
The global_convergence test group (compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.GlobalConvergence) implements convergence studies on the full globe. Currently, the only test case is the advection of a cosine bell.


The compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.CosineBell test performs a series of 24-day runs that advect a bell-shaped tracer blob around the sphere. The resolution of the sphere varies (by default, between 60 and 240 km). Advected results are compared with a known exact solution to determine the rate of convergence. See cosine_bell. for config options and more details on the test case.


The class compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.mesh.Mesh defines a step for building a global mesh with uniform resolution using mpas_tools.ocean.build_mesh.build_spherical_mesh().


The class compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.init.Init defines a step for setting up the initial state for each test case with a tracer distributed in a cosine-bell shape.


The class compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.forward.Forward defines a step for running MPAS-Ocean from the initial condition produced in the initial_state step. The time step is determined from the resolution based on the dt_per_km config option. Other namelist options are taken from the test case’s namelist.forward.


The class compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.analysis.Analysis defines a step for computing the RMSE (root-mean-squared error) for the results at each resolution and plotting them in convergence.png.