Source code for compass.ocean.tests.isomip_plus.evap

import numpy
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import glob
import shutil

from import symlink

[docs]def update_evaporation_flux(in_forcing_file, out_forcing_file, out_forcing_link): """ Update the "evaporation" fluxes used to keep sea level under control for the ISOMIP+ experiments. The fields ``evaporationFlux``, ``seaIceSalinityFlux`` and ``seaIceHeatFlux`` are used to apply thickness, salt and heat fluxes at the surface near the northern boundary to act as a "spillway" preventing sea level from rising much above zero. Parameters ---------- in_forcing_file : str The original forcing file to be copied and be altered out_forcing_file : str The new forcing file with updated "evaporation" fluxes out_forcing_link : str A symlink that initially pointed ``in_forcing_file`` but will be updated to point to ``out_forcing_file``. """ shutil.copyfile(in_forcing_file, out_forcing_file) symlink(out_forcing_file, out_forcing_link) lastFileName = sorted(glob.glob('timeSeriesStatsMonthly*.nc'))[-1] outFile = Dataset(out_forcing_file, 'r+') inFile = Dataset('', 'r') areaCell = inFile.variables['areaCell'][:] ssh0 = inFile.variables['ssh'][0, :] inFile.close() evaporationFluxVar = outFile.variables['evaporationFlux'] seaIceSalinityFluxVar = outFile.variables['seaIceSalinityFlux'] seaIceHeatFluxVar = outFile.variables['seaIceHeatFlux'] evaporationFlux = evaporationFluxVar[0, :] evapMask = evaporationFlux != 0. evapArea = numpy.sum(areaCell*evapMask) totalArea = numpy.sum(areaCell) rho_sw = 1026. cp_sw = 3.996e3 secPerYear = 365*24*60*60 sflux_factor = 1.0 hflux_factor = 1.0/(rho_sw*cp_sw) Tsurf = -1.9 Ssurf = 33.8 meanSSH0 = numpy.sum(ssh0*evapMask*areaCell)/evapArea inFile = Dataset(lastFileName, 'r') ssh = inFile.variables['timeMonthly_avg_ssh'][0, :] inFile.close() meanSSH = numpy.sum(ssh*evapMask*areaCell)/evapArea deltaSSH = max(meanSSH - meanSSH0, 0.) # parameterize the outgoing flux as a "spillway" with the given width, # chosen to be 500 m so that a 20-m excess height is dissipated in about 2 # months spillwayWidth = 500. g = 9.81 flowRate = -spillwayWidth*numpy.sqrt(0.5*g*deltaSSH**3) estimatedHeightChange = flowRate*30*24*60*60/totalArea # evap (m/s) is only over evapArea and negative for evaporation rather than # precipitation meanEvapRate = flowRate/evapArea evapRate = meanEvapRate*evapMask evaporationFlux = evapRate*rho_sw print('update evap: mean sea-level increase: {} m'.format(deltaSSH)) print('update evap: est. one-month reduction by evap: {} m'.format( estimatedHeightChange)) print('update evap: evaporation rate: {} m/yr'.format( meanEvapRate*secPerYear)) evaporationFluxVar[0, :] = evaporationFlux seaIceSalinityFluxVar[0, :] = evapRate*Ssurf/sflux_factor seaIceHeatFluxVar[0, :] = evapRate*Tsurf/hflux_factor outFile.close()