Source code for compass.ocean.tests.overflow.hydro_vs_nonhydro.visualize

import cmocean  # noqa: F401
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset

from compass.step import Step


[docs] class Visualize(Step): """ A step for visualizing a cross-section through the fluid descend down the slope. """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.TestCase The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='visualize') for mode in ['nonhydro', 'hydro']: self.add_input_file(filename=f'output_{mode}.nc', target=f'../{mode}/') self.add_input_file(filename=f'init_{mode}.nc', target=f'../{mode}/') self.add_output_file('section_overflow.png')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ modes = ['hydro', 'nonhydro'] nModes = len(modes) plt.figure(1, figsize=(12.0, 6.0)) config = self.config section = config['horizontal_grid'] nx = section.getint('nx') dc = section.getfloat('dc') section = config['visualize'] time = section.getint('plot_time') for j in range(nModes): mode = modes[j] ncfileIC = Dataset(f'init_{mode}.nc', 'r') ncfile = Dataset(f'output_{mode}.nc', 'r') temp = ncfile.variables['temperature'] plt.subplot(2, 1, j + 1) plt.imshow(temp[time, 0:nx, :].T, cmap='cmo.thermal', vmin=10., vmax=20.) plt.colorbar() plt.xticks(np.arange(0., nx, 1000. / dc), np.arange(0, nx * dc / 1000., 1)) plt.yticks([0, 30, 60], [0, -100, -200]) plt.xlabel('x, km') plt.ylabel('z, m') plt.title(f'temperature at 3hr - {mode}') ncfileIC.close() ncfile.close() plt.savefig('section_overflow.png') plt.close()