Source code for pyremap.descriptor.projection_grid_descriptor

# This software is open source software available under the BSD-3 license.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. All rights
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# Copyright (c) 2022 UT-Battelle, LLC. All rights reserved.
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import sys

import netCDF4
import numpy
import pyproj
import xarray

from pyremap.descriptor.mesh_descriptor import MeshDescriptor
from pyremap.descriptor.utility import (

[docs]class ProjectionGridDescriptor(MeshDescriptor): """ A class for describing a general logically rectangular grid that can be defined by a ``pyproj`` projection. Attributes ---------- projection : pyproj.Proj The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude latLonProjection : pyproj.Proj lat-lon projection used to transform from x-y to lat-lon space x : numpy.ndarray The latitude coordinate at grid-cell centers y : numpy.ndarray The longitude coordinate at grid-cell centers xCorner : numpy.ndarray The latitude coordinate at grid-cell corners yCorner : numpy.ndarray The longitude coordinate at grid-cell corners history : str The history attribute written to SCRIP files xVarName : str The name of the x variable yVarName : str The name of the y variable """
[docs] def __init__(self, projection, meshName=None): """ Constructor stores the projection Parameters ---------- projection : pyproj.Proj The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude meshName : str, optional The name of the grid (e.g. ``'10km_Antarctic_stereo'``) """ super().__init__(meshName=meshName, regional=True) self.projection = projection self.latLonProjection = pyproj.Proj(proj='latlong', datum='WGS84') self.x = None self.y = None self.xCorner = None self.yCorner = None self.history = None self.xVarName = None self.yVarName = None
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, projection, fileName, meshName=None, xVarName='x', yVarName='y'): """ Given a grid file with x and y coordinates defining the axes of the logically rectangular grid, read in the x and y coordinates and interpolate/extrapolate to locate corners. Parameters ---------- projection : pyproj.Proj object The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude fileName : str The path of the file containing the grid data meshName : str, optional The name of the grid (e.g. ``'10km_Antarctic_stereo'``). If not provided, the data set in ``fileName`` must have a global attribute ``meshName`` that will be used instead. xVarName, yVarName : str, optional The name of the x and y (in meters) variables in the grid file """ ds = xarray.open_dataset(fileName) if meshName is None: if 'meshName' not in ds.attrs: raise ValueError('No meshName provided or found in file.') meshName = ds.attrs['meshName'] descriptor = cls(projection, meshName=meshName) # Get info from input file descriptor.x = numpy.array(ds[xVarName].values, float) descriptor.y = numpy.array(ds[yVarName].values, float) descriptor._set_coords(xVarName, yVarName, ds[xVarName].dims[0], ds[yVarName].dims[0]) # interp/extrap corners descriptor.xCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.x) descriptor.yCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.y) # Update history attribute of netCDF file if 'history' in ds.attrs: descriptor.history = '\n'.join([ds.attrs['history'], ' '.join(sys.argv[:])]) else: descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] return descriptor
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, projection, x, y, meshName): """ Given x and y coordinates defining the axes of the logically rectangular grid, save the coordinates interpolate/extrapolate to locate corners. Parameters ---------- projection : pyproj.Proj object The projection used to map from grid x-y space to latitude and longitude x : numpy.ndarray One dimensional array defining the x coordinate of grid cell centers. y : numpy.ndarray One dimensional array defining the y coordinate of grid cell centers. meshName : str The name of the grid (e.g. ``'10km_Antarctic_stereo'``) """ descriptor = cls(projection, meshName=meshName) descriptor.x = x descriptor.y = y descriptor._set_coords('x', 'y', 'x', 'y') # interp/extrap corners descriptor.xCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.x) descriptor.yCorner = interp_extrap_corner(descriptor.y) descriptor.history = sys.argv[:] return descriptor
[docs] def to_scrip(self, scripFileName): """ Create a SCRIP file based on the grid and projection. Parameters ---------- scripFileName : str The path to which the SCRIP file should be written """ outFile = netCDF4.Dataset(scripFileName, 'w', format=self.format) nx = len(self.x) ny = len(self.y) grid_size = nx * ny create_scrip(outFile, grid_size=grid_size, grid_corners=4, grid_rank=2, units='degrees', meshName=self.meshName) (X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) (XCorner, YCorner) = numpy.meshgrid(self.xCorner, self.yCorner) (Lat, Lon) = self.project_to_lat_lon(X, Y) (LatCorner, LonCorner) = self.project_to_lat_lon(XCorner, YCorner) outFile.variables['grid_center_lat'][:] = Lat.flat outFile.variables['grid_center_lon'][:] = Lon.flat outFile.variables['grid_dims'][:] = [nx, ny] outFile.variables['grid_imask'][:] = 1 outFile.variables['grid_corner_lat'][:] = unwrap_corners(LatCorner) outFile.variables['grid_corner_lon'][:] = unwrap_corners(LonCorner) setattr(outFile, 'history', self.history) outFile.close()
[docs] def to_esmf(self, esmfFileName): """ Create an ESMF mesh file for the mesh Parameters ---------- esmfFileName : str The path to which the ESMF mesh file should be written """ nx = len(self.x) ny = len(self.y) (X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) (XCorner, YCorner) = numpy.meshgrid(self.xCorner, self.yCorner) (XIndices, YIndices) = numpy.meshgrid(numpy.arange(nx + 1), numpy.arange(ny + 1)) (Lat, Lon) = self.project_to_lat_lon(X, Y) (LatCorner, LonCorner) = self.project_to_lat_lon(XCorner, YCorner) elementCount = nx * ny nodeCount = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) coordDim = 2 maxNodePElement = 4 nodeCoords = numpy.zeros((nodeCount, coordDim)) nodeCoords[:, 0] = LonCorner.flat nodeCoords[:, 1] = LatCorner.flat centerCoords = numpy.zeros((elementCount, coordDim)) centerCoords[:, 0] = Lon.flat centerCoords[:, 1] = Lat.flat elementConn = numpy.zeros((elementCount, maxNodePElement), dtype=int) elementConn[:, 0] = (XIndices[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[0:-1, 0:-1].ravel()) elementConn[:, 1] = (XIndices[0:-1, 1:].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[0:-1, 1:].ravel()) elementConn[:, 2] = (XIndices[1:, 1:].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[1:, 1:].ravel()) elementConn[:, 3] = (XIndices[1:, 0:-1].ravel() + (nx + 1) * YIndices[1:, 0:-1].ravel()) ds_out = xarray.Dataset() ds_out['nodeCoords'] = (('nodeCount', 'coordDim'), nodeCoords) ds_out.nodeCoords.attrs['units'] = 'degrees' ds_out['centerCoords'] = \ (('elementCount', 'coordDim'), centerCoords) ds_out.centerCoords.attrs['units'] = 'degrees' ds_out['elementConn'] = \ (('elementCount', 'maxNodePElement'), elementConn + 1) ds_out.elementConn.attrs['start_index'] = 1 ds_out.elementConn.attrs['_FillValue'] = -1 ds_out['numElementConn'] = \ (('elementCount',), maxNodePElement * numpy.ones(elementCount, dtype=int)) ds_out['origGridDims'] = (('origGridRank',), [ny, nx]) ds_out.attrs['gridType'] = 'unstructured mesh' ds_out.attrs['version'] = '0.9' ds_out.to_netcdf(esmfFileName, format=self.format, engine=self.engine)
def project_to_lat_lon(self, X, Y): """ Given X and Y locations of points in a projection, returns the corresponding latitude and longitude of each point. Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray x array of points in the projection Y : numpy.ndarray y array of points in the projection Returns ------- Lat : numpy.ndarray The latitude in degrees with the same size as X and Y Lon : numpy.ndarray The longitude in degrees with the same size as X and Y """ transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(self.projection, self.latLonProjection) Lon, Lat = transformer.transform(X, Y) return Lat, Lon def _set_coords(self, xVarName, yVarName, xDimName, yDimName): """ Set up a coords dict with x, y, lat and lon """ self.xVarName = xVarName self.yVarName = yVarName (X, Y) = numpy.meshgrid(self.x, self.y) (Lat, Lon) = self.project_to_lat_lon(X, Y) self.coords = {xVarName: {'dims': xDimName, 'data': self.x, 'attrs': {'units': 'meters'}}, yVarName: {'dims': yDimName, 'data': self.y, 'attrs': {'units': 'meters'}}, 'lat': {'dims': (yDimName, xDimName), 'data': Lat, 'attrs': {'units': 'degrees'}}, 'lon': {'dims': (yDimName, xDimName), 'data': Lon, 'attrs': {'units': 'degrees'}}} self.dims = [yDimName, xDimName] self.dimSize = [len(self.y), len(self.x)]