
mpas_tools.landice.visualization.plot_transect(data_path, variable, ax, times=[0], coords_file=None, x=None, y=None, time_cmap_name='plasma', temperature_cmap_name='YlGnBu_r')[source]

Plot transects of desired variable from MALI output.

  • data_path (str) – Path to .nc file containing MALI mesh and variables to plot

  • variable (str) – MALI variable to plot. Can also be “geometry”, which will calculate upper and lower surfaces from thickness and bed topography.

  • ax (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes) – Axes on which to plot variable

  • times (list of ints, optional) – Time indices at which to plot variable.

  • coords_file (str, optional) – Path to file containing coordinates for transect

  • x (list of floats, optional) – x coordinates defining transect if not using coords_file

  • y (list of floats, optional) – y coordinates defining transect if not using coords_file

  • time_cmap_name (str, optional) – Name of matplotlib colormap for multiple time levels odataset.variable

  • temperature_cmap_nam (str, optional) – Name of matplotlib colormap for temperature transect