Source code for compass.ocean.tests.tides.init.interpolate_wave_drag

from compass.step import Step
from mpas_tools.mesh.interpolation import interp_bilin

import netCDF4
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature

[docs] class InterpolateWaveDrag(Step): """ A step for interpolating the topographic wave drag data onto the MPAS-Ocean mesh Attributes ---------- plot : bool Whether to produce plots of interpolated atmospheric data rinv_file: str Name of file for rinv data wave_drag_file : str Output file with interpolated rinv data grid_file : str Name of mesh file """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case, mesh): """ Create the step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.tides.init.Init The test case this step belongs to mesh : compass.ocean.tests.tides.mesh.Mesh The test case that creates the mesh used by this test case """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='interpolate', ntasks=1, min_tasks=1, openmp_threads=1) self.plot = True self.rinv_file = '' self.wave_drag_file = '' self.grid_file = '' self.add_input_file( filename=self.rinv_file, target=self.rinv_file, database='initial_condition_database') mesh_path = mesh.steps['cull_mesh'].path self.add_input_file( filename='', work_dir_target=f'{mesh_path}/') self.add_output_file(filename=self.wave_drag_file)
[docs] def interpolate_data_to_grid(self, grid_file, data_file): """ Interpolate time snaps of gridded data field to MPAS mesh """ # Open files data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(data_file, 'r') grid_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(grid_file, 'r') # Get grid from data file lon_data = data_nc.variables['Longitude'][:] lon_data = np.append(lon_data, 180.0) lon_data = np.insert(lon_data, 0, -180.0) lat_data = data_nc.variables['Latitude'][:] data = data_nc.variables['rinv'][:] data = np.squeeze(data) data = np.insert(data, 0, data[:, 0], axis=1) data = np.append(data, data[:, -1][np.newaxis].T, axis=1) data = 1.0/data[:, :] # Get grid from grid file lon_grid = np.mod(grid_nc.variables['lonEdge'][:] + np.pi, 2.0*np.pi) - np.pi lon_grid = lon_grid*180.0/np.pi lat_grid = grid_nc.variables['latEdge'][:]*180.0/np.pi # Interpolate interp_data = interp_bilin(lon_data, lat_data, data, lon_grid, lat_grid) return (lon_grid, lat_grid, interp_data), \ (lon_data, lat_data, data)
[docs] def plot_interp_data(self, orig_data, interp_data): """ Plot original gridded data and interpolated fields """ plt.switch_backend('agg') if not self.plot: return lon_data = orig_data[0] lat_data = orig_data[1] lon_grid = interp_data[0] lat_grid = interp_data[1] data = orig_data[2][:, :] interp = interp_data[2][:] # Plot data fig = plt.figure() levels = np.linspace(np.amin(data), np.amax(data), 100) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) cf = ax0.contourf(lon_data, lat_data, data, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax0.set_extent([0, 359.9, -90, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax0.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, zorder=100) ax0.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, alpha=0.5, zorder=101) ax0.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, zorder=101) ax0.set_title('data') cbar = fig.colorbar(cf, ax=ax0) cbar.set_label('rinv') # Plot interpolated data ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) levels = np.linspace(np.amin(interp), np.amax(interp), 100) cf = ax1.tricontourf(lon_grid, lat_grid, interp, levels=levels, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax1.set_extent([0, 359.9, -90, 90], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, zorder=100) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.LAKES, alpha=0.5, zorder=101) ax1.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, zorder=101) ax1.set_title('interpolated data') cbar = fig.colorbar(cf, ax=ax1) cbar.set_label('rinv') # Save figure fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('rinv.png', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def write_to_file(self, data): """ Write data to netCDF file """ data_nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.wave_drag_file, 'w', format='NETCDF3_64BIT_OFFSET') # Find dimesions nEdges = data.shape[0] # Declare dimensions data_nc.createDimension('nEdges', nEdges) # Set variables data_var = data_nc.createVariable('topographic_wave_drag', np.float64, ('nEdges')) data_var[:] = data[:] data_nc.close()
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ # Interpolation of rinv interp, data = self.interpolate_data_to_grid( self.grid_file, self.rinv_file) self.write_to_file(interp[2]) # Plot rinv field self.plot_interp_data(data, interp)