Configuration options

     mpas_climatology_task : mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.MpasClimatologyTask
         The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted

     control_config : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser, optional
         Configuration options for a control run (if any)

     field_name = 'barotropicStreamfunction'
     # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask)
     super().__init__(config=config, taskName='climatologyMapBSF',
                      tags=['climatology', 'horizontalMap', field_name,
                            'publicObs', 'streamfunction'])

     self.mpas_climatology_task = mpas_climatology_task

     section_name = self.taskName

     # read in what seasons we want to plot
     seasons = config.getexpression(section_name, 'seasons')

     if len(seasons) == 0:
         raise ValueError(f'config section {section_name} does not contain '
                          f'valid list of seasons')

     comparison_grid_names = config.getexpression(section_name,

     if len(comparison_grid_names) == 0:
         raise ValueError(f'config section {section_name} does not contain '
                          f'valid list of comparison grids')

Next, I need to update the mpas_field_name (which I can choose since I’m computing the field here, it’s not something produced by MPAS-Ocean). And then I need to specify the fields from the timeSeriesStatsMonthlyOutput data that I will use in the computation:

mpas_field_name = field_name

variable_list = ['timeMonthly_avg_normalVelocity',

In the next block of code, I:

  • get rid of the for-loop over depth ranges and unindent the code that was in it.

  • rename RemapMpasOHCClimatology to RemapMpasBSFClimatology (we will get to this in section 5)

  • make my best guess about the arguments I do and don’t need for the constructor of RemapMpasBSFClimatology

remap_climatology_subtask = RemapMpasBSFClimatology(


In the remainder of the constructor, I

  • update things like the name of the field being plotted and the units

  • continue to get rid of things related to depth range

out_file_label = field_name
remap_observations_subtask = None
if control_config is None:
    ref_title_label = None
    ref_field_name = None
    diff_title_label = 'Model - Observations'

    control_run_name = control_config.get('runs', 'mainRunName')
    ref_title_label = f'Control: {control_run_name}'
    ref_field_name = mpas_field_name
    diff_title_label = 'Main - Control'

for comparison_grid_name in comparison_grid_names:
    for season in seasons:
        # make a new subtask for this season and comparison grid
        subtask_name = f'plot{season}_{comparison_grid_name}'

        subtask = PlotClimatologyMapSubtask(
            self, season, comparison_grid_name,
            remap_climatology_subtask, remap_observations_subtask,
            controlConfig=control_config, subtaskName=subtask_name)

            fieldNameInTitle=f'Barotropic Streamfunction',
            imageCaption='Barotropic Streamfunction',
            galleryGroup='Barotropic Streamfunction',


This will result in a “gallery” on the web page called “Barotropic Streamfunction” with a single image in it. That seems a little silly but we’ll change that later if we feel the need.

4.3 setup_and_check() method

In the OHC analysis task, we needed to check if the reference year for the anomaly and the climatology year were different from one another. We don’t need this check for the BSF because we’re not computing an anomaly here. So we can get rid of the setup_and_check() method entirely and the version from AnalysisTask (the superclass) will be called automatically.

At this point, I commit my changes even though I’m less than halfway done.

git add mpas_analysis/ocean/
git commit

I can always do

git commit --amend mpas_analysis/ocean/

to keep adding changes to my commit as I go.

5. Developing a subtask

Similarly to how RemapMpasOHCClimatology computes the ocean heat content, we need a class for computing the barotropic streamfunction before we remap to the comparison grid. In general, it is important to perform computations on the native MPAS mesh before remapping to the comparison grid but in the case of the barotropic streamfunction, this is especially true. Any attempt to compute this analysis directly on the comparison grid (e.g. using remapped, reconstructed velocity components) would be woefully inaccurate.

5.1 RemapMpasBSFClimatology class

We start by renaming the class from RemapMpasOHCClimatology to RemapMpasBSFClimatology, updating the docstring, removing the unneeded attributes:

class RemapMpasBSFClimatology(RemapMpasClimatologySubtask):
    A subtask for computing climatologies of the barotropic streamfunction
    from climatologies of normal velocity and layer thickness

3.2 Constructor

I started by taking out all of the unneeded parameters from the constructor. What I was left with was simply a call to the constructor of the superclass RemapMpasClimatologySubtask. In such a case, there is no point in overriding the constructor. We should simply leave the constructor for the superclass. The main difference is that I had switched away from mixed capitalization in the RemapMpasOHCClimatology to conform to the PEP8 style guide. The superclass still uses mixed case so we will have to change the call in ClimatologyMapBSF just a little:

remap_climatology_subtask = RemapMpasBSFClimatology(

5.3 setup_and_check() method

The same turns out to be true of setup_and_check(). As soon as I get rid of everything we no longer need in the BSF version, all I am left with is a call to the superclass’ version, and in that case we might as well get rid of the method entirely.

5.4 customize_masked_climatology() method

Finally, we’ve gotten to the part where the real work will take place!

The sub task will run in the same way as described in 3.4 run_task() method of the Developers: Understanding an analysis task tutorial. In the process, the customize_masked_climatology() method will get called and that’s our chance to make some changes.

Before writing that method, first, I copy the 3 helper functions _compute_transport(), _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(), and _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell() from my example script. Other than making them methods instead of functions and cleaning up the syntax a bit so they conform to the PEP8 style guide, I leave them unchanged:

def _compute_transport(self, ds_mesh, ds):

    cells_on_edge = ds_mesh.cellsOnEdge - 1
    inner_edges = np.logical_and(cells_on_edge.isel(TWO=0) >= 0,
                                 cells_on_edge.isel(TWO=1) >= 0)

    # convert from boolean mask to indices
    inner_edges = np.flatnonzero(inner_edges.values)

    cell0 = cells_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=0)
    cell1 = cells_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=1)

    layer_thickness = ds.timeMonthly_avg_layerThickness
    normal_velocity = \

    layer_thickness_edge = 0.5*(layer_thickness.isel(nCells=cell0) +
    transport = ds_mesh.dvEdge[inner_edges] * \
        (layer_thickness_edge * normal_velocity).sum(dim='nVertLevels')

    return inner_edges, transport

def _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(self, ds_mesh, ds):
    inner_edges, transport = self._compute_transport(ds_mesh, ds)
    print('transport computed.')

    nvertices = ds_mesh.sizes['nVertices']
    ntime = ds.sizes['Time']

    cells_on_vertex = ds_mesh.cellsOnVertex - 1
    vertices_on_edge = ds_mesh.verticesOnEdge - 1
    is_boundary_cov = cells_on_vertex == -1
    boundary_vertices = np.logical_or(is_boundary_cov.isel(vertexDegree=0),
    boundary_vertices = np.logical_or(boundary_vertices,

    # convert from boolean mask to indices
    boundary_vertices = np.flatnonzero(boundary_vertices.values)

    n_boundary_vertices = len(boundary_vertices)
    n_inner_edges = len(inner_edges)

    indices = np.zeros((2, 2*n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices), dtype=int)
    data = np.zeros(2*n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices, dtype=float)

    # The difference between the streamfunction at vertices on an inner
    # edge should be equal to the transport
    v0 = vertices_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=0).values
    v1 = vertices_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=1).values

    ind = np.arange(n_inner_edges)
    indices[0, 2*ind] = ind
    indices[1, 2*ind] = v1
    data[2*ind] = 1.

    indices[0, 2*ind+1] = ind
    indices[1, 2*ind+1] = v0
    data[2*ind+1] = -1.

    # the streamfunction should be zero at all boundary vertices
    ind = np.arange(n_boundary_vertices)
    indices[0, 2*n_inner_edges + ind] = n_inner_edges + ind
    indices[1, 2*n_inner_edges + ind] = boundary_vertices
    data[2*n_inner_edges + ind] = 1.

    bsf_vertex = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((ntime, nvertices)),
                              dims=('Time', 'nVertices'))

    for tindex in range(ntime):
        rhs = np.zeros(n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices, dtype=float)

        # convert to Sv
        ind = np.arange(n_inner_edges)
        rhs[ind] = 1e-6*transport.isel(Time=tindex)

        ind = np.arange(n_boundary_vertices)
        rhs[n_inner_edges + ind] = 0.

        matrix = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(
            (data, indices),
            shape=(n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices, nvertices))

        solution = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(matrix, rhs)

        bsf_vertex[tindex, :] = -solution[0]

    return bsf_vertex

def _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell(self, ds_mesh, bsf_vertex):
    Interpolate the barotropic streamfunction from vertices to cells
    n_edges_on_cell = ds_mesh.nEdgesOnCell
    edges_on_cell = ds_mesh.edgesOnCell - 1
    vertices_on_cell = ds_mesh.verticesOnCell - 1
    area_edge = 0.25*ds_mesh.dcEdge*ds_mesh.dvEdge

    ncells = ds_mesh.sizes['nCells']
    max_edges = ds_mesh.sizes['maxEdges']

    area_vert = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((ncells, max_edges)),
                             dims=('nCells', 'maxEdges'))

    for ivert in range(max_edges):
        edge_indices = edges_on_cell.isel(maxEdges=ivert)
        mask = ivert < n_edges_on_cell
        area_vert[:, ivert] += 0.5*mask*area_edge.isel(nEdges=edge_indices)

    for ivert in range(max_edges-1):
        edge_indices = edges_on_cell.isel(maxEdges=ivert+1)
        mask = ivert+1 < n_edges_on_cell
        area_vert[:, ivert] += 0.5*mask*area_edge.isel(nEdges=edge_indices)

    edge_indices = edges_on_cell.isel(maxEdges=0)
    mask = n_edges_on_cell == max_edges
    area_vert[:, max_edges-1] += \

    bsf_cell = \
        ((area_vert * bsf_vertex[:, vertices_on_cell]).sum(dim='maxEdges') /

    return bsf_cell

I also add some missing imports and delete an unused one at the top:

import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask
from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology import RemapMpasClimatologySubtask
from mpas_analysis.ocean.plot_climatology_map_subtask import \

Finally, I substitute the functionality of the main() function in my script into the customize_masked_climatology() function:

def customize_masked_climatology(self, climatology, season):
    Compute the ocean heat content (OHC) anomaly from the temperature
    and layer thickness fields.

    climatology : xarray.Dataset
        the climatology data set

    season : str
        The name of the season to be masked

    climatology : xarray.Dataset
        the modified climatology data set
    logger = self.logger

    ds_mesh = xr.open_dataset(self.restartFileName)
    ds_mesh = ds_mesh[['cellsOnEdge', 'cellsOnVertex', 'nEdgesOnCell',
                       'edgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'verticesOnEdge',
                       'dcEdge', 'dvEdge']]

    bsf_vertex = self._compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(
        ds_mesh, climatology)'bsf on vertices computed.')
    bsf_cell = self._compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell(
        ds_mesh, bsf_vertex)'bsf on cells computed.')

    climatology['barotropicStreamfunction'] = \
        bsf_cell.transpose('Time', 'nCells', 'nVertices')
    climatology.barotropicStreamfunction.attrs['units'] = 'Sv'
    climatology.barotropicStreamfunction.attrs['description'] = \
        'barotropic streamfunction at cell centers'

    climatology = climatology.drop_vars(self.variableList)

    return climatology

We get mesh variables from a restart file to make the xarray dataset ds_mesh. These are passed on to the helper functions.

We use instead of print() so the output goes to a log file. (This isn’t strictly necessary since MPAS-Analysis also hijacks the print() function to make sure its output goes to log files, but it makes clearer what we expect and also opens up the opportunity to use logger.debug(), logger.warn() and logger.error() where appropriate.

There isn’t a way to store the barotropic streamfunction on vertices in the climatology, as was done in the original script, because the remapping code is expecting data only at cell centers.

Before we return the modified climatology, we drop the normal velocity and layer thickness from the data set, since they were only needed to help us compute the BSF.

6. Config options

We’re not quite done yet. We need to set some config options for the analysis task that the PlotClimatologyMapSubtask subtask is expecting. Again, an easy starting point is to copy the [climatologyMapOHCAnomaly] section of the default.cfg file into a new [climatologyMapBSF] section, and then delete the things we don’t need, and finally make a few modifications so the color map and data range is more similar to the plot script I used above:

## options related to plotting horizontally remapped climatologies of
## the barotropic streamfunction (BSF) against control model results
## (if available)

# colormap for model/observations
colormapNameResult = cmo.curl
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeResult = continuous
# color indices into colormapName for filled contours
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeResult = symLog
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsResult = {'linthresh': 0.1, 'linscale': 0.5, 'vmin': -10., 'vmax': 10.}
colorbarTicksResult = [-10., -3., -1., -0.3, -0.1, 0., 0.1, 0.3, 1., 3., 10.]

# colormap for differences
colormapNameDifference = cmo.balance
# whether the colormap is indexed or continuous
colormapTypeDifference = continuous
# the type of norm used in the colormap
normTypeDifference = symLog
# A dictionary with keywords for the norm
normArgsDifference = {'linthresh': 0.1, 'linscale': 0.5, 'vmin': -10.,
                      'vmax': 10.}
colorbarTicksDifference = [-10., -3., -1., -0.3, -0.1, 0., 0.1, 0.3, 1., 3.,

# Months or seasons to plot (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct,
# Nov, Dec, JFM, AMJ, JAS, OND, ANN)
seasons =  ['ANN']

# comparison grid(s) ('latlon', 'antarctic') on which to plot analysis
comparisonGrids = ['latlon']

7. Adding the task

There is one last step required to add this task to MPAS-Analysis. You should add the task to the mpas_analysis/<component>/ so it is a little easier to import the task. Try to add it near similar tasks:

  from mpas_analysis.ocean.climatology_map_eke import ClimatologyMapEKE
  from mpas_analysis.ocean.climatology_map_bsf import \
  from mpas_analysis.ocean.climatology_map_ohc_anomaly import \

Then, add the task in mpas_analysis/

      config, oceanClimatolgyTasks['avg'], oceanRefYearClimatolgyTask,

A quick way to check if the task has been added correctly is to run:

mpas_analysis --list

You should see the new task in the list of tasks.

8. Adding documentation

You need to add the task to the documentation. The easiest way to do this is to copy an existing task’s documentation (the more similar, the better) in the tasks directory and then modify it.

You also need to add the tasks class and public methods to the api.rst in the developer’s guide. Again, the easiest approach is to copy the section for a similar task and modify as needed.

With the mpas_dev environment activated, you can run:

cd docs
make clean html

to build the docs locally in the _build/html subdirectory. When generating documentation on HPC machines, you will want to copy the html output to the public web space to view it, or if the web portal is being cranky, scp it to your local machine.

9. The full code for posterity

Since the ClimatologyMapBSF analysis task is not in MPAS-Analysis yet and since it may have evolved by the time it gets added, here is the full code as described in this tutorial:

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Additional copyright and license information can be found in the LICENSE file
# distributed with this code, or at
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg

from mpas_analysis.shared import AnalysisTask
from mpas_analysis.shared.climatology import RemapMpasClimatologySubtask
from mpas_analysis.ocean.plot_climatology_map_subtask import \

class ClimatologyMapBSF(AnalysisTask):
    An analysis task for computing and plotting maps of the barotropic
    streamfunction (BSF)

    mpas_climatology_task : mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.MpasClimatologyTask
        The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted

    def __init__(self, config, mpas_climatology_task, control_config=None):
        Construct the analysis task.

        config : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser
            Configuration options

        mpas_climatology_task : mpas_analysis.shared.climatology.MpasClimatologyTask
            The task that produced the climatology to be remapped and plotted

        control_config : mpas_tools.config.MpasConfigParser, optional
            Configuration options for a control run (if any)

        field_name = 'barotropicStreamfunction'
        # call the constructor from the base class (AnalysisTask)
        super().__init__(config=config, taskName='climatologyMapBSF',
                         tags=['climatology', 'horizontalMap', field_name,
                               'publicObs', 'streamfunction'])

        self.mpas_climatology_task = mpas_climatology_task

        section_name = self.taskName

        # read in what seasons we want to plot
        seasons = config.getexpression(section_name, 'seasons')

        if len(seasons) == 0:
            raise ValueError(f'config section {section_name} does not contain '
                             f'valid list of seasons')

        comparison_grid_names = config.getexpression(section_name,

        if len(comparison_grid_names) == 0:
            raise ValueError(f'config section {section_name} does not contain '
                             f'valid list of comparison grids')

        mpas_field_name = field_name

        variable_list = ['timeMonthly_avg_normalVelocity',

        remap_climatology_subtask = RemapMpasBSFClimatology(


        out_file_label = field_name
        remap_observations_subtask = None
        if control_config is None:
            ref_title_label = None
            ref_field_name = None
            diff_title_label = 'Model - Observations'

            control_run_name = control_config.get('runs', 'mainRunName')
            ref_title_label = f'Control: {control_run_name}'
            ref_field_name = mpas_field_name
            diff_title_label = 'Main - Control'

        for comparison_grid_name in comparison_grid_names:
            for season in seasons:
                # make a new subtask for this season and comparison grid
                subtask_name = f'plot{season}_{comparison_grid_name}'

                subtask = PlotClimatologyMapSubtask(
                    self, season, comparison_grid_name,
                    remap_climatology_subtask, remap_observations_subtask,
                    controlConfig=control_config, subtaskName=subtask_name)

                    fieldNameInTitle=f'Barotropic Streamfunction',
                    imageCaption='Barotropic Streamfunction',
                    galleryGroup='Barotropic Streamfunction',


class RemapMpasBSFClimatology(RemapMpasClimatologySubtask):
    A subtask for computing climatologies of the barotropic streamfunction
    from climatologies of normal velocity and layer thickness

    def customize_masked_climatology(self, climatology, season):
        Compute the ocean heat content (OHC) anomaly from the temperature
        and layer thickness fields.

        climatology : xarray.Dataset
            the climatology data set

        season : str
            The name of the season to be masked

        climatology : xarray.Dataset
            the modified climatology data set
        logger = self.logger

        ds_mesh = xr.open_dataset(self.restartFileName)
        ds_mesh = ds_mesh[['cellsOnEdge', 'cellsOnVertex', 'nEdgesOnCell',
                           'edgesOnCell', 'verticesOnCell', 'verticesOnEdge',
                           'dcEdge', 'dvEdge']]

        bsf_vertex = self._compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(
            ds_mesh, climatology)'bsf on vertices computed.')
        bsf_cell = self._compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell(
            ds_mesh, bsf_vertex)'bsf on cells computed.')

        climatology['barotropicStreamfunction'] = \
            bsf_cell.transpose('Time', 'nCells', 'nVertices')
        climatology.barotropicStreamfunction.attrs['units'] = 'Sv'
        climatology.barotropicStreamfunction.attrs['description'] = \
            'barotropic streamfunction at cell centers'

        climatology = climatology.drop_vars(self.variableList)

        return climatology

    def _compute_transport(self, ds_mesh, ds):

        cells_on_edge = ds_mesh.cellsOnEdge - 1
        inner_edges = np.logical_and(cells_on_edge.isel(TWO=0) >= 0,
                                     cells_on_edge.isel(TWO=1) >= 0)

        # convert from boolean mask to indices
        inner_edges = np.flatnonzero(inner_edges.values)

        cell0 = cells_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=0)
        cell1 = cells_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=1)

        layer_thickness = ds.timeMonthly_avg_layerThickness
        normal_velocity = \

        layer_thickness_edge = 0.5*(layer_thickness.isel(nCells=cell0) +
        transport = ds_mesh.dvEdge[inner_edges] * \
            (layer_thickness_edge * normal_velocity).sum(dim='nVertLevels')

        return inner_edges, transport

    def _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_vertex(self, ds_mesh, ds):
        inner_edges, transport = self._compute_transport(ds_mesh, ds)
        print('transport computed.')

        nvertices = ds_mesh.sizes['nVertices']
        ntime = ds.sizes['Time']

        cells_on_vertex = ds_mesh.cellsOnVertex - 1
        vertices_on_edge = ds_mesh.verticesOnEdge - 1
        is_boundary_cov = cells_on_vertex == -1
        boundary_vertices = np.logical_or(is_boundary_cov.isel(vertexDegree=0),
        boundary_vertices = np.logical_or(boundary_vertices,

        # convert from boolean mask to indices
        boundary_vertices = np.flatnonzero(boundary_vertices.values)

        n_boundary_vertices = len(boundary_vertices)
        n_inner_edges = len(inner_edges)

        indices = np.zeros((2, 2*n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices), dtype=int)
        data = np.zeros(2*n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices, dtype=float)

        # The difference between the streamfunction at vertices on an inner
        # edge should be equal to the transport
        v0 = vertices_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=0).values
        v1 = vertices_on_edge.isel(nEdges=inner_edges, TWO=1).values

        ind = np.arange(n_inner_edges)
        indices[0, 2*ind] = ind
        indices[1, 2*ind] = v1
        data[2*ind] = 1.

        indices[0, 2*ind+1] = ind
        indices[1, 2*ind+1] = v0
        data[2*ind+1] = -1.

        # the streamfunction should be zero at all boundary vertices
        ind = np.arange(n_boundary_vertices)
        indices[0, 2*n_inner_edges + ind] = n_inner_edges + ind
        indices[1, 2*n_inner_edges + ind] = boundary_vertices
        data[2*n_inner_edges + ind] = 1.

        bsf_vertex = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((ntime, nvertices)),
                                  dims=('Time', 'nVertices'))

        for tindex in range(ntime):
            rhs = np.zeros(n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices, dtype=float)

            # convert to Sv
            ind = np.arange(n_inner_edges)
            rhs[ind] = 1e-6*transport.isel(Time=tindex)

            ind = np.arange(n_boundary_vertices)
            rhs[n_inner_edges + ind] = 0.

            matrix = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(
                (data, indices),
                shape=(n_inner_edges+n_boundary_vertices, nvertices))

            solution = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(matrix, rhs)

            bsf_vertex[tindex, :] = -solution[0]

        return bsf_vertex

    def _compute_barotropic_streamfunction_cell(self, ds_mesh, bsf_vertex):
        Interpolate the barotropic streamfunction from vertices to cells
        n_edges_on_cell = ds_mesh.nEdgesOnCell
        edges_on_cell = ds_mesh.edgesOnCell - 1
        vertices_on_cell = ds_mesh.verticesOnCell - 1
        area_edge = 0.25*ds_mesh.dcEdge*ds_mesh.dvEdge

        ncells = ds_mesh.sizes['nCells']
        max_edges = ds_mesh.sizes['maxEdges']

        area_vert = xr.DataArray(np.zeros((ncells, max_edges)),
                                 dims=('nCells', 'maxEdges'))

        for ivert in range(max_edges):
            edge_indices = edges_on_cell.isel(maxEdges=ivert)
            mask = ivert < n_edges_on_cell
            area_vert[:, ivert] += 0.5*mask*area_edge.isel(nEdges=edge_indices)

        for ivert in range(max_edges-1):
            edge_indices = edges_on_cell.isel(maxEdges=ivert+1)
            mask = ivert+1 < n_edges_on_cell
            area_vert[:, ivert] += 0.5*mask*area_edge.isel(nEdges=edge_indices)

        edge_indices = edges_on_cell.isel(maxEdges=0)
        mask = n_edges_on_cell == max_edges
        area_vert[:, max_edges-1] += \

        bsf_cell = \
            ((area_vert * bsf_vertex[:, vertices_on_cell]).sum(dim='maxEdges') /

        return bsf_cell