Source code for compass.ocean.tests.drying_slope.analysis

import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class Analysis(Step): """ A step for analyzing the convergence of drying slope results and producing a convergence plot. Attributes ---------- damping_coeff : float The Rayleigh damping coefficient used for the forward runs resolutions : float The resolution of the test case times : list of float The times at which to compare to the analytical solution """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, resolutions, damping_coeff): """ Create a forward step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to resolutions : list of floats The resolution of the test case damping_coeff: float the value of the rayleigh damping coefficient """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='analysis') self.damping_coeff = damping_coeff self.resolutions = resolutions self.times = ['0.05', '0.15', '0.25', '0.30', '0.40', '0.50'] for resolution in resolutions: if resolution < 1.: res_name = f'{int(resolution*1e3)}m' else: res_name = f'{int(resolution)}km' self.add_input_file(filename=f'output_{res_name}.nc', target=f'../forward_{res_name}/') for time in self.times: filename = f'r{damping_coeff}d{time}-analytical'\ '.csv' self.add_input_file(filename=filename, target=filename, database='drying_slope') self.add_output_file(filename='convergence.png')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ self._plot_convergence()
def _compute_rmse(self, ds, t): """ Get the time step Parameters ---------- ds : xarray.Dataset the MPAS dataset containing output from a forward step t : float the time to evaluate the RMSE at Returns ------- rmse : float the root-mean-squared-error of the MPAS output relative to the analytical solution at time t """ x_exact, ssh_exact = self._exact_solution(t) tidx = int((float(t) / 0.2 + 1e-16) * 24.0) ds = ds.drop_vars(np.setdiff1d([j for j in ds.variables], ['yCell', 'ssh'])) ds = ds.isel(Time=tidx) drying_length = self.config.getfloat('drying_slope', 'ly_analysis') drying_length = drying_length * 1e3 x_offset = np.max(ds.yCell.values) - drying_length x_mpas = (ds.yCell.values - x_offset) / 1000.0 ssh_mpas = ds.ssh.values # Interpolate mpas solution to the points at which we have an exact # solution idx_min = np.argwhere(x_exact - x_mpas[0] >= 0.).item(0) idx_max = np.argwhere(x_exact - x_mpas[-1] <= 0.).item(-1) f = interp1d(x_mpas, ssh_mpas) ssh_mpas_interp = f(x_exact[idx_min:idx_max]) rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(ssh_mpas_interp - ssh_exact[idx_min:idx_max]))) return rmse def _plot_convergence(self): """ Plot convergence curves """ comparisons = [] cases = {'standard': '../../../standard/convergence/analysis', 'ramp': '../../../ramp/convergence/analysis'} for case in cases: include = True for resolution in self.resolutions: if resolution < 1.: res_name = f'{int(resolution*1e3)}m' else: res_name = f'{int(resolution)}km' if not os.path.exists(f'{cases[case]}/output_{res_name}.nc'): include = False if include: comparisons.append(case) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) max_rmse = 0 for k, comp in enumerate(comparisons): rmse = np.zeros((len(self.resolutions), len(self.times))) for i, resolution in enumerate(self.resolutions): if resolution < 1.: res_name = f'{int(resolution*1e3)}m' else: res_name = f'{int(resolution)}km' ds = xr.open_dataset( f'{cases[comp]}/output_{res_name}.nc') for j, time in enumerate(self.times): rmse[i, j] = self._compute_rmse(ds, time) rmse_tav = np.mean(rmse, axis=1) if np.max(rmse_tav) > max_rmse: max_rmse = np.max(rmse_tav) ax.loglog(self.resolutions, rmse_tav, linestyle='-', marker='o', label=comp) rmse_1st_order = np.zeros(len(self.resolutions)) rmse_1st_order[0] = max_rmse for i in range(len(self.resolutions) - 1): rmse_1st_order[i + 1] = rmse_1st_order[i] / 2.0 ax.loglog(self.resolutions, np.flip(rmse_1st_order), linestyle='-', color='k', alpha=.25, label='1st order') ax.set_xlabel('Cell size (km)') ax.set_ylabel('RMSE (m)') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_title('SSH convergence') fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('convergence.png') def _exact_solution(self, time): """ Returns distance, ssh of the analytic solution """ datafile = f'./r{self.damping_coeff}d{time}-'\ f'analytical.csv' data = pd.read_csv(datafile, header=None) return data[0], -data[1]