Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.remap_sea_surface_salinity_restoring

import os
import pathlib

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.logging import check_call
from pyremap import MpasCellMeshDescriptor

from import symlink
from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.files_for_e3sm_step import (  # noqa: E501
from compass.parallel import run_command

[docs] class RemapSeaSurfaceSalinityRestoring(FilesForE3SMStep): """ A step for for remapping sea surface salinity (SSS) from WOA23 to the current MPAS mesh """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case, name='remap_sea_surface_salinity_restoring', ntasks=512, min_tasks=128) self.add_input_file( target='', database='initial_condition_database') self.add_input_file( target='', database='initial_condition_database') self.add_output_file(filename='')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ super().run() in_filename = self.inputs[0] src_scrip_filename = self.inputs[1] prefix = 'sss.WOA23_monthlyClimatology' suffix = f'{self.mesh_short_name}.{self.creation_date}' out_filename = f'{prefix}.nc' dest_filename = f'{prefix}.{suffix}.nc' mesh_filename = '' mesh_name = self.mesh_short_name target_scrip_filename = self._create_target_scrip_file( mesh_filename, mesh_name) mapping_filename = \ f'map_ne300_to_{mesh_name}' stem = pathlib.Path(out_filename).stem remap_filename = f'{stem}' src_partition_filename = self._partition_scrip_file( src_scrip_filename) target_partition_filename = self._partition_scrip_file( target_scrip_filename) self._create_weights_tempest(src_partition_filename, target_partition_filename, mapping_filename) self._remap_to_target(in_filename, remap_filename, mapping_filename) self._modify_remapped_sss(remap_filename, out_filename) symlink( os.path.abspath(out_filename), f'{self.ocean_inputdata_dir}/{dest_filename}')
def _create_target_scrip_file(self, target_mesh_filename, mesh_name): """ Create target SCRIP file from MPAS mesh file """ logger = self.logger'Create target SCRIP file') config = self.config section = config['files_for_e3sm'] min_lat = np.deg2rad(section.getfloat('sss_smoothing_min_lat')) max_dist = section.getfloat('sss_smoothing_max_dist') scrip_filename = f'{mesh_name}' ds_mesh = xr.open_dataset(target_mesh_filename) lat_cell = ds_mesh.latCell expand_dist = xr.zeros_like(lat_cell) mask = lat_cell >= min_lat # goes from 1 at the North pole to zero at min_lat alpha = (lat_cell - min_lat) / (0.5 * np.pi - min_lat) expand_dist[mask] = alpha[mask] * max_dist ds_out = xr.Dataset() ds_out['expandDist'] = expand_dist write_netcdf(ds_out, '') descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor( fileName=target_mesh_filename, meshName=mesh_name, ) descriptor.to_scrip( scrip_filename, expandDist=expand_dist )' Done.') return scrip_filename def _partition_scrip_file(self, in_filename): """ Partition SCRIP file for parallel mbtempest use """ logger = self.logger'Partition SCRIP file') stem = pathlib.Path(in_filename).stem h5m_filename = f'{stem}.h5m' part_filename = f'{stem}.p{self.ntasks}.h5m' # Convert source SCRIP to mbtempest args = [ 'mbconvert', '-B', in_filename, h5m_filename, ] check_call(args, logger) # Partition source SCRIP args = [ 'mbpart', f'{self.ntasks}', '-z', 'RCB', h5m_filename, part_filename, ] check_call(args, logger)' Done.') return part_filename def _create_weights_tempest(self, src_partition_filename, target_partition_filename, mapping_filename): """ Create mapping weights file using TempestRemap """ logger = self.logger'Create weights file') args = [ 'mbtempest', '--type', '5', '--load', src_partition_filename, '--load', target_partition_filename, '--file', mapping_filename, '--weights', '--gnomonic', '--boxeps', '1e-9', ] run_command( args, self.min_cpus_per_task, self.ntasks, self.openmp_threads, self.config, self.logger )' Done.') def _remap_to_target(self, in_filename, remap_filename, mapping_filename): """ Remap SSS onto MPAS target mesh """ logger = self.logger'Remap to target') # Build command args args = [ 'ncremap', '-m', mapping_filename, '--vrb=1', in_filename, remap_filename, ] check_call(args, logger)' Done.') def _modify_remapped_sss(self, remap_filename, out_filename): """ Modify remapped SSS """ logger = self.logger ds = xr.open_dataset(remap_filename)'Removing lat/lon bounds variables...') drop = [var for var in ds if 'nv' in ds[var].dims] ds = ds.drop_vars(drop)'Renaming dimensions and variables...') rename = dict(ncol='nCells', SALT='surfaceSalinityMonthlyClimatologyValue') ds = ds.rename(rename) write_netcdf(ds, out_filename)