Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.diagnostic_maps

import glob
import os

import numpy
import pyproj
from pyremap import (

from import symlink
from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.files_for_e3sm_step import (  # noqa: E501

[docs] class DiagnosticMaps(FilesForE3SMStep): """ A step for creating mapping files for use in MPAS-Analysis """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.FilesForE3SM The test case this step belongs to """ # noqa: E501 super().__init__(test_case, name='diagnostics_maps', ntasks=36, min_tasks=1)
# for now, we won't define any outputs because they include the mesh # short name, which is not known at setup time. Currently, this is # safe because no other steps depend on the outputs of this one.
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the testcase """ super().run() make_diagnostics_maps(self.config, self.logger, self.mesh_short_name, self.ntasks)
def make_diagnostics_maps(config, logger, mesh_short_name, ntasks): """ Run this step of the testcase Parameters ---------- config : compass.config.CompassConfigParser Configuration options for this test case logger : logging.Logger A logger for output from the step mesh_short_name : str The E3SM short name of the mesh ntasks : int The number of cores to use to build mapping files """ link_dir = '../assembled_files/diagnostics/mpas_analysis/maps' try: os.makedirs(link_dir) except OSError: pass _make_analysis_lat_lon_map(config, mesh_short_name, ntasks, logger) for projection_name in ['antarctic', 'arctic', 'antarctic_extended', 'arctic_extended', 'north_atlantic', 'north_pacific', 'subpolar_north_atlantic']: _make_analysis_projection_map(config, mesh_short_name, projection_name, ntasks, logger) # make links in output directory files = glob.glob('map_*') # make links in output directory for filename in files: symlink(os.path.abspath(filename), f'{link_dir}/{filename}') def _make_analysis_lat_lon_map(config, mesh_name, ntasks, logger): mesh_filename = '' lat_res = config.getfloat('files_for_e3sm', 'comparisonLatResolution') lon_res = config.getfloat('files_for_e3sm', 'comparisonLonResolution') # modify the resolution of the global lat-lon grid as desired out_descriptor = get_lat_lon_descriptor(dLon=lat_res, dLat=lon_res) out_grid_name = out_descriptor.meshName _make_mapping_file(mesh_name, out_grid_name, mesh_filename, out_descriptor, ntasks, config, logger) # copied from MPAS-Analysis for now def _get_pyproj_projection(comparison_grid_name): """ Get the projection from the comparison_grid_name. Parameters ---------- comparison_grid_name : str The name of the projection comparison grid to use for remapping Returns ------- projection : pyproj.Proj The projection Raises ------ ValueError If comparison_grid_name does not describe a known comparison grid """ if comparison_grid_name == 'latlon': raise ValueError('latlon is not a projection grid.') elif comparison_grid_name in ['antarctic', 'antarctic_extended']: projection = pyproj.Proj( '+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0.0 +k_0=1.0 ' '+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84') elif comparison_grid_name in ['arctic', 'arctic_extended']: projection = pyproj.Proj( '+proj=stere +lat_ts=75.0 +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0.0 +k_0=1.0 ' '+x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84') elif comparison_grid_name == 'north_atlantic': projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=lcc +lon_0=-45 +lat_0=45 +lat_1=39 ' '+lat_2=51 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84') elif comparison_grid_name == 'north_pacific': projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=lcc +lon_0=180 +lat_0=40 +lat_1=34 ' '+lat_2=46 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84') elif comparison_grid_name == 'subpolar_north_atlantic': projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=lcc +lon_0=-40 +lat_0=54 +lat_1=40 ' '+lat_2=68 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84') else: raise ValueError(f'We missed one of the known comparison grids: ' f'{comparison_grid_name}') return projection # A lot of duplication from MPAS-Analysis for now. def _make_analysis_projection_map(config, mesh_name, projection_name, ntasks, logger): mesh_filename = '' section = 'files_for_e3sm' option_suffixes = {'antarctic': 'AntarcticStereo', 'arctic': 'ArcticStereo', 'antarctic_extended': 'AntarcticExtended', 'arctic_extended': 'ArcticExtended', 'north_atlantic': 'NorthAtlantic', 'north_pacific': 'NorthPacific', 'subpolar_north_atlantic': 'SubpolarNorthAtlantic'} grid_suffixes = {'antarctic': 'Antarctic_stereo', 'arctic': 'Arctic_stereo', 'antarctic_extended': 'Antarctic_stereo', 'arctic_extended': 'Arctic_stereo', 'north_atlantic': 'North_Atlantic', 'north_pacific': 'North_Pacific', 'subpolar_north_atlantic': 'Subpolar_North_Atlantic'} projection = _get_pyproj_projection(projection_name) option_suffix = option_suffixes[projection_name] grid_suffix = grid_suffixes[projection_name] width = config.getfloat( section, f'comparison{option_suffix}Width') option = f'comparison{option_suffix}Height' if config.has_option(section, option): height = config.getfloat(section, option) else: height = width res = config.getfloat( section, f'comparison{option_suffix}Resolution') xmax = 0.5 * width * 1e3 nx = int(width / res) + 1 x = numpy.linspace(-xmax, xmax, nx) ymax = 0.5 * height * 1e3 ny = int(height / res) + 1 y = numpy.linspace(-ymax, ymax, ny) out_grid_name = f'{width}x{height}km_{res}km_{grid_suffix}' out_descriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create(projection, x, y, mesh_name) _make_mapping_file(mesh_name, out_grid_name, mesh_filename, out_descriptor, ntasks, config, logger) def _make_mapping_file(mesh_name, out_grid_name, mesh_filename, out_descriptor, ntasks, config, logger): parallel_executable = config.get('parallel', 'parallel_executable') in_descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(mesh_filename, mesh_name) mapping_file_name = f'map_{mesh_name}_to_{out_grid_name}' remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, mapping_file_name) remapper.build_mapping_file(method='bilinear', mpiTasks=ntasks, tempdir='.', logger=logger, esmf_parallel_exec=parallel_executable) # now the same on vertices (e.g. for streamfunctions) in_descriptor = MpasVertexMeshDescriptor(mesh_filename, mesh_name) mapping_file_name = \ f'map_{mesh_name}_vertices_to_{out_grid_name}' remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, mapping_file_name) remapper.build_mapping_file(method='bilinear', mpiTasks=ntasks, tempdir='.', logger=logger, esmf_parallel_exec=parallel_executable)