
A run_config file is used to define an environment to run the model in. This file will describe the steps that convert a line of <model_run> from a run_script (defined in a config file) into an execution of the model.

Below is a description of the XML tags available within a run_config file:

<run_config> - The parent tag of a run_config file. This is used to define a run_config definition.

  • Children:
    • <define_env_var>

    • <step>

<define_env_var> - This tag is used to specify the definition of an environment variable. For example, OMP_NUM_THREADS.

  • Attributes:
    • name: This attribute defines the name of the environment variable that will be set.

    • value: This attribute defines the value that will be given to the environment variable. This attribute can take the value attr_{name} to use the value of the attribute in the <model_run> tag that is generating the model run, rather than having it’s value hard coded.

<step> - This tag defines a step in a run script
  • Attributes:
    • executable: The base executable for this step of the run script. e.g. mpirun

    • executable_name: The name of the executable that has been defined in the configuration file to be used for this step of the run script.

  • Children:
    • <argument>

<argument> - This tag defines arguments for the executable in a specific step of a run script.

  • Attributes:
    • flag: A flag that will come before the argument. e.g. -n

  • Text:
    • The text between the <argument> and </argument> tags will be used as the argument after the flag. In the example mpirun -np 4 the flag would be -np, and the text would be 4. Additionally, the text of this tag can take the following keyword values:

      • model: Use the model executable in place of an actual argument

      • attr_{name}: Use the attribute of the <model_run> tag that generates a model run named {name} for the value.


As an example, suppose a case for the test core had the following <model_run> tag:

<model_run procs="1" threads="1" namelist="namelist.test" streams="streams.test"/>

And you wanted this to produce a set of lines that looked like:

mpirun -n 1 ./test_model -n namelist.test -s streams.test

A <run_config> file would look as follows for this:

    <define_env_var name="OMP_NUM_THREADS" value="attr_threads"/>
    <step executable="mpirun">
        <argument flag="-n">attr_procs</argument>
        <argument flag="">model</argument>
        <argument flag="-n">attr_namelist</argument>
        <argument flag="-s">attr_streams</argument>