Source code for compass.ocean.plot

import datetime

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import xarray
import xarray.plot
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

[docs] def plot_initial_state(input_file_name='', output_file_name='initial_state.png'): """ creates histogram plots of the initial condition Parameters ---------- input_file_name : str, optional The path to a NetCDF file with the initial state output_file_name: str, optional The path to the output image file """ # load mesh variables chunks = {'nCells': 32768, 'nEdges': 32768} ds = xarray.open_dataset(input_file_name, chunks=chunks) nCells = ds.sizes['nCells'] nEdges = ds.sizes['nEdges'] nVertLevels = ds.sizes['nVertLevels'] fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(16.0, 16.0) plt.clf() print('plotting histograms of the initial condition') print('see: init/initial_state/initial_state.png') d = txt = \ 'MPAS-Ocean initial state\n' + \ 'date: {}\n'.format(d.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')) + \ 'number cells: {}\n'.format(nCells) + \ 'number cells, millions: {:6.3f}\n'.format(nCells / 1.e6) + \ 'number layers: {}\n\n'.format(nVertLevels) + \ ' min val max val variable name\n' plt.subplot(4, 3, 2) varName = 'maxLevelCell' var = ds[varName] maxLevelCell = var.values - 1 xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=nVertLevels - 4) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel(varName) txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 3) varName = 'bottomDepth' var = ds[varName] xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=nVertLevels - 4) plt.xlabel(varName) txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) cellsOnEdge = ds['cellsOnEdge'].values - 1 cellMask = np.zeros((nCells, nVertLevels), bool) edgeMask = np.zeros((nEdges, nVertLevels), bool) for k in range(nVertLevels): cellMask[:, k] = k <= maxLevelCell cell0 = cellsOnEdge[:, 0] cell1 = cellsOnEdge[:, 1] edgeMask[:, k] = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(cellMask[cell0, k], cellMask[cell1, k]), np.logical_and(cell0 >= 0, cell1 >= 0)) cellMask = xarray.DataArray(data=cellMask, dims=('nCells', 'nVertLevels')) edgeMask = xarray.DataArray(data=edgeMask, dims=('nEdges', 'nVertLevels')) plt.subplot(4, 3, 4) varName = 'temperature' var = ds[varName].isel(Time=0).where(cellMask) xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=100, log=True) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel(varName) txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 5) varName = 'salinity' var = ds[varName].isel(Time=0).where(cellMask) xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=100, log=True) plt.xlabel(varName) txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 6) varName = 'layerThickness' var = ds[varName].isel(Time=0).where(cellMask) xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=100, log=True) plt.xlabel(varName) txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 7) varName = 'rx1Edge' var = ds[varName].isel(Time=0).where(edgeMask) maxRx1Edge = var.max().values xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=100, log=True) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel('Haney Number, max={:4.2f}'.format(maxRx1Edge)) txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 8) varName = 'areaCell' var = ds[varName] xarray.plot.hist(1e-6 * var, bins=100, log=True) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel(r'cell area (km$^2$)') txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 9) varName = 'dcEdge' var = ds[varName] xarray.plot.hist(1e-3 * var, bins=100, log=True) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel(r'dcEdge: cell-to-cell great-circle distance (km)') txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, varName) plt.subplot(4, 3, 10) var = ds.ssh - (-ds.bottomDepth) if 'landIceMask' in ds: mask = ds.landIceMask == 0 var = var.where(mask) xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=100, log=True) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel(r'open ocean water-column thickness (m)') txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, 'open ocean wc') if 'landIceMask' in ds: plt.subplot(4, 3, 11) var = (ds.ssh - (-ds.bottomDepth)).where(ds.landIceMask == 1) xarray.plot.hist(var, bins=100, log=True) plt.ylabel('frequency') plt.xlabel(r'ice-shelf cavity water-column thickness (m)') txt = '{}{:9.2e} {:9.2e} {}\n'.format(txt, var.min().values, var.max().values, 'cavity wc') font = FontProperties() font.set_family('monospace') font.set_size(12) print(txt) plt.subplot(3, 3, 1) plt.text(0, 1, txt, verticalalignment='top', fontproperties=font) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout(pad=4.0) plt.savefig(output_file_name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
[docs] def plot_vertical_grid(grid_filename, config, out_filename='vertical_grid.png'): """ Plot the vertical grid Parameters ---------- grid_filename : str The name of the NetCDF file containing the vertical grid config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser Configuration options for the vertical grid out_filename : str, optional The name of the image file to write to """ ds = xarray.open_dataset(grid_filename) nVertLevels = ds.sizes['nVertLevels'] midDepth = ds.refMidDepth.values layerThickness = ds.refLayerThickness.values botDepth = ds.refBottomDepth.values fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(16.0, 8.0) zInd = np.arange(1, nVertLevels + 1) plt.clf() plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.plot(zInd, midDepth, '.') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('vertical index (one-based)') plt.ylabel('layer mid-depth [m]') plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) plt.plot(layerThickness, midDepth, '.') plt.gca().invert_yaxis() plt.xlabel('layer thickness [m]') plt.ylabel('layer mid-depth [m]') plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(zInd, layerThickness, '.') plt.xlabel('vertical index (one-based)') plt.ylabel('layer thickness [m]') plt.grid() txt = ['number layers: {}'.format(nVertLevels)] if config.has_option('vertical_grid', 'bottom_depth'): bottom_depth = config.getfloat('vertical_grid', 'bottom_depth') txt.extend( ['bottom depth requested: {:8.2f}'.format(bottom_depth), 'bottom depth actual: {:8.2f}'.format(np.amax(botDepth))]) if config.has_option('vertical_grid', 'min_layer_thickness'): min_layer_thickness = config.getfloat('vertical_grid', 'min_layer_thickness') txt.extend( ['min thickness requested: {:8.2f}'.format(min_layer_thickness), 'min thickness actual: {:8.2f}'.format( np.amin(layerThickness[:]))]) if config.has_option('vertical_grid', 'max_layer_thickness'): max_layer_thickness = config.getfloat('vertical_grid', 'max_layer_thickness') txt.extend( ['max thickness requested: {:8.2f}'.format(max_layer_thickness), 'max thickness actual: {:8.2f}'.format( np.amax(layerThickness[:]))]) txt = '\n'.join(txt) print(txt) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) plt.text(0, 0, txt, fontsize=12) plt.axis('off') plt.savefig(out_filename)