Source code for compass.ocean.tests.utility.combine_topo

import numpy as np
import progressbar
import pyproj
import xarray as xr
from pyremap import LatLonGridDescriptor, ProjectionGridDescriptor, Remapper

from compass.step import Step
from compass.testcase import TestCase

[docs] class CombineTopo(TestCase): """ A test case for combining GEBCO 2023 with BedMachineAntarctica topography datasets """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_group): """ Create the test case Parameters ---------- test_group : compass.ocean.tests.utility.Utility The test group that this test case belongs to """ super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name='combine_topo') self.add_step(Combine(test_case=self))
[docs] class Combine(Step): """ A step for combining GEBCO 2023 with BedMachineAntarctica topography datasets """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new step Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.utility.extrap_woa.ExtraWoa The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case, name='combine', ntasks=None, min_tasks=None)
[docs] def setup(self): """ Set up the step in the work directory, including downloading any dependencies. """ super().setup() config = self.config section = config['combine_topo'] antarctic_filename = section.get('antarctic_filename') self.add_input_file(filename=antarctic_filename, target=antarctic_filename, database='bathymetry_database') global_filename = section.get('global_filename') self.add_input_file(filename=global_filename, target=global_filename, database='bathymetry_database') cobined_filename = section.get('cobined_filename') self.add_output_file(filename=cobined_filename) self.ntasks = section.getint('ntasks') self.min_tasks = section.getint('min_tasks')
[docs] def run(self): """ Run this step of the test case """ self._downsample_gebco() self._modify_bedmachine() # we will work with bedmachine data at its original resolution # self._downsample_bedmachine() self._remap_bedmachine() self._combine()
def _downsample_gebco(self): """ Average GEBCO to 0.0125 degree grid. GEBCO is on 15" grid, so average every 3x3 block of cells """ config = self.config logger = self.logger section = config['combine_topo'] in_filename = section.get('global_filename') out_filename = '' gebco = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) nlon = gebco.sizes['lon'] nlat = gebco.sizes['lat'] block = 3 norm = 1.0 / block**2 nx = nlon // block ny = nlat // block chunks = 2 nxchunk = nlon // chunks nychunk = nlat // chunks gebco = gebco.chunk({'lon': nxchunk, 'lat': nychunk}) bathymetry = np.zeros((ny, nx))'Averaging GEBCO to 0.0125 degree grid') widgets = [progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=chunks**2).start() for ychunk in range(chunks): for xchunk in range(chunks): gebco_chunk = gebco.isel( lon=slice(nxchunk * xchunk, nxchunk * (xchunk + 1)), lat=slice(nychunk * ychunk, nychunk * (ychunk + 1))) elevation = gebco_chunk.elevation.values nxblock = nxchunk // block nyblock = nychunk // block bathy_block = np.zeros((nyblock, nxblock)) for y in range(block): for x in range(block): bathy_block += elevation[y::block, x::block] bathy_block *= norm xmin = xchunk * nxblock xmax = (xchunk + 1) * nxblock ymin = ychunk * nyblock ymax = (ychunk + 1) * nyblock bathymetry[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] = bathy_block bar.update(ychunk * chunks + xchunk + 1) bar.finish() lon_corner = np.linspace(-180., 180., bathymetry.shape[1] + 1) lat_corner = np.linspace(-90., 90., bathymetry.shape[0] + 1) lon = 0.5 * (lon_corner[0:-1] + lon_corner[1:]) lat = 0.5 * (lat_corner[0:-1] + lat_corner[1:]) gebco_low = xr.Dataset({'bathymetry': (['lat', 'lon'], bathymetry)}, coords={'lon': (['lon',], lon), 'lat': (['lat',], lat)}) gebco_low.attrs = gebco.attrs gebco_low.lon.attrs = gebco.lon.attrs = gebco_low.bathymetry.attrs = gebco.elevation.attrs gebco_low.to_netcdf(out_filename) def _modify_bedmachine(self): """ Modify BedMachineAntarctica to compute the fields needed by MPAS-Ocean """ logger = self.logger'Modifying BedMachineAntarctica with MPAS-Ocean names') config = self.config section = config['combine_topo'] in_filename = section.get('antarctic_filename') out_filename = '' bedmachine = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) mask = bedmachine.mask ice_mask = (mask != 0).astype(float) ocean_mask = (np.logical_or(mask == 0, mask == 3)).astype(float) grounded_mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(mask == 1, mask == 2), mask == 4).astype(float) bedmachine['bathymetry'] = bedmachine.bed bedmachine['ice_draft'] = bedmachine.surface - bedmachine.thickness bedmachine.ice_draft.attrs['units'] = 'meters' bedmachine['thickness'] = bedmachine.thickness bedmachine['ice_mask'] = ice_mask bedmachine['grounded_mask'] = grounded_mask bedmachine['ocean_mask'] = ocean_mask varlist = ['bathymetry', 'ice_draft', 'thickness', 'ice_mask', 'grounded_mask', 'ocean_mask'] bedmachine = bedmachine[varlist] bedmachine.to_netcdf(out_filename)' Done.') def _downsample_bedmachine(self): """ Downsample bedmachine from 0.5 to 1 km grid """ logger = self.logger'Downsample BedMachineAntarctica from 500 m to 1 km') in_filename = '' out_filename = '' bedmachine = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) x = bedmachine.x.values y = bedmachine.y.values nx = len(x) // 2 ny = len(y) // 2 x = 0.5 * (x[0:2 * nx:2] + x[1:2 * nx:2]) y = 0.5 * (y[0:2 * ny:2] + y[1:2 * ny:2]) bedmachine1k = xr.Dataset() for field in bedmachine.data_vars: in_array = bedmachine[field].values out_array = np.zeros((ny, nx)) for yoffset in range(2): for xoffset in range(2): out_array += 0.25 * \ in_array[yoffset:2 * ny:2, xoffset:2 * nx:2] da = xr.DataArray(out_array, dims=('y', 'x'), coords={'x': (('x',), x), 'y': (('y',), y)}) bedmachine1k[field] = da bedmachine1k[field].attrs = bedmachine[field].attrs bedmachine1k.to_netcdf(out_filename)' Done.') def _remap_bedmachine(self): """ Remap BedMachine Antarctica to GEBCO lat-lon grid """ logger = self.logger'Remap BedMachineAntarctica to GEBCO 1/80 deg grid') in_filename = '' out_filename = '' gebco_filename = '' projection = pyproj.Proj('+proj=stere +lat_ts=-71.0 +lat_0=-90 ' '+lon_0=0.0 +k_0=1.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 ' '+ellps=WGS84') bedmachine = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) x = bedmachine.x.values y = bedmachine.y.values in_descriptor = ProjectionGridDescriptor.create( projection, x, y, 'BedMachineAntarctica_500m') out_descriptor = mapping_filename = \ '' remapper = Remapper(in_descriptor, out_descriptor, mapping_filename) remapper.build_mapping_file(method='bilinear', mpiTasks=self.ntasks, esmf_parallel_exec='srun', tempdir='.') bedmachine = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) bedmachine_on_gebco_low = remapper.remap(bedmachine) for field in ['bathymetry', 'ice_draft', 'thickness']: bedmachine_on_gebco_low[field].attrs['unit'] = 'meters' bedmachine_on_gebco_low.to_netcdf(out_filename)' Done.') def _combine(self): """ Combine GEBCO with BedMachine Antarctica """ logger = self.logger'Combine BedMachineAntarctica and GEBCO') config = self.config section = config['combine_topo'] latmin = section.getfloat('latmin') latmax = section.getfloat('latmax') cobined_filename = section.get('cobined_filename') gebco_filename = '' gebco = xr.open_dataset(gebco_filename) bedmachine_filename = '' bedmachine = xr.open_dataset(bedmachine_filename) combined = xr.Dataset() alpha = ( - latmin) / (latmax - latmin) alpha = np.maximum(np.minimum(alpha, 1.0), 0.0) bedmachine_bathy = bedmachine.bathymetry valid = bedmachine_bathy.notnull() bedmachine_bathy = bedmachine_bathy.where(valid, 0.) bedmachine_bathy = bedmachine_bathy.where(bedmachine_bathy < 0., 0.) combined['bathymetry'] = \ alpha * gebco.bathymetry.where(gebco.bathymetry < 0., 0.) + \ (1.0 - alpha) * bedmachine_bathy bathy_mask = xr.where(combined.bathymetry < 0., 1.0, 0.0) for field in ['ice_draft', 'thickness']: combined[field] = bathy_mask * bedmachine[field] for field in ['bathymetry', 'ice_draft', 'thickness']: combined[field].attrs['unit'] = 'meters' for field in ['ice_mask', 'grounded_mask', 'ocean_mask']: combined[field] = bedmachine[field] combined['bathymetry_mask'] = bathy_mask fill = {'ice_draft': 0., 'thickness': 0., 'ice_mask': 0., 'grounded_mask': 0., 'ocean_mask': bathy_mask} for field, fill_val in fill.items(): valid = combined[field].notnull() combined[field] = combined[field].where(valid, fill_val) combined['water_column'] = \ combined['ice_draft'] - combined['bathymetry'] combined.water_column.attrs['units'] = 'meters' combined.to_netcdf(cobined_filename)' Done.') diff = xr.Dataset() diff['bathymetry'] = \ gebco.bathymetry.where(gebco.bathymetry < 0, 0.) - \ bedmachine.bathymetry diff.to_netcdf('')