Source code for pyremap.descriptor

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
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# Copyright (c) 2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2019 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Classes for describing meshes and grids , including creating SCRIP files,
used to create mapping files

MpasMeshDescriptor - describes an MPAS mesh

LatLonGridDescriptor - describes a lat-lon grid

ProjectionGridDescriptor - describes a logically rectangular grid on a pyproj

PointCollectionDescriptor - describes a collection of unconnected points (only
    valid as a destination grid for remapping)
# Authors
# -------
# Xylar Asay-Davis

import netCDF4
import numpy
import sys
import pyproj
import xarray

[docs]def get_lat_lon_descriptor(dLon, dLat, lonMin=-180., lonMax=180., latMin=-90., latMax=90.): """ Get a descriptor of a lat/lon grid, used for remapping Parameters ---------- dLon, dLat : float` Resolution of the lon-lat grid in degrees Returns ------- descriptor : ``LatLonGridDescriptor`` object A descriptor of the lat/lon grid """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis nLat = int((latMax - latMin) / dLat) + 1 nLon = int((lonMax - lonMin) / dLon) + 1 lat = numpy.linspace(latMin, latMax, nLat) lon = numpy.linspace(lonMin, lonMax, nLon) descriptor = LatLonGridDescriptor.create(lat, lon, units='degrees') return descriptor
class MeshDescriptor(object): # {{{ ''' A class for describing a mesh ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis def __init__(self): # {{{ ''' Constructor creates a common ``meshName`` member variable, ``None`` by default. Each Subclass should define or use input arguments to set ``meshName`` to a short description of the mesh or grid. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.meshName = None # }}} def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ ''' Subclasses should overload this method to write a SCRIP file based on the mesh. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written ''' # Authors # ------ # Xylar Asay-Davis return # }}} def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): # {{{ """ Subclasses should overload this method to write an ESMF mesh file based on the mesh. Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written """ # Authors # ------ # Xylar Asay-Davis return # }}} # }}}
[docs]class MpasMeshDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): # {{{ """ A class for describing an MPAS mesh """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, fileName, meshName=None, vertices=False): # {{{ """ Constructor stores the file name Parameters ---------- fileName : str The path of the file containing the MPAS mesh meshName : str, optional The name of the MPAS mesh (e.g. ``'oEC60to30'`` or ``'oRRS18to6'``). If not provided, the data set in ``fileName`` must have a global attribute ``meshName`` that will be used instead. vertices : bool, optional Whether the mapping is to or from vertices instead of corners (for non-conservative remapping) """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis super().__init__() self.vertices = vertices with xarray.open_dataset(fileName) as ds: if meshName is None: if 'meshName' not in ds.attrs: raise ValueError('No meshName provided or found in file.') self.meshName = ds.attrs['meshName'] else: self.meshName = meshName self.fileName = fileName self.regional = True if vertices: # build coords self.coords = {'latVertex': {'dims': 'nVertices', 'data': ds.latVertex.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}, 'lonVertex': {'dims': 'nVertices', 'data': ds.lonVertex.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}} self.dims = ['nVertices'] else: # build coords self.coords = {'latCell': {'dims': 'nCells', 'data': ds.latCell.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}, 'lonCell': {'dims': 'nCells', 'data': ds.lonCell.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}} self.dims = ['nCells'] self.dimSize = [ds.dims[dim] for dim in self.dims]
# }}} def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ """ Given an MPAS mesh file, create a SCRIP file based on the mesh. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if self.vertices: raise ValueError('A SCRIP file won\'t work for remapping vertices') inFile = netCDF4.Dataset(self.fileName, 'r') outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w') # Get info from input file latCell = inFile.variables['latCell'][:] lonCell = inFile.variables['lonCell'][:] latVertex = inFile.variables['latVertex'][:] lonVertex = inFile.variables['lonVertex'][:] verticesOnCell = inFile.variables['verticesOnCell'][:] nEdgesOnCell = inFile.variables['nEdgesOnCell'][:] nCells = len(inFile.dimensions['nCells']) maxVertices = len(inFile.dimensions['maxEdges']) areaCell = inFile.variables['areaCell'][:] sphereRadius = float(inFile.sphere_radius) _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=nCells, grid_corners=maxVertices, grid_rank=1, units='radians', meshName=self.meshName) grid_area = outFile.createVariable('grid_area', 'f8', ('grid_size',)) grid_area.units = 'radian^2' # SCRIP uses square radians grid_area[:] = areaCell[:] / (sphereRadius**2) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = latCell[:] outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = lonCell[:] outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = nCells outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 # grid corners: grid_corner_lon = numpy.zeros((nCells, maxVertices)) grid_corner_lat = numpy.zeros((nCells, maxVertices)) for iVertex in range(maxVertices): cellIndices = numpy.arange(nCells) # repeat the last vertex wherever iVertex > nEdgesOnCell localVertexIndices = numpy.minimum(nEdgesOnCell - 1, iVertex) vertexIndices = verticesOnCell[cellIndices, localVertexIndices] - 1 grid_corner_lat[cellIndices, iVertex] = latVertex[vertexIndices] grid_corner_lon[cellIndices, iVertex] = lonVertex[vertexIndices] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = grid_corner_lat[:] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = grid_corner_lon[:] # Update history attribute of netCDF file if hasattr(inFile, 'history'): newhist = '\n'.join([getattr(inFile, 'history'), ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: newhist = sys.argv[:] setattr(outFile, 'history', newhist) inFile.close() outFile.close() # }}} def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): # {{{ """ Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the ESMF mesh file should be written """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis with xarray.open_dataset(self.fileName) as ds: nodeCount = ds.sizes['nVertices'] elementCount = ds.sizes['nCells'] coordDim = 2 nodeCoords = numpy.zeros((nodeCount, coordDim)) nodeCoords[:, 0] = ds.lonVertex.values nodeCoords[:, 1] = ds.latVertex.values centerCoords = numpy.zeros((elementCount, coordDim)) centerCoords[:, 0] = ds.lonCell.values centerCoords[:, 1] = ds.latCell.values elementConn = ds.verticesOnCell.values elementConn[elementConn == nodeCount + 1] = -1 ds_out = xarray.Dataset() ds_out['nodeCoords'] = (('nodeCount', 'coordDim'), nodeCoords) ds_out.nodeCoords.attrs['units'] = 'radians' ds_out['centerCoords'] = \ (('elementCount', 'coordDim'), centerCoords) ds_out.centerCoords.attrs['units'] = 'radians' ds_out['elementConn'] = \ (('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'), elementConn) ds_out.elementConn.attrs['start_index'] = 1 ds_out.elementConn.attrs['_FillValue'] = -1 ds_out['numElementConn'] = \ (('elementCount',), ds.nEdgesOnCell.values) ds_out.attrs['gridType'] = 'unstructured mesh' ds_out.attrs['version'] = '0.9' ds_out.to_netcdf(esmfFileName) # }}}
# }}}
[docs]class LatLonGridDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): # {{{ ''' A class for describing a lat-lon grid ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self): # {{{ ''' Constructor stores the file name Parameters ---------- fileName : str The path of the file containing the MPAS mesh ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.regional = False self.meshName = None # }}}
@classmethod def read(cls, fileName=None, ds=None, latVarName='lat', lonVarName='lon'): # {{{ ''' Read the lat-lon grid from a file with the given lat/lon var names. Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional The path of the file containing the lat-lon grid (if ``ds`` is not supplied directly) ds : ``xarray.Dataset`` object, optional The path of the file containing the lat-lon grid (if supplied, ``fileName`` will be ignored) latVarName, lonVarName : str, optional The name of the latitude and longitude variables in the grid file ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if ds is None: ds = xarray.open_dataset(fileName) descriptor = cls() if descriptor.meshName is None and 'meshName' in ds.attrs: descriptor.meshName = ds.attrs['meshName'] # Get info from input file = numpy.array(ds[latVarName].values, float) descriptor.lon = numpy.array(ds[lonVarName].values, float) if 'degree' in ds[latVarName].units: descriptor.units = 'degrees' else: descriptor.units = 'radians' # interp/extrap corners descriptor.lonCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.lon) descriptor.latCorner = interp_extrap_corner( descriptor._set_coords(latVarName, lonVarName, ds[latVarName].dims[0], ds[lonVarName].dims[0]) if 'history' in ds.attrs: descriptor.history = '\n'.join([ds.attrs['history'], ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] return descriptor # }}} @classmethod def create(cls, latCorner, lonCorner, units='degrees'): # {{{ ''' Create the lat-lon grid with the given arrays and units. Parameters ---------- latCorner, lonCorner : 1D numpy.arrays One dimensional arrays defining the latitude and longitude coordinates of grid corners. units : {'degrees', 'radians'}, optional The units of `latCorner` and `lonCorner` ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis descriptor = cls() descriptor.latCorner = latCorner descriptor.lonCorner = lonCorner descriptor.lon = 0.5 * (lonCorner[0:-1] + lonCorner[1:]) = 0.5 * (latCorner[0:-1] + latCorner[1:]) descriptor.units = units descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] descriptor._set_coords('lat', 'lon', 'lat', 'lon') return descriptor # }}} def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ ''' Given a lat-lon grid file, create a SCRIP file based on the grid. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w') nLat = len( nLon = len(self.lon) grid_size = nLat * nLon _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=grid_size, grid_corners=4, grid_rank=2, units=self.units, meshName=self.meshName) (Lon, Lat) = numpy.meshgrid(self.lon, (LonCorner, LatCorner) = numpy.meshgrid(self.lonCorner, self.latCorner) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = Lat.flat outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = Lon.flat outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = [nLon, nLat] outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = _unwrap_corners(LatCorner) outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = _unwrap_corners(LonCorner) setattr(outFile, 'history', self.history) outFile.close() # }}} def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): # {{{ """ Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the ESMF mesh file should be written """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis nLat = len( nLon = len(self.lon) (Lon, Lat) = numpy.meshgrid(self.lon, (LonCorner, LatCorner) = numpy.meshgrid(self.lonCorner, self.latCorner) (XIndices, YIndices) = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(nLon + 1), numpy.arange(nLat + 1)) elementCount = nLon * nLat nodeCount = (nLon + 1) * (nLat + 1) coordDim = 2 maxNodePElement = 4 nodeCoords = numpy.zeros((nodeCount, coordDim)) nodeCoords[:, 0] = LonCorner.flat nodeCoords[:, 1] = LatCorner.flat centerCoords = numpy.zeros((elementCount, coordDim)) centerCoords[:, 0] = Lon.flat centerCoords[:, 1] = Lat.flat elementConn = numpy.zeros((elementCount, maxNodePElement), dtype=int) elementConn[:, 0] = (XIndices[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel() + (nLon + 1) * YIndices[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel()) elementConn[:, 1] = (XIndices[0:-1, 1:].ravel() + (nLon + 1) * YIndices[0:-1, 1:].ravel()) elementConn[:, 2] = (XIndices[1:, 1:].ravel() + (nLon + 1) * YIndices[1:, 1:].ravel()) elementConn[:, 3] = (XIndices[1:, 0:-1].ravel() + (nLon + 1) * YIndices[1:, 0:-1].ravel()) ds_out = xarray.Dataset() ds_out['nodeCoords'] = (('nodeCount', 'coordDim'), nodeCoords) ds_out.nodeCoords.attrs['units'] = self.units ds_out['centerCoords'] = \ (('elementCount', 'coordDim'), centerCoords) ds_out.centerCoords.attrs['units'] = self.units ds_out['elementConn'] = \ (('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'), elementConn + 1) ds_out.elementConn.attrs['start_index'] = 1 ds_out.elementConn.attrs['_FillValue'] = -1 ds_out['numElementConn'] = \ (('elementCount',), maxNodePElement * numpy.ones(elementCount, dtype=int)) ds_out['origGridDims'] = (('origGridRank',), [nLon, nLat]) ds_out.attrs['gridType'] = 'unstructured mesh' ds_out.attrs['version'] = '0.9' ds_out.to_netcdf(esmfFileName) # }}} def _set_coords(self, latVarName, lonVarName, latDimName, lonDimName): # {{{ ''' Set up a coords dict with lat and lon ''' self.latVarName = latVarName self.lonVarName = lonVarName self.coords = {latVarName: {'dims': latDimName, 'data':, 'attrs': {'units': self.units}}, lonVarName: {'dims': lonDimName, 'data': self.lon, 'attrs': {'units': self.units}}} self.dims = [latDimName, lonDimName] self.dimSize = [len(, len(self.lon)] # set the name of the grid dLat =[1] -[0] dLon = self.lon[1] - self.lon[0] lonRange = self.lonCorner[-1] - self.lonCorner[0] latRange = self.latCorner[-1] - self.latCorner[0] if 'degree' in self.units: units = 'degree' if numpy.abs(lonRange - 360.) > 1e-10: self.regional = True if numpy.abs(latRange - 180.) > 1e-10: self.regional = True elif 'rad' in self.units: if numpy.abs(lonRange - 2. * numpy.pi) > 1e-10: self.regional = True if numpy.abs(latRange - numpy.pi) > 1e-10: self.regional = True units = 'radian' else: raise ValueError('Could not figure out units {}'.format( self.units)) if self.meshName is None: self.meshName = '{}x{}{}'.format(_round_res(abs(dLat)), _round_res(abs(dLon)), units)
# }}} # }}}
[docs]class LatLon2DGridDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): # {{{ ''' A class for describing a lat-lon grid that may not be a tensor grid (lat/lon are 2D arrays). The grid is assumed to be regional, since this is difficult to determine just from the lat/lon values. The calling code should set ``regional = False`` for global grids with 2D lat/lon ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self): # {{{ ''' Constructor stores the file name Parameters ---------- fileName : str The path of the file containing the MPAS mesh ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis self.regional = True self.meshName = None # }}}
@classmethod def read(cls, fileName=None, ds=None, latVarName='lat', lonVarName='lon'): # {{{ ''' Read the lat-lon grid from a file with the given lat/lon var names. Parameters ---------- fileName : str, optional The path of the file containing the lat-lon grid (if ``ds`` is not supplied directly) ds : ``xarray.Dataset`` object, optional The path of the file containing the lat-lon grid (if supplied, ``fileName`` will be ignored) latVarName, lonVarName : str, optional The name of the latitude and longitude variables in the grid file ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis if ds is None: ds = xarray.open_dataset(fileName) descriptor = cls() if descriptor.meshName is None and 'meshName' in ds.attrs: descriptor.meshName = ds.attrs['meshName'] # Get info from input file = numpy.array(ds[latVarName].values, float) descriptor.lon = numpy.array(ds[lonVarName].values, float) if 'degree' in ds[latVarName].units: descriptor.units = 'degrees' else: descriptor.units = 'radians' # interp/extrap corners descriptor.lonCorner = interp_extrap_corners_2d(descriptor.lon) descriptor.latCorner = interp_extrap_corners_2d( descriptor._set_coords(latVarName, lonVarName, ds[latVarName].dims[0], ds[latVarName].dims[1]) if 'history' in ds.attrs: descriptor.history = '\n'.join([ds.attrs['history'], ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] return descriptor # }}} def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ ''' Given a lat-lon grid file, create a SCRIP file based on the grid. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w') nLat, nLon = grid_size = nLat * nLon _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=grid_size, grid_corners=4, grid_rank=2, units=self.units, meshName=self.meshName) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = self.lon.flat outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = [nLon, nLat] outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = \ _unwrap_corners(self.lonCorner) outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = \ _unwrap_corners(self.latCorner) setattr(outFile, 'history', self.history) outFile.close() # }}} def _set_coords(self, latVarName, lonVarName, latDimName, lonDimName): # {{{ ''' Set up a coords dict with lat and lon ''' self.latVarName = latVarName self.lonVarName = lonVarName self.coords = {latVarName: {'dims': (latDimName, lonDimName), 'data':, 'attrs': {'units': self.units}}, lonVarName: {'dims': (latDimName, lonDimName), 'data': self.lon, 'attrs': {'units': self.units}}} self.dims = [latDimName, lonDimName] self.dimSize = # set the name of the grid dLat =[1, 0] -[0, 0] dLon = self.lon[0, 1] - self.lon[0, 0] if 'degree' in self.units: units = 'degree' elif 'rad' in self.units: units = 'radian' else: raise ValueError('Could not figure out units {}'.format( self.units)) if self.meshName is None: self.meshName = '{}x{}{}'.format(_round_res(abs(dLat)), _round_res(abs(dLon)), units)
# }}} # }}}
[docs]class ProjectionGridDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): # {{{ ''' A class for describing a general logically rectangular grid that can be defined by a `pyproj` projection. ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis
[docs] def __init__(self, projection): # {{{ ''' Constructor stores the projection Parameters ---------- projection : ``pyproj.Proj`` object The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis super().__init__() self.projection = projection self.latLonProjection = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84') self.regional = True self.x = None self.y = None self.xCorner = None self.yCorner = None self.history = None
@classmethod def read(cls, projection, fileName, meshName=None, xVarName='x', yVarName='y'): # {{{ ''' Given a grid file with x and y coordinates defining the axes of the logically rectangular grid, read in the x and y coordinates and interpolate/extrapolate to locate corners. Parameters ---------- projection : pyproj.Proj object The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude fileName : str The path of the file containing the grid data meshName : str, optional The name of the grid (e.g. ``'10km_Antarctic_stereo'``). If not provided, the data set in ``fileName`` must have a global attribute ``meshName`` that will be used instead. xVarName, yVarName : str, optional The name of the x and y (in meters) variables in the grid file ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis descriptor = cls(projection) ds = xarray.open_dataset(fileName) if meshName is None: if 'meshName' not in ds.attrs: raise ValueError('No meshName provided or found in file.') descriptor.meshName = ds.attrs['meshName'] else: descriptor.meshName = meshName # Get info from input file descriptor.x = numpy.array(ds[xVarName].values, float) descriptor.y = numpy.array(ds[yVarName].values, float) descriptor._set_coords(xVarName, yVarName, ds[xVarName].dims[0], ds[yVarName].dims[0]) # interp/extrap corners descriptor.xCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.x) descriptor.yCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.y) # Update history attribute of netCDF file if 'history' in ds.attrs: descriptor.history = '\n'.join([ds.attrs['history'], ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] return descriptor # }}} @classmethod def create(cls, projection, x, y, meshName): # {{{ ''' Given x and y coordinates defining the axes of the logically rectangular grid, save the coordinates interpolate/extrapolate to locate corners. Parameters ---------- x, y : 1D numpy.arrays One dimensional arrays defining the x and y coordinates of grid cell centers. meshName : str The name of the grid (e.g. ``'10km_Antarctic_stereo'``) ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis descriptor = cls(projection) descriptor.meshName = meshName descriptor.x = x descriptor.y = y descriptor._set_coords('x', 'y', 'x', 'y') # interp/extrap corners descriptor.xCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.x) descriptor.yCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.y) descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] return descriptor # }}} def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ ''' Create a SCRIP file based on the grid and projection. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w') nx = len(self.x) ny = len(self.y) grid_size = nx * ny _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=grid_size, grid_corners=4, grid_rank=2, units='degrees', meshName=self.meshName) (X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) (XCorner, YCorner) = numpy.meshgrid(self.xCorner, self.yCorner) (Lat, Lon) = self.project_to_lat_lon(X, Y) (LatCorner, LonCorner) = self.project_to_lat_lon(XCorner, YCorner) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = Lat.flat outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = Lon.flat outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = [nx, ny] outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = _unwrap_corners(LatCorner) outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = _unwrap_corners(LonCorner) setattr(outFile, 'history', self.history) outFile.close() # }}} def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): # {{{ """ Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the ESMF mesh file should be written """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis nx = len(self.x) ny = len(self.y) (X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) (XCorner, YCorner) = numpy.meshgrid(self.xCorner, self.yCorner) (XIndices, YIndices) = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(nx + 1), numpy.arange(ny + 1)) (Lat, Lon) = self.project_to_lat_lon(X, Y) (LatCorner, LonCorner) = self.project_to_lat_lon(XCorner, YCorner) elementCount = nx * ny nodeCount = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) coordDim = 2 maxNodePElement = 4 nodeCoords = numpy.zeros((nodeCount, coordDim)) nodeCoords[:, 0] = LonCorner.flat nodeCoords[:, 1] = LatCorner.flat centerCoords = numpy.zeros((elementCount, coordDim)) centerCoords[:, 0] = Lon.flat centerCoords[:, 1] = Lat.flat elementConn = numpy.zeros((elementCount, maxNodePElement), dtype=int) elementConn[:, 0] = (XIndices[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel()) elementConn[:, 1] = (XIndices[0:-1, 1:].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[0:-1, 1:].ravel()) elementConn[:, 2] = (XIndices[1:, 1:].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[1:, 1:].ravel()) elementConn[:, 3] = (XIndices[1:, 0:-1].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[1:, 0:-1].ravel()) ds_out = xarray.Dataset() ds_out['nodeCoords'] = (('nodeCount', 'coordDim'), nodeCoords) ds_out.nodeCoords.attrs['units'] = 'degrees' ds_out['centerCoords'] = \ (('elementCount', 'coordDim'), centerCoords) ds_out.centerCoords.attrs['units'] = 'degrees' ds_out['elementConn'] = \ (('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'), elementConn + 1) ds_out.elementConn.attrs['start_index'] = 1 ds_out.elementConn.attrs['_FillValue'] = -1 ds_out['numElementConn'] = \ (('elementCount',), maxNodePElement * numpy.ones(elementCount, dtype=int)) ds_out['origGridDims'] = (('origGridRank',), [ny, nx]) ds_out.attrs['gridType'] = 'unstructured mesh' ds_out.attrs['version'] = '0.9' ds_out.to_netcdf(esmfFileName) # }}} def project_to_lat_lon(self, X, Y): # {{{ ''' Given X and Y locations of points in a projection, returns the corresponding latitude and longitude of each point. Parameters ---------- outFile : file pointer A SCRIP file opened in write mode X, Y : 1D or 2D numpy.array X and y arrays of points in in the projection Returns ------- Lat, Lon : numpy.array with same shape as X and Y the latitude and longitude in degrees of the points ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(self.projection, self.latLonProjection) Lon, Lat = transformer.transform(X, Y) return (Lat, Lon) # }}} def _set_coords(self, xVarName, yVarName, xDimName, yDimName): # {{{ ''' Set up a coords dict with x, y, lat and lon ''' self.xVarName = xVarName self.yVarName = yVarName (X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) (Lat, Lon) = self.project_to_lat_lon(X, Y) self.coords = {xVarName: {'dims': xDimName, 'data': self.x, 'attrs': {'units': 'meters'}}, yVarName: {'dims': yDimName, 'data': self.y, 'attrs': {'units': 'meters'}}, 'lat': {'dims': (yDimName, xDimName), 'data': Lat, 'attrs': {'units': 'degrees'}}, 'lon': {'dims': (yDimName, xDimName), 'data': Lon, 'attrs': {'units': 'degrees'}}} self.dims = [yDimName, xDimName] self.dimSize = [len(self.y), len(self.x)]
# }}} # }}}
[docs]class PointCollectionDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): # {{{ ''' A class for describing a collection of points Author ------ Xylar Asay-Davis Last Modified ------------- 04/19/2017 '''
[docs] def __init__(self, lats, lons, collectionName, units='degrees', outDimension='nPoints'): # {{{ ''' Constructor stores Parameters ---------- lats, lons : 1D numpy arrays The latitude and longitude of each point collectionName : str A unique name for the collection of transects, used in the names of files containing data mapped to these points. units : {'degrees', 'radians'}, optional The units of ``lats`` and ``lons`` outDimension : str, optional The name of the dimension corresponding to the points (i.e. the "horizontal" dimension of the point collection) Author ------ Xylar Asay-Davis Last Modified ------------- 04/19/2017 ''' self.meshName = collectionName self.regional = True = lats self.lon = lons self.units = units # build coords self.coords = {'lat': {'dims': outDimension, 'data':, 'attrs': {'units': units}}, 'lon': {'dims': outDimension, 'data': self.lon, 'attrs': {'units': units}}} self.dims = [outDimension] self.dimSize = [len(]
# }}} def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): # {{{ ''' Given an MPAS mesh file, create a SCRIP file based on the mesh. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written ''' # Authors # ------ # Xylar Asay-Davis outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w') nPoints = len( _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=nPoints, grid_corners=4, grid_rank=1, units=self.units, meshName=self.meshName) grid_area = outFile.createVariable('grid_area', 'f8', ('grid_size',)) grid_area.units = 'radian^2' # SCRIP uses square radians grid_area[:] = numpy.zeros(nPoints) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = self.lon outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = nPoints outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 # grid corners: grid_corner_lon = numpy.zeros((nPoints, 4)) grid_corner_lat = numpy.zeros((nPoints, 4)) # just repeat the center lat and lon for iVertex in range(4): grid_corner_lat[:, iVertex] = grid_corner_lon[:, iVertex] = self.lon outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = grid_corner_lat[:] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = grid_corner_lon[:] # Update history attribute of netCDF file setattr(outFile, 'history', ' '.join(sys.argv[:])) outFile.close() # }}} def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): # {{{ """ Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the ESMF mesh file should be written """ # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis nPoints = len( (Lon, Lat) = numpy.meshgrid(self.lon, elementCount = nPoints nodeCount = 3*nPoints coordDim = 2 maxNodePElement = 3 nodeCoords = numpy.zeros((nodeCount, coordDim)) # just repeat the center lat and lon for iVertex in range(maxNodePElement): nodeCoords[iVertex::maxNodePElement, 0] = self.lon nodeCoords[iVertex::maxNodePElement, 1] = centerCoords = numpy.zeros((elementCount, coordDim)) centerCoords[:, 0] = self.lon centerCoords[:, 1] = elementConn = numpy.zeros((elementCount, maxNodePElement), dtype=int) elementConn[:, 0] = maxNodePElement * numpy.arange(nPoints) elementConn[:, 1] = maxNodePElement * numpy.arange(nPoints) + 1 elementConn[:, 2] = maxNodePElement * numpy.arange(nPoints) + 2 ds_out = xarray.Dataset() ds_out['nodeCoords'] = (('nodeCount', 'coordDim'), nodeCoords) ds_out.nodeCoords.attrs['units'] = self.units ds_out['centerCoords'] = \ (('elementCount', 'coordDim'), centerCoords) ds_out.centerCoords.attrs['units'] = self.units ds_out['elementConn'] = \ (('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'), elementConn + 1) ds_out.elementConn.attrs['start_index'] = 1 ds_out.elementConn.attrs['_FillValue'] = -1 ds_out['numElementConn'] = \ (('elementCount',), maxNodePElement * numpy.ones(elementCount, dtype=int)) ds_out.attrs['gridType'] = 'unstructured mesh' ds_out.attrs['version'] = '0.9' ds_out.to_netcdf(esmfFileName) # }}}
# }}} def interp_extrap_corner(inField): # {{{ '''Interpolate/extrapolate a 1D field from grid centers to grid corners''' outField = numpy.zeros(len(inField) + 1) outField[1:-1] = 0.5 * (inField[0:-1] + inField[1:]) # extrapolate the ends outField[0] = 1.5 * inField[0] - 0.5 * inField[1] outField[-1] = 1.5 * inField[-1] - 0.5 * inField[-2] return outField # }}} def interp_extrap_corners_2d(inField): # {{{ '''Interpolate/extrapolate a 1D field from grid centers to grid corners''' temp = numpy.zeros((inField.shape[0], inField.shape[1] + 1)) temp[:, 1:-1] = 0.5 * (inField[:, 0:-1] + inField[:, 1:]) # extrapolate the ends temp[:, 0] = 1.5 * inField[:, 0] - 0.5 * inField[:, 1] temp[:, -1] = 1.5 * inField[:, -1] - 0.5 * inField[:, -2] outField = numpy.zeros((inField.shape[0] + 1, inField.shape[1] + 1)) outField[1:-1, :] = 0.5 * (temp[0:-1, :] + temp[1:, :]) # extrapolate the ends outField[0, :] = 1.5 * temp[0, :] - 0.5 * temp[1, :] outField[-1, :] = 1.5 * temp[-1, :] - 0.5 * temp[-2, :] return outField # }}} def _create_scrip(outFile, grid_size, grid_corners, grid_rank, units, meshName): # {{{ ''' Given a SCRIP files, creates common variables and writes common values used in various types of SCRIP files. Parameters ---------- outFile : file pointer A SCRIP file opened in write mode grid_size : int The number of elements in the grid or mesh grid_corners : int The number of corners in the grid or mesh grid_rank : int The dimensionality of the grid (1 for mesh, 2 for grid) units : {'degrees', 'radians'} The units for latitude and longitude meshName : str The name of the mesh ''' # Authors # ------- # Xylar Asay-Davis # Write to output file # Dimensions outFile.createDimension("grid_size", grid_size) outFile.createDimension("grid_corners", grid_corners) outFile.createDimension("grid_rank", grid_rank) # Variables grid_center_lat = outFile.createVariable('grid_center_lat', 'f8', ('grid_size',)) grid_center_lat.units = units grid_center_lon = outFile.createVariable('grid_center_lon', 'f8', ('grid_size',)) grid_center_lon.units = units grid_corner_lat = outFile.createVariable('grid_corner_lat', 'f8', ('grid_size', 'grid_corners')) grid_corner_lat.units = units grid_corner_lon = outFile.createVariable('grid_corner_lon', 'f8', ('grid_size', 'grid_corners')) grid_corner_lon.units = units grid_imask = outFile.createVariable('grid_imask', 'i4', ('grid_size',)) grid_imask.units = 'unitless' outFile.createVariable('grid_dims', 'i4', ('grid_rank',)) outFile.meshName = meshName # }}} def _unwrap_corners(inField): '''Turn a 2D array of corners into an array of rectangular mesh elements''' outField = numpy.zeros(((inField.shape[0] - 1) * (inField.shape[1] - 1), 4)) # corners are counterclockwise outField[:, 0] = inField[0:-1, 0:-1].flat outField[:, 1] = inField[0:-1, 1:].flat outField[:, 2] = inField[1:, 1:].flat outField[:, 3] = inField[1:, 0:-1].flat return outField def _round_res(res): '''Round the resoltuion to a reasonable number for grid names''' rounded = numpy.round(res*1000.)/1000. return '{}'.format(rounded) # vim: ai ts=4 sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python