Source code for compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.gyre_test_case

from compass.mesh import QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep
from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.cull_mesh import CullMesh
from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.forward import Forward
from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.initial_state import InitialState
from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.moc import Moc
from compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.viz import Viz
from compass.testcase import TestCase
from compass.validate import compare_variables

[docs] class GyreTestCase(TestCase): """ A class to define the baroclinic gyre test cases Attributes ---------- resolution : float The resolution of the test case (m) """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group, resolution, long): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_gyre.BaroclinicGyre The test group that this test case belongs to resolution : float The resolution of the test case (m) long : bool Whether to run a long (3-year) simulation to quasi-equilibrium """ name = 'performance_test' self.resolution = resolution self.long = long if long: name = '3_year_test' if resolution >= 1e3: res_name = f'{int(resolution/1e3)}km' else: res_name = f'{int(resolution)}m' subdir = f'{res_name}/{name}' super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name, subdir=subdir) self.add_step(QuasiUniformSphericalMeshStep( test_case=self, cell_width=int(resolution / 1e3))) self.add_step(CullMesh(test_case=self)) self.add_step( InitialState(test_case=self, resolution=resolution)) self.add_step( Forward(test_case=self, resolution=resolution, long=long)) if long: self.add_step( Moc(test_case=self, resolution=resolution)) self.add_step( Viz(test_case=self, resolution=resolution))
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set config options for the test case """ config = self.config config.add_from_package('compass.mesh', 'mesh.cfg')
def validate(self): """ Validate variables against a baseline """ compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=['layerThickness', 'temperature', 'ssh'], filename1='forward/output/' '')