Source code for compass.landice.tests.mismipplus.spin_up

import os

from compass.config import CompassConfigParser
from compass.landice.tests import mismipplus
from compass.landice.tests.mismipplus.run_model import RunModel
from compass.landice.tests.mismipplus.setup_mesh import SetupMesh
from compass.testcase import TestCase

[docs] class SpinUp(TestCase): """ Test case for creating the MISMIP+ mesh, initial conditions, input files, and runs a short segment of the spin up experiments """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.landice.test.mismipplus The test group that this test case belongs to """ name = "spin_up" super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name) # Mesh generation step step_name = 'setup_mesh' self.add_step(SetupMesh(test_case=self, name=step_name)) # Simulation step step_name = 'run_model' step = RunModel(test_case=self, name=step_name) # add the mesh file from the previous step as dependency step.mesh_file = '' step.add_input_file(filename='', target='../setup_mesh/') package = "compass.landice.tests.mismipplus.spin_up" # modify the namelist options and streams file step.add_streams_file(package, 'streams.spin_up') step.add_namelist_file(package, 'namelist.spin_up') self.add_step(step)
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set up the directory structure, based on the requested resolution. """ # get the config options from the TestCase, which config = self.config # get the resolution from the parsed config file(s) resolution = config.getfloat('mesh', 'resolution') # loop over the steps of the `TestCase` and create a consistent # directory structure based on the value of `resolution` at the time # of compass setup. for step_name, step in self.steps.items(): # format resolution for creating subdirectory structure resolution_key = f'{resolution:4.0f}m' step.subdir = f'{resolution_key}/{}' # set the path attribute, based on the subdir attribute set above. step.path = os.path.join(,, step.test_case.subdir, step.subdir) # NOTE: we do not set the `step.work_dir` attribute, since it # will be set by `compass setup`` by joining the work dir # provided through the command line interface and the # `step.path` set above. # store the resolution (at the time of `compass setup`) as an # attribute. This is needed to prevent the changing of resolution # between `compass setup` and `compass run`, which could result # in a mesh having a different resolution than the dir it sits in. step.resolution = resolution # read the density value from config file and update the namelist if step_name == "run_model": ice_density = config['mesh'].getfloat('ice_density') step.add_namelist_options( {'config_ice_density': f'{ice_density}'})