
A config file is used to setup a case directory. This file contains information describing how to configure a case directory, including files that the case depends on, executables that are required for the case, namelists and streams files the case requires, and run scripts which can be used to automate running a case.

How to use pre-defined paths

This testing infrastructure has several predefined paths available as attributes to several XML tags. Attributes that can use these will have the line “Can use pre-defined paths” in their description.

In order to help you make use of these pre-defined paths, this section will describe what they are, and how to use them.

To begin, there are two standard paths. These are referred to as <work_dir> and <script_path>.

  • <work_dir> is the location where the test cases are setup to run.

  • <script_path> is the location where the testing infrastructure scripts live.

Additionally, there are 4 sub-paths:

  • <core_dir> - This is the core directory that contains the test case

  • <configuration_dir> - This is the configuration directory that contains the test case

  • <resolution_dir> - This is the resolution directory that contains the test case

  • <test_dir> - This is the test directory that contains the test case

  • <case_dir> - This is the case directory that is generated from an XML config file

Now, all attributes that can use pre-defined paths can build a path using the following syntax:


Where {base} can be either work or script, and {sub} can be any of core_dir, configuration_dir, resolution_dir, test_dir, and case_dir.

Note however, case_dir isn’t valid when {base} is script as a case directory isn’t typically generated in the script path if it’s different from the work path.

As an example:

  • script_test_dir would point to the location that the XML files exist to setup a testcase

  • work_test_dir would point to the location that the testcase will be setup, and will not include the case directory created from an XML file.

Description of XML file

Below, you will see text describing the various XML tags available in a config file. Each will describe the tag itself, any attributes the tag can have, and what children can be placed below the tag.

<config> - This is the overarching parent tag of a config file that describes the setup for a case.

  • Attributes:
    • case: The name of the case directory that will be created from this config tag.

  • Children:
    • <get_file>

    • <add_executable>

    • <add_link>

    • <namelist>

    • <streams>

    • <run_script>

<get_file> - This tag defines the need for ensuring a required file is available, and the appropriate ways of acquiring the file.

  • Attributes:
    • hash: (Optional) The expected hash of the mesh file. The acquired mesh file will be validated using this. If this attribute is omitted, the resulting file will not be validated.

    • dest_path: The path the resulting file should be placed in. Should be the name of a path defined in the config file, or optionally ‘case’ which is expanded to be the case directory generated from the XML file containing the get_file tag. Can additionally take the values of pre-defined paths

    • file_name: The name of the file that will be downloaded and placed in dest_path.

  • Children:
    • <mirror>

<mirror> - This tag defined the different methods of acquiring a required file.

  • Attributes:
    • protocol: A description of how the mesh should be retrieved. Currently supports wget.

    • url: Only used if protocol == wget. The url (pre-filename) portion of the wget command.

<add_executable> - This tag defined the need to link an executable defined in a configuration file (e.g. general.config) into a case directory.

  • Attributes:
    • source: The name of the executable, defined in the configuration file (e.g. general.config). This name is a short name, and will be expanded to executables.source

    • dest: The name of the link that will be generated from the executable.

<add_link> - This tag defined the need to link a file into a case directory.

  • Attributes:
    • source_path: The path variable from a configure file to find the source file in. If it is empty, source is assumed to have the full path to the file. Additionally, it can take the values of:

      • Can use pre-defined paths

    • source: The source to generate a symlink from. Relative to the case directory that will be generated from the parent <config> tag.

    • dest: The name of the resulting symlink.

<namelist> - This tag defines a namelist that should be generated from a template.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the namelist file that will be generated from the template namelist pointed to by its mode attribute.

    • mode: The name of the mode to use from the template input files Each core can define these arbitrarily

  • Children:
    • <template>

    • <option>

<streams> - This tag defines a streams file that should be generated from a template.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the streams file that will be generated from the template streams file pointed to by its mode.

    • mode: The name of the mode to use from the template input files Each core can define these arbitrarily

    • keep: A definition of which streams to keep from the template. Values are:

      • all: keep all streams from the template

      • immutable: keep all immutable streams, and discard any mutable streams from the template

      • mutable: keep all mutable streams, and discard any immutable streams from the template

      • none: discard all streams from teh template

  • Children:
    • <template>

    • <stream>

<template> - This tag defines a template that should be applied to a set of configurations.

  • Attributes:
    • file: The file that contains the template that should be expanded here. When used within a <namelist> tag, the namelist portion of the template will be applied. When used within a <stream> tag, the streams portion of the template will be applied. Additionally, <template> tags can be used within <compare_fields> and <compare_timers> tags to define template fields and timers to compare.

    • path_base: The base that the path attribute should be used relative to. Can have a value of pre-defined paths

    • path: The path that the file lives in, relative to path_base.

<option> - This tag defines an option that should be modified in the generated namelist.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the option that should be modifed

  • Text:
    • The text within <option> and </option> tags will be used to set the value of the namelist option.

<stream> - This tag defines a stream that should be modified / created in the generated streams file.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the stream that should be modified / created

  • Children:
    • <attribute>

    • <add_contents>

    • <remove_contents>

<attribute> - This tag defines an attribute that should be created / modified in a stream definition.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the stream attribute to modify / define

  • Text:
    • The text in between the <attribute> and </attribute> tags will be used to set the value of the attribute.

<add_contents> - This tag defines a list of members to add to a stream definition

  • Children:
    • <member>

<remove_contents> - This tag defines a list of members to remove from a stream definition

  • Children:
    • <member>

<member> - This tag defines a member that should be added or removed from a stream definition.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the member that will be defined. If this is in an <add_contents> tag, it will be added to the stream, if it is in a <remove_contents> tag, it will be removed from the stream.

    • type: The type of the member to add (This is ignored if it’s within a <remove_contents> tag). Example values are var, var_array, var_struct, and stream.

<run_script> - This tag defines a new run script that should be generated.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the script that will be generated

  • Children:
    • <step>

    • <define_env_var>

    • <model_run>

<step> - This tag defines a step in a run script

  • Attributes:
    • executable: The base executable for this step of the run script. e.g. mpirun

    • executable_name: The name of the executable that has been defined in the configuration file to be used for this step of the run script.

  • Children:
    • <argument>

<argument> - This tag defines arguments for the executable in a specific step of a run script.

  • Attributes:
    • flag: A flag that will come before the argument. e.g. -n

  • Text:
    • The text between the <argument> and </argument> tags will be used as the argument after the flag. In the example mpirun -n 4 the flag would be -n, and the text would be 4.

<define_env_var> - This tag is used to define an environment variable which might be needed when running the model. For example, setting the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS to ensure OpenMP threading is used.

  • Attributes:
    • name: The name of the variable that will be set

    • value: The value that will be given to the variable

<model_run> - This tag is used to define a run of the model, as configured by some set of attributes.

  • Attributes:
    • This tag is unique, in that it can take a variety of attributes. The attributes available depend on the batch system. Within the definition of the batch system, any attribute that has a value with the given format attr_{name} represents an attribute that is required when using this tag. An example of attributes that most batch systems would require is:

      • procs: The number of MPI tasks to spawn

      • threads: The number of OpenMP threads to use in the run

      • namelist: The namelist file to use when performing the run

      • streams: The streams file to use when performing the run

      • executable: (Optional) The name of the executble to use from the config file. If this is not specified, it defaults to ‘model’.