import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from compass.step import Step
class Visualize(Step):
A step for visualizing the output from a EISMINT2 test case
def __init__(self, test_case):
Create the step
test_case : compass.landice.tests.eismint2.standard_experiments.StandardExperiments
The test case this step belongs to
""" # noqa: E501
super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='visualize')
# depending on settings, this may produce no outputs, so we won't add
# any
# no setup() method is needed
def run(self):
Run this step of the test case
config = self.config
logger = self.logger
experiment = config.get('eismint2_viz', 'experiment')
if ',' in experiment:
experiments = [exp.strip() for exp in experiment.split(',')]
experiments = [experiment]
for experiment in experiments:'Plotting Experiment {}'.format(experiment))
visualize_eismint2(config, logger, experiment)
def visualize_eismint2(config, logger, experiment):
Plot the output from an EISMINT2 experiment
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for this test case, a combination of the defaults
for the machine, core and configuration
logger : logging.Logger
A logger for output from the step
experiment : {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'f', 'g'}
The name of the experiment
section = config['eismint2_viz']
save_images = section.getboolean('save_images')
hide_figs = section.getboolean('hide_figs')
filename = '../experiment_{}/'.format(experiment)
# open supplied MPAS output file and get variables needed
filein = netCDF4.Dataset(filename, 'r')
xCell = filein.variables['xCell'][:] / 1000.0
yCell = filein.variables['yCell'][:] / 1000.0
xtime = filein.variables['xtime'][:]
nCells = len(filein.dimensions['nCells'])
nVertLevels = len(filein.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
years = _xtime_get_year(xtime)
thickness = filein.variables['thickness']
basalTemperature = filein.variables['basalTemperature']
basalPmpTemperature = filein.variables['basalPmpTemperature']
flwa = filein.variables['flowParamA']
uReconstructX = filein.variables['uReconstructX']
uReconstructY = filein.variables['uReconstructY']
areaCell = filein.variables['areaCell'][:]
layerThicknessFractions = filein.variables['layerThicknessFractions'][:]
# Use final time
timelev = -1'Using final model time of {} \n'.format(
xtime[timelev, :].tostring().strip().decode('utf-8')))
# ================
# ================
# Plot the results
# ================
# ================
# ================
# ================
# make an educated guess about how big the markers should be.
if nCells**0.5 < 100.0:
markersize = max(int(round(3600.0 / (nCells**0.5))), 1)
# use hexes if the points are big enough, otherwise just dots
markershape = 'h'
markersize = max(int(round(1800.0 / (nCells**0.5))), 1)
markershape = '.''Using a markersize of {}'.format(markersize))
fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='w')
fig.suptitle('Payne et al. Fig. 1, 3, 6, 9, or 11', fontsize=10,
iceIndices = np.where(thickness[timelev, :] > 10.0)[0]
plt.scatter(xCell[iceIndices], yCell[iceIndices], markersize,
c=np.array([[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], ]), marker=markershape,
# add contours of ice temperature over the top
basalTemp = basalTemperature[timelev, :]
# fill places below dynamic limit with non-ice value of 273.15
basalTemp[np.where(thickness[timelev, :] < 10.0)] = 273.15
_contour_mpas(basalTemp, nCells, xCell, yCell,
contour_levs=np.linspace(240.0, 275.0, 8))
plt.title('Modeled basal temperature (K) \n at time {}'.format(
plt.xlim((0.0, 1500.0))
plt.ylim((0.0, 1500.0))
plt.xlabel('X position (km)')
plt.ylabel('Y position (km)')
if save_images:
plt.savefig('EISMINT2-{}-basaltemp.png'.format(experiment), dpi=150)
# ================
# STEADY STATE MAPS - panels b and c are switched and with incorrect
# units in the paper
# ================
fig = plt.figure(2, facecolor='w', figsize=(12, 6), dpi=72)
fig.suptitle('Payne et al. Fig. 2 or 4', fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
# ================
# panel a - thickness
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131)
plt.scatter(xCell[iceIndices], yCell[iceIndices], markersize,
c=np.array([[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], ]), marker=markershape,
# add contours of ice thickness over the top
contour_intervals = np.linspace(0.0, 5000.0, int(5000.0 / 250.0) + 1)
_contour_mpas(thickness[timelev, :], nCells, xCell, yCell,
plt.title('Final thickness (m)')
plt.xlabel('X position (km)')
plt.ylabel('Y position (km)')
# ================
# panel c - flux
ax = fig.add_subplot(133, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
flux = np.zeros((nCells,))
for k in range(nVertLevels):
speedLevel = (uReconstructX[timelev, :, k:k + 2].mean(axis=1)**2 +
uReconstructY[timelev, :, k:k + 2].mean(axis=1)**2)**0.5
flux += speedLevel * thickness[timelev, :] * layerThicknessFractions[k]
plt.scatter(xCell[iceIndices], yCell[iceIndices], markersize,
c=np.array([[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], ]), marker=markershape,
# add contours over the top
contour_intervals = np.linspace(0.0, 20.0, 11)
_contour_mpas(flux * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 365.0 / 10000.0, nCells, xCell, yCell,
plt.title('Final flux (m$^2$ a$^{-1}$ / 10000)')
plt.xlabel('X position (km)')
plt.ylabel('Y position (km)')
# ================
# panel b - flow factor
ax = fig.add_subplot(132, sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
plt.scatter(xCell[iceIndices], yCell[iceIndices], markersize,
c=np.array([[0.8, 0.8, 0.8], ]), marker=markershape,
# add contours over the top
# contour_intervals = np.linspace(0.0, 16.0, int(16.0/0.5)+1)
# this is not used if FO velo solver is used
if flwa[timelev, :, :].max() > 0.0:
# NOT SURE WHICH LEVEL FLWA SHOULD COME FROM - so taking column average
flwa[timelev, :, :].mean(axis=1) * 3600.0 * 24.0 * 365.0 / 1.0e-17,
nCells, xCell, yCell)
# Note: the paper's figure claims units of 10$^{-25}$ Pa$^{-3}$ a$^{-1}$
# but the time unit appears to be 10^-17
plt.title('Final flow factor (10$^{-17}$ Pa$^{-3}$ a$^{-1}$)')
plt.xlabel('X position (km)')
plt.ylabel('Y position (km)')
if save_images:
plt.savefig('EISMINT2-{}-steady.png'.format(experiment), dpi=150)
# ================
# ================
fig = plt.figure(3, facecolor='w')
fig.suptitle('Payne et al. Fig. 5, 7, or 8', fontsize=10,
# get indices for given time
if experiment == 'b':
endTime = 40000.0
elif experiment == 'g':
# WHL - Might change later to 80000
endTime = 40000.0
endTime = 80000.0
# get index at divide - we set this up to be 750,750
divideIndex = np.logical_and(xCell == 750.0, yCell == 750.0)
# panel a - thickness
timeInd = np.nonzero(years <= endTime)[0][0:]
plt.plot(years[timeInd] / 1000.0, thickness[timeInd, divideIndex], 'k.-')
plt.ylabel('Thickness (m)')
# panel b - basal temperature
# skip the first index cause basalTemperature isn't calculated then
timeInd = np.nonzero(years <= endTime)[0][1:]
plt.plot(years[timeInd] / 1000.0, basalTemperature[timeInd, divideIndex],
plt.ylabel('Basal temperature (K)')
plt.xlabel('Time (kyr)')
if save_images:
plt.savefig('EISMINT2-{}-divide.png'.format(experiment), dpi=150)
# ================
# ================
# Setup dictionaries of benchmark results for each experiment - values are
# mean, min, max from Tables in Payne et al. 2000
benchmarks = {'a': {'stattype': 'absolute',
'volume': (2.128, 2.060, 2.205),
'area': (1.034, 1.011, 1.097),
'meltfraction': (0.718, 0.587, 0.877),
'dividethickness': (3688.342, 3644.0, 3740.74),
'dividebasaltemp': (255.605, 254.16, 257.089)},
'b': {'stattype': 'relative',
'volume': (-2.589, -3.079, -2.132),
'area': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'meltfraction': (11.836, 3.307, 21.976),
'dividethickness': (-4.927, -5.387, -4.071),
'dividebasaltemp': (4.623, 4.47, 4.988)},
'c': {'stattype': 'relative',
'volume': (-28.505, -29.226, -28.022),
'area': (-19.515, -20.369, -16.815),
'meltfraction': (-27.806, -39.353, -7.982),
'dividethickness': (-12.928, -13.948, -12.447),
'dividebasaltemp': (3.707, 3.389, 4.004)},
'd': {'stattype': 'relative',
'volume': (-12.085, -12.890, -11.654),
'area': (-9.489, -10.184, -6.924),
'meltfraction': (-1.613, -4.744, 1.001),
'dividethickness': (-2.181, -2.517, -1.985),
'dividebasaltemp': (-0.188, -0.209, -0.149)},
'f': {'stattype': 'absolute',
'volume': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'area': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'meltfraction': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'dividethickness': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
'dividebasaltemp': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)},
'g': {'stattype': 'absolute',
'volume': (1.589, 1.503, 2.205),
'area': (1.032, 1.016, 1.087),
'meltfraction': (0.352, 0.250, 0.780),
'dividethickness': (2365.206, 2212.550, 3681.431),
'dividebasaltemp': (249.134, 247.700, 255.381)}}
# Get the benchmark dictionary
bench = benchmarks[experiment]
fig = plt.figure(4, facecolor='w')
fig.suptitle('Payne et al. Table 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9: showing '
'min/mean/max of community', fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')
volume = ((thickness[timelev, iceIndices] * areaCell[iceIndices]).sum() /
1000.0**3 / 10.0**6)
# benchmark results
plt.plot(np.zeros((3,)), bench['volume'], 'k*')
if bench['stattype'] == 'relative':
initIceIndices = np.where(thickness[0, :] > 0.0)[0]
total_volume = \
(thickness[0, initIceIndices] * areaCell[initIceIndices]).sum()
volume = (volume / (total_volume / 1000.0**3 / 10.0**6) - 1.0) * 100.0
plt.ylabel('Volume change (%)')
plt.ylabel('Volume (10$^6$ km$^3$)')
# MPAS results
plt.plot((0.0,), volume, 'ro')
plt.xticks(())"MALI volume = {}".format(volume))
area = (areaCell[iceIndices]).sum() / 1000.0**2 / 10.0**6
areaAbsolute = area
# benchmark results
plt.plot(np.zeros((3,)), bench['area'], 'k*')
if bench['stattype'] == 'relative':
initArea = (areaCell[initIceIndices]).sum() / 1000.0**2 / 10.0**6
area = (area / initArea - 1.0) * 100.0
plt.ylabel('Area change (%)')
plt.ylabel('Area (10$^6$ km$^2$)')
# MPAS results
plt.plot((0.0,), area, 'ro')
plt.xticks(())"MALI area = {}".format(area))
# using threshold here to identify melted locations
warmBedIndices = np.where(
np.logical_and(thickness[timelev, :] > 0.0,
basalTemperature[timelev, :] >=
(basalPmpTemperature[timelev, :] - 0.01)))[0]
meltfraction = (areaCell[warmBedIndices].sum() / 1000.0**2 / 10.0**6 /
# benchmark results
plt.plot(np.zeros((3,)), bench['meltfraction'], 'k*')
if bench['stattype'] == 'relative':
# use time 1 instead of 0 since these fields aren't fully populated at
# time 0
initIceIndices = np.where(thickness[1, :] > 0.0)[0]
initArea = (areaCell[initIceIndices].sum() / 1000.0**2 / 10.0**6)
# using threshold here to identify melted locations
initWarmBedIndices = \
np.where(np.logical_and(thickness[1, :] > 0.0,
basalTemperature[1, :] >=
(basalPmpTemperature[1, :] - 0.01)))[0]
initWarmArea = (areaCell[initWarmBedIndices].sum() / 1000.0**2 /
initMeltFraction = initWarmArea / initArea
meltfraction = (meltfraction / initMeltFraction - 1.0) * 100.0
plt.ylabel('Melt fraction change (%)')
plt.ylabel('Melt fraction')
# MPAS results
plt.plot((0.0,), meltfraction, 'ro')
plt.xticks(())"MALI melt fraction = {}".format(meltfraction))
dividethickness = thickness[timelev, divideIndex]
# benchmark results
plt.plot(np.zeros((3,)), bench['dividethickness'], 'k*')
if bench['stattype'] == 'relative':
dividethickness = \
(dividethickness / thickness[0, divideIndex] - 1.0) * 100.0
plt.ylabel('Divide thickness change (%)')
plt.ylabel('Divide thickness (m)')
plt.plot((0.0,), dividethickness, 'ro') # MPAS results
plt.xticks(())"MALI divide thickness = {}".format(dividethickness[0]))
dividebasaltemp = basalTemperature[timelev, divideIndex]
# benchmark results
plt.plot(np.zeros((3,)), bench['dividebasaltemp'], 'k*')
if bench['stattype'] == 'relative':
# use time 1 instead of 0 since these fields aren't fully populated at
# time 0
dividebasaltemp = dividebasaltemp - basalTemperature[1, divideIndex]
plt.ylabel('Divide basal temp. change (K)')
plt.ylabel('Divide basal temp. (K)')
plt.plot((0.0,), dividebasaltemp, 'ro') # MPAS results
"MALI divide basal temperature = {}".format(dividebasaltemp[0]))
if save_images:
plt.savefig('EISMINT2-{}-table.png'.format(experiment), dpi=150)
if hide_figs:"Plot display disabled with hide_plot config option.")
def _xtime_to_numtime(xtime):
Define a function to convert xtime character array to numeric time values
using datetime objects
# First parse the xtime character array into a string
# convert from the character array to an array of strings using the netCDF4
# module's function
xtimestr = netCDF4.chartostring(xtime)
dt = []
for stritem in xtimestr:
# Get an array of strings that are Y,M,D,h,m,s
itemarray = \
stritem.strip().replace('_', '-').replace(':', '-').split('-')
results = [int(i) for i in itemarray]
# datetime has a bug where years less than 1900 are invalid on some
# systems
if results[0] < 1900:
results[0] += 1900
# * notation passes in the array as arguments
# use the netCDF4 module's function for converting a datetime to a time
# number
numtime = netCDF4.date2num(dt, units='seconds since ' + str(dt[0]))
return numtime
def _xtime_get_year(xtime):
Get an array of years from an xtime array, ignoring any partial year
# First parse the xtime character array into a string
# convert from the character array to an array of strings using the netCDF4
# module's function
xtimestr = netCDF4.chartostring(xtime)
years = np.zeros((len(xtimestr),))
for i in range(len(xtimestr)):
# Get the year part and make it an integer
years[i] = (int(xtimestr[i].split('-')[0]))
return years
def _contour_mpas(field, nCells, xCell, yCell, contour_levs=None):
"""Contours irregular MPAS data on cells"""
if contour_levs is None:
contour_levs = np.array([0])
# -- Now let's grid your data.
# First we'll make a regular grid to interpolate onto.
# may want to adjust the density of the regular grid
numcols = int(nCells**0.5 * 4.0)
numrows = numcols
xc = np.linspace(xCell.min(), xCell.max(), numcols)
yc = np.linspace(yCell.min(), yCell.max(), numrows)
xi, yi = np.meshgrid(xc, yc)
# -- Interpolate at the points in xi, yi
zi = griddata((xCell, yCell), field, (xi, yi))
# -- Display the results
if len(contour_levs) == 1:
im = plt.contour(xi, yi, zi)
im = plt.contour(xi, yi, zi, contour_levs, cmap=plt.get_cmap('jet'))
# to see the raw data on top
# plt.scatter(xCell, yCell, c=temperature[timelev,:,-1], s=100,
# vmin=zi.min(), vmax=zi.max())