Source code for compass.ocean.tests.utility.extrap_woa.extrap_step

import os
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool

import numpy as np
import progressbar
import xarray as xr
from scipy.signal import convolve2d

from compass.step import Step

[docs] class ExtrapStep(Step): """ Extrapolate WOA 2023 data into missing ocean regions, then land and grounded ice Attributes ---------- woa_filename : str The name of the output file name after extrapolation """
[docs] def __init__(self, test_case): """ Create a new test case Parameters ---------- test_case : compass.ocean.tests.utility.extrap_woa.ExtrapWoa The test case this step belongs to """ super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='extrap', cpus_per_task=64, min_cpus_per_task=1, openmp_threads=1) self.add_input_file( filename='', target='../combine/') self.add_input_file( filename='', target='../remap_topography/') self.woa_filename = None
[docs] def setup(self): """ Determine the output filename """ self.woa_filename = '' self.add_output_file(self.woa_filename)
[docs] def run(self): """ Extrapolate WOA 2023 model temperature and salinity into ice-shelf cavities. """ pool = Pool(self.cpus_per_task) self._make_3d_ocean_mask() # extrapolate horizontally using the ocean mask self._extrap_horiz(use_ocean_mask=True, pool=pool) # extrapolate vertically using the ocean mask self._extrap_vert(use_ocean_mask=True) # extrapolate horizontally into land and grounded ice self._extrap_horiz(use_ocean_mask=False, pool=pool) # extrapolate vertically into land and grounded ice self._extrap_vert(use_ocean_mask=False) pool.terminate()
@staticmethod def _make_3d_ocean_mask(): grid_filename = '' topo_filename = '' out_filename = '' with xr.open_dataset(topo_filename) as ds_topo: bathymetry = ds_topo.bathymetry ocean_mask = ds_topo.ocean_mask ds_out = xr.Dataset() with xr.open_dataset(grid_filename) as ds_grid: for var in ['lon', 'lat', 'depth']: ds_out[var] = ds_grid[var] ds_out[f'{var}_bnds'] = ds_grid[f'{var}_bnds'] z_top = -ds_grid.depth_bnds.isel(nbounds=0) ocean_mask_3d = np.logical_and( bathymetry <= z_top, ocean_mask >= 0.5).astype(int) ocean_mask_3d = \ ocean_mask_3d.transpose('depth', 'lat', 'lon') ds_out['ocean_mask'] = ocean_mask_3d ds_out.to_netcdf(out_filename) def _extrap_horiz(self, use_ocean_mask, pool): logger = self.logger if use_ocean_mask: in_filename = '' out_filename = 'extrap_ocean/' progress_dir = 'extrap_ocean/extrap_horiz' else: in_filename = 'extrap_ocean/' out_filename = 'extrap_land/' progress_dir = 'extrap_land/extrap_horiz' try: os.makedirs(progress_dir) except FileExistsError: pass with xr.open_dataset(in_filename) as ds_woa: ndepth = ds_woa.sizes['depth'] dims = ds_woa.pt_an.dims' Horizontally extrapolating WOA data...') progress = self.log_filename is None if progress: widgets = [' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=ndepth).start() else: bar = None partial_func = partial(_extrap_level, use_ocean_mask, in_filename, progress_dir) depth_indices = range(ndepth) files = list() for depth_index, tmp_filename in enumerate( pool.imap(partial_func, depth_indices)): files.append(tmp_filename) if progress: bar.update(depth_index + 1) if progress: bar.finish() ds_out = xr.open_mfdataset(files, combine='nested', concat_dim='depth') for field_name in ['pt_an', 's_an']: ds_out[field_name] = ds_out[field_name].transpose(*dims) ds_out.to_netcdf(out_filename) def _extrap_vert(self, use_ocean_mask): logger = self.logger if use_ocean_mask: in_filename = 'extrap_ocean/' out_filename = 'extrap_ocean/' else: in_filename = 'extrap_land/' out_filename = '' ds = xr.open_dataset(in_filename) if use_ocean_mask: ds_mask = xr.open_dataset('') ocean_mask = ds_mask.ocean_mask else: ocean_mask = None ndepth = ds.sizes['depth']' Vertically extrapolating WOA data...') progress = self.log_filename is None if progress: widgets = [f' pt_an z=1/{ndepth}: ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, maxval=2 * ndepth).start() else: bar = None count = 0 for field_name in ['pt_an', 's_an']: slices = [ds[field_name].isel(depth=0).drop_vars(['depth'])] for depth_index in range(1, ndepth): field = ds[field_name] field_above = field.isel(depth=depth_index - 1) field_local = field.isel(depth=depth_index) mask = field_local.isnull() if ocean_mask is not None: mask = np.logical_and(mask, ocean_mask.isel(depth=depth_index)) field_local = xr.where(mask, field_above, field_local) slices.append(field_local) count += 1 if progress: bar.widgets[0] = \ f' {field_name} z={depth_index + 1}/{ndepth}: ' bar.update(count) field = xr.concat(slices, dim='depth') attrs = ds[field_name].attrs dims = ds[field_name].dims ds[field_name] = field.transpose(*dims) ds[field_name].attrs = attrs if progress: bar.finish() ds.to_netcdf(out_filename)
def _extrap_level(use_ocean_mask, in_filename, progress_dir, depth_index): out_filename = os.path.join(progress_dir, f'woa_lev_{depth_index}.nc') ds = xr.open_dataset(in_filename).isel(depth=depth_index) if use_ocean_mask: ds_mask = xr.open_dataset('').isel(depth=depth_index) ocean_mask = ds_mask.ocean_mask.values else: ocean_mask = None field = ds.pt_an.values # a small averaging kernel x = np.arange(-1, 2) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, x) kernel = np.exp(-0.5 * (x**2 + y**2)) # a threshold for extrapolation weights to be considered valid threshold = 0.01 valid = np.isfinite(field) orig_mask = valid if ocean_mask is not None: invalid_after_fill = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(valid, ocean_mask)) else: invalid_after_fill = None fields = dict(pt_an=ds.pt_an.values.copy(), s_an=ds.s_an.values.copy()) nlon = field.shape[1] lon_with_halo = np.array([nlon - 2, nlon - 1] + list(range(nlon)) + [0, 1]) lon_no_halo = list(range(2, nlon + 2)) prev_fill_count = 0 while True: valid_weight_sum = _extrap_with_halo(valid, kernel, valid, lon_with_halo, lon_no_halo) if invalid_after_fill is not None: valid_weight_sum[invalid_after_fill] = 0. new_valid = valid_weight_sum > threshold # don't want to overwrite original data but do want ot smooth # extrapolated data fill_mask = np.logical_and(new_valid, np.logical_not(orig_mask)) fill_count = np.count_nonzero(fill_mask) if fill_count == prev_fill_count: # no change so we're done break for field_name, field in fields.items(): field_extrap = _extrap_with_halo(field, kernel, valid, lon_with_halo, lon_no_halo) field[fill_mask] = \ field_extrap[fill_mask] / valid_weight_sum[fill_mask] valid = new_valid prev_fill_count = fill_count for field_name, field in fields.items(): if invalid_after_fill is not None: field[invalid_after_fill] = np.nan attrs = ds[field_name].attrs dims = ds[field_name].dims ds[field_name] = (dims, field) ds[field_name].attrs = attrs ds.to_netcdf(out_filename) return out_filename def _extrap_with_halo(field, kernel, valid, lon_with_halo, lon_no_halo): field = field.copy() field[np.logical_not(valid)] = 0. field_with_halo = field[:, lon_with_halo] field_extrap = convolve2d(field_with_halo, kernel, mode='same') field_extrap = field_extrap[:, lon_no_halo] return field_extrap