The second Ice Shelf-Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (ISOMIP+) is a set of five experiments for ocean models with thermodynamically active ice shelf cavities (i.e. with a parameterization of the sub-ice-shelf boundary layer and of melt rates a the ice-ocean interface). The experiments are described in Asay-Davis et al. (2016).
ISOMIP+ is based on a earlier set of experiments, ISOMIP, that was very idealized. ISOMIP+ uses a more complex but still idealized ice geometry. It is a sister project of the third Marine Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project (MISMIP+), which dynamics of an ice sheet and ice shelf with significant variability in two horizontal dimensions. Topography for ISOMIP+ comes from MISMIP+ simulations with the BISICLES model and can be downloaded here (however, COMPASS will automatically download the topography, process it, and regrid it to the MPAS mesh so users do not need to download it themselves). ISOMIP+ uses far-field restoring over the full water column to force changes in ocean conditions. Restoring with a relatively warm far-field temperature profile (the Ocean0 experiment) leads to a quasi-steady state within 1 to 2 year. Two ISOMIP+ experiments prescribe dynamic topography, allowing models to test their ability to handle moving boundaries and to see the effects that moving topography has on ocean dynamics.
COM (2km) and TYP (5km) configurations¶
Each of the five experiments can be performed in a “common” (COM) or a “typical” (TYP) setup. The COM setup prescribes canonical horizontal (2 km) and vertical (36 layers, ~20 m) resolutions as well as a linear equation of state, a linear equation for the freezing point,and prescribed values for several coefficients including: a root-mean-squared “tidal” velocity to include in the computation of the friction velocity; top and bottom drag coefficients; and horizontal and vertical viscosity and diffusivity. The COM experiments also prescribe a method for computing the value of the heat- and salt-transfer coefficients (\(\Gamma_T\) and \(\Gamma_S\)) as part of the Ocean0 experiment described below.
The TYP experiments are intended to run at at resolutions typical for realistic simulations performed with that ocean model and with typical parameter values. The idea behind these experiments is to get a feel for how much these parameter choices affect model spread compared with the COM choices. For MPAS-Ocean, we chose 5 km as our TYP resolution because, at the time, this was the target resolution for our highest resolution simulations with ice-shelf cavities. In practice, we have not run simulations with resolution this high. But even at 5 km resolution, the ISOMIP+ domain is not well resolved and the dynamics are clearly affected by the poor resolution. We are fully aware that we do not capture small ice shelves like the one in ISOMIP+ in our typical MPAS-Ocean simulations with ice-shelf cavities.
Ocean0 uses steady-state ice topography from the initial steady state of a MISMIP+ Ice1 experiment (also described in Asay-Davis et al. (2016)). produced with the BISICLES ice-sheet model. The ocean is initialized with a relatively warm profile and restored the same profile in the far field. The combination of warm initial conditions and restoring leads the system to reach a quasi-equilibrium with strong melting over a few months to a few years. Because Ocean0 is expected to reach a quasi-equilibrium within approximately 1 year, this experiment is well suited to parameter studies. In particular, this experiment is used to calibrate the values of the heat- and salt-transfer coefficients, \(\Gamma_T\) and \(\Gamma_S\), to achieve a target melt rate of ~30 m/yr.
Ocean1 uses the same topography and restoring as Ocean0 but is initialized to a colder, fresher profile that is expected to result in low melt rates during the first several years of the simulation. Far-field restoring to the same warmer profile as in Ocean0 leads to warmer and saltier water in the far field at depth. The duration of the experiment is 20 years, which is typically sufficient time to reach a quasi-steady state. Melt rates as well as the strengths of the barotropic and overturning circulations toward the end of the simulation are expected to be significantly larger than those within the first few years because of the warming.
In Ocean2, the topography is from the end of the Ice1r simulation from BISICLES. The ocean is initialized with the warm profile from Ocean0 and restored to the cold profile from the initial condition of Ocean1. As with Ocean1, this experiment runs for 20 years.
Ocean3 (not available)¶
Ocean3 begins with the same topography as Ocean1, but in this experiment the ice draft evolves over time according to a prescribed data set covering 100 years of ice retreat from Ice1r. Ocean3 is initialized and forced with warm conditions, similar to Ocean0. Strong melting begins immediately as the sub-ice-shelf circulation spins up, consistent with the conditions for Ice1r used to generate the topography, and persist for the duration of the experiment. Again, the topography is available here.
MPAS-Ocean does not yet support the moving boundaries that this experiment requires, so it has not yet been implemented in COMPASS.
Ocean4 (not available)¶
Conceptually, Ocean4 is an extension of Ocean3. The ice- draft topography from Ice1ra was produced by abruptly shutting off melting at year 100 and allowing the ice to re-advance for 100 years. Thus, Ocean4 begins with the final topography from Ocean3 (which is also the topography used in Ocean2). This time, cold initial conditions and restorign are prescribed, leading to very low melt rates, consistent with the lack of melting in the MISMIP+ run that produced the ice topography.
Again, MPAS-Ocean does not yet support the moving boundaries, so this experiment has not yet been implemented in COMPASS.
Setting up a run in COMPASS¶
Start with a local check-out of the MPAS-Dev/compass/legacy
To build test cases, you need to tell COMPASS where to find a few thing.
Open a file config.ocean
and put the following, where we have used the
example path usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop
as the
location where MPAS-Ocean has been checked out and compiled:
# This file is the ocean core's configuration file. It is specific to the ocean
# core, and a specific machine. Each machine will configure this file
# differently, but it can be used to point on version of the testing
# infrastructure at a different version of the model.
# The namelists section defines paths to template namelists that will be used
# to generate specific namelists. Typically these will point to the forward and
# init namelists in the default_inputs directory after a successful build of
# the ocean model.
forward = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop/namelist.ocean.forward
init = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop/namelist.ocean.init
# The streams section defines paths to template streams files that will be used
# to generate specific streams files. Typically these will point to the forward and
# init streams files in the default_inputs directory after a successful build of
# the ocean model.
forward = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop/streams.ocean.forward
init = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop/streams.ocean.init
# The executables section defines paths to required executables. These
# executables are provided for use by specific test cases.
# Full paths should be provided in order to access the executables from
# anywhere on the machine.
model = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop/ocean_model
# The paths section describes paths that are used within the ocean core test
# cases.
# The mesh_database and the initial_condition_database are locations where
# meshes / initial conditions might be found on a specific machine. They can be
# the same directory, or different directory. Additionally, if they are empty
# some test cases might download data into them, which will then be reused if
# the test case is run again later.
mpas_model = /usr/projects/climate/username/mpas/model/ocean/develop
mesh_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/mesh_database
initial_condition_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/initial_condition_database
bathymetry_database = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/bathymetry_database
You can supply paths for the mesh_database
, initial_condition_database
and bathymetry_database
that are initially empty. COMPASS will download
this data as needed. If you are on an E3SM supported machine or LANL’s
Institutional Computing, you should use the shared locations to avoid
unnecessary downloads.
List the available ISOMIP+ test cases:
./ -o ocean -c isomip_plus
There are 2 resolutions (2 km and 5 km) and 3 test cases at each resolution (Ocean0, 1 and 2) plus a time-varying version of Ocean0 that is being used to explore moving boundaries. Pick the test case you are interested in running. In this example, we choose COM (2km) Ocean0
Set up the test case as follows:
./ -o ocean -c isomip_plus -r 2km -t Ocean0 -f config.ocean -m runtime_definitions/srun.xml --work_dir /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0
The directory /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0
be some convenient path to set up and run the directory, typically in a scratch
space on a supercomputer or cluster.
Running the test case¶
It is best to do a short test run (1 month) to make sure everything is working, rather than jumping into a 2 or 20-year simulation. How you do this will depend on your system. Here, we show starting an interactive job on LANL IC. You will need to figure out how set up your system with the appropriate compilers, MPI, libraries, etc., which will be covered elsewhere in this documentation.
cd /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0/ocean/isomip_plus/2km/Ocean0/
salloc --nodes=1 --time=0:20:00 --account=e3sm
<<load modules needed for MPI, python, etc.>>
Running a full 2- or 20-year simulation¶
For a longer simulation, you will need a job script.
cd /lustre/scratch4/turquoise/username/isomip_plus_Ocean0/ocean/isomip_plus/2km/Ocean0/forward
vim job_script.bash
This is an example job script for Ocean0 on LANL IC:
#SBATCH --nodes=4
#SBATCH --time=4:00:00
#SBATCH --account=e3sm
#SBATCH --job-name=Ocean0
#SBATCH --output=Ocean0.o%j
#SBATCH --error=Ocean0.e%j
#SBATCH --qos=interactive
# exit if there are any errors
set -e
<<load modules needed for MPI, python, etc.>>
for month in `seq 0 $months_per_job`
./ -f namelist.ocean -e $end_date
./ -f namelist.ocean
For Ocean1 and Ocean2, the end_date
should include the year 0021
(since the simulation starts at year 0001
Submit the job:
sbatch job_script.bash
Once it’s running, monitor the progress with:
tail log.ocean.0000.out
This writes a message for each time step (if all is going well).
The simulation runs one month at a time and then does some adjustment in a python script to make sure sea level doesn’t get out of control (there’s a lot of melting going on so we have to have a compensating level of “evaporation” at the domain boundary). It also will check to see if we’ve already reached year 2 and won’t run again if so.
Some basic output is available in:
To see the mean melt flux and how time is progressing there, do:
ncdump -v xtime,landIceFreshwaterFluxAvg analysis_members/ | tail -n 50
Keep in mind that the units are kg m^{-2} s^{-1}
, not m/yr, so not the most
intuitive output. There is a viz
package in the isomip_plus
that gets linked in each test case. You can also look at output in paraview.
There should be a link to the viz
python package in the forward
directory. To run the viz
package, you will need several dependencies as
part of a conda environment, including xarray
, dask
, numpy
, netcdf4
, shapely
, matplotlib
, ffmpeg
. These are all part of the compass
environment defined by the
package, so if you have already installed and activated the latest
, you’re all set. If you are on a supported machine, such as on
LANL IC, you can activate with a command like:
source /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base/etc/profile.d/
conda activate compass_0.1.8
Once you have an appropriate conda environment, run:
python -m viz
If you are running Ocean1 or Ocean2, you need to specify this. Ocean0 is the default experiment. to see the other command-line flags, run:
python -m viz --help
Running viz
will take maybe 10 or 15 minutes (most of it on the overturning
streamfunction). You should see something like:
barotropic streamfunction: 100% |##############################| Time: 0:00:15
compute and caching transport on MPAS grid:
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 7.2s
interpolating tansport on z-level grid: 100% |#################| Time: 0:10:13
caching transport on z-level grid:
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 2.2s
compute and caching vertical transport sum on z-level grid:
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 2.4s
bin overturning streamfunction: 100% |#########################| Time: 0:02:03
plotting barotropic streamfunction: 100% |#####################| Time: 0:00:08
plotting overturning streamfunction: 100% |####################| Time: 0:00:05
plotting melt rate: 100% |#####################################| Time: 0:00:07
plotting heat flux from ocean to ice-ocean interface: 100% |###| Time: 0:00:07
plotting heat flux into ice at ice-ocean interface: 100% |#####| Time: 0:00:07
plotting thermal driving: 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:07
plotting haline driving: 100% |################################| Time: 0:00:07
plotting friction velocity: 100% |#############################| Time: 0:00:08
plotting top temperature: 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:09
plotting bot temperature: 100% |###############################| Time: 0:00:08
plotting temperature section: 100% |###########################| Time: 0:00:05
plotting top salinity: 100% |##################################| Time: 0:00:08
plotting bot salinity: 100% |##################################| Time: 0:00:08
plotting salinity section: 100% |##############################| Time: 0:00:05
plotting top potential density: 100% |#########################| Time: 0:00:10
plotting bot potential density: 100% |#########################| Time: 0:00:08
plotting potential density section: 100% |#####################| Time: 0:00:05
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/botPotRho/botPotRho_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/botPotRho.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/botSalinity/botSalinity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/botSalinity.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/botTemp/botTemp_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/botTemp.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/bsf/bsf_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/bsf.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/frictionVelocity/frictionVelocity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/frictionVelocity.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/halineDriving/halineDriving_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/halineDriving.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/iceHeatFlux/iceHeatFlux_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/iceHeatFlux.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/meltRate/meltRate_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/meltRate.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/oceanHeatFlux/oceanHeatFlux_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/oceanHeatFlux.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/osf/osf_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/osf.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/sectionPotRho/sectionPotRho_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/sectionPotRho.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/sectionSalinity/sectionSalinity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/sectionSalinity.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/sectionTemp/sectionTemp_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/sectionTemp.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/thermalDriving/thermalDriving_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/thermalDriving.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/topPotRho/topPotRho_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/topPotRho.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/topSalinity/topSalinity_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/topSalinity.mp4
running ffmpeg -y -r 30 -i ./plots/topTemp/topTemp_%04d.png -b:v 32000k -r 30 ./movies/topTemp.mp4
The more interesting results should be a series of movies in movies
and 4
time series plots in plots
(mean melt rate, total melt flux, mean thermal
driving and mean friction velocity) and the same plots in
, but this time averaged only over the deepest part of
the ice shelf (where much of the action is).