Source code for compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.remap_ice_shelf_melt

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pyproj
import xarray as xr
from mpas_tools.cime.constants import constants
from import write_netcdf
from mpas_tools.mesh.cull import write_map_culled_to_base
from pyremap import MpasCellMeshDescriptor, ProjectionGridDescriptor, Remapper
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class RemapIceShelfMelt(Step): """ A step for for remapping observed melt rates to the MPAS grid Attributes ---------- mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh The test case that produces the mesh for this run """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, mesh): """ Create a new step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh The test case that produces the mesh for this run """ super().__init__(test_case, name='remap_ice_shelf_melt', ntasks=512, min_tasks=1) base_mesh_path = mesh.steps['base_mesh'].path culled_mesh_path = mesh.steps['cull_mesh'].path self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{base_mesh_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{culled_mesh_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{culled_mesh_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{culled_mesh_path}/') self.add_input_file( filename='', target='', database='initial_condition_database', url='') # noqa: E501 self.add_output_file(filename='') self.mesh = mesh
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ logger = self.logger config = self.config ntasks = self.ntasks in_filename = '' out_filename = '' parallel_executable = config.get('parallel', 'parallel_executable') base_mesh_filename = '' culled_mesh_filename = '' land_ice_mask_filename = '' map_culled_to_base_filename = '' mesh_name = self.mesh.mesh_name remap_paolo( in_filename, base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename, mesh_name, land_ice_mask_filename, out_filename, logger=logger, mpi_tasks=ntasks, parallel_executable=parallel_executable, map_culled_to_base_filename=map_culled_to_base_filename)
[docs] def remap_paolo(in_filename, base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename, mesh_name, land_ice_mask_filename, out_filename, logger, mapping_directory='.', method='conserve', renormalization_threshold=None, mpi_tasks=1, parallel_executable=None, map_culled_to_base_filename=None): """ Remap the Paolo et al. (2023; melt rates at ~2 km resolution to an MPAS mesh Parameters ---------- in_filename : str The original Paolo et al. (2023) melt rates base_mesh_filename : str The base MPAS mesh before land is culled culled_mesh_filename : str The MPAS mesh after land has been culled mesh_name : str The name of the mesh (e.g. oEC60to30wISC), used in the name of the mapping file land_ice_mask_filename : str A file containing the variable ``landIceMask`` on the MPAS mesh out_filename : str The melt rates interpolated to the MPAS mesh with ocean sensible heat fluxes added on (assuming insulating ice) logger : logging.Logger A logger for output from the step mapping_directory : str The directory where the mapping file should be stored (if it is to be computed) or where it already exists (if not) method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}, optional The method of interpolation used, see documentation for `ESMF_RegridWeightGen` for details. renormalization_threshold : float, optional The minimum weight of a destination cell after remapping, below which it is masked out, or ``None`` for no renormalization and masking. mpi_tasks : int, optional The number of MPI tasks to use to compute the mapping file parallel_executable : {'srun', 'mpirun'}, optional The name of the parallel executable to use to launch ESMF tools. But default, 'mpirun' from the conda environment is used map_culled_to_base_filename : str, optional A file with indices that map from the culled to the base MPAS mesh. If not provided, they will be computed """'Reading {in_filename}...') with xr.open_dataset(in_filename) as ds_in: x = ds_in.x y = ds_in.y melt_rate = ds_in.melt_mean melt_rate = melt_rate.where(melt_rate.notnull(), 0.)'done.') lx = np.abs(1e-3 * (x[-1] - x[0])).values ly = np.abs(1e-3 * (y[-1] - y[0])).values dx = np.abs(1e-3 * (x[1] - x[0])).values in_grid_name = f'{lx:.1f}x{ly:.1f}km_{dx:.3f}km_Antarctic_stereo' projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0.0 ' '+k_0=1.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84')'Creating the source grid descriptor...') in_descriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create( projection=projection, x=x.values, y=y.values, meshName=in_grid_name)'done.') out_descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(base_mesh_filename, mesh_name) mapping_filename = \ f'{mapping_directory}/map_{in_grid_name}_to_{mesh_name}''Creating the mapping file {mapping_filename}...') remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, mapping_filename) remapper.build_mapping_file(method=method, mpiTasks=mpi_tasks, tempdir=mapping_directory, logger=logger, esmf_parallel_exec=parallel_executable, include_logs=True)'done.') dx = np.abs(in_descriptor.xCorner[1:] - in_descriptor.xCorner[:-1]) dy = np.abs(in_descriptor.yCorner[1:] - in_descriptor.yCorner[:-1]) dx, dy = np.meshgrid(dx, dy) planar_area = xr.DataArray(dims=('y', 'x'), data=dx * dy) with xr.open_dataset(mapping_filename) as ds_map: earth_radius = constants['SHR_CONST_REARTH'] map_src_area = ds_map.area_a.values * earth_radius**2 map_dst_area = ds_map.area_b.values * earth_radius**2 sphere_area = xr.DataArray( dims=('y', 'x'), data=map_src_area.reshape(planar_area.shape))'Creating the source xarray dataset...') ds = xr.Dataset() # convert to the units and variable names expected in MPAS-O # Paolo et al. (2023) ice density (from attributes) rho_ice = 917. s_per_yr = 365. * constants['SHR_CONST_CDAY'] latent_heat_of_fusion = constants['SHR_CONST_LATICE'] ds['x'] = x ds['y'] = y area_ratio = planar_area / sphere_area'min projected area ratio: {area_ratio.min().values}')'max projected area ratio: {area_ratio.max().values}')'') # original field is negative for melt fwf = -melt_rate * rho_ice / s_per_yr field = 'dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux' ds[field] = area_ratio * fwf ds[field].attrs['units'] = 'kg m^-2 s^-1' field = 'dataLandIceHeatFlux' ds[field] = -(latent_heat_of_fusion * ds.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux) ds[field].attrs['units'] = 'W m^-2''Writing the source dataset...') write_netcdf(ds, '')'done.')'') planar_flux = (fwf * planar_area).sum().values sphere_flux = (ds.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux * sphere_area).sum().values heat_flux = (ds.dataLandIceHeatFlux * sphere_area).sum().values'Area of a cell (m^2): {planar_area[0,0]:.1f}')'Total flux on plane (kg/s): {planar_flux:.1f}')'Total flux on sphere (kg/s): {sphere_flux:.1f}')'Total heat flux on sphere (W): {heat_flux:.1f}')'')'Remapping...') ds_remap = remapper.remap( ds, renormalizationThreshold=renormalization_threshold)'done.')'') with xr.open_dataset(base_mesh_filename) as ds_mesh: mpas_area_cell = ds_mesh.areaCell sphere_area_cell = xr.DataArray( dims=('nCells',), data=map_dst_area) area_ratio = sphere_area_cell / mpas_area_cell'min MPAS area ratio: {area_ratio.min().values}')'max MPAS area ratio: {area_ratio.max().values}')'') sphere_fwf = ds_remap.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux field = 'dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux' ds_remap[field] = area_ratio * sphere_fwf ds_remap[field].attrs['units'] = 'kg m-2 s-1' field = 'dataLandIceHeatFlux' ds_remap[field] = area_ratio * ds_remap[field] ds_remap[field].attrs['units'] = 'W m-2' mpas_flux = (ds_remap.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux * mpas_area_cell).sum().values sphere_flux = (sphere_fwf * sphere_area_cell).sum().values'Total flux w/ MPAS area (kg/s): {mpas_flux:.1f}')'Total flux w/ sphere area (kg/s): {sphere_flux:.1f}') if map_culled_to_base_filename is None: map_culled_to_base_filename = '' write_map_culled_to_base(base_mesh_filename=base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename=culled_mesh_filename, out_filename=map_culled_to_base_filename) _land_ice_mask_on_base_mesh( base_mesh_filename=base_mesh_filename, land_ice_mask_filename=land_ice_mask_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename=map_culled_to_base_filename) ds_mask = xr.open_dataset('') mask = ds_mask.landIceFloatingMask ds_remap['landIceFloatingMask'] = mask ds_remap.attrs.pop('history') write_netcdf(ds_remap, '') # deal with melting beyond the land-ice mask _reroute_missing_flux(base_mesh_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename, out_filename, logger)
[docs] def remap_adusumilli(in_filename, base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename, mesh_name, land_ice_mask_filename, out_filename, logger, mapping_directory='.', method='conserve', renormalization_threshold=None, mpi_tasks=1, parallel_executable=None, map_culled_to_base_filename=None): """ Remap the Adusumilli et al. (2020) melt rates at 0.5 km resolution to an MPAS mesh Parameters ---------- in_filename : str The original Adusumilli et al. (2020) melt rates base_mesh_filename : str The base MPAS mesh before land is culled culled_mesh_filename : str The MPAS mesh after land has been culled mesh_name : str The name of the mesh (e.g. oEC60to30wISC), used in the name of the mapping file land_ice_mask_filename : str A file containing the variable ``landIceMask`` on the MPAS mesh out_filename : str The melt rates interpolated to the MPAS mesh with ocean sensible heat fluxes added on (assuming insulating ice) logger : logging.Logger A logger for output from the step mapping_directory : str The directory where the mapping file should be stored (if it is to be computed) or where it already exists (if not) method : {'bilinear', 'neareststod', 'conserve'}, optional The method of interpolation used, see documentation for `ESMF_RegridWeightGen` for details. renormalization_threshold : float, optional The minimum weight of a destination cell after remapping, below which it is masked out, or ``None`` for no renormalization and masking. mpi_tasks : int, optional The number of MPI tasks to use to compute the mapping file parallel_executable : {'srun', 'mpirun'}, optional The name of the parallel executable to use to launch ESMF tools. But default, 'mpirun' from the conda environment is used map_culled_to_base_filename : str, optional A file with indices that map from the culled to the base MPAS mesh. If not provided, they will be computed """'Reading {in_filename}...') h5_data = h5py.File(in_filename, 'r') x = np.array(h5_data['/x'])[:, 0] y = np.array(h5_data['/y'])[:, 0] melt_rate = np.array(h5_data['/w_b'])'done.') lx = np.abs(1e-3 * (x[-1] - x[0])) ly = np.abs(1e-3 * (y[-1] - y[0])) in_grid_name = f'{lx}x{ly}km_0.5km_Antarctic_stereo' projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0.0 ' '+k_0=1.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84')'Creating the source grid descriptor...') in_descriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create( projection=projection, x=x, y=y, meshName=in_grid_name)'done.')'Creating the source xarray dataset...') ds = xr.Dataset() # convert to the units and variable names expected in MPAS-O # Adusumilli et al. (2020) ice density (caption of Fig. 1 and Methods # section) rho_ice = 917. s_per_yr = 365. * constants['SHR_CONST_CDAY'] latent_heat_of_fusion = constants['SHR_CONST_LATICE'] mask = np.isfinite(melt_rate) melt_rate = np.where(mask, melt_rate, 0.) ds['x'] = (('x',), x) ds['y'] = (('y',), y) ds['dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux'] = (('y', 'x'), melt_rate * rho_ice / s_per_yr) ds['dataLandIceHeatFlux'] = -(latent_heat_of_fusion * ds.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux)'Writing the source dataset...') write_netcdf(ds, '')'done.') out_descriptor = MpasCellMeshDescriptor(base_mesh_filename, mesh_name) mapping_filename = \ f'{mapping_directory}/map_{in_grid_name}_to_{mesh_name}''Creating the mapping file {mapping_filename}...') remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, mapping_filename) remapper.build_mapping_file(method=method, mpiTasks=mpi_tasks, tempdir=mapping_directory, logger=logger, esmf_parallel_exec=parallel_executable)'done.')'Remapping...') ds_remap = remapper.remap( ds, renormalizationThreshold=renormalization_threshold)'done.') if map_culled_to_base_filename is None: map_culled_to_base_filename = '' write_map_culled_to_base(base_mesh_filename=base_mesh_filename, culled_mesh_filename=culled_mesh_filename, out_filename=map_culled_to_base_filename) _land_ice_mask_on_base_mesh( base_mesh_filename=base_mesh_filename, land_ice_mask_filename=land_ice_mask_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename=map_culled_to_base_filename) ds_mask = xr.open_dataset('') mask = ds_mask.landIceFloatingMask ds_remap['landIceFloatingMask'] = mask ds_remap.attrs.pop('history') write_netcdf(ds_remap, '') # deal with melting beyond the land-ice mask _reroute_missing_flux(base_mesh_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename, out_filename, logger)
def _land_ice_mask_on_base_mesh(base_mesh_filename, land_ice_mask_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename): """ Map the land-ice mask back to the base mesh """ ds_map = xr.open_dataset(map_culled_to_base_filename) map_culled_to_base = ds_map.mapCulledToBaseCell.values ds_base = xr.open_dataset(base_mesh_filename) ncells_base = ds_base.sizes['nCells'] ds_culled_mask = xr.open_dataset(land_ice_mask_filename) culled_land_ice_mask = ds_culled_mask.landIceFloatingMask.values base_land_ice_mask = np.zeros(ncells_base, dtype=int) base_land_ice_mask[map_culled_to_base] = culled_land_ice_mask ds_base_mask = xr.Dataset() ds_base_mask['landIceFloatingMask'] = ('nCells', base_land_ice_mask) write_netcdf(ds_base_mask, '') def _reroute_missing_flux(base_mesh_filename, map_culled_to_base_filename, out_filename, logger): """ For each flux cell not within an ice shelf, find the closest ice-shelf cell """ ds_ismf_base = xr.open_dataset('') land_ice_mask = ds_ismf_base.landIceFloatingMask fwf = ds_ismf_base.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux fwf = fwf.where(fwf.notnull(), 0.) hf = ds_ismf_base.dataLandIceHeatFlux hf = hf.where(hf.notnull(), 0.) flux_mask = fwf != 0. fluxes_to_reroute = np.logical_and(flux_mask, land_ice_mask != 1) ds_base = xr.open_dataset(base_mesh_filename) ncells_base = ds_base.sizes['nCells'] base_xyz = np.zeros((ncells_base, 3)) base_xyz[:, 0] = ds_base.xCell.values base_xyz[:, 1] = ds_base.yCell.values base_xyz[:, 2] = ds_base.zCell.values area = ds_base.areaCell land_ice_xyz = base_xyz[land_ice_mask.values == 1, :] land_ice_cell_indices = np.arange(ncells_base)[land_ice_mask.values == 1] reroute_mask = fluxes_to_reroute.astype(int) fw_mass_rerouted = (fwf * area).isel(nCells=fluxes_to_reroute.values) heat_rerouted = (hf * area).isel(nCells=fluxes_to_reroute.values) count = np.sum(reroute_mask.values)'Rerouting fluxes from {count} cells') fwf_land_ice = (land_ice_mask * fwf * area).sum().values'Captured flux (kg/s): {fwf_land_ice:.1f}') fwf_rerouted = fw_mass_rerouted.sum().values'Rerouted flux (kg/s): {fwf_rerouted:.1f}') fwf_total = (fwf * area).sum().values'Total flux (kg/s): {fwf_total:.1f}') ds_to_route = xr.Dataset() ds_to_route['rerouteMask'] = reroute_mask write_netcdf(ds_to_route, '') reroute_xyz = base_xyz[fluxes_to_reroute.values, :] # we want to find closest land-ice cell to a given reroute cell tree = KDTree(land_ice_xyz) # todo: may need to be more sophisticated with workers based on ntasks, # etc. _, indices = tree.query(reroute_xyz, workers=-1) ds_map = xr.open_dataset(map_culled_to_base_filename) map_culled_to_base = ds_map.mapCulledToBaseCell.values fwf_rerouted = land_ice_mask.values * fwf.where(fwf.notnull(), 0.).values hf_rerouted = land_ice_mask.values * hf.where(hf.notnull(), 0.).values for rerouted_index, land_ice_index in enumerate(indices): icell = land_ice_cell_indices[land_ice_index] fwf_rerouted[icell] += fw_mass_rerouted[rerouted_index] / area[icell] hf_rerouted[icell] += heat_rerouted[rerouted_index] / area[icell] # now, go from base to culled mesh fwf_rerouted = fwf_rerouted[map_culled_to_base] hf_rerouted = hf_rerouted[map_culled_to_base] ds_out = xr.Dataset() field = 'dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux' ds_out[field] = ('nCells', fwf_rerouted) ds_out[field] = ds_out[field].expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0) ds_out[field].attrs['units'] = 'kg m^-2 s^-1' field = 'dataLandIceHeatFlux' ds_out[field] = ('nCells', hf_rerouted) ds_out[field] = ds_out[field].expand_dims(dim='Time', axis=0) ds_out[field].attrs['units'] = 'W m^-2' write_netcdf(ds_out, out_filename) fwf_total = (ds_out.dataLandIceFreshwaterFlux * area.isel(nCells=map_culled_to_base)).sum().values'Total after rerouting (kg/s): {fwf_total:.1f}')'')