Source code for compass.landice.tests.mesh_modifications.subdomain_extractor.extract_region

import os
import shutil
import sys

import mpas_tools
import numpy as np
import xarray
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call
from mpas_tools.mesh.conversion import convert, cull
from pyremap import MpasCellMeshDescriptor, Remapper

from compass.landice.mesh import mpas_flood_fill
from compass.model import make_graph_file
from compass.step import Step

[docs] class ExtractRegion(Step): """ A step for extracting a regional domain from a larger domain Attributes ---------- """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='extract_region')
def setup(self): self.ntasks = 128 self.mintasks = 1 def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ logger = self.logger # Get info from config file config = self.config section = config['subdomain'] source_file_path = section.get('source_file') source_file_name = os.path.basename(source_file_path) source_file_rootname = source_file_name.rsplit('.nc', 1)[0] region_definition = section.get('region_definition') geojson_file = section.get('geojson_file') region_mask_file = section.get('region_mask_file') region_number = section.getint('region_number') dest_file_name = section.get('dest_file_name') dest_file_rootname = dest_file_name.rsplit('.nc', 1)[0] mesh_projection = section.get('mesh_projection') extend_mesh = section.getboolean('extend_ocean_buffer') grow_iters = section.getint('grow_iters') interp_method = section.get('interp_method') extra_file1 = section.get('extra_file1') extra_file2 = section.get('extra_file2') extra_file3 = section.get('extra_file3') extra_file4 = section.get('extra_file4') extra_file5 = section.get('extra_file5') # create a tmp dir for intermediate files tmpdir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, 'tmp') os.makedirs(tmpdir, exist_ok=True) # get needed dims from source mesh ds_src = xarray.open_dataset(source_file_path) nCells = ds_src.sizes['nCells'] levels = ds_src.sizes['nVertLevels'] # create cull mask if region_definition == 'geojson': args = ['compute_mpas_region_masks', '-m', source_file_path, '-o', '', '-g', geojson_file, '--process_count', f'{self.ntasks}', '--format',, '--engine',] check_call(args, logger=logger) dsMaskOut = xarray.open_dataset('') elif region_definition == 'region_mask_file':'creating cull mask file') dsMask = xarray.open_dataset(region_mask_file) regionCellMasks = dsMask['regionCellMasks'][:].values # get region mask for the requested region keepMask = regionCellMasks[:, region_number - 1] if extend_mesh: # Grow the mask into the ocean, because the standard regions # may end at the ice terminus. thickness = ds_src['thickness'][:].values bed = ds_src['bedTopography'][:].values oceanMask = np.squeeze((thickness[0, :] == 0.0) * (bed[0, :] <= 0.0)) floatMask = np.squeeze(((thickness[0, :] * 910.0 / 1028.0 + bed[0, :]) < 0.0) * (thickness[0, :] > 0)) conc = ds_src['cellsOnCell'][:].values neonc = ds_src['nEdgesOnCell'][:].values # First grow forward to capture any adjacent ice shelf'Starting floating ice fill') keepMask = mpas_flood_fill(keepMask, floatMask, conc, neonc) # Don't grow into other regions. # The area to grow into is region adjacent to the domain that # either has no region assigned to it OR is open ocean. # We also want to fill into any *adjacent* floating ice, due to # some funky region boundaries near ice-shelf fronts.'Starting ocean grow fill') noRegionMask = (np.squeeze(regionCellMasks.sum(axis=1)) == 0) growMask = np.logical_or(noRegionMask, oceanMask) keepMask = mpas_flood_fill(keepMask, growMask, conc, neonc, grow_iters=grow_iters) # To call 'cull' with an inverse mask, we need a dataset with the # mask saved to the field regionCellMasks outdata = {'regionCellMasks': (('nCells', 'nRegions'), keepMask.reshape(nCells, 1))} dsMaskOut = xarray.Dataset(data_vars=outdata) # For troubleshooting, one may want to inspect the mask, # so write out (otherwise not necessary to save to disk) write_netcdf(dsMaskOut, os.path.join(tmpdir, '')) else: sys.exit('ERROR: unknown value for region_definition=' f'{region_definition}') # cull the mesh'culling and converting mesh') ds_out = cull(ds_src, dsInverse=dsMaskOut, logger=logger) # convert mesh ds_out = convert(ds_out, logger=logger) write_netcdf(ds_out, os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{source_file_rootname}')) # mark horns for culling'Marking horns for culling') args = ['', '-f', os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{source_file_rootname}')] check_call(args, logger=logger) # cull again'culling and converting mesh') ds_out = xarray.open_dataset( os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{source_file_rootname}')) ds_out = cull(ds_out, logger=logger) ds_out = convert(ds_out, logger=logger) dest_mesh_only_name = os.path.join(tmpdir, '') write_netcdf(ds_out, dest_mesh_only_name) # set lat/lon'calling') args = ['', '-f', dest_mesh_only_name, '-p', mesh_projection] check_call(args, logger=logger) if interp_method == 'ncremap': # remap data from the original file to the culled mesh using # pyremap with nearest neighbor interpolation in_descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(source_file_path, 'src_mesh') out_descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(dest_mesh_only_name, 'dst_mesh') mapping_filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, '')'Creating the mapping file {mapping_filename}...') remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, mapping_filename) parallel_executable = config.get('parallel', 'parallel_executable') remapper.build_mapping_file(method='neareststod', mpiTasks=self.ntasks, tempdir=self.work_dir, logger=logger, esmf_parallel_exec=parallel_executable) # noqa'done.')'Remapping mesh file...') _remap_with_ncremap( source_file_path, os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{dest_file_rootname}'), mapping_filename, logger, tmpdir) # now combine the remapped variables with the mesh fields # that don't get remapped shutil.copyfile(dest_mesh_only_name, dest_file_name) args = [ 'ncks', '-A', os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{dest_file_rootname}'), dest_file_name] check_call(args, logger=logger)'done.')'Created {dest_file_name}') elif interp_method == 'mali_interp': # create landice mesh'calling') # noqa args = ['', '-i', os.path.join(tmpdir, ''), '-o', dest_file_name, '-l', f'{levels}', '-v', 'glimmer', '--beta', '--thermal', '--obs', '--diri'] check_call(args, logger=logger) # interpolate to new mesh using nearest neighbor to ensure we get # identical values'calling') args = ['', '-s', source_file_path, '-d', dest_file_name, '-m', 'n'] check_call(args, logger=logger) else: sys.exit(f"Error: Unknown interp_method of {interp_method}") # mark Dirichlet boundaries'Marking domain boundaries dirichlet') args = ['', '-f', dest_file_name] check_call(args, logger=logger)'creating') make_graph_file(mesh_filename=dest_file_name, graph_filename='') for extra_file in [extra_file1, extra_file2, extra_file3, extra_file4, extra_file5]: if extra_file != "None": if interp_method != "ncremap": sys.exit("Error: interpolating ancillary files is only " "supported when interp_method=ncremap") dst_file = \ f'{dest_file_rootname}_{os.path.basename(extra_file)}' _remap_with_ncremap(extra_file, dst_file, mapping_filename, logger, tmpdir)'Created {dst_file}')
def _remap_with_ncremap(src_path, dst_file, mapping_filename, logger, tmpdir='.'): """ Remaps a file using ncremap Parameters ---------- src_path : str path to source file dst_file : str name of the destination file that should be created mapping_filename : str name of already generated mapping file logger logger object tmpdir : str temp dir to write intermediate files, optional Returns ------- """ src_file_rootname = os.path.basename(src_path).rsplit('.nc', 1)[0] # ncremap requires the spatial dimension to be the last one, # which MALI does not exclusively follow. So we have to # permute dimensions before calling ncremap, and then permute back args = ['ncpdq', '-O', '-a', 'Time,nVertInterfaces,nVertLevels,nRegions,nISMIP6OceanLayers,nEdges,nCells', # noqa src_path, os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{src_file_rootname}')] check_call(args, logger=logger) args = ['ncremap', '-m', mapping_filename, os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{src_file_rootname}'), os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{dst_file}')] check_call(args, logger=logger) args = ['ncpdq', '-O', '-a', 'Time,nCells,nEdges,nVertInterfaces,nVertLevels,nRegions,nISMIP6OceanLayers', # noqa os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{dst_file}'), os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{dst_file}')] check_call(args, logger=logger) # drop some extra vars that ncremap adds ds_out = xarray.open_dataset(os.path.join(tmpdir, f'{dst_file}')) ds_out = ds_out.drop_vars(['lat', 'lon', 'lat_vertices', 'lon_vertices', 'area']) # drop variables on vertices or edges, which will not have been # remapped properly drop_list = [] for varname, da in ds_out.data_vars.items(): if 'nVertices' in da.dims or 'nEdges' in da.dims: drop_list.append(varname) ds_out = ds_out.drop_vars(drop_list) write_netcdf(ds_out, dst_file)