Developer Tutorial: Adding a parameter study

This tutorial presents a step-by-step guide to adding a parameter study, a test case in which different steps run MPAS cores with different parameter values, typically followed by an analysis step that compares the results as functions of the parameter or parameters (see the Glossary for definitions of these terms). Parameter studies differ from other test cases in that a user will often wish to modify the list of parameters that are being varied by setting config options before setting up the test case. This is in contrast to most config options, which can be modified either before or after setting up the test case. The reason for this difference is because the steps that will be set up depend on the parameter values.

In this tutorial, I will use the cosine_bell test case as an example. Although this test case was originally developed for Legacy COMPASS and ported using an approach similar to Developer Tutorial: Porting a legacy COMPASS test group, we will describe it as if it were being created from scratch. In this example, the parameter that we are studying is the mesh resolution for a quasi-uniform (QU) mesh. This type of parameter study is called a convergence study because we are analyzing how rapidly the error in the solution converges to zero as the resolution increases.

Many of the details of creating a parameter study are similar to creating any other test case within a test group. Please refer to the companion tutorial Developer Tutorial: Adding a new test group, which will be referenced liberally in this tutorial. Here, we will focus almost entirely the process that is specific to a parameter study.

Getting started

Please see Getting started for the tutorial on adding a new test group. The procedure is the same for this tutorial except that the example branch name will be add_cosine_bell instead of add_baroclinic_channel.

Making a new test group and “cosine_bell” test case

If your parameter study fits well in an existing test group, you don’t need to create a new one. If the existing test groups aren’t a good fit, you will want to follow the step for Making a new test group first, then continue here to add the new test case. In this example, the test group is global_convergence.

Within the test group, we will create a new test case in a python package called cosine_bell and with a class called CosineBell. We will follow the procedure described in Adding a “default” test case to get started.

Adding “mesh”, “init” and “forward” steps

Our test case will be made up of 3 steps at each resolution, followed a final analysis step that combines data from each mesh resolution. The 3 steps for each mesh resolution are: mesh, which creates a horizontal mesh of a given QU resolution; init, which creates a vertical coordinate and an initial condition on the given mesh; and forward, which runs a simulation forward in time.

For each step, we create a python module containing a class with the name of the step converted to camel case (e.g. a Mesh class for the mesh step). The details of these modules are not critical for this tutorial but you are welcome to take a closer look:,, and One important detail is that each step take the resolution (i.e. the parameter value) as an input and uses that value to give the step a unique name and subdirectory within the test case. For example, this is from the mesh step:

def __init__(self, test_case, resolution):
    Create a new step
    test_case : compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.CosineBell
        The test case this step belongs to
    resolution : int
        The resolution of the (uniform) mesh in km

This is a general requirement of test cases that support parameter studies. Any step or steps that are performed for each parameter value should have the parameter value passed in as an argument to __init__(), and use the parameter value in some way to give the test case a unique name and subdirectory.

Much of the rest of the details of creating these steps is similar to the description in Developer Tutorial: Adding a new test group, so I refer you to that tutorial for more details.

Adding an “analysis” step

Many parameter studies will perform some kind of analysis that brings together output from runs with different parameter values. In our example, the analysis step is used to plot the error as a function of resolution. This requires using output from all of the init and forward steps at different resolutions. analysis differs from other steps in this test case in that it takes all parameter values (in this case resolutions) as an input:

def __init__(self, test_case, resolutions):
    Create the step

    test_case : compass.ocean.tests.global_convergence.cosine_bell.CosineBell
        The test case this step belongs to

    resolutions : list of int
        The resolutions of the meshes that have been run
    super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='analysis')
    self.resolutions = resolutions

    for resolution in resolutions:


The remaining details of the analysis step are specific to this particular test case so we won’t go into them in this tutorial. But feel free to have a look:

Adding the steps to the test case

The initial design for cosine_bell was that steps were only added to the test case in the configure() method, which gets run when the test case gets set up. This design was because the particular parameter values that will be used (the resolutions of the meshes) wasn’t known at initialization, only during setup. A user could provide a custom config file with their own choice of resolutions as part of setting up the test case.

However, it became clear that it wasn’t possible to list the steps of the cosine_bell test case using compass list --verbose. Before test cases are listed, the __init__() method has been called but the configure() method has not. So the test case didn’t have any steps added to it yet. This was confusing to developers.

The solution we decided on was to set up the steps in the test case with the default parameters in __init__(). Then, in configure(), we check if the parameter values have been changed from the defaults. If so, we remove the old steps and add new ones with the new parameter values. To do this, we use a “private” method _setup_steps():

def _setup_steps(self, config):
    """ setup steps given resolutions """
    resolutions = config.get('cosine_bell', 'resolutions')
    resolutions = [int(resolution) for resolution in
                   resolutions.replace(',', ' ').split()]

    if self.resolutions is not None and self.resolutions == resolutions:

    # start fresh with no steps
    self.steps = dict()
    self.steps_to_run = list()

    self.resolutions = resolutions

    for resolution in resolutions:
        self.add_step(Mesh(test_case=self, resolution=resolution))

        self.add_step(Init(test_case=self, resolution=resolution))

        self.add_step(Forward(test_case=self, resolution=resolution))

    self.add_step(Analysis(test_case=self, resolutions=resolutions))

The resolutions are parsed from the config options. Then, if we either haven’t previously stored resolutions (i.e. we’re in __init__()) or we have previous resolutions but they’re different from the ones from the config options, we start over, adding steps for the given resolutions.

Here’s how this function is called from __init__() and configure():

def __init__(self, test_group):
    Create test case for creating a global MPAS-Ocean mesh

    test_group : compass.ocean.tests.cosine_bell.GlobalOcean
        The global ocean test group that this test case belongs to
    super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name='cosine_bell')
    self.resolutions = None

    # add the steps with default resolutions so they can be listed
    config = configparser.ConfigParser(
    add_config(config, self.__module__, '{}.cfg'.format(

def configure(self):
    Set config options for the test case
    config = self.config
    # set up the steps again in case a user has provided new resolutions


During __init__(), the test case doesn’t have any config options yet, since these are typically only parsed when the test case is being set up (just before configure() gets called. So the test case has to parse the default config file for the test case manually itself and pass the config options to the _setup_steps() method. This is a little clumsy and more time consuming than steps we typically like to include in __init__() (because this method gets called for every single MPAS core, test group, test case and step each time you call any compass command-line tool). But this seems the only reasonable way to set up steps with the default parameter values during setup.

It is likely that other test cases supporting parameter studies will want to mimic this behavior so that the default steps can be listed with compass list --verbose as well.

Setting the number of tasks and CPUs per task

For some parameter studies, particularly those where resolution is the parameter, it can be important to specify the target and minimum number of MPI tasks for a given step as a function of the parameter. If a given step runs with python threading or multiprocessing instead, the number of CPUs per task will, instead, be the important parameter (the number of tasks, ntasks, is always 1).

In the following example, we set both the attribute of the steps step.ntasks and a config option (QU<res>_ntasks, where <res> is the resolution) to a target number of tasks that is a heuristic function of the resolution. Similarly, we set the minimum number of tasks (below which the step will refuse to run) based on another heuristic function.

def update_cores(self):
    """ Update the number of cores and min_tasks for each forward step """

    config = self.config

    goal_cells_per_core = config.getfloat('cosine_bell',
    max_cells_per_core = config.getfloat('cosine_bell',

    for resolution in self.resolutions:
        # a heuristic based on QU30 (65275 cells) and QU240 (10383 cells)
        approx_cells = 6e8 / resolution**2
        # ideally, about 300 cells per core
        # (make it a multiple of 4 looks better?)
        ntasks = max(1,
                    4*round(approx_cells / (4 * goal_cells_per_core)))
        # In a pinch, about 3000 cells per core
        min_tasks = max(1,
                        round(approx_cells / max_cells_per_core))
        step = self.steps[f'QU{resolution}_forward']
        step.ntasks = ntasks
        step.min_tasks = min_tasks

        config.set('cosine_bell', f'QU{resolution}_ntasks', str(ntasks),
                   comment=f'Target core count for {resolution} km mesh')
        config.set('cosine_bell', f'QU{resolution}_min_tasks',
                   comment=f'Minimum core count for {resolution} km mesh')

This method is called in the configure() method of the test case when it is getting set up. It is important to set the ntasks and min_tasks attributes of the step because this will be used as part of determining how many cores are needed for a test suite using this test case.

Later on, when the test case gets run, we want to use the config options again to set step.ntasks and step.min_tasks, in case a user has modified these config options before running the test case. We do this before we run the steps.

def run(self):
    Run each step of the testcase
    config = self.config
    for resolution in self.resolutions:
        ntasks = config.getint('cosine_bell', f'QU{resolution}_ntasks')
        min_tasks = config.getint('cosine_bell',
        step = self.steps[f'QU{resolution}_forward']
        step.ntasks = ntasks
        step.min_tasks = min_tasks

    # run the step


Please document the test case within its test group as described in the companion tutorial in its Documentation section.