Source code for compass.ocean.tests.isomip_plus.process_geom

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage.filters as filters
import xarray as xr

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class ProcessGeom(Step): """ A step for processing the ISOMIP+ geometry for a given experiment Attributes ---------- resolution : float The horizontal resolution (km) of the test case thin_film_present: bool Whether the run includes a thin film below grounded ice """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, resolution, experiment, thin_film_present): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to resolution : float The horizontal resolution (km) of the test case experiment : {'Ocean0', 'Ocean1', 'Ocean2'} The ISOMIP+ experiment """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='process_geom') self.resolution = resolution self.thin_film_present = thin_film_present if experiment in ['Ocean0', 'Ocean1']: self.add_input_file(filename='', target='', database='initial_condition_database') elif experiment == 'Ocean2': self.add_input_file(filename='', target='', database='initial_condition_database') else: raise ValueError('Unknown ISOMIP+ experiment {}'.format( experiment)) self.add_output_file('')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ config = self.config thin_film_present = self.thin_film_present section = config['isomip_plus'] filter_sigma = section.getfloat('topo_smoothing') * self.resolution min_ice_thickness = section.getfloat('min_ice_thickness') draft_scaling = section.getfloat('draft_scaling') # km to m x_min = 1e3 * section.getfloat('x_min') # a buffer of cells for masking "land" around the domain buffer = 1 ds_in = xr.open_dataset('') mask = ds_in.x >= x_min ds_in = ds_in.isel(x=mask) rename = {'upperSurface': 'Z_ice_surface', 'lowerSurface': 'Z_ice_draft', 'bedrockTopography': 'Z_bed', 'floatingMask': 'landIceFloatingFraction', 'groundedMask': 'landIceGroundedFraction', 'openOceanMask': 'openOceanFraction'} ds_in = ds_in.rename(rename) # This test case assumes that all land is ice covered ds_in['landFraction'] = ds_in.landIceGroundedFraction x_in = ds_in.x.values y_in = ds_in.y.values dx = x_in[1] - x_in[0] dy = y_in[1] - y_in[0] nx = ds_in.sizes['x'] + 2 * buffer ny = ds_in.sizes['y'] + 2 * buffer x_out = x_in[0] + dx * (-buffer + np.arange(nx)) y_out = y_in[0] + dy * (-buffer + np.arange(ny)) ds = xr.Dataset() ds['x'] = ('x', x_out) ds['y'] = ('y', y_out) land_values = {'Z_ice_surface': 0., 'Z_ice_draft': 0., 'Z_bed': 0., 'landIceFloatingFraction': 0., 'landIceGroundedFraction': 1., 'landFraction': 1., 'openOceanFraction': 0.} for var, land_value in land_values.items(): out_field = land_value * np.ones((ny, nx), float) out_field[buffer:-buffer, buffer:-buffer] = ds_in[var].values ds[var] = (('y', 'x'), out_field) ds['iceThickness'] = ds.Z_ice_surface - ds.Z_ice_draft ds['Z_ice_draft'] = draft_scaling * ds.Z_ice_draft # take care of calving criterion mask = np.logical_or(ds.landIceFloatingFraction <= 0.1, ds.iceThickness >= min_ice_thickness) for var in ['Z_ice_surface', 'Z_ice_draft', 'landIceFloatingFraction']: ds[var] = xr.where(mask, ds[var], 0.0) ds['openOceanFraction'] = xr.where(mask, ds.openOceanFraction, 1. - ds.landFraction) if thin_film_present: smooth_mask = xr.where(ds.Z_bed >= 0, ds.landFraction, 0.) else: smooth_mask = ds.landFraction self._smooth_geometry(smooth_mask, ds, filter_sigma) # copy attributes for var in ['x', 'y', 'Z_ice_surface', 'Z_ice_draft', 'Z_bed', 'landIceFloatingFraction', 'landIceGroundedFraction', 'landFraction', 'openOceanFraction']: attrs = ds_in[var].attrs if 'units' in attrs and attrs['units'] == 'unitless': attrs.pop('units') attrs.pop('_FillValue', None) ds[var].attrs = attrs ds.smoothedDraftMask.attrs['description'] = \ 'floating fraction after smoothing' ds.to_netcdf('')
@staticmethod def _smooth_geometry(land_fraction, ds, filter_sigma, threshold=0.01): """ Smoothing is performed using only the topography in the portion of the grid that is ocean. This prevents the kink in the ice draft across the grounding line or regions of bare bedrock from influencing the smoothed topography. The calving front is smoothed as well because MPAS-O does not support a sheer calving face """ ocean_fraction = 1. - land_fraction.values smoothed_mask = filters.gaussian_filter(ocean_fraction, filter_sigma, mode='constant', cval=0.) mask = smoothed_mask > threshold draft = filters.gaussian_filter(ds.Z_ice_draft.values * ocean_fraction, filter_sigma, mode='constant', cval=0.) draft[mask] /= smoothed_mask[mask] bed = filters.gaussian_filter(ds.Z_bed * ocean_fraction, filter_sigma, mode='constant', cval=0.) bed[mask] /= smoothed_mask[mask] smoothed_draft_mask = filters.gaussian_filter( ds.landIceFloatingFraction, filter_sigma, mode='constant', cval=0.) smoothed_draft_mask[mask] /= smoothed_mask[mask] ds['Z_ice_draft'] = (('y', 'x'), draft) ds['Z_bed'] = (('y', 'x'), bed) ds['smoothedDraftMask'] = (('y', 'x'), smoothed_draft_mask)