
LANL IC overview and search

DST Calendar (within LANL yellow)

Information about Slurm:

Machine specifications: grizzly badger turquoise network

login: ssh -t $ ssh gr-fe

File locations:

  • small home directory, for start-up scripts only: /users/$my_moniker

  • home directory, backed up: /usr/projects/climate/$my_moniker

  • scratch space, not backed up: /lustre/scratch3/turquoise/$my_moniker or scratch4

Check compute time:

  • sacctmgr list assoc user=$my_moniker format=Cluster,Account%18,Partition,QOS%45

  • Which is my default account? sacctmgr list user $my_moniker

  • sshare -a | head -2; sshare -a | grep $ACCOUNT | head -1

  • sreport -t Hours cluster AccountUtilizationByUser start=2019-12-02 | grep $ACCOUNT

  • check job priority: sshare -a | head -2; sshare -a | grep $ACCOUNT

  • LANL Cluster Usage Overview (within LANL yellow)

Check disk usage:

  • your home space: chkhome

  • total disk usage in Petabytes: df -BP |head -n 1; df -BP|grep climate; df -BP |grep scratch


  • turquoise HPSS archive

  • archive front end: ssh -t $ ssh ar-tn

  • storage available at: cd /archive/<project_name>

  • you can just copy files directly into here for a particular project.

LANL uses slurm. To obtain an interactive node:

salloc -N 1 -t 2:0:0 --qos=interactive

Use --account=ACCOUNT_NAME to change to a particular account.

config options

Here are the default config options added when you choose -m grizzly when setting up test cases or a test suite:

# The paths section describes paths that are used within the ocean core test
# cases.

# The root to a location where the mesh_database, initial_condition_database,
# and bathymetry_database for MPAS-Ocean will be cached
ocean_database_root = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/

# The root to a location where the mesh_database and initial_condition_database
# for MALI will be cached
landice_database_root = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/mpas_standalonedata/mpas-albany-landice

# the path to the base conda environment where compass environments have
# been created
compass_envs = /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base

# The parallel section describes options related to running tests in parallel

# parallel system of execution: slurm or single_node
system = slurm

# whether to use mpirun or srun to run the model
parallel_executable = srun

# cores per node on the machine
cores_per_node = 36

# the slurm account
account = e3sm

# the number of multiprocessing or dask threads to use
threads = 18

grizzly, gnu

To load the compass environment and modules, and set appropriate environment variables:

source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/compass/badger/

To build the MPAS model with

make gfortran

grizzly, intel

To load the compass environment and modules, and set appropriate environment variables:

source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/compass/badger/

To build the MPAS model with

make intel-mpi