Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.remap_tidal_mixing

import os

import pyproj
import xarray as xr
from import write_netcdf
from pyremap import MpasCellMeshDescriptor, ProjectionGridDescriptor, Remapper

from import symlink
from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.files_for_e3sm.files_for_e3sm_step import (  # noqa: E501

[docs] class RemapTidalMixing(FilesForE3SMStep): """ A step for for remapping the RMS tidal velocity from the CATS model ( to the current MPAS mesh """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case, name='remap_tidal_mixing', ntasks=512, min_tasks=1) self.add_input_file( filename='', target='', database='tidal_mixing')
def setup(self): """ setup input and output files based on config options """ super().setup() if self.with_ice_shelf_cavities: self.add_output_file(filename='')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ super().run() if not self.with_ice_shelf_cavities: return logger = self.logger config = self.config ntasks = self.ntasks in_filename = '' prefix = 'velocityTidalRMS_CATS2008' suffix = f'{self.mesh_short_name}.{self.creation_date}' remapped_filename = f'{prefix}.nc' dest_filename = f'{prefix}.{suffix}.nc' parallel_executable = config.get('parallel', 'parallel_executable') mesh_filename = '' mesh_short_name = self.mesh_short_name land_ice_mask_filename = '' remap_tidal(in_filename, mesh_filename, mesh_short_name, land_ice_mask_filename, remapped_filename, logger=logger, mpi_tasks=ntasks, parallel_executable=parallel_executable) symlink( os.path.abspath(remapped_filename), f'{self.ocean_inputdata_dir}/{dest_filename}')
def remap_tidal(in_filename, mesh_filename, mesh_name, land_ice_mask_filename, out_filename, logger, mapping_directory='.', method='bilinear', renormalize=0.01, mpi_tasks=1, parallel_executable=None): """ Remap the RMS tidal velocity from the CATS model ( to the current MPAS mesh Parameters ---------- in_filename : str The original CATS tidal friction velocity file mesh_filename : str The MPAS mesh mesh_name : str The name of the mesh (e.g. oEC60to30wISC), used in the name of the mapping file land_ice_mask_filename : str A file containing the variable ``landIceMask`` on the MPAS mesh out_filename : str An output file to write the remapped climatology of SSS to logger : logging.Logger A logger for output from the step mapping_directory : str The directory where the mapping file should be stored (if it is to be computed) or where it already exists (if not) method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}, optional The method of interpolation used, see documentation for `ESMF_RegridWeightGen` for details. renormalize : float, optional A threshold to use to renormalize the data mpi_tasks : int, optional The number of MPI tasks to use to compute the mapping file parallel_executable : {'srun', 'mpirun'}, optional The name of the parallel executable to use to launch ESMF tools. But default, 'mpirun' from the conda environment is used """'Creating the source grid descriptor...') projection_in = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 ' '+lon_0=-70.0 +k_0=1.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 ' '+ellps=WGS84') in_grid_name = 'S71W70_CATS_ustar' src_descriptor = projection=projection_in, fileName=in_filename, meshName=in_grid_name, xVarName='x', yVarName='y') src_mesh_name = src_descriptor.meshName dst_descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(mesh_filename, mesh_name) mapping_filename = \ f'{mapping_directory}/map_{src_mesh_name}_to_{mesh_name}_{method}.nc''Creating the mapping file {mapping_filename}...') remapper = Remapper(src_descriptor, dst_descriptor, mapping_filename) remapper.build_mapping_file(method=method, mpiTasks=mpi_tasks, tempdir=mapping_directory, logger=logger, esmf_parallel_exec=parallel_executable)'done.') field = 'velocityTidalRMS''Remapping...') name, ext = os.path.splitext(out_filename) remap_filename = f'{name}_after_remap{ext}' remapper.remap_file(inFileName=in_filename, outFileName=remap_filename, logger=logger) ds_mask = xr.open_dataset(land_ice_mask_filename) land_ice_mask = ds_mask.landIceMask'Renormalize and masking to ice-shelf cavities...') ds = xr.Dataset() with xr.open_dataset(mesh_filename) as ds_mesh: ds['lonCell'] = ds_mesh.lonCell ds['latCell'] = ds_mesh.latCell with xr.open_dataset(remap_filename) as ds_remap:'Renaming dimensions and variables...') rename = dict(ncol='nCells') ds_remap = ds_remap.rename(rename) ds_remap = ds_remap.drop_vars(['x', 'y']) # renormalize mask = ds_remap.mask > renormalize ds[field] = (ds_remap[field] / ds_remap.mask).where(mask, 0.) # mask only to regions with land ice ds[field] = land_ice_mask * ds[field] # drop Time dimension if 'Time' in ds[field].dims: ds[field] = ds[field].isel(Time=0) ds[field].attrs['units'] = 'm^2 s^-2' write_netcdf(ds, out_filename)'done.')