import xarray as xr
# Following from:
# compass/ocean/tests/global_ocean/
# number of cells at 1000m resolution (with no gutter present). This is used
# as heuristic to scale the number of cells with resolution, in order to
# constrain the resoucres (i.e. `ntasks`) based on the mesh size.
ncells_at_1km_res = 61382
def get_ntasks_from_cell_count(config, cell_count):
Computes `ntasks` and `min_tasks` based on mesh size (i.e. cell_count)
config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser
Configuration options for the test case the step belongs to
cell_count : int
Number of horizontal cells in the mesh. The value of this parameter is
calculated (or approximated) using the functions below.
ntasks : int
The target number of MPI tasks
min_tasks : int
The minimum number of tasks
# read MPI related parameters from configuration file
cores_per_node = config.getint('parallel', 'cores_per_node')
max_cells_per_core = config.getint('mismipplus', 'max_cells_per_core')
goal_cells_per_core = config.getint('mismipplus', 'goal_cells_per_core')
# from Xylar: machines (e.g. Perlmutter) seem to be happier with ntasks
# that are multiples of 4
min_tasks = max(1, 4 * round(cell_count / (4 * max_cells_per_core)))
ntasks = max(1, 4 * round(cell_count / (4 * goal_cells_per_core)))
# if ntasks exceeds the number of cores per node, round to the nearest
# multiple of `cores_per_node`.
if ntasks > cores_per_node:
ntasks = cores_per_node * round(ntasks / cores_per_node)
return ntasks, min_tasks
def exact_cell_count(mesh_filename):
Get the number of cells from an already generated mesh file.
mesh_filename : str
A file containing the MPAS mesh (specifically `nCells`)
cell_count : int
the number of cells in the mesh
# get cell count from mesh
with xr.open_dataset(mesh_filename) as ds:
cell_count = ds.sizes['nCells']
return cell_count
def approx_cell_count(resolution, gutter_length):
Approximate the number of cells based on the resolution ratio squared
times the number of cells at 1km resolution. Also do a crude area scaling
to account for the additional cells from the gutter (if present).
resolution : float
The nominal resolution requested in the configuration file.
gutter_length: float
Desired gutter length [m] on the eastern domain.
cell_count : int
the number of cells in the mesh
# Fixed domain lenghts [m] (without gutter)
Lx = 640e3
Ly = 80e3
# Reference domain area [m^2]
ref_area = Lx * Ly
# ensure that the requested `gutter_length` is valid.
# Otherwise set the value to zero
if (gutter_length < 2. * resolution) and (gutter_length != 0.):
gutter_length = 0.
# approximate the number of cells for the desired resolution
cell_count = int(ncells_at_1km_res * (1000 / resolution)**2)
# Account for extra cells when gutter is requested
if gutter_length != 0.:
# calculate the area of the domain with the gutter
new_area = (Lx + gutter_length) * Ly
# scale by the approx cell count by the relative area increase
# due to presence of the gutter
cell_count *= new_area / ref_area
# return the approximate cell count as deterimned at `setup` stage.
return cell_count