Source code for compass.landice.tests.circular_shelf.visualize

import netCDF4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class Visualize(Step): """ A step for visualizing the output from a circular_shelf test case Attributes ---------- mesh_type : str The resolution or mesh type of the test case """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, name='visualize', subdir=None, input_dir='run_model'): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to name : str, optional the name of the test case subdir : str, optional the subdirectory for the step. The default is ``name`` input_dir : str, optional The input directory within the test case with a file ```` to visualize """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name=name, subdir=subdir) self.add_input_file(filename='', target='../{}/'.format(input_dir))
# depending on settings, this may produce no outputs, so we won't add # any # no setup method is needed
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ visualize_circular_shelf(self.config, self.logger, filename='')
[docs] def visualize_circular_shelf(config, logger, filename): """ Plot the output from a circular_shelf test case Parameters ---------- config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser Configuration options for this test case, a combination of the defaults for the machine, core and configuration logger : logging.Logger A logger for output from the step filename : str file to visualize """ section = config['circular_shelf_viz'] time_slice = section.getint('time_slice') save_images = section.getboolean('save_images') hide_figs = section.getboolean('hide_figs') # Note: this may be slightly wrong for some calendar types! secInYr = 3600.0 * 24.0 * 365.0 f = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'r') thickness = f.variables['thickness'] if 'bedTopography' in f.variables: bedTopography = f.variables['bedTopography'] # not needed else: logger.write("bedTopography not in file. Continuing without it.") xCell = f.variables['xCell'][:] / 1000.0 yCell = f.variables['yCell'][:] / 1000.0 lowerSurface = f.variables['lowerSurface'] upperSurface = f.variables['upperSurface'] uReconstructX = f.variables['uReconstructX'] uReconstructY = f.variables['uReconstructY'] layerInterfaceSigma = f.variables['layerInterfaceSigma'][:] vert_levs = len(f.dimensions['nVertLevels']) velnorm = (uReconstructX[:]**2 + uReconstructY[:]**2)**0.5 * secInYr"Maximum velocity (m/yr) at cell centers in domain: {}" .format(velnorm.max())) ################## # FIGURE: Map view surface and bed velocity ################## fig = plt.figure(1) fig.add_subplot(121, aspect='equal') plt.scatter(xCell[:], yCell[:], 80, velnorm[time_slice, :, 0], marker='h', edgecolors='none') plt.colorbar() plt.quiver(xCell[:], yCell[:], uReconstructX[time_slice, :, 0] * secInYr, uReconstructY[time_slice, :, 0] * secInYr) plt.title('surface speed (m/yr)') plt.draw() fig.add_subplot(122, aspect='equal') plt.scatter(xCell[:], yCell[:], 80, velnorm[time_slice, :, -1], marker='h', edgecolors='none') plt.colorbar() plt.quiver(xCell[:], yCell[:], uReconstructX[time_slice, :, -1] * secInYr, uReconstructY[time_slice, :, -1] * secInYr) plt.title('basal speed (m/yr)') plt.draw() if save_images: plt.savefig('circ_shelf_velos.png') ################## # FIGURE: Cross-section of surface velocity through centerline ################## fig = plt.figure(2) # find cells on a longitudinal cross-section at y=0 # Note this may not work on a variable resolution mesh # Note this assumes the setup script put the center of a cell at the # center of the mesh at 0,0. indXsect = np.where(yCell == 0.0)[0] indXsectIce = np.where(np.logical_and(yCell == 0.0, thickness[time_slice, :] > 0.0))[0] # contour speed across the cross-section plt.contourf(np.tile(xCell[indXsectIce], (vert_levs+1,1)).transpose(), (np.tile(thickness[time_slice, indXsectIce], (vert_levs+1,1)) * np.tile(layerInterfaceSigma, (len(indXsectIce),1)).transpose() + lowerSurface[time_slice, indXsectIce]).transpose(), velnorm[time_slice,indXsectIce,:], 100) # plot x's at the velocity data locations plt.plot(np.tile(xCell[indXsectIce], (vert_levs+1,1)).transpose(), (np.tile(thickness[time_slice, indXsectIce], (vert_levs+1,1)) * np.tile(layerInterfaceSigma, (len(indXsectIce),1)).transpose() + lowerSurface[time_slice, indXsectIce]).transpose(), 'kx')#, label='velocity points') cbar=plt.colorbar() cbar.set_label('speed (m/yr)', rotation=270) plt.plot(xCell[indXsectIce], upperSurface[time_slice, indXsectIce], 'ro-', label="Upper surface") plt.plot(xCell[indXsectIce], lowerSurface[time_slice, indXsectIce], 'bo-', label="Lower surface") try: plt.plot(xCell[indXsect], bedTopography[time_slice, indXsect], 'go-', label="Bed topography") except: logger.write("Skipping plotting of bedTopography.") plt.plot(xCell[indXsect], xCell[indXsect] * 0.0, ':k', label="sea level") plt.legend(loc='best') plt.title('cross-section at y=0' ) plt.draw() if save_images: plt.savefig('circ_shelf_xsect.png') ################## # FIGURE: scatter plot of upper and lower surfaces ################## #fig = plt.figure(3) #ax = fig.add_subplot(121, aspect='equal') #plt.scatter(xCell[:], yCell[:], 80, upperSurface[time_slice,:], marker='h', edgecolors='none') #plt.colorbar() #plt.title('upper surface (m)' ) #plt.draw() #ax = fig.add_subplot(122, aspect='equal') #plt.scatter(xCell[:], yCell[:], 80, lowerSurface[time_slice,:], marker='h', edgecolors='none') #plt.colorbar() #plt.title('lower surface (m)' ) #plt.draw() #if options.save_images: # plt.savefig('circ_shelf_surfaces.png') if not hide_figs: f.close()