For details on LANL IC, see Grizzly.
login: ssh -t $ ssh ba-fe
config options¶
Here are the default config options added when Badger is automatically
detected or you choose -m badger
when setting up test cases or a test
# The paths section describes paths that are used within the ocean core test
# cases.
# The root to a location where the mesh_database, initial_condition_database,
# and bathymetry_database for MPAS-Ocean will be cached
ocean_database_root = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/
# The root to a location where the mesh_database and initial_condition_database
# for MALI will be cached
landice_database_root = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/mpas_standalonedata/mpas-albany-landice
# the path to the base conda environment where compass environments have
# been created
compass_envs = /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/compass/badger/base
# Options related to deploying a compass conda environment on supported
# machines
# the compiler set to use for system libraries and MPAS builds
compiler = intel
# the system MPI library to use for intel compiler
mpi_intel = impi
# the system MPI library to use for gnu compiler
mpi_gnu = mvapich
# the base path to system libraries to be added as part of setting up compass
system_libs = /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/compass/badger/system
Additionally, some relevant config options come from the mache package:
# The parallel section describes options related to running jobs in parallel
# parallel system of execution: slurm, cobalt or single_node
system = slurm
# whether to use mpirun or srun to run a task
parallel_executable = srun
# cores per node on the machine
cores_per_node = 36
# account for running diagnostics jobs
account = e3sm
# quality of service (default is the first)
qos = regular, interactive
Intel on Badger¶
To load the compass environment and modules, and set appropriate environment variables:
source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/compass/badger/
To build the MPAS model with
make intel-mpi
Gnu on Badger¶
To load the compass environment and modules, and set appropriate environment variables:
source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/compass/badger/
To build the MPAS model with
make gfortran