Source code for pyremap.descriptor.mpas_mesh_descriptor

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
# reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
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import sys

import netCDF4
import numpy
import xarray

from pyremap.descriptor.mesh_descriptor import MeshDescriptor
from pyremap.descriptor.utility import create_scrip

[docs]class MpasMeshDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): """ A class for describing an MPAS cell mesh (which also supports non-conservative remapping from vertices) Attributes ---------- vertices : bool Whether the mapping is to or from vertices instead of corners (for non-conservative remapping) fileName : str The path of the file containing the MPAS mesh """
[docs] def __init__(self, fileName, meshName=None, vertices=False): """ Constructor stores the file name Parameters ---------- fileName : str The path of the file containing the MPAS mesh meshName : str, optional The name of the MPAS mesh (e.g. ``'oEC60to30'`` or ``'oRRS18to6'``). If not provided, the data set in ``fileName`` must have a global attribute ``meshName`` that will be used instead. vertices : bool, optional Whether the mapping is to or from vertices instead of corners (for non-conservative remapping) """ super().__init__() self.vertices = vertices with xarray.open_dataset(fileName) as ds: if meshName is None: if 'meshName' not in ds.attrs: raise ValueError('No meshName provided or found in file.') self.meshName = ds.attrs['meshName'] else: self.meshName = meshName self.fileName = fileName self.regional = True if vertices: # build coords self.coords = {'latVertex': {'dims': 'nVertices', 'data': ds.latVertex.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}, 'lonVertex': {'dims': 'nVertices', 'data': ds.lonVertex.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}} self.dims = ['nVertices'] else: # build coords self.coords = {'latCell': {'dims': 'nCells', 'data': ds.latCell.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}, 'lonCell': {'dims': 'nCells', 'data': ds.lonCell.values, 'attrs': {'units': 'radians'}}} self.dims = ['nCells'] self.dimSize = [ds.dims[dim] for dim in self.dims]
[docs] def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): """ Given an MPAS mesh file, create a SCRIP file based on the mesh. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written """ if self.vertices: raise ValueError('A SCRIP file won\'t work for remapping vertices') inFile = netCDF4.Dataset(self.fileName, 'r') outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w', format=self.format) # Get info from input file latCell = inFile.variables['latCell'][:] lonCell = inFile.variables['lonCell'][:] latVertex = inFile.variables['latVertex'][:] lonVertex = inFile.variables['lonVertex'][:] verticesOnCell = inFile.variables['verticesOnCell'][:] nEdgesOnCell = inFile.variables['nEdgesOnCell'][:] nCells = len(inFile.dimensions['nCells']) maxVertices = len(inFile.dimensions['maxEdges']) areaCell = inFile.variables['areaCell'][:] sphereRadius = float(inFile.sphere_radius) create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=nCells, grid_corners=maxVertices, grid_rank=1, units='radians', meshName=self.meshName) grid_area = outFile.createVariable('grid_area', 'f8', ('grid_size',)) grid_area.units = 'radian^2' # SCRIP uses square radians grid_area[:] = areaCell[:] / (sphereRadius**2) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = latCell[:] outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = lonCell[:] outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = nCells outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 # grid corners: grid_corner_lon = numpy.zeros((nCells, maxVertices)) grid_corner_lat = numpy.zeros((nCells, maxVertices)) for iVertex in range(maxVertices): cellIndices = numpy.arange(nCells) # repeat the last vertex wherever iVertex > nEdgesOnCell localVertexIndices = numpy.minimum(nEdgesOnCell - 1, iVertex) vertexIndices = verticesOnCell[cellIndices, localVertexIndices] - 1 grid_corner_lat[cellIndices, iVertex] = latVertex[vertexIndices] grid_corner_lon[cellIndices, iVertex] = lonVertex[vertexIndices] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = grid_corner_lat[:] outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = grid_corner_lon[:] # Update history attribute of netCDF file if hasattr(inFile, 'history'): newhist = '\n'.join([getattr(inFile, 'history'), ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: newhist = sys.argv[:] setattr(outFile, 'history', newhist) inFile.close() outFile.close()
[docs] def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): """ Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the ESMF mesh file should be written """ with xarray.open_dataset(self.fileName) as ds: nodeCount = ds.sizes['nVertices'] elementCount = ds.sizes['nCells'] coordDim = 2 nodeCoords = numpy.zeros((nodeCount, coordDim)) nodeCoords[:, 0] = ds.lonVertex.values nodeCoords[:, 1] = ds.latVertex.values centerCoords = numpy.zeros((elementCount, coordDim)) centerCoords[:, 0] = ds.lonCell.values centerCoords[:, 1] = ds.latCell.values elementConn = ds.verticesOnCell.values elementConn[elementConn == nodeCount + 1] = -1 ds_out = xarray.Dataset() ds_out['nodeCoords'] = (('nodeCount', 'coordDim'), nodeCoords) ds_out.nodeCoords.attrs['units'] = 'radians' ds_out['centerCoords'] = \ (('elementCount', 'coordDim'), centerCoords) ds_out.centerCoords.attrs['units'] = 'radians' ds_out['elementConn'] = \ (('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'), elementConn) ds_out.elementConn.attrs['start_index'] = 1 ds_out.elementConn.attrs['_FillValue'] = -1 ds_out['numElementConn'] = \ (('elementCount',), ds.nEdgesOnCell.values) ds_out.attrs['gridType'] = 'unstructured mesh' ds_out.attrs['version'] = '0.9' ds_out.to_netcdf(esmfFileName, format=self.format, engine=self.engine)