from collections import OrderedDict
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
import pandas as pd
import xarray
from PIL import Image
from scipy import spatial
from compass.step import Step
class Viz(Step):
A step for visualizing dam break results, as well as comparison with
experimental data and ROMS simulation output (Warner et al. 2013).
def __init__(self, test_case):
Create the step
test_case : compass.TestCase
The test case this step belongs to
super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='viz')
filename = 'stationCoords.csv'
self.add_input_file(filename=filename, target=filename,
filename = 'dam_break.png'
self.add_input_file(filename=filename, target=filename,
observed_inputs = ['Station0.csv', 'Station4.csv', 'Station-5A.csv',
'Station8A.csv', 'StationC.csv']
roms_inputs = ['0-sim.csv', '4-sim.csv', '-5A-sim.csv', '8A-sim.csv',
for filename in observed_inputs:
self.add_input_file(filename=filename, target=filename,
for filename in roms_inputs:
self.add_input_file(filename=filename, target=filename,
def run(self):
Run this step of the test case
# read
data = xarray.open_dataset('')
x_cell = data.xCell.values
y_cell = data.yCell.values
ssh = data.ssh.values
bottomDepth = data.bottomDepth.values
print('compute wct')
wct = ssh + bottomDepth
dt = 0.3 # output interval in seconds
nt, _ = numpy.shape(wct) # number of output times
# read station coordinates
station_data = pd.read_csv('stationCoords.csv', header=None)
station_name = station_data.iloc[:, 0].values
station_coord = station_data.iloc[:, 1:]
# Identify MPAS-O cells nearest observations
# - coordinate shift from MPAS-O grid to dam break case
x_cell = 13 - x_cell
y_cell = 13 - y_cell
# - find the nearest cell of each station
matrix = numpy.array([x_cell, y_cell])
tree = spatial.KDTree(list(zip(*matrix)))
station_cell = tree.query(station_coord)[1]
# - cells representing station locations
station = OrderedDict(list(zip(station_name, station_cell)))
ii = 0
for cell in station:
ii += 1
ax = plt.subplot(3, 2, ii + 1)
# MPAS-O simulation results
mpaso = plt.plot(numpy.arange(0, dt * nt, dt),
wct[:, station[cell]],
color='#228B22', linewidth=2, alpha=0.6)
# Measured data
data = pd.read_csv('Station' + cell + '.csv', header=None)
measured = plt.scatter(data[0], data[1], 4,
marker='o', color='k')
# ROMS simulation results (Warner et al., 2013)
roms_data = pd.read_csv(cell + '-sim.csv', header=None)
roms = plt.scatter(roms_data[0], roms_data[1], 4,
marker='v', color='b')
plt.xlim(0, 10)
plt.xticks(numpy.arange(0, 11, 2))
plt.ylim(0, 0.7)
plt.yticks(numpy.arange(0, 0.7, 0.2))
plt.text(3.5, 0.55, 'Station ' + cell)
if ii % 2 == 0:
plt.ylabel('h (m)')
if ii >= 4:
plt.xlabel('time (s)')
plt.legend([mpaso[0], measured, roms],
['MPAS-O', 'Measured', 'ROMS'],
fontsize='xx-small', frameon=False)
# station location map
im ='dam_break.png')
im2 = im.resize((650, 300))
plt.subplot(3, 2, 1)
plt.imshow(im2, interpolation='bicubic')
plt.xlabel('x (m)')
plt.ylabel('y (m)')
plt.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=3)
plt.xticks([0, 325, 650], [4, 2, 0])
plt.locator_params(axis='y', nbins=5)
plt.yticks([0, 75, 150, 220, 300], reversed([2, 1.5, 1, 0.5, 0]))
plt.savefig('./dam_break_comparison.png', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')