import numpy as np
import csv
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as tri
from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, TwoSlopeNorm
def plot_transect(data_path, variable, ax, times=[0],
coords_file=None, x=None, y=None,
Plot transects of desired variable from MALI output.
data_path : str
Path to .nc file containing MALI mesh and variables to plot
variable : str
MALI variable to plot. Can also be "geometry", which will
calculate upper and lower surfaces from thickness and bed topography.
ax : matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes
Axes on which to plot variable
times : list of ints, optional
Time indices at which to plot variable.
coords_file : str, optional
Path to file containing coordinates for transect
x : list of floats, optional
x coordinates defining transect if not using coords_file
y : list of floats, optional
y coordinates defining transect if not using coords_file
time_cmap_name : str, optional
Name of matplotlib colormap for multiple time levels odataset.variable
temperature_cmap_nam : str, optional
Name of matplotlib colormap for temperature transect
dataset = Dataset(data_path)
xCell = dataset.variables["xCell"][:]
yCell = dataset.variables["yCell"][:]
nCells = dataset.dimensions['nCells'].size
areaCell = dataset.variables["areaCell"][:]
layerThicknessFractions = dataset.variables["layerThicknessFractions"][:]
nVertLevels = dataset.dimensions['nVertLevels'].size
thk = dataset.variables["thickness"][:]
bed = dataset.variables["bedTopography"][:]
# ensure that times is a list, otherwise indexing will cause errors
times = list(times)
if "daysSinceStart" in dataset.variables.keys():
use_yrs = True
yrs = dataset.variables["daysSinceStart"][:] / 365.
times_list = [f'{yrs[i]:.1f}' for i in times]
use_yrs = False
times_list = [str(i) for i in times]
# Replace -1 time index with last forward index of time array.
# It is unclear why these need to be in separate if-statements, but they do.
if -1 in times:
times[times.index(-1)] = int(dataset.dimensions['Time'].size - 1)
if '-1' in times_list:
times_list[times_list.index('-1')] = str(dataset.dimensions['Time'].size - 1)
# Use coordinates from CSV file or x,y options, but not both.
# CSV file takes precedent if both are present.
if coords_file is not None:
x = []
y = []
with open(options.coords_file, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
for row in reader:
if [options.x_coords, options.y_coords] != [None, None]:
print('-c and -x/-y options were both provided. Reading from ',
f'{options.coords_file} and ignoring -x and -y settings.')
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.asarray(y)
# increase sampling to match highest mesh resolution
total_distance, = np.cumsum( np.sqrt( np.diff(x)**2. + np.diff(y)**2. ) )
n_samples = int(round(total_distance / np.min(dataset.variables["dcEdge"][:])))
x_interp = np.interp(np.linspace(0, len(x)-1, n_samples),
np.linspace(0, len(x)-1, len(x)), x)
y_interp = np.interp(np.linspace(0, len(y)-1, n_samples),
np.linspace(0, len(y)-1, len(y)), y)
d_distance = np.zeros(len(x_interp))
for ii in np.arange(1, len(x_interp)):
d_distance[ii] = np.sqrt( (x_interp[ii] - x_interp[ii-1])**2 +
(y_interp[ii] - y_interp[ii-1])**2 )
distance = np.cumsum(d_distance) / 1000. # in km for plotting
# Handle colormaps
time_cmap = plt.get_cmap(time_cmap_name)
time_colors = time_cmap(np.linspace(0,1,len(times)))
if variable in ["temperature", "geometry"]:
# Assume constant bed
bed_interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(
np.vstack((xCell, yCell)).T, bed[0,:])
bed_transect = bed_interpolator(np.vstack((x_interp, y_interp)).T)
ax.plot(distance, bed_transect, color='black')
for i, time in enumerate(times):
thk_interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(
np.vstack((xCell, yCell)).T, thk[time,:])
thk_transect = thk_interpolator(np.vstack((x_interp, y_interp)).T)
lower_surf = np.maximum( -910. / 1028. * thk_transect, bed_transect)
lower_surf_nan = lower_surf.copy() # for plotting
lower_surf_nan[thk_transect==0.] = np.nan
upper_surf = lower_surf + thk_transect
upper_surf_nan = upper_surf.copy() # for plotting
upper_surf_nan[thk_transect==0.] = np.nan
ax.plot(distance, lower_surf_nan, color=time_colors[i])
ax.plot(distance, upper_surf_nan, color=time_colors[i])
if variable == "temperature":
time = times[-1]
if len(times) > 1:
print("Cannot plot temperature at more than one time."
" Only plotting temperature for final time.")
temperature = dataset.variables["temperature"][:]
layer_thk = np.zeros((len(thk_transect), nVertLevels + 1))
layer_midpoints = np.zeros((len(thk_transect), nVertLevels))
layer_interfaces = np.zeros((len(thk_transect), nVertLevels + 1))
layer_thk[:,0] = 0.
for ii in range(len(thk_transect)):
layer_thk[ii,1:] = np.cumsum(layerThicknessFractions *
layer_midpoints[ii,:] = upper_surf[ii] - (layer_thk[ii,1:] +
layer_thk[ii,0:-1]) / 2.
layer_interfaces[ii,:] = upper_surf[ii] - layer_thk[ii,:]
temp_transect = np.zeros((len(x_interp), nVertLevels))
for lev in range(nVertLevels):
print(f'Interpolating temperature for level {lev} of {nVertLevels}. ', end="")
temp_interpolant = LinearNDInterpolator(
np.vstack((xCell, yCell)).T,
temp_transect[:, lev] = temp_interpolant(
np.vstack((x_interp, y_interp)).T)
temp_transect[temp_transect == 0.] = np.nan
temp_plot = ax.pcolormesh(np.tile(distance, (nVertLevels+1,1)).T,
layer_interfaces[:,:], temp_transect[1:,:],
vmin=240., vmax=273.15)
temp_cbar = plt.colorbar(temp_plot)
temp_cbar.set_label('Temperature (K)')
var = dataset.variables[variable][:]
for i, time in enumerate(times):
var_interpolator = LinearNDInterpolator(
np.vstack((xCell, yCell)).T, var[i,:])
var_transect = var_interpolator(np.vstack((x_interp, y_interp)).T)
ax.plot(distance, var_transect, color=time_colors[i])
if (len(times) > 1):
time_cbar = plt.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=time_cmap_name), ax=ax)
if use_yrs:
time_cbar.set_label('time index')
time_cbar.set_ticks(times / np.max(times))
def plot_map(data_path, variable, ax, time=0, cmap=None,
vmin=None, vmax=None, norm=None, log_plot=False,
mesh_file=None, triangles=None,
plot_grounding_line=False, variable_name=None):
Plot map of MALI output either by specifying a variable name or
a pre-computed field.
data_path : str
Path to .nc file containing variables to plot. May contain
MALI mesh fields, or you can use the mesh_file argument.
variable : str or numpy.ndarray
MALI variable to plot. If a string is specified, the variable with that
name will be read from the .nc file at data_path. If a numpy array is
given, that array will be plotted directly.
ax : matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes
Axes on which to plot variable
time : int, optional
Time index at which to plot variable.
cmap : str, optional
Name of matplotlib colormap for multiple time levels of variable
vmin : float, optional
Minimum value to use for plotting. If not specified, the 1st
percentile value will be used (not weighted by cell area).
vmax : float, optional
Maximum value to use for plotting. If not specified, the 99th
percentile value will be used (not weighted by cell area).
log_plot : boolean, optional
Whether to plot log10(variable)
mesh_file : str, optional
Optional file used to specify mesh variables. If not provided, mesh
variables will be read from data_path
triangles : matplotlib.tri._triangulation.Triangulation, optional
Triangles to use for plotting. If not specified,
they will be calculated.
plot_grounding_line : boolean, optional
Whether to plot the grounding line along with variable.
variable_name : str
Name to use for colorbar if specifying `variable` as a numpy array.
var_plot : matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection
Plot of variable
cbar : matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar
Colorbar object corresponded to var_plot
gl_plot : matplotlib.tri._tricontour.TriContourSet or None
Contour object of the grounding line, if plot_grounding_line=True
sec_per_year = 60. * 60. * 24. * 365.
dataset = Dataset(data_path)
if triangles is None:
if mesh_file is None:
mesh = Dataset(data_path)
mesh = Dataset(mesh_file)
triangles, tri_mask = _get_triangles(mesh)
if type(variable) is str:
variable_name = variable
if variable == 'observedSpeed':
var_to_plot = np.sqrt(dataset.variables['observedSurfaceVelocityX'][:]**2 +
var_to_plot = dataset.variables[variable][:]
var_to_plot = variable
if len(np.shape(var_to_plot)) == 1:
var_to_plot = var_to_plot.reshape((1, np.shape(var_to_plot)[0]))
if 'Speed' in variable:
units = 'm yr^{-1}'
var_to_plot *= sec_per_year
units = f'({dataset.variables[variable].units})'
except AttributeError:
units = "{}" # This leaves out units on the colorbar
except TypeError:
units = "{}"
default_colors = {'thickness' : 'Blues',
'surfaceSpeed' : 'plasma',
'basalSpeed' : 'plasma',
'bedTopography' : 'BrBG',
'floatingBasalMassBalApplied' : 'cividis'
# List of diverging colormaps for use in plotting bedTopography.
# I don't see a way around hard-coding this.
div_color_maps = ['PiYG', 'PRGn', 'BrBG', 'PuOr', 'RdGy', 'RdBu', 'RdYlBu',
'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'coolwarm', 'bwr', 'seismic']
if cmap is None:
if variable_name in default_colors.keys():
cmap = default_colors[variable]
cmap = "viridis"
if log_plot:
var_to_plot = np.log10(var_to_plot)
# Get rid of +/- inf values that ruin vmin and vmax
# calculations below.
var_to_plot[np.isinf(var_to_plot)] = np.nan
colorbar_label_prefix = 'log10 '
colorbar_label_prefix = ''
# Set lower and upper bounds for plotting
if vmin is None:
# 0.1 m/yr is a pretty good lower bound for speed
first_quant = np.nanquantile(var_to_plot[time, :], 0.01)
if 'Speed' in variable and log_plot:
vmin = max(first_quant, -1.)
vmin = first_quant
if vmax is None:
vmax = np.nanquantile(var_to_plot[time, :], 0.99)
# Plot bedTopography on an asymmetric colorbar if appropriate
if norm is None:
if ( (variable_name == 'bedTopography') and
(np.nanquantile(var_to_plot[time, :], 0.99) > 0.) and
(cmap in div_color_maps) ):
norm = TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, vcenter=0.)
norm = Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
var_plot = ax.tripcolor(
triangles, var_to_plot[time, :], cmap=cmap,
shading='flat', norm=norm)
cbar = plt.colorbar(ax=ax, mappable=var_plot,
label=f'{colorbar_label_prefix}{variable_name} ${units}$')
if plot_grounding_line:
valid_masks, grounding_line_mask, _, _, _ = _calculate_masks(dataset)
if valid_masks:
gl_plot = ax.tricontour(triangles, grounding_line_mask[time, :],
levels=[0.9999], colors='white',
gl_plot = None
gl_plot = None
return var_plot, cbar, gl_plot
def plot_grounding_lines(data_paths, ax, times=[0],
cmap="plasma_r", norm=None,
mesh_file=None, triangles=None):
Plot MALI grounding line at arbitrary number of times.
data_paths : str or list of str
Path(s) to MALI file. May contain MALI mesh fields,
or you can use the mesh_file argument.
ax : matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes
Axes on which to plot variable
time : list of ints, optional
Time indices at which to plot variable.
cmap : str, optional
Name of matplotlib colormap for multiple time levels of variable
mesh_file : str, optional
Optional file used to specify mesh variables. If not provided, mesh
variables will be read from data_path
triangles : matplotlib.tri._triangulation.Triangulation, optional
Triangles to use for plotting. If not specified,
they will be calculated.
gl_plots : list of matplotlib.tri._tricontour.TriContourSet
List of grounding line contour objects
# Ensure data_path is a list for flexibility in loops
if type(data_paths) != list:
data_paths = [data_paths]
# If triangles are not specified, use first
# data file to define mesh, or use mesh_file
if triangles is None:
if mesh_file is None:
mesh = Dataset(data_paths[0])
mesh = Dataset(mesh_file)
triangles, tri_mask = _get_triangles(mesh)
# Loop over all files and time levels to create
# lists of the grounding lines, and their associated years
plot_times = []
grounding_line_masks = []
gl_plots = []
for file in data_paths:
f = Dataset(file)
if 'daysSinceStart' in f.variables.keys():
yr = f.variables['daysSinceStart'][times] / 365.
yr = times
valid_masks, grounding_line_mask, _, _, _ = _calculate_masks(f)
if valid_masks:
for time in times:
grounding_line_masks.append(grounding_line_mask[time, :])
# Determine mapping between plot time and colormap.
# If just plotting one time, then use maximum value
# of the specified colormap.
n_times = len(times) * len(data_paths)
gl_cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
if n_times > 1:
plot_times = np.squeeze(np.ravel(plot_times))
plot_times_norm = ( (plot_times - np.min(plot_times)) /
np.max(plot_times - np.min(plot_times)) )
plot_times_norm = np.ones_like(plot_times)
time_colors = gl_cmap(plot_times_norm)
for ii, mask in enumerate(grounding_line_masks):
gl_plots.append(ax.tricontour(triangles, mask,
levels=[0.9999], linestyles='solid',
colors=time_colors[ii, None]))
if len(plot_times) > 1:
time_cbar = plt.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax,
location='bottom', label="Grounding line year")
time_cbar.set_ticklabels(str(i) for i in plot_times)
time_cbar = None
return gl_plots, time_cbar
def _dist(i1, i2, xCell, yCell):
dist = ((xCell[i1]-xCell[i2])**2 + (yCell[i1]-yCell[i2])**2)**0.5
return dist
def _calculate_masks(dataset):
# Set bitmask values
initial_extent_value = 1
dynamic_value = 2
float_value = 4
grounding_line_value = 256
rhoi = 910.
rhosw = 1028.
if 'cellMask' in dataset.variables.keys():
valid_masks = True
cellMask = dataset.variables["cellMask"][:]
float_mask = (cellMask & float_value) // float_value
dynamic_mask = (cellMask & dynamic_value) // dynamic_value
grounding_line_mask = (cellMask & grounding_line_value) // grounding_line_value
initial_extent_mask = (cellMask & initial_extent_value) // initial_extent_value
elif ( 'cellMask' not in dataset.variables.keys() and
'thickness' in dataset.variables.keys() and
'bedTopography' in dataset.variables.keys() ):
print(f'cellMask is not present in output file {run};'
' calculating masks from ice thickness')
valid_masks = True
grounded_mask = (dataset.variables['thickness'][:] >
(-rhosw / rhoi *
# This isn't technically correct, but works for plotting
grounding_line_mask = grounded_mask.copy()
initial_extent_mask = (dataset.variables['thickness'][:] > 0.)
print('cellMask and thickness and/or bedTopography'
f' not present in output file {run};'
' Skipping mask calculation.')
valid_masks = False
return valid_masks, grounding_line_mask, float_mask, dynamic_mask, initial_extent_mask
def _get_triangles(mesh):
xCell = mesh.variables["xCell"][:]
yCell = mesh.variables["yCell"][:]
dcEdge = mesh.variables["dcEdge"][:]
triang = tri.Triangulation(xCell, yCell)
tri_mask = np.zeros(len(triang.triangles))
# Maximum distance in m of edges between points.
# Make twice dcEdge to be safe
max_dist = np.max(dcEdge) * 2.0
for t in range(len(triang.triangles)):
thisTri = triang.triangles[t, :]
if _dist(thisTri[0], thisTri[1], xCell, yCell) > max_dist:
tri_mask[t] = True
if _dist(thisTri[1], thisTri[2], xCell, yCell) > max_dist:
tri_mask[t] = True
if _dist(thisTri[0], thisTri[2], xCell, yCell) > max_dist:
tri_mask[t] = True
return triang, tri_mask