
mpas_analysis.shared.plot.plot_1D(config, xArrays, fieldArrays, errArrays, lineColors=None, lineStyles=None, markers=None, lineWidths=None, legendText=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, fileout='plot_1D.png', figsize=(10, 4), dpi=None, xLim=None, yLim=None, invertYAxis=False)[source]

Plots a 1D line plot with error bars if available.

configinstance of ConfigParser

the configuration, containing a [plot] section with options that control plotting

xArrayslist of float arrays

x array (latitude, or any other x axis except time)

fieldArrayslist of float arrays

y array (any field as function of x)

errArrayslist of float arrays

error array (y errors)

lineColors, lineStyles, markers, legendTextlist of str, optional

control line color, style, marker, and corresponding legend text. Default is black, solid line with no marker, and no legend.

lineWidthslist of float, optional

control line width. Default is 1.0.

titlestr, optional

title of plot

xlabel, ylabelstr, optional

label of x- and y-axis

fileoutstr, optional

the file name to be written

figsizetuple of float, optional

size of the figure in inches

dpiint, optional

the number of dots per inch of the figure, taken from section plot option dpi in the config file by default

xLimfloat array, optional

x range of plot

yLimfloat array, optional

y range of plot

invertYAxislogical, optional

if True, invert Y axis