compass python package

Author: Xylar Asay-Davis

date: 2020/11/16


While the existing COMPASS infrastructure has served us well in providing a framework for setting up MPAS test cases and test suites, several shortcomings have emerged over the years. First, new users have not found the current system of creating XML files that are parsed into python scripts, namelists and streams files very intuitive or easy to modify. Second, the current scripts and XML files do not lend themselves to code reuse, leading to a cumbersome system of symlinked scripts and XML config files. Third, the only way that users currently have of modifying test cases is to edit namelists, streams files and run scripts for each step individually after the test case has been set up. Fourth and related, there is not a way for users to easily constrain or modify how many cores a given test case uses, making it hard to configure test cases in a way that is appropriate for multiple machines. Fifth and also related, COMPASS does not currently have a way to provide machine-specific paths and other information that could allow for better automation on supported machines. Sixth, the directory structure imposed by COMPASS (mpas_core/test_group/resoltuion/test_case/step) is too rigid for many applications. Finally, COMPASS is not well documented and the documentation that does exist is not very helpful either for new users or for new developers interested in creating new test cases.

The proposed compass python package should address these challenges with the hope of making the MPAS test cases significantly easier to develop and run.


Requirement: Make test cases easy to understand, modify and create

Date last modified: 2020/12/04

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Luke Van Roekel

Currently, test cases are written primarily in XML files that are then used to generate a python script along with namelist and streams files for MPAS-Model. We have found that this system is not very intuitive for new users or very easy to get started with. New users would likely have an easier time if test cases were written in a more direct way, using a common language rather than custom XML tags.

Importantly, creating a test case should also be as easy as possible. There is a need to balance readability and reusability. There is a risk that the compass redesign, as it becomes heavily pythonic, may make it difficult for developers to contribute. But we can’t go too far the other way either. We want the best balance possible between readability and reusibility.

Requirement: Shared code

Date last modified: 2020/11/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Currently, there are two approaches to sharing code between COMPASS test cases. In some cases, shared code is part of an external package, often mpas_tools, which is appropriate for code that may be used outside of COMPASS. However, this approach is cumbersome for testing, so it is not the preferred approach for COMPASS-specific code. In other cases, scripts are symlinked in test cases and run with test-case-specific flags. This approach is also cumbersome and does not lend itself to code reuse between scripts. Finally, many test cases attempt to share XML files using symlinks, a practice that has led to frequent unintended consequences when a linked file is modified with changes appropriate for only one of the test cases that uses it. A more sophisticate method for code reuse should be developed beyond symlinks to isolated scripts and shared XML files.

Requirement: Shared configuration options

Date last modified: 2020/11/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Currently, COMPASS reads a configuration file as part of setting up test cases, but these configuration options are largely unavailable to test cases themselves. Some steps of some test cases (e.g. files_for_e3sm in some ocean/global_ocean test cases) have their own dedicated config files, but these are again separate from the config file used to set up test cases, are awkward to modify (requiring editing after test case generation).

Requirement: Ability specify/modify core counts

Date last modified: 2020/11/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Some test cases involve multiple steps of running the MPAS model, each with a hard-coded number of cores (and often with a corresponding hard-coded number of PIO tasks), which makes it tedious to modify the number of cores or nodes that a given test case uses. This problem is exacerbated in test suites, where it is even more difficult and tedious to modify processor counts for individual test cases. A system is needed where the user can more easily override the default number of cores used in one or more steps of a test case. The number of PIO tasks and the stride between them should be updated automatically to accommodate the new core count.

Requirement: Machine-specific data

Date last modified: 2020/11/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Currently, many COMPASS test cases have hard-coded processor counts and related information that are likely only appropriate for one machine. Users must specify the paths to shared datasets such as meshes and initial conditions. Users must also know where to load the compass conda environment appropriate for running test cases. If information were available on the system being used, such as the number of cores per node and the locations of shared paths, test cases and the COMPASS infrastructure could take advantage of this to automate many aspects of setting up and running test cases that are currently unnecessarily redundant and tedious.

Requirement: Looser, more flexible directory structure

Date last modified: 2020/11/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The directory structure currently imposed by COMPASS (mpas_core/test_group/resoltuion/test_case/step) is too rigid for many applications. Some test cases (e.g. convergence tests) require multiple resolutions within the test case. Some test groups would prefer to sort test cases based on another parameter or property besides resolution. It would be convenient if the directory structure could be more flexible, depending on the needs of a given test group and test case. Even so, it is important that the subdirectory of each test case and step is unique, they do not overwrite one another.

Requirement: User- and developer-friendly documentation

Date last modified: 2020/11/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

We need a set of user-friendly documentation on how to setup and activate an appropriate conda environment; build the appropriate MPAS core; list and setup a test case; and run the test case in via a batch queuing system.

Similarly, we need a set of developer-friendly documentation to describe how to create a new “test group” with one or more “test cases”, each made up of one or more “steps”.

Requirement: Resolution can be a test case parameter

Date last modified: 2020/12/04

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

Currently, resolution is hard-coded in the directory structure and in scripts for individual test groups like This works for more complex meshes but for convergence tests, it is not useful to have a directory per resolution. Instead, it could be helpful to have a list of resolutions that can easily be altered (e.g. dx = {min, max, step} with a linear or log step) with either configuration options or within the code. For convergence tests, resolution is a parameter, rather than something fundamental. This could also reduce the number of test cases in the full list.

Requirement: Test case code is easy to alter and rerun

Date last modified: 2020/12/04

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

In the current compass, the created directories include soft links to scripts like and It is easy to edit that file and rerun it, and quickly iterate until one gets the desired result. New people also understand this workflow. The new design should still be easy to work with.

Requirement: Support for pre-made initial condition files

Date last modified: 2020/12/04

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

Ideally, it should be possible for a given test case to either generate an initial condition or read a pre-made initial condition from a file (possibly downloading this file if it has not been cached). Alternatively, two different versions of a test case could exists, one with the generated and one with the pre-made initial condition.

Requirement: Easy batch submission

Date last modified: 2020/12/04

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

There should be an easy way for users to submit batch jobs without having to create their own batch script or modify an example.

Algorithm Design

Algorithm design: Make test cases easy to understand, modify and and create

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The proposed solution would be to write test cases as Python packages made up of modules, functions and classes within a larger compass package. A test case will descend from a base TestCase class with a constructor for adding steps to the test case (the equivalent of parsing config_driver.xml in the current implementation), a configure() method for adding test-case-specific config options, and a run() method to run the steps and perform validation. Each step of a test case (equivalent to the other config_*.xml files) will descend from the Step base class. Each step class will include a constructor to add input, output, namelist and streams files and collect other information on the step (equivalent to parsing config_*.xml); a setup() method that downloads files, makes symlinks, creates namelist and streams files; and a run() method that runs the step. Steps may be shared between test cases. A balance will have to be struck between code reusability and readability within each test group (a set of test cases).

Readability would be improved by using Jinja2 templates for code generation, rather than via string manipulation within python scripts as is the case in the current COMPASS implementation:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pickle
import configparser

from mpas_tools.logging import LoggingContext

def main():
    with open('test_case_{{ }}.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
        test_case = pickle.load(handle)
    test_case.steps_to_run = ['{{ }}']
    test_case.new_step_log_file = False

    with open('{{ }}.pickle', 'rb') as handle:
        step = pickle.load(handle)

    config = configparser.ConfigParser(
        interpolation=configparser.ExtendedInterpolation())'{{ step.config_filename }}')
    test_case.config = config

    # start logging to stdout/stderr
    test_name = step.path.replace('/', '_')
    with LoggingContext(name=test_name) as logger:
        test_case.logger = logger

if __name__ == '__main__':

A Jinja2 template uses curly braces (e.g. {{ }}) to indicate where an element of the template will be replaced by a python variable or dictionary value. In this example, {{ }} will be replaced with the contents of test_case['name'] in the python code, and similarly for other replacements in the template. Other than the replacements, the code can be read as normal, in contrast to the existing approach of python scripts that define other python scripts via a series of string formatting statements.

The only XML files that would be used would be templates for streams files, written in the same syntax as the resulting streams files.


<immutable_stream name="mesh"

<immutable_stream name="input"

<immutable_stream name="restart"/>

<stream name="output"

    <var_struct name="tracers"/>
    <var name="xtime"/>
    <var name="normalVelocity"/>
    <var name="layerThickness"/>


Templates for namelist files would have the same basic syntax as the resulting namelist files:

config_write_output_on_startup = .false.
config_run_duration = '0000_00:15:00'
config_use_mom_del2 = .true.
config_implicit_bottom_drag_coeff = 1.0e-2
config_use_cvmix_background = .true.
config_cvmix_background_diffusion = 0.0
config_cvmix_background_viscosity = 1.0e-4

Regarding the balance between reusability and readability, it is difficult to generalize this to the whole redesign. To some degree this will be a choice left to each test case. It will be difficult to reuse code across test cases and steps within a test group without some degree of increased complexity. The redesign will attempt to include simpler examples, perhaps with less code reuse, that can serve as starting points for the creation of new test cases. These “prototype” test cases will include additional documentation and commenting to help new developers follow them and use them to design their own test cases.

Even without the compass redesign, a certain familiarity with use of python packages is somewhere between recommended and required to add new test cases to COMPASS. With the redesign, it will become essentially inevitable that developers have a certain minimum level of familiarity with python. While there may be a learning curve, it is hoped that these skills will pay off far beyond COMPASS in a way that learning the existing XML-based approach cannot be.

Algorithm design: Shared code

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

By organizing both the test cases themselves and shared framework code into a compass Python package, code reuse and organization should be greatly simplified.

The organization of the package will be as follows:

- compass/
  - <mpas_core>/
    - <mpas_core>.cfg
    - <mpas_core_framework_module>.py
    - <mpas_core_framework_package>/
    - tests/
      - <test_group>/
        - <test_case>/
          - <step>.py
          - <test_case>.cfg
          - namelist.<step>
          - streams.<step>
        - <shared_step>.py
        - <test_group_shared_module>.py
        - <test_group>.cfg
        - namelist.<step>
        - streams.<step>
  - <framework_module>.py
  - <framework_package>/

The proposed solution would slightly modify the naming conventions currently used in COMPASS. An MPAS core (descended from the MpasCore base class) would be the same as it now is – corresponding to an MPAS dynamical core such as ocean or landice. A test group (descended from TestGroup) would would be the equivalent of a “configuration” in legacy COMPASS – a group of test cases such as global_ocean or MISMIP3D. For at least two reasons described in Requirement: Looser, more flexible directory structure, we do not include resolution as the next level of hierarchy. Instead, a test group contains test cases (descended from TestCase), which can be given any convenient name and relative path to distinguish it from other test cases within that test group. Several variants of a test case can define by varying a parameter or other characteristic (including resolution) but there need not be separate packages or modules for each. This is an important aspect of the code reuse provided by this approach. Each test case is made up of several steps (e.g. base_mesh, initial_state, forward). Legacy COMPASS’ documentation referred to a test case as a “test” and a step as a “case”, but users have found this naming convention to be confusing so the proposed solution tries to make a clearer distinction between a test case and a step within a test case.

In addition to defining test cases and steps, MPAS cores and test groups can also include “framework” python code that could be more general (e.g. for creating meshes or initial conditions). The main compass package would also include several framework modules and package, some for infrastructure related to listing, setting up and cleaning up test cases, and others for tasks common to many test cases. The methods of the base classes, particularly of the Step class, are also an important part of the framework that can be used to indicate what the input and output files for the step are and how to create the namelist and streams files. Here is an example of a step that that is defined using a combination of methods from Step (e.g. self.add_input_file()) and framework functions (e.g. run_model()):

from compass.model import run_model
from compass.step import Step

class Forward(Step):
    A step for performing forward MPAS-Ocean runs as part of baroclinic
    channel test cases.

    resolution : str
        The resolution of the test case
    def __init__(self, test_case, resolution, name='forward', subdir=None,
                 cores=1, min_cores=None, threads=1, nu=None):
        Create a new test case

        test_case : compass.TestCase
            The test case this step belongs to

        resolution : str
            The resolution of the test case

        name : str
            the name of the test case

        subdir : str, optional
            the subdirectory for the step.  The default is ``name``

        cores : int, optional
            the number of cores the step would ideally use.  If fewer cores
            are available on the system, the step will run on all available
            cores as long as this is not below ``min_cores``

        min_cores : int, optional
            the number of cores the step requires.  If the system has fewer
            than this number of cores, the step will fail

        threads : int, optional
            the number of threads the step will use

        nu : float, optional
            the viscosity (if different from the default for the test group)
        self.resolution = resolution
        if min_cores is None:
            min_cores = cores
        super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name=name, subdir=subdir,
                         cores=cores, min_cores=min_cores, threads=threads)
        if nu is not None:
            # update the viscosity to the requested value
            options = {'config_mom_del2': '{}'.format(nu)}




    def setup(self):
        Set up the test case in the work directory, including downloading any

    def run(self):
        Run this step of the test case

Algorithm design: Shared configuration options

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

In the work directory, each test case will have a single config file that is populated during the setup phase and which is symlinked within each step of the test case. The idea of having a single config file per test case, rather than one for each step, is to make it easier for users to modify config options in one place at runtime before running all the steps in a test case. This will hopefully avoid the tedium of altering redundant namelist or config options in each step.

The config files will be populated from default config options provided in several config files within the compass package. Any config options read in from a later config file will override the same option from an earlier config file, so the order in which the files are loaded is important. The proposed loading order is:

  • A top level default config file related downloading files and partitioning meshes for parallel execution

  • machine config file (found in compass/machines/<machine>.cfg, with default being the machine name if none is specified)

  • MPAS core config file (found in compass/<mpas_core>/<mpas_core>.cfg)

  • test group config file (found in compass/<mpas_core>/tests/<test_group>/<test_group>.cfg)

  • any additions or modifications made within the test case’s configure() method.

  • the config file passed in by the user at the command line (if any).

The configure() method allows each test case to load one or more config files specific to the test case (e.g. <test_case>.cfg within the test case’s package) and would also allow calls to config.set() that define config options directly.

The resulting config file would be written to <test_case>.cfg within the test case directory and symlinked to each step subdirectory as stated above.

Algorithm design: Ability specify/modify core counts

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Each step will specify the “target” number of cores, the minimum possible number of cores, a number of treads, the maximum memory it will be allowed to use, and the maximum amount of disk space it can use. These specifications are with the WorkerQueue approach in mind for future parallelism, as explained in Algorithm design: Considerations related to running test cases in parallel.

The total number of available cores will be determined via python or slurm commands. An error will be raised if too few cores are available for a particular step. Otherwise, the step will run on the minimum of the target number of cores or the total available.

Some test cases (e.g. those within the global_ocean test group) will allow the user to specify the target and minimum number of cores as config options, meaning they can be set to non-default values before running the test case. Config options are common to all steps within a test case, but the target and minimum cores are a property of each step that must be known before it is run (again for reasons related to a likely strategy for future parallelism in Algorithm design: Considerations related to running test cases in parallel). This means that a test case will need to parse the config options and use them to determine the number of cores each step needs to run with as part of its run() method before calling super().run() from the base class to run the steps.

Parsing config options and updating the target and minimum cores in a step will need to happen in each test cases that supports this capability. From there, shared infrastructure will take care of determining if sufficient cores are available and how many to run each step with if so. Developers of individual test cases will not need to worry about this. Here is an example from the Init test case from the GlobalOcean test group:

def run(self):
    Run each step of the testcase
    config = self.config
    steps = self.steps_to_run
    if 'initial_state' in steps:
        step = self.steps['initial_state']
        # get the these properties from the config options
        step.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'init_cores')
        step.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'init_min_cores')
        step.threads = config.getint('global_ocean', 'init_threads')

    if 'ssh_adjustment' in steps:
        step = self.steps['ssh_adjustment']
        # get the these properties from the config options
        step.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_cores')
        step.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_min_cores')
        step.threads = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_threads')

    # run the steps

Shared infrastructure can also be used to set the number of PIO tasks to one per node, using the number of cores for a given step and the number of cores per node from the machine config file (see :ref_`alg_machine_data`).

Algorithm design: Machine-specific data

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The machine config file mentioned in Algorithm design: Shared configuration options would have the following config options:

# The paths section describes paths that are used within the ocean core test
# cases.

# The root to a location where the mesh_database, initial_condition_database,
# and bathymetry_database for MPAS-Ocean will be cached
ocean_database_root = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/ocean/grids/

# The root to a location where the mesh_database and initial_condition_database
# for MALI will be cached
landice_database_root = /usr/projects/regionalclimate/COMMON_MPAS/mpas_standalonedata/mpas-albany-landice

# the path to the base conda environment where compass environments have
# been created
compass_envs = /usr/projects/climate/SHARED_CLIMATE/anaconda_envs/base

# The parallel section describes options related to running tests in parallel

# parallel system of execution: slurm or single_node
system = slurm

# whether to use mpirun or srun to run the model
parallel_executable = srun

# cores per node on the machine
cores_per_node = 36

# the slurm account
account = e3sm

# the number of multiprocessing or dask threads to use
threads = 18

The various paths would help with finding mesh or initial condition files. The database root paths depend on the MPAS core, so new paths would need to be added for new cores.

A strategy for setting environment variables, activating the appropriate conda environment, and loading compiler and MPI modules for each machine will be explored as a follow-up project and is not part of this design.

The parallel options are intended to contain all of the machine-specific information needed to determine how many cores a given step would require. The use of python thread parallelism will not be part of the first version of the compass package described in this design document but is expected to be incorporated in the coming year. An appropriate value for threads for each machine will likely need determined as that capability gets more exploration but is left as a placeholder for the time being.

Algorithm design: Looser, more flexible directory structure

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Each test case and step will be defined by a unique subdirectory within the work directory. Within the base work directory, the first two levels of subdirectories will be conceptually the same as in the current implementation: mpas_core/test_group. However, test cases will be free to determine the (unique) subdirectory structure beyond this top-most level. Many existing test cases will likely stick with the resolution/test_case/step organization structure imposed in the legacy COMPASS framework, but others may choose a different way of organizing (and, indeed, many test cases already have given the resolution subdirectory a name that is seemingly unrelated to the mesh resolution). A unique subdirectory for each test case and step will be provided as the subdir argument to the base class’s constructor (i.e. super().__init__() or will be taken from the name argument if subdir is not provided.

name = 'restart_test'
self.resolution = resolution
subdir = '{}/{}'.format(resolution, name)
super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name,

COMPASS will list test cases based on their full paths within the work directory, since this is the way that they can be uniquely identified.

Algorithm design: User- and developer-friendly documentation

Date last modified: 2020/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Documentation using sphinx and the ReadTheDocs template will be built out in a manner similar to what has already been done for:

The documentation will include:

  • A user’s guide for

    • setting up the conda environment

    • listing, setting up, and cleaning up test case

    • regression suites

    • creating and modifying config files

    • more details on each MPAS core, test group, test case and step

    • machine-specific instructions

  • A developer’s guide:

    • A quick start

    • An overview (e.g. the design philosophy)

    • A section for each MPAS core

      • A subsection describing the test groups

        • A sub-subsection for each test case and its steps

      • A subsection for the MPAS core’s framework code

    • A description of the compass framework code:

      • for use within test cases

      • for listing, setting up and cleaning up test cases

      • for managing regression test suites

    • An automated documentation of the API pulled from docstrings

Eventually, but probably not as part of the current design, the documentation will also include:

  • A developer’s guide for creating new test cases

    • MPAS-core-specific details for developing new test cases

  • More detailed tutorials:

    • Running a test case

    • Running the regression suite

Algorithm design: Resolution can be a test case parameter

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

As mentioned in Algorithm design: Shared code and Algorithm design: Looser, more flexible directory structure, resolution will no longer be part of the directory structure for test cases and no restrictions will be placed on how individual test cases handle resolution or mesh generation. To facilitate shared code, a test group can use the same code for a step that generates a mesh and/or initial condition for different resolutions, e.g. passing in the resolution or mesh name as an argument to the step’s constructor.

Algorithm design: Test case code is easy to alter and rerun

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

When python -m compass setup or python -m compass suite is run from a local compass repo as opposed to the conda package, the package creates a local symlink within each test case and step’s work directory to the compass package. A developer can edit any files within the package either using the symlink or in the original local repo and then simply rerun the test case or step without having to rerun setup. Changes do not require a test build of a conda package or anything like that. After some discussion about adding symlinks to individual python files within the compass package, it was decided that this has too many risks of being misunderstood, having unintended consequences, and could be difficult to implement.

Algorithm design: Support for pre-made initial condition files

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

To a large degree, the implementation of this requirement will be left up to individual test cases. It should not be difficult to add a config option to a given test case selecting whether to generate an initial condition or read it from a file (and skipping initialization steps if the latter).

The suggested approach would be to put an initial condition in the initial_condition_database under a directory structure similar to the compass work directory. The initial condition would have a date stamp so new initial conditions could be added over time without breaking backwards compatibility.

However, this work will be considered outside the scope of this design document and is only discussed to ensure that the proposed design does not hinder a future effort in this direction.

Algorithm design: Easy batch submission

Date last modified: 2021/01/14

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

Rather than having users create their own batch scripts from scratch, a simper solution would be to generate a job script appropriate for a given machine from a template. This has been done for performance tests, see example for single line command. An alternative will be to use parsl to handle the SLURM (or other) submission.

Prototyping that is currently underway will help to decide which approach we use for individual test cases. parsl will most likely be used for test suites. This work will not be part of the current implementation but an effort will be made to ensure that the design doesn’t hinder later automatic generation of batch scripts. Additional information such as a default account name could be added to machine-specific config files to aid in this process.


The implementation of this design can be found in the branch: xylar/compass/compass_1.0 and on the pull request at:

Implementation: Make test cases easy to understand, modify and and create

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

As already discussed, this requirement is somewhat in conflict with Requirement: Shared code, in that shared code within a test case tends to lead to a bit more complexity but considerably less redundancy.

In addition to the constructor (__init__()), the TestCase base class has 2 other methods, configure() and run(), that child classes are expected to override to set config options and perform additional tasks beyond just running the steps that belong to the test case. Similarly, in addition to the constructor, the Step base class has 2 other methods, setup() and run() for setting up and running the step. Each of these is described below.


When test cases and steps are instantiated, the constructor method __init__() is called. I will not go into the details of what happens in the TestCase and Step base classes when this happens because the idea is that developers of new test cases would not need to know these details. The constructors always need to take the parent (a TestGroup or TestCase object, respectively) and they can have additional arguments (such as the resolution or other parameters). The constructors must always call the base class’ constructor super().__init__() with, at a minimum, the parent and the name of the test case or step as arguments.

As an example, here is the constructor for the Default test case in the BaroclinicChannel test group in the Ocean MPAS core:

class Default(TestCase):
    The default test case for the baroclinic channel test group simply creates
    the mesh and initial condition, then performs a short forward run on 4

    resolution : str
        The resolution of the test case

    def __init__(self, test_group, resolution):
        Create the test case

        test_group : compass.ocean.tests.baroclinic_channel.BaroclinicChannel
            The test group that this test case belongs to

        resolution : str
            The resolution of the test case
        name = 'default'
        self.resolution = resolution
        subdir = '{}/{}'.format(resolution, name)
        super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name,

            InitialState(test_case=self, resolution=resolution))
            Forward(test_case=self, cores=4, threads=1, resolution=resolution))

And here is the constructor of the InitialState step:

class InitialState(Step):
    A step for creating a mesh and initial condition for baroclinic channel
    test cases

    resolution : str
        The resolution of the test case
    def __init__(self, test_case, resolution):
        Update the dictionary of step properties

        test_case : compass.TestCase
            The test case this step belongs to

        resolution : str
            The resolution of the test case
        super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='initial_state')
        self.resolution = resolution

        for file in ['', '', '',

In this case, the argument resolution is passed in when the test case is created, and is passed on to the step when it is created within the test case’s constructor. Both the test case and the step save the resolution in an attribute self.resolution of the class. The developer of a test case can add any number of parameters as attributes of each class in this way for later use in the test case or step. For example, the Default test case later uses the resolution to call a shared configure() function:

def configure(self):
    Modify the configuration options for this test case.
    baroclinic_channel.configure(self.resolution, self.config)

The shared function uses the resolution to determine other config options:

def configure(resolution, config):
    Modify the configuration options for one of the baroclinic test cases

    resolution : str
        The resolution of the test case

    config : configparser.ConfigParser
        Configuration options for this test case
    res_params = {'10km': {'nx': 16,
                           'ny': 50,
                           'dc': 10e3},
                  '4km': {'nx': 40,
                          'ny': 126,
                          'dc': 4e3},
                  '1km': {'nx': 160,
                          'ny': 500,
                          'dc': 1e3}}

    if resolution not in res_params:
        raise ValueError('Unsupported resolution {}. Supported values are: '
                         '{}'.format(resolution, list(res_params)))
    res_params = res_params[resolution]
    for param in res_params:
        config.set('baroclinic_channel', param, '{}'.format(res_params[param]))

Since all MPAS cores, test groups, test cases and steps are constructed as part of listing, setting up, and cleaning up test cases and test suites, it is important that these methods only perform a minimum of work to describe the test case and should not directly download or read files, or perform any complex computations.

Because of these considerations, the Step base class includes infrastructure for identifying input and output files, and creating a “recipe” for setting up namelist and streams files within __init__() without actually downloading files, creating symlinks, parsing templates, or writing files. A step is allowed to:

  • call self.add_input_file() indicate files that should be symlinked from the compass package or from another step (in this or another test case)

  • call self.add_input_file() indicate files that should be downloaded from the LCRC server (or elsewhere)

  • call self.add_output_file() to indicate output files that will be produced by running the step

  • call self.add_namelist_file() or self.add_namelist_options() to add to the “recipe” for updating namelist options

  • call self.add_streams_file() to update the “recipe” for defining streams file during setup

These functions can also be called on the step from the test case’s constructor, e.g. step.add_namelist_file(). This might be convenient when adding namelist options that are specific to the test case when you are using the same step class for many test cases.

Namelist options always begin with a template produced when the MPAS model is compiled. Replacements are stored as keys and values in a python dictionary. For convenience, they can be read from easy-to-read files similar to the namelist files themselves but without sections:

config_time_integrator = 'split_explicit'
config_dt = '02:00:00'
config_btr_dt = '00:06:00'
config_run_duration = '0000_06:00:00'
config_hmix_use_ref_cell_width = .true.
config_write_output_on_startup = .false.
config_use_debugTracers = .true.

Such a file can be added within __init__() like this:

class ForwardStep(Step):
    def __init__(self, test_case, mesh, init, time_integrator, name='forward',
                 subdir=None, cores=None, min_cores=None, threads=None):

            'compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean', 'namelist.forward')
        if mesh.with_ice_shelf_cavities:
                'compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean', 'namelist.wisc')

        'compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean', 'streams.forward')

The namelist recipe can be updated with multiple calls to self.add_namelist_file() as in this example, or it can be altered with a python dictionary of options by calling self.add_namelist_options().

Streams files are in XML format and are therefore a little bit trickier to define. The recipe is always defined by adding a streams file with self.add_streams_file() as in the example above.

A typical streams file might look like:


<immutable_stream name="mesh"

<immutable_stream name="input"

<immutable_stream name="restart"/>

<stream name="output"

    <var_struct name="tracers"/>
    <var name="xtime"/>
    <var name="normalVelocity"/>
    <var name="layerThickness"/>

<stream name="forcing_data"

<stream name="mixedLayerDepthsOutput"/>


The file only has to provide attributes of a <stream> or <immutable_stream> tag if they differ from the defaults in the MPAS-model template. If <var>, <var_struct> and/or <var_array> tags are included in a stream, these will always replace the default contents of the stream. If none are provided, the default constants will be used. There is currently no mechanism for adding or removing vars, etc. from a stream because that seemed to be a feature that was rarely used or found to be useful in the legacy COMPASS implementation.


Test cases do not have very many options for customization. The main one is customizing the config file that is shared between all steps in the test case. The framework sets up a self.config attribute for each test case, and a test case can override the configure() method to modify these config options. One way to update config is by calling compass.config.add_config() to add options from a config file, typically found in the package (directory) for the test case:

from compass.config import add_config
from import symlink


def configure(self):
    Modify the configuration options for this test case
    add_config(self.config, 'compass.landice.tests.enthalpy_benchmark.A',
               'A.cfg', exception=True)

    with path('compass.landice.tests.enthalpy_benchmark', 'README') as \
        symlink(str(target), '{}/README'.format(self.work_dir))

Another way is to call the config.set() method:

def configure(self):
    Modify the configuration options for this test case
    # We want to visualize all test cases by default
    self.config.set('eismint2_viz', 'experiment', 'a, b, c, d, f, g')

Config options in config will be written to a config file in the work directory called <test_case>.cfg, where <test_case> is the name of the test case. These config options differ from parameters (such as resolution in the example above) that are attributes of test case’s class in that config options could be changed by a user before running the test case. Attributes of the test case are not available in a format where users could easily alter them and are unchanged between when the test case was set up and when it is run.

Typically, config options that are specific to a test case will go into a config section with the same name as the test group. In the example above, we used a special section for visualization within the eismint2 test group called eismint2_viz. Developers can use whichever section name makes sense as long as the section names are different from those used by the framework such as [paths] and [parallel].

It is also possible to create symlinks within configure(), e.g. to a README file that applies to all steps in a test case, as shown above.

Steps do not have a configure() method because they share the same config with the other steps in the test case. The idea is that it should be relatively easy to change config options for all the steps in the test case in one place.


Test cases do not have a setup() method because the only setting up they typically include is to update config options in configure(). The step may call self.add_input_file(), self.add_output_file(), self.add_namelist_file()`, self.add_namelist_options() or self.add_streams_file() to add inputs, outputs, and update the recipes for namelist and streams files. Any operations that require explicit references to the work directory (i.e. self.work_dir) or make use of config options (self.config) have to happen in setup() rather than __init__() because neither of these attributes are defined within __init__(). Calls to self.add_model_as_input(), which adds a symlink to the MPAS model’s executable, must also happen in setup() because the path to the executable is a config option.


The run() method of a test case should, at a minimum, call the base class’ super().run() to run all the steps in the test case. It can also:

  • read config options and use them to update the number of cores and threads that a step can use

  • perform validation of variables and timers

Here is a relatively complex example:

from compass.validate import compare_variables


def run(self):
    Run each step of the testcase
    step = self.mesh_step
    config = self.config
    # get the these properties from the config options
    step.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'mesh_cores')
    step.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'mesh_min_cores')

    # run the step

    variables = ['xCell', 'yCell', 'zCell']
    compare_variables(variables, config, self.work_dir,

The run() method of a step does the main “job” of the step so the contents will very much depend on the purpose of the step. Many steps will use Metis to split the domain across processors and then call the MPAS model, which can be done trivially with a call to run_model():

from compass.model import run_model


def run(self):
    Run this step of the testcase

global ocean test group

The global ocean test group includes many other test cases and steps, and is quite complex compared to idealized test cases, so may need the most discussion.

The global_ocean test group works with variable resolution meshes, requiring more significant numbers of parameters and even a function for defining the resolution. For this reason, it turned out to be more practical to define each mesh as its own python package:

- compass/
  - ocean/
    - ocean.cfg
    - tests/
      - global_ocean
        - mesh
          - ec30to60
            - dynamic_adjustment
              - streams.template
            - ec30to60.cfg
            - namelist.split_explicit
          - qu240
            - dynamic_adjustment
              - streams.template
            - namelist.rk4
            - namelist.split_explicit
            - qu240.cfg

The mesh module includes an intermediate step class MeshStep for defining meshes. MeshStep includes a method build_cell_width_lat_lon() that child classes must override to define the mesh resolution.

To implement a new global mesh, one would need to define the resolution in the file:

import numpy as np

from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.mesh import MeshStep

class QU240Mesh(MeshStep):
    A step for creating QU240 and QUwISC240 meshes
    def __init__(self, test_case, mesh_name, with_ice_shelf_cavities):
        Create a new step

        test_case : compass.TestCase
            The test case this step belongs to

        mesh_name : str
            The name of the mesh

        with_ice_shelf_cavities : bool
            Whether the mesh includes ice-shelf cavities

        super().__init__(test_case, mesh_name, with_ice_shelf_cavities,

    def build_cell_width_lat_lon(self):
        Create cell width array for this mesh on a regular latitude-longitude

        cellWidth : numpy.array
            m x n array of cell width in km

        lon : numpy.array
            longitude in degrees (length n and between -180 and 180)

        lat : numpy.array
            longitude in degrees (length m and between -90 and 90)
        dlon = 10.
        dlat = dlon
        constantCellWidth = 240.

        nlat = int(180/dlat) + 1
        nlon = int(360/dlon) + 1
        lat = np.linspace(-90., 90., nlat)
        lon = np.linspace(-180., 180., nlon)

        cellWidth = constantCellWidth * np.ones((lat.size, lon.size))
        return cellWidth, lon, lat

A developer would also need to define any namelist options for forward runs that are specific to this mesh (once for RK4 and once for split-explicit if both time integrators are supported):

config_time_integrator = 'split_explicit'
config_dt = '00:30:00'
config_btr_dt = '00:01:00'
config_run_duration = '0000_01:30:00'
config_mom_del2 = 1000.0
config_mom_del4 = 1.2e11
config_hmix_scaleWithMesh = .true.
config_use_GM = .true.

The developer would define config options to do with the number of cores and vertical layers (both of which the user could change at runtime) as well as metadata to include in the output files:

# Options related to the vertical grid

# the type of vertical grid
grid_type = 60layerPHC

# options for global ocean testcases

## config options related to the initial_state step
# number of cores to use
init_cores = 36
# minimum of cores, below which the step fails
init_min_cores = 8
# maximum memory usage allowed (in MB)
init_max_memory = 1000
# maximum disk usage allowed (in MB)
init_max_disk = 1000

## config options related to the forward steps
# number of cores to use
forward_cores = 128
# minimum of cores, below which the step fails
forward_min_cores = 36
# maximum memory usage allowed (in MB)
forward_max_memory = 1000
# maximum disk usage allowed (in MB)
forward_max_disk = 1000

## metadata related to the mesh
# the prefix (e.g. QU, EC, WC, SO)
prefix = EC
# a description of the mesh and initial condition
mesh_description = MPAS Eddy Closure mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} with
                   enhanced resolution around the equator (30 km), South pole
                   (35 km), Greenland (${min_res} km), ${max_res}-km resolution
                   at mid latitudes, and ${levels} vertical levels
# E3SM version that the mesh is intended for
e3sm_version = 2
# The revision number of the mesh, which should be incremented each time the
# mesh is revised
mesh_revision = 3
# the minimum (finest) resolution in the mesh
min_res = 30
# the maximum (coarsest) resolution in the mesh, can be the same as min_res
max_res = 60
# The URL of the pull request documenting the creation of the mesh
pull_request = <<<Missing>>>

Finally, the developer would implement the dynamical_adjustment test case, using one of the existing spin-up test cases as a kind of a template. These test cases descend from the DynamicalAdjustment class, which itself descends from TestCase.

from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.dynamic_adjustment import \
from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.forward import ForwardStep

class QU240DynamicAdjustment(DynamicAdjustment):
    A test case performing dynamic adjustment (dissipating fast-moving waves)
    from an initial condition on the QU240 MPAS-Ocean mesh

    def __init__(self, test_group, mesh, init, time_integrator):
        Create the test case

        test_group : compass.ocean.test.global_ocean.GlobalOcean
            The global ocean test group that this test case belongs to

        mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh
            The test case that produces the mesh for this run

        init : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init
            The test case that produces the initial condition for this run

        time_integrator : {'split_explicit', 'RK4'}
            The time integrator to use for the forward run
        restart_times = ['0001-01-02_00:00:00', '0001-01-03_00:00:00']
        restart_filenames = [
            'restarts/rst.{}.nc'.format(restart_time.replace(':', '.'))
            for restart_time in restart_times]

        super().__init__(test_group=test_group, mesh=mesh, init=init,

        module = self.__module__

        # first step
        step_name = 'damped_adjustment_1'
        step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
                           time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,

        namelist_options = {
            'config_run_duration': "'00-00-01_00:00:00'",
            'config_Rayleigh_friction': '.true.',
            'config_Rayleigh_damping_coeff': '1.0e-4'}

        stream_replacements = {
            'output_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00',
            'restart_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00'}
        step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',


        # final step
        step_name = 'simulation'
        step = ForwardStep(test_case=self, mesh=mesh, init=init,
                           time_integrator=time_integrator, name=step_name,

        namelist_options = {
            'config_run_duration': "'00-00-01_00:00:00'",
            'config_do_restart': '.true.',
            'config_start_time': "'{}'".format(restart_times[0])}

        stream_replacements = {
            'output_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00',
            'restart_interval': '00-00-01_00:00:00'}
        step.add_streams_file(module, 'streams.template',


Whew! That was a lot, thanks for bearing with me.

Implementation: Shared code

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The package includes myriad examples of code sharing so I will highlight a few.

compass framework

The compass framework (classes, modules and packages not in the MPAS-core-specific packages) has a lot of code that is shared across existing test cases and could be very useful for future ones.

Most of the framework currently has roughly the same functionality as legacy COMPASS, but it has been broken into more modules that make it clear what functionality each contains, e.g. compass.namelists and compass.streams are for manipulating namelists and streams files, respectively; has functionality for downloading files from LCRC and creating symlinks; and compass.validation can be used to ensure that variables are bit-for-bit identical between steps or when compared with a baseline, and to compare timers with a baseline. This functionality was all included in 4 very long scripts in legacy COMPASS.

One example that doesn’t have a clear analog in legacy COMPASS is the compass.parallel module. It contains two functions: get_available_cores_and_nodes(), which can find out the number of total cores and nodes available for running steps.

within an MPAS core

Legacy COMPASS shares functionality with an MPAS core by having scripts at the MPAS core level that are linked within test cases and which take command-line arguments that function roughly the same way as function arguments. But these scripts are not able to share any code between them unless it is from mpas_tools or another external package.

Am MPAS core in compass could, theoretically, build out functionality as complex as in MPAS-Model if desired. Indeed, it is my ambition to gradually replace “init mode” in MPAS-Ocean with equivalent python functionality, starting with simpler test cases. This has already been accomplished for the 3 idealized ocean test cases included in the proposed design.

The current shared functionality in the ocean MPAS core includes:

  • compass.ocean.namelists and compass.ocean.streams: namelist replacements and streams that are similar to MPAS-core-level templates in legacy COMPASS. Current templates are for adjusting sea surface height in ice-shelf cavities, and outputting variables related to frazil and land-ice fluxes,

  • compass.ocean.suites: the ocean test suites

  • compass.ocean.vertical: supports for 1D vertical coordinates and the 3D z* coordinate.

  • compass.ocean.iceshelf: computes sea-surface height and land-ice pressure, and adjusts them to match one another

  • compass.ocean.particles: initialization of particles

  • compass.ocean.plot: plots initial state and 1D vertical grid

within a test group

So far, the most common type of shared code within test groups are modules defining steps that are used in multiple test cases. For example, the BaroclinicChannel test group uses shared modules to define the InitialState and Forward steps of each test case. Configurations also often include namelist and streams files with replacements to use across test cases.

In addition to shared steps, the GlobalOcean test group includes some additional shared modules:

  • compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh: defines properties of each global mesh (as well as a Mesh test case)

  • compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.metadata: determines the values of a set of metadata related to the E3SM mesh name, initial condition, conda environment, etc. that are added to nearly all global_ocean NetCDF output

  • compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.subdir: helps with maintaining the slightly complex subdirectory structure within global_ocean test cases.

The shared code in global_ocean could easily define hundreds of different test cases using the QU240 (or QUwISC240) mesh. This is possible because the same conceptual test (e.g. restart) can be defined:

  • with or without ice-shelf cavities

  • with the PHC or EN4 1900 initial conditions

  • with the RK4 or split-explicit time integrators

In practice, this is overkill and many of these variants will never be used so they are not currently made available.

Also, I want to note that it is because of this flexibility that I added an RK4 restart test, which failed and showed us that there was a recent problem with RK4 restarts (

within a test case

There aren’t too many cases so far where reuse of code within a test case is particularly useful. The main way this currently occurs is when the same module for a step gets used multiple times within a test case. For example, the baroclinic_channel.rpe_test test case uses the same forward run with 5 different viscosities.

Implementation: Shared configuration options

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

As discussed in Algorithm design: Shared configuration options, the proposed design builds up the config file for a given test from several sources. Some of the config options are related to setting up the test case (e.g. the locations of cached data files) but the majority are related to running the steps of the test case.

During setup of a test case and its steps, The config file is assembled from a number of sources. Before the configure() method of the test case is called, config options come from:

  • the default config file, default.cfg, which sets a few options related to downloading files during setup (whether to download and whether to check the size of files already downloaded)

  • the machine config file (using machines/default.cfg if none was specified) with information on the parallel system and (typically) the paths to cached data files

  • the MPAS core’s config file. For the MPAS-Ocean core, this sets default paths to the MPAS model build (including the namelist templates). It uses “extended interpolation” in the config file to use config opitons within other config options, e.g. model = ${paths:mpas_model}/ocean_model.

  • the test group’s config file if one is found. For idealized test groups, these include config options that were previously init-mode namelist options. For global_ocean, these include defaults for mesh metadata (again using “extended interpolation”); the default number of cores and other resource usage for mesh, init and forward steps; and options related to files created for E3SM initial conditions.

Then, the configure() method is called on the test case itself. All of the current ocean test cases first call a shared configure() function at the test group level, e.g.:

from compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.configure import configure_global_ocean


def configure(self):
    Modify the configuration options for this test case
    configure_global_ocean(test_case=self, mesh=self.mesh)

where configure_global_ocean() is:

from compass.config import add_config

def configure_global_ocean(test_case, mesh, init=None):
    Modify the configuration options for this test case

    test_case : compass.TestCase
        The test case to configure

    mesh : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.mesh.Mesh
        The test case that produces the mesh for this run

    init : compass.ocean.tests.global_ocean.init.Init, optional
        The test case that produces the initial condition for this run
    config = test_case.config
    mesh_step = mesh.mesh_step
    add_config(config, mesh_step.package, mesh_step.mesh_config_filename,

    if mesh.with_ice_shelf_cavities:
        config.set('global_ocean', 'prefix', '{}wISC'.format(
            config.get('global_ocean', 'prefix')))

    add_config(config, test_case.__module__, '{}.cfg'.format(,

    # add a description of the initial condition
    if init is not None:
        initial_condition = init.initial_condition
        descriptions = {'PHC': 'Polar science center Hydrographic '
                               'Climatology (PHC)',
                            "Met Office Hadley Centre's EN4 dataset from 1900"}
        config.set('global_ocean', 'init_description',

    # a description of the bathymetry
    config.set('global_ocean', 'bathy_description',
               'Bathymetry is from GEBCO 2019, combined with BedMachine '
               'Antarctica around Antarctica.')

    if mesh.with_ice_shelf_cavities:
        config.set('global_ocean', 'wisc_description',
                   'Includes cavities under the ice shelves around Antarctica')

In this case, a config options related to the mesh are loaded, then those related to ice-shelf cavities (if they are included in the mesh), then those specific to the test case itself.

Although none of the existing ocean test cases do so, further changes could be made to the config file beyond those at the test group level. Indeed, there is no reason a test case cannot just set its config options or read them from a file without calling a test-group-level function, this is just a convenience.

Finally, config options are taken from the user’s config file if one was passed in with the -f or --config_file commandline flag:

python -m compass setup -n 10 11 12 13 14 \
    -w ~/scratch/mpas/test_baroclinic_channel -m anvil -f ocean.cfg

python -m compass suite -s -c ocean -t nightly -m anvil -f ocean.cfg \
    -w ~/scratch/mpas/test_nightly

A typical config file resulting from all of this looks like:

download = True
check_size = False
verify = True

system = single_node
parallel_executable = mpirun
cores_per_node = 8
threads = 8

mpas_model = /home/xylar/code/mpas-work/compass/compass_1.0/MPAS-Model/ocean/develop
mesh_database = /home/xylar/data/mpas/meshes
initial_condition_database = /home/xylar/data/mpas/initial_conditions
bathymetry_database = /home/xylar/data/mpas/bathymetry_database

forward = /home/xylar/code/mpas-work/compass/compass_1.0/MPAS-Model/ocean/develop/default_inputs/namelist.ocean.forward
init = /home/xylar/code/mpas-work/compass/compass_1.0/MPAS-Model/ocean/develop/default_inputs/namelist.ocean.init

forward = /home/xylar/code/mpas-work/compass/compass_1.0/MPAS-Model/ocean/develop/default_inputs/streams.ocean.forward
init = /home/xylar/code/mpas-work/compass/compass_1.0/MPAS-Model/ocean/develop/default_inputs/streams.ocean.init

model = /home/xylar/code/mpas-work/compass/compass_1.0/MPAS-Model/ocean/develop/ocean_model

iterations = 10

mesh_cores = 1
mesh_min_cores = 1
mesh_max_memory = 1000
mesh_max_disk = 1000
init_cores = 4
init_min_cores = 1
init_max_memory = 1000
init_max_disk = 1000
init_threads = 1
forward_cores = 4
forward_min_cores = 1
forward_threads = 1
forward_max_memory = 1000
forward_max_disk = 1000
add_metadata = True
prefix = QU
mesh_description = MPAS quasi-uniform mesh for E3SM version ${e3sm_version} at
    ${min_res}-km global resolution with ${levels} vertical
bathy_description = Bathymetry is from GEBCO 2019, combined with BedMachine Antarctica around Antarctica.
init_description = <<<Missing>>>
e3sm_version = 2
mesh_revision = 1
min_res = 240
max_res = 240
max_depth = autodetect
levels = autodetect
creation_date = autodetect
author = Xylar Asay-Davis
email =
pull_request =

enable_ocean_initial_condition = true
enable_ocean_graph_partition = true
enable_seaice_initial_condition = true
enable_scrip = true
enable_diagnostics_files = true
comparisonlatresolution = 0.5
comparisonlonresolution = 0.5
comparisonantarcticstereowidth = 6000.
comparisonantarcticstereoresolution = 10.
comparisonarcticstereowidth = 6000.
comparisonarcticstereoresolution = 10.

grid_type = tanh_dz
vert_levels = 16
bottom_depth = 3000.0
min_layer_thickness = 3.0
max_layer_thickness = 500.0

Unfortunately, all comments are lost in the process of combining config options. Comments are not parsed by ConfigParser, and there is not a standard for which comments are associated with which options. So users would need to search through the code for the original config or look through the documentation to know what the config options are used for. In the future, we could consider implementing our own customized version of ConfigParser that preserves comments.

Implementation: Ability specify/modify core counts

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The Step class includes two attributes, cores and min_cores, which should be set by the time the run() method gets called. cores is the target number of cores for the step and min_cores is the minimum number of cores, below which the test case would probably fail. Before a step is run, compass finds out how many total cores are available to run the test. If the number is below self.min_cores, an error is raised. Otherwise, the test case will run with self.cores or the number of available cores, whichever is lower.

The idea is that the same test case could be run efficiently on one or more nodes of an HPC machine but could also be run on a laptop or desktop if the minimum number of required cores is reasonable.

There are a variety of ways that the cores and min_cores attributes can be set. The most straightforward is to set them by calling the base class’ __init__(). They could be passed through from calls to the child class’ __init__():

def __init__(self, test_case, cores=1, min_cores=None):
    Create a new test case

    test_case : compass.TestCase
        The test case this step belongs to

    cores : int, optional
        the number of cores the step would ideally use.  If fewer cores
        are available on the system, the step will run on all available
        cores as long as this is not below ``min_cores``

    min_cores : int, optional
        the number of cores the step requires.  If the system has fewer
        than this number of cores, the step will fail
    if min_cores is None:
        min_cores = cores
    super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='forward', cores=cores,

or just hard coded:

def __init__(self, test_case):
    Create a new test case

    test_case : compass.TestCase
        The test case this step belongs to
    if min_cores is None:
        min_cores = cores
    super().__init__(test_case=test_case, name='forward', cores=4,

Or they could be defined later in the process, at setup or in the test case’s run() method. (Defining them in the step’s run() is too late, since the number of cores to actually use is determined before this call is made.) In global_ocean, the number of cores and minimum cores are set using config options. Since users could modify these before calling the script, they are parsed in the test case’s run() function before run_steps() is called:

def run(self):
    Run each step of the testcase
    config = self.config
    # get the these properties from the config options
    for step_name in self.steps_to_run:
        step = self.steps[step_name]
        # get the these properties from the config options
        step.cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_cores')
        step.min_cores = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_min_cores')
        step.threads = config.getint('global_ocean', 'forward_threads')

    # run the steps

The steps_to_run attribute of the test case is a list of the subset of the steps that were actually requested to run from the test case. For example, if you run a step on its own, it still actually runs the test case but only requesting that one step. Some test cases include steps that are not run by default, and this is specified by passing run_by_default=False as an argument to self.add_step() when adding the step in the test case’s constructor:

def __init__(self, test_group, mesh_type):
    Create the test case

    test_group : compass.landice.tests.dome.Dome
        The test group that this test case belongs to

    mesh_type : str
        The resolution or tye of mesh of the test case
    name = 'smoke_test'
    self.mesh_type = mesh_type
    subdir = '{}/{}'.format(mesh_type, name)
    super().__init__(test_group=test_group, name=name,

        SetupMesh(test_case=self, mesh_type=mesh_type))
        RunModel(test_case=self, cores=4, threads=1, mesh_type=mesh_type))
    step = Visualize(test_case=self, mesh_type=mesh_type)
    self.add_step(step, run_by_default=False)

Implementation: Machine-specific data

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Machine-specific configuration options are in a set of config files under compass/machines. As an example, the config file for Anvil looks like:

# The paths section describes paths that are used within the ocean core test
# cases.

# The root to a location where the mesh_database, initial_condition_database,
# and bathymetry_database for MPAS-Ocean will be cached
ocean_database_root = /lcrc/group/e3sm/public_html/mpas_standalonedata/mpas-ocean

# The root to a location where the mesh_database and initial_condition_database
# for MALI will be cached
landice_database_root = /lcrc/group/e3sm/public_html/mpas_standalonedata/mpas-albany-landice

# the path to the base conda environment where compass environments have
# been created
compass_envs = /lcrc/soft/climate/e3sm-unified/base

# The parallel section describes options related to running tests in parallel

# parallel system of execution: slurm or single_node
system = slurm

# whether to use mpirun or srun to run the model
parallel_executable = srun

# cores per node on the machine
cores_per_node = 36

# the number of multiprocessing or dask threads to use
threads = 18

It is likely that cores_per_node can be detected using a Slurm command and doesn’t need to be supplied. This is something I have not fully explored yet.

The threads option is not currently used and would also need to be explored.

Additional config options are needed to support automatically generating job scripts, but this will be left for future work.

The available machines are listed with:

python -m compass list --machine

When setting up a test case or test suite, the --machine or -m flag is used to specify the machine.

Implementation: Looser, more flexible directory structure

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Test cases (and steps) in compass are uniquely defined by their relative paths within the work directory. The first two subdirectories in this path must be the name of the MPAS core and of the test group. The names and organization beyond that are quite flexible. Steps are expected to be nested somewhere within test cases but there is no restriction on the number of levels of subdirectories or their meaning beyond that of the test group.

The idealized ocean test groups that have been implemented so far and the example test groups use the same organization as in legacy COMPASS:


For example:


But the global_ocean test group takes advantage of the new flexibility. Here are the directories for test cases using the QU240 mesh:

27: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/mesh
28: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/init
29: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/performance_test
30: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/restart_test
31: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/decomp_test
32: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/threads_test
33: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/analysis_test
34: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/daily_output_test
35: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/dynamic_adjustment
36: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/files_for_e3sm
37: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/RK4/performance_test
38: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/RK4/restart_test
39: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/RK4/decomp_test
40: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/RK4/threads_test
41: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/EN4_1900/init
42: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/EN4_1900/performance_test
43: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/EN4_1900/dynamic_adjustment
44: ocean/global_ocean/QU240/EN4_1900/files_for_e3sm

As in legacy COMPASS, there is a subdirectory for the mesh. In the proposed design, there is a mesh test case with a single mesh step within that subdirectory. The mesh constructed and culled within that test case serves as the starting point for all other test cases using the mesh.

Then, there are 3 different subdirectories for variants of the initial condition: WOA23, PHC or EN4_1900. Each of these subdirectories has own init test case that creates the initial condition. The results of this test case are then used in all other steps within the subdirectory for that initial condition.

Each remaining test case includes one or more forward model runs, or uses the results of such a run. Since the forward model can be run with either the split-explicit or the RK4 time integrator, variants of many test cases are supported with each time integrator. It is important that these are conceptually separate test cases because we use both the split-explicit and the RK4 versions of many test cases in our test suites. Each requires a set of corresponding namelist options and modifications to streams, so it is also not trivial for a user to switch between the two time integrators simply by manually modifying the test case at runtime. We treat the split-explicit time integrator as the default and put tests with RK4 in an additional RK4 subdirectory.

Implementation: User- and developer-friendly documentation

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

The documentation is still very much a work in progress and may be added with a separate pull request so that commits related to the infrastructure don’t get intermixed with those for documentation.

Documentation will continue to be generated automatically with Azure Pipelines using sphinx, as is the case for this design doc.

The legacy COMPASS documentation will be renamed with “legacy” added to its titles (e.g. “Legacy User’s Guide”) and will be included at the end of the table of contents.

The latest version of the test documentation is available in the branch: and for browsing at the URL:

Implementation: Resolution can be a test case parameter

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

This was discussed in Implementation: Looser, more flexible directory structure. For all of the ocean and many of the land-ice test groups, either the resolution or the name of the mesh (which implicitly includes the resolution) is an argument to test case’s and step’s constructors. Nearly all test cases use that resolution or mesh name as a subdirectory within the relative path of the test case. So far, no convergence tests have been added where resolution is a parameter that varies across steps in a test case but the rpe_test test case of the baroclinic_channel includes viscosity as a parameter that varies across steps, and resolution is expected to be easy to use in the same way for future test cases.

Implementation: Test case code is easy to alter and rerun

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

When test cases and suites are set up from a local repository (and not the conda package from a conda environment), local symlinks to the compass directory are created. These links seem to provide and easy method for altering code and having it affect test cases and steps immediately without the need to build a conda package or a conda environment, or even to rerun python -m compass setup in most cases.

Implementation: Support for pre-made initial condition files

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

This work has not been included in any of the test cases that are part of the current implementation. Nothing in the implementation should preclude adding this capability later on.

Implementation: Easy batch submission

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

Batch scripts are not yet generated automatically as part of setting up a test case. Additional machine-specific config options will be needed to make this possible. This capability will be part of a future design. Nothing in the current implementation should preclude adding this capability later on. Indeed, it likely wouldn’t be to much work.


Testing: Make test cases easy to understand, modify and create

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Luke Van Roekel

Given limited time, the reviewers will not attempt to implement any new MPAS cores or test groups as part of there reviews. However, in the near future, Luke Van Roekel has agreed to attempt to implement a test group (“single-column”) and its test cases and steps as a test of the ease of understanding, modifying and creating test cases. Mark Petersen will add a new shallow-water MPAS core. Matt Hoffman will add new test cases as he has time and interest down the road.

Testing: Shared code

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

All of the test cases in the proposed implementation use shared code. Nearly all of the 86 test cases have been tested including those in all ocean and land-ice suites except the EC30to60 and ECwISC30to60. The 10 km RPE test for the baroclinic_channel test group has also been run successfully. The higher resolution versions of that test case have not yet been tested.

So far, there is no indication of problems with shared code, but this is something of a subjective thing to test, beyond the proof of concept that code can, indeed, be shared.

Testing: Shared configuration options

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

All test cases include a config file and most test cases make use of config options from that file.

I verified that altering the following config options in the ocean/global_ocean/QU240/PHC/init test case:

init_cores = 2

vert_levels = 32
max_layer_thickness = 250.0

Did indeed use 2 MPI tasks to produce an initial condition with 32 vertical levels, and a target maximum layer thickness of 250.0 m (actual was 245.35 m).

It would be nearly impossible to test altering all parameters to see if they have the intended effect, so this will not be part of this testing.

Testing: Ability specify/modify core counts

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

This was included in Testing: Shared configuration options.

Testing: Machine-specific data

Date last modified: 2021/01/14

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

I ran the ocean nightly test suite on Anvil, providing -m anvil and no user config file. This worked successfully and no cached files were downloaded, meaning the cache directories were found successfully via Anvil’s config file. I verified that the number of available cores and nodes in my job were successfully detected via Slurm commands.

Testing: Looser, more flexible directory structure

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Testing of the ocean nightly suite includes tests of the flexible directory structure because it uses the global_ocean test group. More to the point, this capability has been tested by showing that test cases can be implemented using the flexible directory structure.

Testing: User- and developer-friendly documentation

Date last modified: 2021/04/13

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis

Reviewers have been asked to run test cases and suites with the documentation, which is still evolving. Users and developers will be asked to run test cases and suites with the documentation and to add new test cases. In the near future, the documentation will be declared “good enough for now” and will be merged with the intention to update it on an ongoing basis.

Testing: Resolution can be a test case parameter

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

Resolution is a parameter in many existing test cases. No test case has yet been implemented that includes multiple steps with different resolutions so no testing of such a test case is possible at this time.

Testing: Test case code is easy to alter and rerun

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

Xylar and Mark have both demonstrated that it is easy to modify code and rerun test cases without additional work because of the symlinks to the compass directory.

Testing: Support for pre-made initial condition files

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

This was not yet implemented so no testing was performed.

Testing: Easy batch submission

Date last modified: 2021/01/16

Contributors: Xylar Asay-Davis, Mark Petersen

This was not yet implemented so no testing was performed.