
class pyremap.descriptor.MpasMeshDescriptor(fileName, meshName=None, vertices=False)[source]

A class for describing an MPAS mesh

__init__(fileName, meshName=None, vertices=False)[source]

Constructor stores the file name

  • fileName (str) – The path of the file containing the MPAS mesh

  • meshName (str, optional) – The name of the MPAS mesh (e.g. 'oEC60to30' or 'oRRS18to6'). If not provided, the data set in fileName must have a global attribute meshName that will be used instead.

  • vertices (bool, optional) – Whether the mapping is to or from vertices instead of corners (for non-conservative remapping)


__init__(fileName[, meshName, vertices])

Constructor stores the file name


Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh


Given an MPAS mesh file, create a SCRIP file based on the mesh.