Source code for compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl.default

import numpy as np

from compass.config import CompassConfigParser
from compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl.forward import Forward
from compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl.initial_state import InitialState
from compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl.lts.lts_regions import LTSRegions
from compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl.viz import Viz
from compass.testcase import TestCase
from compass.validate import compare_variables

[docs] class Default(TestCase): """ The default parabolic_bowl test case Attributes ---------- ramp_type : str The type of vertical coordinate (``ramp``, ``noramp``, etc.) wetdry : str The type of wetting and drying used (``standard``, ``subgrid``) use_lts : bool Whether local time-stepping is used resolutions : list List of resolutions to run """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group, ramp_type, wetdry, use_lts): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl.ParabolicBowl The test group that this test case belongs to ramp_type : str The type of vertical coordinate (``ramp``, ``noramp``) wetdry : str The type of wetting and drying used (``standard``, ``subgrid``) use_lts : bool Whether local time-stepping is used """ if use_lts: name = f'{wetdry}_{ramp_type}_lts' else: name = f'{wetdry}_{ramp_type}' if use_lts: subdir = f'{wetdry}/{ramp_type}_lts' else: subdir = f'{wetdry}/{ramp_type}' super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name, subdir=subdir) self.resolutions = None self.wetdry = wetdry self.ramp_type = ramp_type self.use_lts = use_lts # add the steps with default resolutions so they can be listed config = CompassConfigParser() config.add_from_package('compass.ocean.tests.parabolic_bowl', 'parabolic_bowl.cfg') self._setup_steps(config, use_lts)
[docs] def configure(self): """ Set config options for the test case """ config = self.config use_lts = self.use_lts # set up the steps again in case a user has provided new resolutions self._setup_steps(config, use_lts) self.update_cores()
[docs] def update_cores(self): """ Update the number of cores and min_tasks for each forward step """ config = self.config goal_cells_per_core = config.getfloat('parabolic_bowl', 'goal_cells_per_core') max_cells_per_core = config.getfloat('parabolic_bowl', 'max_cells_per_core') for resolution in self.resolutions: lx = config.getfloat('parabolic_bowl', 'Lx') ly = config.getfloat('parabolic_bowl', 'Ly') nx = 2 * int(0.5 * lx / resolution + 0.5) ny = 2 * int(0.5 * ly * (2. / np.sqrt(3)) / resolution + 0.5) approx_cells = nx * ny # ideally, about 300 cells per core # (make it a multiple of 4 looks better?) ntasks = max(1, 4 * round(approx_cells / (4 * goal_cells_per_core))) # In a pinch, about 3000 cells per core min_tasks = max(1, round(approx_cells / max_cells_per_core)) res_name = f'{resolution}km' step = self.steps[f'forward_{res_name}'] step.ntasks = ntasks step.min_tasks = min_tasks config.set('parabolic_bowl', f'{res_name}_ntasks', str(ntasks), comment=f'Target core count for {res_name} mesh') config.set('parabolic_bowl', f'{res_name}_min_tasks', str(min_tasks), comment=f'Minimum core count for {res_name} mesh')
def _setup_steps(self, config, use_lts): """ setup steps given resolutions """ default_resolutions = '20, 10, 5' # set the default values that a user may change before setup config.set('parabolic_bowl', 'resolutions', default_resolutions, comment='a list of resolutions (km) to test') # get the resolutions back, perhaps with values set in the user's # config file resolutions = config.getlist('parabolic_bowl', 'resolutions', dtype=int) if self.resolutions is not None and self.resolutions == resolutions: return # start fresh with no steps self.steps = dict() self.steps_to_run = list() self.resolutions = resolutions for resolution in self.resolutions: res_name = f'{resolution}km' init_step = InitialState(test_case=self, name=f'initial_state_{res_name}', resolution=resolution, wetdry=self.wetdry) self.add_step(init_step) if use_lts: self.add_step(LTSRegions(test_case=self, init_step=init_step, name=f'lts_regions_{res_name}', subdir=f'lts_regions_{res_name}')) self.add_step(Forward(test_case=self, name=f'forward_{res_name}', use_lts=use_lts, resolution=resolution, ramp_type=self.ramp_type, wetdry=self.wetdry)) self.add_step(Viz(test_case=self, ramp_type=self.ramp_type, wetdry=self.wetdry, resolutions=resolutions, use_lts=use_lts))
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validate variables against a baseline """ super().validate() variables = ['layerThickness', 'normalVelocity'] for res in self.resolutions: compare_variables(test_case=self, variables=variables, filename1=f'forward_{res}km/')