
mpas_analysis.shared.plot.plot_global_comparison(config, Lons, Lats, modelArray, refArray, diffArray, colorMapSectionName, fileout, title=None, modelTitle='Model', refTitle='Observations', diffTitle='Model-Observations', cbarlabel='units', titleFontSize=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, lineWidth=1, lineColor='black')[source]

Plots a data set as a longitude/latitude map.

configinstance of ConfigParser

the configuration, containing a [plot] section with options that control plotting

Lons, Latsfloat arrays

longitude and latitude arrays

modelArray, refArrayfloat arrays

model and observational or control run data sets

diffArrayfloat array

difference between modelArray and refArray


section name in config where color map info can be found.


the file name to be written

titlestr, optional

the subtitle of the plot

modelTitlestr, optional

title of the model panel

refTitlestr, optional

title of the observations or control run panel

diffTitlestr, optional

title of the difference (bias) panel

cbarlabelstr, optional

label on the colorbar

titleFontSizeint, optional

size of the title font

figsizetuple of float, optional

the size of the figure in inches

dpiint, optional

the number of dots per inch of the figure, taken from section plot option dpi in the config file by default

lineWidthint, optional

the line width of contour lines (if specified)

lineColorstr, optional

the color of contour lines (if specified)